Great Journey Of Teenagers - Tumblr Posts
Shaonian Ge Xing, Highly Recommended!
Hello! I just want to talk about a show I've been brain rotting over. It's so nice! It's a show about a martial arts band of teenagers trying to prove themselves to the adult world as a whole. The premise is two dudes becomes begrudging friends and get dragged into this strange mystery and a rupal drag race looking monk takes them on a strange pilgrimage to his home. The effects and animations look really cool for a cgi show and I really like how the cgi people look way prettier then uncanny valley. They put a lot of focus on creating realistic looking fabric and extremely beautiful eye appealing characters. The action is very scrumptious and the humor is slapstick based at times. The show name is "Shaonian Ge Xing" and the english name is more rough "Youths and the Golden Coffin", "Great journey of Teenagers", or "Legend of Legendary Youths". This is also hosted on BiliBili and I think you can probably watch it subbed through them on possibly youtube!

Just to introduce a few of my favorite skrunkies in the show I'll explain a bit about them and how to pronounce their names!
First off is Xiao Se (Zhe-OW She-e), I love him so much. He's one of those 5D chess kind of dudes but he's also a cripple who's got a secret identity. He's just really interesting and poised and grade A simping material.

The duetro-tagonist of this show is also Lei Wujie (Lay Woo-Gee), He's a lil red dude. He's pretty passionate and friendly. Something I really like about him is he's not a total stereotype of an action hero. He's funny and nice but also admits his frustration on always losing! He tries not to be a burden and tries to do right by everyone around him. He's a 10/10 sweetie pie.

The next character in the series who's like a third protagonist?? He's mainly in season 1 but comes back later in the show, his name is Wuxin (Woo She-e-Nh). His name means "Heartless"! (according to my show translation) It can also mean "No Mind". He's a monk with a mysterious past and for some reason or other everyone also wishes to kill him! The story changes into the two main protagonists Xiao Se and Lei Wujie escorting Wuxin to his former home. Over time, they make a deep friendship and it's really beautiful. I won't go too much into him other then his past is really interesting and season 1 is all about him and solving his mystery!

It's hardly findable in the USA but if you can find anything about it I highly recommend checking it out. It's got a donghua, mobile game, and a live action from what I can tell. It's a great experience and so much fun to just turn your brain off and watch!
Blood of Youth Birthdays
I did some research on Weibo and was able to find out the birthdays for several characters:
Zhao Yuzhen: January 19th
Ye Ruoyi: February 24th
Li Hanyi: March 24th
Lei Wujie: April 1st
Xiao Se: May 20th
Tang Lian: June 24th
Wuxin: July 30th
Sikong Qianluo: August 19th

Wow… is Jin Xian going to be a villain in the donghua? I mean, one of the things this scene accomplishes in the novel and the live action is establishing a degree of suspicion for Jin Xuan. To have Jin Xian take his place is a deliberate choice, and I’m curious to discover if it has the implications I think it might have.
Hi did you watch season 1 of Blood of Youths donghua? If so can I ask
- why Baili is on a boat in the first place? In season 2 they often cut to clips of Baili Dongjun on a boat in the middle of the ocean and I wasn't sure why he was going out there.
-Also, is the dog Canon to the series or did they just add that in there for shits and giggles?
-Does the dog belong to Shikong Qianluo? I often saw Shikong saying, "go find your owner"
-Did Lei Wujie encounter Ye Ruoyi in season 1? The reason why I asked this is because they had this whole flashback of them in season 2 when they met in Tianqi that seemed really out of place and in the flashback, he was in clothes that exposed his chest so I assumed it was season 1 design.
Hi! I’ve only seen parts of season one, but I believe I can answer all of your questions (it’s on iQiyi, which I don’t have, but I was able to find some of it for free on YouTube a while back).
-Baili Dongjun is on the boat because he’s going to Mo Yi’s island to drink the soup of forgetting
-the dog is donghua-only, probably for marketing purposes or to appeal to a younger audience. There are numerous characters with animal companions that they didn’t have in the novel or live-action (I still find it hilarious that Mu Chunfeng has a llama in the donghua)
-I’m pretty sure Xiao Se is the owner of the dog, but it has attached itself to Sikong Qianluo
-that flashback is Lei Wujie’s hallucination. He’s imagining doing the stuff he’s done with Xiao Se with Ye Ruoyi 😸