Leola - Tumblr Posts

the stars, the moon, they have all been blown out
you’ve left me in the dark
[id: a digital portrait of leola from the dragon prince. a young elven girl with purple and blue skin with stars as freckles. she has long white hair with a magenta galaxy-like underside and small braids framing her face. she has magenta eyes and a single purple horn, like a unicorn’s, coming from her forehead. she wears a sleeveless high-necked deep purple top with a star in the middle of her chest, glowing. she is looking up, the background around her featuring tendrils of smoke and a burst of lines behind her. end id]
Did season six come out eight hours ago? Yes.
Have I already made a playlist about Leola? Yes.
Unicorn = single-horned elf? 🤔

I said Leola was an one-horned startouch elf I said it I said it I did!!!!

oh.... oh dear

Me right now because apparently s6 of The Dragon Prince came out but I don’t have Netflix anymore (sad 😔)
Art style number 3 lmao
Hello I had a thought and decided not to share, so yk
Just do NOT imagine Aaravos braiding Leola’s hair every morning, when they probably talk and laugh at each other’s antics and jokes
Don’t imagine Leola swinging her legs as she doodles on the floor, carefully adding a mustache after deliberation
Don’t imagine Aaravos having this soft, warm smile as he watches from his table, thinking he could do this forever
Don’t imagine Aaravos stuck in his prison, haunted by the same memories everyday for centuries (he can’t do this forever)
Maybe an Aaravos x reader where reader is Leola’s step parent? Like maybe mr. Aara-dilf introduces the two when Leola was she was slightly older — maybe like 9 or 10 (or the star touched elf equivalent idk bro). How would their relationship and dynamic play out? 🤔
Omg hey mootie! I absolutely love this and I hope it's alright that I decided to write this in a headcannon format instead! It's just a little blurb bit if you like it I would be happy to write more!
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter

Aaravos x reader HC
Requests are open in my inbox!
{Pure Fluff <3}
warnings: none <3
Check out the other parts in this string of oneshots!
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola
Teenage!Leolas fist partner is human how do you and Aaravos react?
You and Teenage!Leola sync up during that time of month. Aaravos is done
You and Aaravos had been seeing each other for a while now, and it was going amazing
One day, you both were walking about on a little date if you would, when he decided to ask you one of the most horrifying questions known to mankind
"Would you be inclined to meet my daughter?"
It's not that it was scary because of who she was but mostly because you had never been with a man who had a child. And you did not know how his daughter would react.
What if he had brought another before you to her and she liked his previous lover better?
What if she just hated you for some reason?
You were terrified. But seeing the look of joy and excitement on his face when you agreed gave you a bit of hope.
When the day comes that you are to meet her Aaravos is pretty convinced his little girl will love you. He had spoken about her many times leading up to this day, like how she was very smart and loved making friends with everybody. It was really sweet
When you first meet Leola, she's curious about you; she even looks at her dad and says, "What is this?" And you weren't sure if she was talking about you or the situation.
But as the day goes on leola warms up to you really fast. Like within a couple hours you have become her best friend.
And as your relationship with Aaravos and leola grows and you start coming around more often she just gets more attached.
She asks her dad about you all the time
"When's y/n coming over again?"
"Is y/n coming over today?
"Y/n would love this!"
"I wanna see y/n"
Like she asks about you so much Aaravos starts low-key getting jealous,but he finds it adorable that leola loves you so much.
If at one point you move in with them leola is fucking ecstatic.
She is so happy her best friend is now living with her and her dad
Like she's probably happier then Aaravos about it.
After awhile though she slowly starts giving you a parental title
When it happened the first time, you thought it was a slip-up, but as time went on, Leola just adopted you as her second parent, and neither you nor Aaravos corrected her.
As a matter of fact, it makes Aaravos love you even more. He is so happy he has found someone that he loves and cares for who is not only amazing with his little unicorn, but that she also loves enough to start deeming you a parental figure
It honestly makes him want to marry you. 🤭 (I will make a part two with proposal HC / oneshot if yall want me to)

Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola Hc

Aaravos x reader Hc
{Fluff} @delusional-mushroom
Warnings: none
Sorry if this seems rushed it's really late at night 😭 but I think it's cute. This is not proofread whatsoever, so if there are spelling errors, I apologize. I will look it over in the morning and fix it up.
Check out the other parts to this string of oneshots
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Teenage!Leolas first partner is human how do you and Aaravos react
You and teenage!Leola sync up that time of month Aaravos is done
It's been a while since you moved in with Aaravos and leola, and things are going amazing.
Leola is fully attached to you at the hip. You are her second parent.
It was an early morning.
The sun was hardly even up
Cause leola woke you up and dragged you out of bed. Reminding you that you promised to take her on a morning walk.
As you are forced from your slumber, you notice Aaravos isn't in bed, which you find odd. So you ask her
"Hey unicorn, where is your dad?" You ask
She just giggles and pulls you out the front door
" he's gone into town for a little bit he will be back soon, though!" She tells you with a cheeky giggle
You don't put much thought into it, though, as it's pretty normal for her. Though you are curious as to why Aaravos left for town before dawn even broke. Normally, he would tell you.
As the sun rises, you and leola walk. On your journey, you point out bits of nature that are absolutely gorgeous in the morning light, and she's just so happy to see everything.
She will sometimes run ahead a bit, pointing at animals and flowers and plants she finds interesting. Her little eyes practically glowed with happiness
It's absolutely adorable
On your way back, you notice Aaravose walking into the house.
As soon as you point at him, leola grabs your hand and pulls you off. Now walking through a field away from the direction of the house, and looking back, you swear you saw him shooing you both off from the window
You are hella confused
You try asking leola about this odd behavior, but once again, she just starts laughing and distracting you. Everything today is just odd, and you're starting to sense it.
This goes on all day.
You see Aaravos in the distance, and leola will just laugh and pull you away. Not dare letting you get close to him or telling you anything.
And you have noticed him just watching the two of you from afar. It's not that uncommon, but today it's just even more odd, and with leolas behavior today, everything is suspicious, and you just wanna know what's happening
Until you and leola were making little rock towers, Aaravos came up behind you. It honestly surprised you, making you jump and accidentally knock your rock tower over
He offers you his hand to help you stand up, and he shoos his daughter off with a wink. She jumps up from her seat and squeals with excitement, waving her hands in front of her with a bright smile, and she runs away
Once she's gone, he begins walking you through the field as the sun sets, you try to ask him what's been going on all day and why him and leola had been acting funny but he just dismisses it
"Don't mind that, you'll know in just a moment."
You roll your eyes but continue to follow him. The both of you chat, and you tell him all about what you and leola got up to today. As you talk to him about your little adventures, he just admires you. Sometimes, forgetting to respond or react. He almost seems nervous.
You both walk a little longer before stopping by a little stream that looks almost golden due to the light. A little blanket has been set out with flowers and little magic stones lining the edges as well as a little basket that has been placed in the middle.
"Oh my god this is beautiful!" You say as you look at the scene. Before you can sit down though he grabs you lightly
"Y/n I have a very important question for you." He says, taking your hands as you face him
As you are about to ask him what's going on you hear a little whisper from a nearby bush
"Did they say yes???"
You and Aaravos share a smile before you raise your eyebrow and look over to see leolas face sticking out of the leaves.
"I didn't even get to finish asking silly."
He says to her with a laugh. As she sighs impatiently and rolls her eyes.
"Whats taking so long. All you gotta say it 'will you marry me' its very simple" She says, tilting her head to the side before shaking her head. Her eyes suddenly go wide as her arm pops out of the bush to cover her mouth
"Oop! Sorry dad!" She says quickly
Both you and Aaravos are shocked, but you are quick to break the silence luckily.
"You're asking me to marry you?" You say with a smile as you look up at him. You are a bit shocked as you were not expecting this so soon, but you are overjoyed
"Yes, I was, but it seems our little unicorn decided to ask for me." He jokes, shaking his head from side to side with a grin a little embarrassed and worried about your response
" Yes."
"Yes. Of I will marry you."
You say with a wide smile. Aaravos let's out a loud sigh of relief and quickly pulls you in for a hug.
As you both pull back, leola jumps out of the bush and hugs both you and Aaravos as hard as she can, not letting yall go for a minute.and you all share a laugh.
After a moment, Aaravos kisses you i celebration of your now engagement, and leola turns away and dramatically gags. While loudly saying "Ewww"
Making you roll your eyes at Aaravos. Before chuckling.
"Well, I guess that's the queue to sit down and eat then." You joke as you all sit down on the blanket and open the little basket of food.
It was a simple engagement. With a few hiccups, but it didn't matter to any of you. All that mattered is that you are all finally a family,and for all of you that's more that you could have ever asked for 🖤
I know this is my second request in less than 30 minutes, but what about a fic of reader and leola, Both sync during that time of the month and they just sass and complain about everything Aaravos does down to his cooking while he takes care of them🤣😂🤣
Also, can this fic be like a comedy thing
🤣🤣 say less, I got you. Also, I decided to make this in more of a oneshot style! I hope that is alright. Sorry, I got a bit lazy towards the end. Maybe this will get another part, lol, but it's a comedy I don't think I've ever seen a well thought comedy 🤣🤣 anyways I hope you enjoy 🖤
Reader and Teen!Leola sync up.Aaravos is done.

I 100% believe this is his default look before he says some sass ass shit to yall in this.
Also, I have a confession. I miss his old model he looked so much more intimidating. Anyways
Aaravos x Fem! Mom Reader. Hc
{Comady} warnings:there's like an innuendo at the end and cussing. Besides that, you're good
Check out the other parts to this string of HC
Aaravos introducing you to his daughter
Aaravos getting ready to propose to you with the help of leola
Teenage!Leolas first partner is human how do you and Aaravos react
@delusional-mushroom @josmarney23 @imsimping4life
The sun had just peaked when you woke up feeling a lot more irritable than normal. Which was a sign to you that the next week was going to be a nightmare, as you and your teenage daughter had synced.
You reluctantly look over towards the window and roll your eyes at the light poking through.
Yes, we have curtains up, but you swear they can never close all of the way, and it pisses you off to no extent.
But since there is nothing you can do about it. You just groan in frustration, covering your face with your hands before turning to look at your husband, who lays peacefully next to you in bed
You are always jealous of him. because he sleeps and wakes up so pretty, and you always say you wake up looking like you fought 3 wars, then had a night out in a tavern. But besides that, you're jealous that he doesn't have to feel like the gods are mid-fistfight with your uterus.
That prick
Just as you're about to get up, you hear your daughter in the kitchen. A few seconds pass, and you hear the sound of one of your plates hitting the ground.
as the sound of the shattering glass hits your ears, Aaravos shoots up, and you fall back into the mattress as fast as you can.
Cause they got you all the way fucked up if they think you're dealing with that in this condition
Sorry Leola yo daddy's coming for you.
It's probably for the best today. Those were cute plates, and you're a little pissed that one is now broken
In the kitchen, Aaravos walks in to see one of your NICE ass crystal plates shattered and an irritated leola floating above the mess
And this shit is broke broke. There are no hella big pieces to pick up; it's all small shards, and they are everywhere. So Aaravos pushes leola to the side and uses a quick spell on the broom so it will sweep up on its own as he tries talking to his daughter.
"How did this even happen?"
"I don't even know. I opened the cabinet, and it fell onto the floor when I tried to grab the one under it." She starts saying in a quickened, frustrated tone
"Well, why would you try to grab the one under it in the first place," Aaravos says, rolling his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment. For him, it's too early for this bullshit.
"Because the one on top might have dust on it? Everybody knows that, dad!" Leola says, getting more annoyed.
"Girl, lower your damn tone with me. I'm not the one who broke your mother's plate." He says, narrowing his eyes at her. She just groans, getting more frustrated.
"Well, it wasn't my fault! It was just an accident!" She shoots back at him.
"Who's accident was it if it wasn't your fault? Because I would really like to talk to the person who I'm cleaning up broken crystal after right now. At 7 o'clock in the morning." Aaravos says in amusement with a raised eyebrow.
Leola just rolls her eyes and floats out of the kitchen with a " well you missed a spot" as Aaravos stands there chuckling to himself.
He does not feel bad about talking back to yall during hell week.
He loves both Leola and you to death, and he will help all and try and accommodate you both to the best of his abilities, but he will sass back and get some attitude if Leola and you do
The king of matching energies lowkey
He thinks of it like this. If I'm doing this shit for yall on my own, voluntarily I'm not taking any shit.
He isn't just part of the sassy man apocalypse he started the damn movement.
As he stands across the kitchen, watching his little magic broom clean up, you walk in
As you walk into the kitchen and see his little magic broom floating around your side eye tf outta him
And he side eyes you back
"Good morning, my love." He says suspiciously, knowing you're about to say some shit
" Why is there a floating broom cleaning. Do We have to rely on magic for everything?" You say approaching him.
"If you don't want me doing it with magic, you can be my guest to do it manually. Because I don't think Leola is going to." He says with a smirk
You're gagged, honestly. Are you supposed to come up with something witty this early in the morning, like you already feel like you're getting stabbed? You don't have time for that
You just avert your gaze and go to the other side of the room to get some food.
" If you want, I would be happy to make something." Aaravos offers
"Oh, I keep forgetting you can cook. Yes, that would be lovely"
That smug face he was making drops before you could snap your fingers.
"Excuse me?"
A little while later, he is sitting there flipping some pancakes, and you and Leola appear over his shoulder
"You flipped that one a little early it's a kinda light. I like em dark golden, not light golden," Leola starts.
"Then eat one of the other ones. There's 10 on the plate right there." He says back quickly
" You poured that one on their weird pancakes are supposed to be circular," you say, pointing out a wonky-looking one
" Oh really. I didn't know that." He replies sarcastically
" How the hell didn't you know that? You gettin' old or something -" Leola starts. She was never good at understanding sarcasm
You quickly cover her mouth with your hand. " Watch your damn mouth, girl. Don't be talking to your father like that."
"Thank you-"
"but she is right what the fuck kinda shape is that I've never seen anything like it?"
You both are kicked out of the kitchen until it's time to eat
After the morning passes and all eat, it gets better, and even apologize for SOME of the things you said
The afternoon is pretty chill. You all kinda do your own thing, Aaravos researches in his study while you read a book next to him, and Leola goes out with some friends.
Everything is pretty nice
Until night comes
He doesn't even tell you guys he's cooking dinner. He doesn't wanna hear it.
He didn't account for your scary ass sense of smell.
You and Leola enter that room looking like the twins from the shining
Yall just appear behind him hand like
He sees now that Leola got her scary-ass look from you.
All stared into his soul, and he wasn't even facing you both
"What are you making?"
"Why does it look like your stiring diarrhea-"
"Get out."
You all get the doors magically locked on you 😭
But when yall are let it, that shit tasted good as hell.
Like damn food, it's so good that you lowkey contemplate if you should give him head later.
Jk yall, don't do that when your daughter is in the house. Only when she leaves.
After dinner, Leola just thanks her dad and goes to bed
Not long after, you and Aaravos have the same idea.
Time to repeat for the next 6 days 😊
Don't worry, on day 8, you'll kick Leola out of the house for a few hours.
Diversity win!
The murdered child is canonically autistic