Lesbian Erasure - Tumblr Posts
Friendly reminder that Amity x Hunter is a disrespectful ship. It’s been confirmed Amity is a canon lesbian and shipping them erases the representation Dana fought so hard to give us. Even the fictional character she(AMITY) shipped herself with was non-binary.
Bold emphasis mine.
“I want to push back on this. I’m assuming we’re only talking about the case where a bi person knows themself to be bi, and doesn’t assume they have to be gay/lesbian because they sure aren’t straight. There are many reasons why, as a bi person experiencing biphobia from both straight and queer communities, to call yourself gay/lesbian. I’m bi. It is most important to me to be understood to be a member of the LGBT+ community - this might sometimes mean calling myself a lesbian to, for example, to a gay man who only accepts my company because I have never dated a man and he can pretend I’m a lesbian, of identifying as lesbian to someone who doesn’t know what bisexuality is and is resistant to learning it. Calling myself lesbian is not a bonus or appropriation, it is a silencing of myself. I can decry bi erasure and still be forced to perpetuate it on myself.”
Um, yes you can but we call that hypocrisy. Because no one is forcing you. You make the choice to call yourself something you know you are not. I know this because you call yourself lesbian. Literally the only time that’s guaranteed to make you safer then calling yourself straight is if you are In lesbian spaces or using it with men to appeal to a fetish. That’s it.
“don’t complain about bi erasure if you’re bi and call yourself gay/lesbian” because if you do you are a hypocrite knowingly doing damage to others to be in spaces you were not invited or to appeal to male sexual fantasy which leads to actual harm to the women you are stereotyping. I will 100% support complaining about bi erasure if you’re bi and call yourself straight because that comes from a place of genuine self protection.
don’t complain about bi erasure if you’re bi and call yourself gay/lesbian