Lesbian Imagine - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Premise: Jean Grey and Wanda Maximoff find themselves sharing a rare moment of peace and quiet at their apartment.

Warnings: Lesbian Relationship, WxW, Fluff, Kissing.

A/N: This is a short fluff piece for me and one of my comfort ships. I also wanted to write this to celebrate International Women's Day but oh well. After the events of Wandavision, i felt the need to write something sweet and comforting. I'll be doing a ScarletPhoenix series at some point soon, alongside a lot more of these kinds of works. I hope that you're able to enjoy this as much as i have!

To see my Masterlist.

There wasn't enough time in the world, in Jean's opinion, to be able to describe just how much she loved Wanda Maximoff. There would never be enough stars in the sky that could replicate the galaxies that lay in the other woman's eyes, or any rearrangement of matter that could ever feel the way Wanda felt in her arms.

Truthfully, this love and passion that she had for the other scared Jean to her core. Afraid that losing such a flame would leave her without light for the rest of her life. Their love was such a delicate but powerful thing. Something that they both understood to be honest and genuine. Something pure despite living in a world designed to take that away from them.

But here they are, sitting on the sofa at their apartment. The days where they could leave behind the worries of their crime-fighting lifestyle and take a moment to enjoy each others company. These opportunities being scarce as the evil of the world grew more and more each day.

"Jay, come and taste this." Wanda's voice beckoned for her partner, who was returning to the sofa with two cups of freshly made hot chocolate. Jean eyed her girlfriend suspiciously before noticing the bowl of sweets in her hand.

"Candy? We haven't even started watching the show yet." Jean couldn't help but say in a humorous tone as she joined the raven haired woman on the couch, placing their beverages onto the table in front as to prevent any spillages.

Wanda shuffles closer to Jean, picking out one of the candies and lifting it to the womans mouth. Not knowing what it was, Jean raised a brow before opening her mouth to eat it. Trusting that Wanda wouldn't have given her something she wouldn't like.

"It's good, yes?" Wanda beamed innocently, her eyes searching for an answer in her partners expressions. Jean could feel a burst of cherry flavouring in her mouth, with a hint of what tasted like strawberry as well. The ginger haired woman immediately nods, her eyes widened in excitment at the taste.

The reaction caused Wanda to giggle and cuddle into the other, almost instinctively. Jean finishes the treat before noticing from the corner of her eye that the microwave had been left open from when they had made popcorn together.

"I thought i closed that," Jean murmurs, leaning forward as her eyes glowed a faint golden colour. Within seconds the microwave had closed shut, in a controlled manner. She lay back on the couch again, her arm sneaking behind Wanda to get more comfortable.

"What show do you want to watch first, darling?"

There was an assortment of boxsets laying on the table, some of them personally bringing them nostalgia and others giving room to form new potentially nostalgic memories.

"Modern Family?" Wanda responds, almost as though she was proposing a question rather than an answer. Jean nods, letting the woman take charge over their first selection of television consumption for the night.

"It's really good, you'll love it." Jean tells Wanda, smiling warmly at her. Already knowing what to expect with the family sitcom.

Wanda nods, her hand flicking up as a scarlet hue forms. The disk leaves its package, being carried and placed into the player.

"You know, it's hard to find dvds anymore. We could've just streamed half of these shows." Jean points out, reaching for some popcorn.

"Where's the fun in that, hunny." Wanda proposed, grinning as the Television turned on and began to play their desired show.

Wanda pulls Jean back onto the sofa after setting down the bowl of candy, wrapping her arms around the others frame.

"I love that we can spend time together like this," The girl comments. Her tone loving, filled with peace and comfort. Jean agreed, humming in response as she held the woman closer to her. Not wanting to let go.

"I wish we could do this more, though." Jean adds, sighing slightly as she gives Wanda a slight squeeze. Her head resting into the others own. It was Wanda's turn to agree.

They both watched the show together, the first episode being their source of entertainment for a little while. They spent most of the night laughing, giggling and enjoying their snacks. It was these kinds of moments that made them both appreciate life more.

When midnight came around, they had both decided to rest. Jean struggled to keep her eyes open, feeling too comfortable in her lovers arms. The two of them had even summoned over a blanket to keep them warm.

"Baby," Wanda cooed. Her fingers delicately running through the others hair. Jean stirred slightly, opening her eyes to look at the other with a small smile.

"I love you, Jean."

Hearing this made Jean's heart flutter like mad. It wasn't the first time she had heard it, or the last, but each time those words left Wanda's mouth it only made her feel even more aware at just how lucky she was to have such a beautiful person in her life.

Jean leans forward, her hand cupping the womans cheek. Wanda didn't need to read her mind to know that she was going to lean in for a kiss.

"I love you too, Wanda." Jean mutters against the others lips before letting them connect. Wanda returns her actions, their eyes shut as they basked in each others mutual and shared passion.

For each of them, it had felt like they had been touched by an angel. A moment of time that they wanted to spent forever in.

When they finally pulled away, they looked into each others eyes. Wanda's scarlet orbs didn't frighten Jean, nor did Jean's golden orbs and slightly cracked skin frighten Wanda. They both were able to see the beauty in every part of one another.

The End.

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