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10 months ago
A blonde child is hunched over, inspecting the ground in an open field of grass and surrounded by patches of dispersing smoke. A piece of text identifies her as being in Twilight Field during the War of Eras. She sits up, and a pendant hanging from her neck asks "Sailor, you there?"
The girl responds, standing up and patting away dirt on her leg. "I'm here, just checking the damage at Twilight Field. Seems alright for now, my troupe's gone ahead."
The pendant chimes in again as she starts walking, saying "Well, there's good news from the Captain... The Triforce has been recovered!!"
Sailor tears up and smiles, saying "That so...? Guess we'll be heading home soon, then."
The voice in the pendant speaks again as Sailor steps through some discolored smoke, remarking "Maybe not. We've still got Ganon's stragglers to deal with."
She makes an unpleasant face at the smoke, muttering a quiet "gross" before continuing on and saying "Mm. Well, I'm on my way back now."
She walks for a long time, and right as she yawns and stretches, she closes her eyes and misses a purple, swirling haze passing over her.
The sky gets darker and Sailor stops in her tracks. She turns slightly to look behind her, and looks more confused as she looks back and forth, muttering an "Um..."
Sailor speaks into her pendant, asking "Hey, Castle?" she continues on after no response. "Captain? Tetra- Anyone? ...Aryll?"
She speaks quietly to herself after no response still, saying "'was supposed to pass the border 20 minutes ago..." The sun is setting as she looks out towards a distant castle, and a piece of text identifies her as now being in Hyrule Field, during the era of Twilight.


Next -> [coming soon]

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10 months ago

sailor you still owe me the one million dolar

Sailor You Still Owe Me The One Million Dolar
Sailor You Still Owe Me The One Million Dolar


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10 months ago
A brunette man with furry arms is sleeping in a van, located in a forest, with the window slightly cracked. In the background someone is saying "Hey" and "Oi". He is startled awake by the voice shouting "Excuse me!" and banging on the window. The owner of the voice is revealed to be Sailor, who is standing outside the van looking annoyed.
The man steps out of the van, replying "You need somethin, kid?" Sailor says "Yeah, I just..." then pauses, spotting the triforce mark on the man's hand when he scratches his chin. She looks shocked over this and grabs his hand, pulling it close to her face to inspect. She exclaims "Another one?! War's almost over!"
The man looks down, confused, then lifts his arm (with Sailor dangling from it) and asks "Another what?". Sailor hops up and crouches on his arm, gesturing to his triforce mark and asks "You familiar with this thing yet?". He responds "Yeah, I-" but is interrupted by her jumping off. "Good! That makes this next part easier." she brandishes her own triforce mark and winks.
The scenery changes to one of an empty ocean, with Sailor gesturing as a breeze swirls around her. "I am Link of Outset Island, the Hero of Winds... Saviour of the Great Sea, protector of the Ocean King, and Captain Link's most trusted pirate confidant..." It cuts back to the man and Sailor, him looking confused and her looking smug with her arms behind her head, and she finishes, "...and I'm trying to recruit you."

if you leave your dog in a hot car he might drive away with it. BE CAREFUL!

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7 months ago
Shepherd is still talking, remarking "Well, my journey ain't been nearly long as yours-" before Sailor, perched on a branch, interrupts him, saying "Hm. You sound like Midna's guy!"

The next panel is black and white, shattered and broken up like glass as Shepherd stares on in shock at the mention of Midna, drawn in reference to a popular panel from the webcomic Tail's Gets Trolled.

He grabs the tree trunk and looks up at Sailor, exclaiming "You-!! You... It's dangerous to go alone- out there- and yer talkin' all 'bout some sorta war... Lemme travel back with you, kid." Sailor smiles as he rambles.

The background fades into the night sky, and we see Sailor and Shepherd sitting next to a fire.
Sailor speaks up, gesturing absently. "If we're going back to camp in the morn', we gotta get you a nickname. Better have one in advance, or they're gonna give you one you're not gonna like!"

Shepherd thinks, and then looks proud of herself and starts to speak, saying "How about 'Twilight'?" but her words are obscured as Sailor interrupts again, exclaiming "SHEPHERD!"

"Whuh???" Shepherd looks toward her, ears tilted down in confusion. Sailor continues on. "It's your job! Like how being a sailor is mine! Kinda..." Shepherd tries to object weakly, saying "Don't ya think I could choose somethin'... cooler? No..? Okay..." only to be ignored.
Shepherd hunches over as Sailor continues, asking "So, Shepherd, what's your deal? Besides the journey." We see Shepherd's family from Ordon, Rusl, Uli, an older Colin, and Uli's baby. Shepherd looks wistful and begins to explain as we see a younger version of him in his green hero's tunic, brandishing his sword and tilting his closed eyes up to the night sky as Midna hides in the shadow he casts. Hyrule field is vast and empty around him. 

He says "Ordon is a nice place. Fulla' nice folks. My Man' Pa lived here since before they found me. Got a kid brother, baby sister... Again, nice folks. Didn't realise how small it all was 'til I left."

We cut back to Sailor, and she tilts her head in understanding, saying "I get it. My island is smaller now. My grandma and my sister are still there."
Sailor continues, hunched, the light of the fire outlining her silhouette as we see her from behind. "I'd like to be able to show my new friends."

Shepherd begins scrounging around in the back of the van, pulling out a blue sleeping back. Sailor brightens up. "Huh, cool! Rations, bedrolls- you have this thing stocked well!"

Shepherd replies as he tosses a sleeping bag to her. "Ahh, yeah. It showed up just recent." The sleeping bag hits her in the head, and Shepherd continues without noticing. "You have any idea what it is? Been fuckin' around but I ain't ever seen a thing like it."

Sailor is reasonably annoyed as she pulls the sleeping bag to her side, shouting "You don't KNOW??? It is /your/ metal box. Ask me again when you've stuck it in some water." Shepherd smiles with his back to her, glad to see her spirited again.
The fire is dying now, and Shepherd laughs as he unrolls his sleeping bag, saying "Well, it rolls. We can take it with us to the castle." Sailor follows suit, unrolling her bag.

The last panel is a closeup of her laying down, looking at the red gem from King Daphne's crown that she wears on her neck with a frown on her face.

End of Chapter 1! <- Prev - Next ->

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7 months ago
Bday Drawing Of Shepherd And Sailor For My Bestest Friend @islandlobster :-]

bday drawing of shepherd and sailor for my bestest friend @islandlobster :-]


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