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Poll #11
Two weeks until Nyx Week! Where has the time gone? /o\
Interesting results again. While we had out usual 1/3 agreement on tumblr, this week to Galahd holding most important one specific astral, the story on Twitter was much different! There, over 50% chose that Eos or Etro was the most important figure in Galahd's religious views. Very interesting!
We come with a simpler question this week as we pull into the home stretch. Background reading is the facebook blurb that says Regis rescued Nyx as a child, and Nyx feels he must pay him back for that, the movie script where Nyx says, "I owe [King Regis] for taking me in. I was lucky. There are people in Galahd who weren't," and the newspaper article on Nyx's cork board that says Regis promised regular patrols of Galahd in exchange for Galahdans joining the Kingsglaive. Given that information, and the regular reminder that there are no wrong answers...
Bonus questions, should you choose to play:
1.When did Regis save Nyx?
2.Where did Regis save Nyx? Was he visiting Galahd or was Nyx visiting Insomnia or somewhere else?
3.Is there a formalized debt? Legally or culturally? Or is it just Nyx feeling there is?