Nyxweek2023 - Tumblr Posts
Poll #3
Thank for indulging our worldbuilding question last week. We had fun hearing the variety of thoughts on our poor, inconsistent world of Eos. As always, a reminder that there is no wrong answers to these polls.
We should have a little throwback treat for you as well this weekend, but for now, here's poll #3, bringing it back to Nyx.
Poll #4
We had a great variety of responses last week for what people imagine Galahdan culture is like, and how Libertus and Nyx fit into it. So for our next poll, we're going to look a little closer at people's ideas of what happened to Galahd.
Remember, there are no wrong answers. We just like seeing what people think!
Poll #5
It's very interesting hearing the variety of headcanons and reasons people have for supporting them through these polls! Last week it seems the majority of the voters believe Galahd was majorly damaged, with few survivors, and the land is either controlled by Niflheim outright or contested territory. Thanks to everyone who voted and/or commented!
We'll move back to focusing on Nyx for this week's question. We know Nyx had a mother and a sister, Selena, and has pictures with several other figures on his cork board. With that information, and the eternal caveat that there are no wrong answers here,
Poll #6
Thanks again for all the votes on our previous poll. It was a little hard to structure with single votes, but we appreciate everyone who chimed in in the poll or tag!
We will be releasing a deep dive in the next day or so, but RL has been crazy. Thanks for your patience.
This week's poll will be a little more straightforward. Based on their opening battle, their commander being a mere Captain, and the numbers we see at various times...
Poll #7
We had a lovely bell distribution last week. Interestingly, twitter skewed higher than tumblr for the general number, even given the fewer options to respond!
This week, we turn our attention back to Nyx again, though your answers last week might influence your answers this week. As always, there is no right answer here, we're just having fun.
Poll #8
Last week's vote (which is technically not yet over, but we're close enough) had a very interesting distribution. Over a third voted for the same answer, and the "lowest" respect options had a decent amount of votes, but the extreme options (official position in the glaive/outcast in the community, and unofficial respect in the glaive/official rank in the community) both had 0 votes.
It makes us want to pick people's brains. If you have the time, please let us know your thoughts on your vote! It's always so interesting to hear.
We will have the deep dive up shortly, but in the meantime, the next vote:
Poll #9
We have four weeks until Nyx Week! This is not a drill! Where has the time gone?
Last week had a rather bell-like distribution, with a little over a third of the votes agreeing that greater that 70% of the Glaives are Galahdan, and a little under a third saying that at least 50% are. So majority Galahdans seems very popular! Though most people seem to believe there are at least a mix.
Our quiz this week is pretty much completely subjective. We would love to hear your thoughts or your additional ideas, but unfortunately we can only include nine options. So...
We missed a lot of options because of the limits of the polls, so please feel free to add ones we missed! We just want to stir conversation.
You could also add whether you think Nyx enjoys doing the hobby or watching it (especially for performance art like music) or which particular aspects of the category you think (maybe you think Nyx is great at drums but cannot hold a tune or act, for instance)
Whatever your choice and your thoughts, good luck with all your dreaming and creating, and thank you for enriching fandom.
Poll #10
Last week had another interesting array of answers, with a good third of the responses choosing the same topic, but the others spread out over most of the other answers. Thanks so much for everyone who elaborated on why they chose what they chose! It was interesting to hear your thoughts and characterization.
(Nyx gets hugs of his choice for everyone who decided understandably said he was too depressed/stressed/anxious/busy to have a hobby.)
Back to a more worldbuilding question this week. There are only two more weeks of us posing inane questions and getting to hear everyone's thoughts, and then it will be time for the big event! Good luck to everyone participating in Nyx Week, even for just a single day. Any Nyx content is appreciated. ^_^
We'll have a deep dive up today or tomorrow, but until then...
Poll #11
Two weeks until Nyx Week! Where has the time gone? /o\
Interesting results again. While we had out usual 1/3 agreement on tumblr, this week to Galahd holding most important one specific astral, the story on Twitter was much different! There, over 50% chose that Eos or Etro was the most important figure in Galahd's religious views. Very interesting!
We come with a simpler question this week as we pull into the home stretch. Background reading is the facebook blurb that says Regis rescued Nyx as a child, and Nyx feels he must pay him back for that, the movie script where Nyx says, "I owe [King Regis] for taking me in. I was lucky. There are people in Galahd who weren't," and the newspaper article on Nyx's cork board that says Regis promised regular patrols of Galahd in exchange for Galahdans joining the Kingsglaive. Given that information, and the regular reminder that there are no wrong answers...
Bonus questions, should you choose to play:
1.When did Regis save Nyx?
2.Where did Regis save Nyx? Was he visiting Galahd or was Nyx visiting Insomnia or somewhere else?
3.Is there a formalized debt? Legally or culturally? Or is it just Nyx feeling there is?
Poll #12
Only one week left until Nyx week starts on June 4th!
For our last poll, we're entering the highly debated topic of shipping. We want to know your favorite Nyx ship! Reminder that there are no wrong answers!
We look forward to seeing your creations for Nyx week!