Lin Manuel Miranda Knows What The Public Wants Even If They Can't Admit It - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

the way a random hamilton audio goes viral on tiktok every few months needs to be studied. you know the one that's trending rn. "mr. vice president. mr. madison. senator burr. what is this?" hounds me on my fyp every few videos. that musical will never leave our public consciousness. people can't get enough of it even though they claim it's cringe.

just a month ago it was the "undressed she looked a mess pathetic she cried"; "ha! you don't even know what you're asking me to confess"; before that it was the horrifying "if i prove that i never touched my balls" audio; the "eating oreos in a parked car" one; then it was first burn and aaron burr's female rage "how does hamilton an arrogant immigrant orphan bastard" rant; and several others i can't even remember. i'm honestly impressed at this point.

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