Little Nightmares Au - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
I'm back with another AU idea let's go
Okay so. This new idea is like... not a crossover, I'm so sorry.
I don't have a story idea or anything, all I have is ideas for each character.
Mono and Low would both be Avians from the Sky Kingdom. Mono is a Prince who can't fly, while Low is a kid who wants to be a hero/royal knight. Six could be a fire-creature from the Fire Kingdom. I had an idea where the Fire Kingdom is not doing to hot and there's mass amounts of conflict, famine, and all that jazz, which is why Six ran away from that place. Runaway is going to be a fish person because I have to entertain my headcanon in some way shape or form. I have no bloody clue what his role may be. He could be a merchant? Like, he collects random stuff from the shore and sells it under water Eda-Style (The Owl House). Raincoat might be a forest-fae of some sort, who's a Healer-in-Training. Alone on the other hand is an engineer from the Mountains.
Here's a silly lil doodle of Mono and Low!

It's MS Paint again, I'm sorry.
I was toying around with the idea of The King of the Sky (Mono's dad) being Otto, and Noone being Mono's little sister (adopted maybe? Idk) But I'm not too sure about that?
Okay that's all I have to share, good night.

trying to come up with more designs for my little nightmares animal au this time with rk and six, who in my made up story are adoptive siblings or either biological siblings but then i realized it may not make sense with the animals i have chosen for them so i liked the idea of rk taking six in (he'd rather have a sibling of a different species who cares about him as apposed to four other siblings who could care less about him) rk doesn't get enough appreciation for his efforts and how much he contributes to everyone (he loves his little sister regardless of how many times she bites his fur off)
Hi. Okay so... um... Here in this post, I wanna talk about which role would fit each Nightmare Kid, simply because I desperately need to organise my thoughts about this AU-
Let's start off with Raincoat!! Okay, Raincoat, she gives off big-sister vibes-- and let's be real, she probably is a sister figure to Six and the rest of the crew. In Very Little Nightmares, she fell to her death because Six failed to kill The Pretender. Oh boy, death by falling because of someone else's mistake? Hmmm, sure sounds familiar… *stares at Mari* So yea! Raincoat will be the "Mari" of the Little Akumu AU! She'll also be the Something, in a sense. Her death will probably haunt Six forever.
SPEAKING OF SIX-- Let's talk about her! Six will be the Sunny of this AU. Not only is she probably extremely mentally ill, but she's also responsible (in one way or another) of quite a few deaths/life-ruinings! Most notably, the "murder" of Raincoat! She'll be forever haunted by all of her actions! Also, I'd like to mention one of the two commonly accepted fanons where Six is the "quiet girl who doesn't say shit", I mean… that checks out as Sunny-behavior right??? And since I can, we can totally just have Shadow Six represent the Somethings! I'm so good at this /lhj Plus she's the implied main character of the LN franchise so--
Moving onto a different topic... you know how like… Mono is Six's bestie… and you know how Basil was Sunny's bestie? Yea, Mono is Basil. I already rambled about the uncanny parallels between the two characters in the previous post (cough cough, besties until one of them left after unfortunate event, the gosh dang dialogue, literally being abandoned by their bestie and having their mental health spiral because of that abandonment, cough cough) ALSO-- Mono will probably be stored away in the AU's equivalent of "Blackspace", not because he had much to do with Raincoat's death, but because he left in a very similar way Raincoat did. And since the brain loves seeing patterns…. I think it's safe to assume that Mono would just not have a nice time.
Moving on, I feel like talking about Runaway!! The Little Akumu Runaway will be based heavily on my RK Headcanons where he's a loud asshole idiot (/aff)-- and you know who else is a loud idiot? KEL!! Runaway will be the Kel of this AU!! Yippee!! I don't really have many reasonings for this role? All I can say is that everyone, including Roku (The OMORI/Six) and Alone hate his guts.
Speaking of Alone, Alone's just gonna be Aubrey. I just imagine both of them to be like... really strong. That's the only reason I have honestly.
Low will be Hero because that's the last and final slot that needs to be filled. I legit have no reason for this other than the fact that Low feels like a older brother person idk dude. Also, I think it'd be amusing if Low is one of the only people who can make Runaway shut the hell up effortlessly, yk?
Aight, that's all I have to say. Buh bye. I might make another post in the near future featuring all of the concept art/doodles of Little Akumu, I just need to MS Paint-ify it.
Okay bye fr now.
SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES (but I'm sure you guys are chill with it, right?
For those who don't know me, I absolutely ADORE Little Nightmares and OMORI. They're both such silly games and I love them both dearly... so what if... I combine them? Best of both worlds am I rite?!
I do remember seeing something similar, where Mono took the role of Sunny with a Headspace and such-- But what if Six took up Sunny's role and Mono took up Basil's? (and Mari's too I guess but shhh)
Not only were both Six and Mono best friends before an unfortunate event that tore the two a part, just like Sunny and Basil, but like-- One of my friends pointed out that Mono can totally pull off being a Stranger/Headspace Basil in Six's hypothetical headspace. Like... LOOK AT THESE LINES IN THE BLACKSPACE ROOM--
"I just... I waited so long for you to come back, SUNNY... but... you never did."
"Even seeing you now... It's hard to think straight. I can feel my heart hurting and I want to cover my face and hide."
Mono covers his face, he of course he'd feel hurt. And of course he can't think straight because he's bi-- /hj /hj IT IS JUST-- IT IS JUST HHHHHHH
Okay that's all I can think of regarding Mono-Basil stuff. Anyways have this thing that I drew for this thing. Ignore that I used Hero's expressions instead of Basil's shhhh

I might call this AU idea "Little Akumu" Tell me what you think of it :D
The Little Nightmares Kids #One
Here I'll be sharing my drawings & headcanons!
This is an AU where all the kids live (I do love my children doomed by the plot but let me be delusional & give them semi happy endings)
Reference images at the end!
LN 1

Six: 9 years old, Black hair, Grey eyes, She/her, 🇯🇵, Item: Lighter, Powers: Shadow manipulation. 5th & 6th lady in the cycle. Sharp teeth.
Seven (The runaway Kid): 10 years old, Brown hair, Green eyes, He/they, 🇯🇵, Item: Flashlight. Powers - Water manipulation. Friends w/ Torch. Saved during a time loop & doesn't get eaten.

Torch (The flashlight girl) : 13 years old, she/her, Brown hair, Grey eyes, She/Her, 🇯🇵/🇬🇧, item: Flashlight (previously). The daughter of The Lady ex heir of the Maw. Was caught by the janitor & locked up accidentally, if he had known it was her he wouldn't have done it. She escaped the maw w/ the help of The Mirror Monster.

Ration (Bread kid): 14 years old, he/him, 🇺🇲, Gray hair, Brown eyes. Former prisoner on the Maw. Always very kind to the younger kids sharing his food & such.
Mono: 10 years old, he/him, 🇬🇧, Brown hair, static eyes. Future thin man.
Reblogs > ❤️

1) Reference models for Torch & Ration - Child prisoners on the Maw
2 & 3) Reference images for Torch

Showcasing logo and a few fan-art drawings for a new AU Little Nightmares series I plan to make in the future: Little Travelers. Hope y'all like it.

My official new icon and banner for my signed in websites, hope y'all like it!
![Escaping The Depths! - (Little Travelers Fan-Art Illustration) - [Ft.: Seven/RK And The Granny]](
Escaping the Depths! - (Little Travelers Fan-Art Illustration) - [Ft.: Seven/RK and The Granny]
Encounter the Lady - (Little Travelers Illustration)

Realized I haven't made some Little Nightmares Content in a while so decided to showcase more illustrations for my LN AU: Little Travelers with Six and Seven encountering the Lady. Hope y'all like it.
Based on the series 'Little Nightmares' created and owned by:
Tarsier Studio's and Supermassive Games.

Children Desigs for my Little Nightmares AU: Little Travelers.
Based on the Series 'Little Nightmares' by:
Tarsier Studio's and Supermassive Games.