Lmk Original Characters - Tumblr Posts
~✨🍈Master Post🍈✨~

Please don't use any of my works I post here without my permission!!!
Commissions: CLOSED
Requests: CLOSED
Art Trades: CLOSED
Asks are always open~
Hello! You can call me Sky or Skylinx! I'm a 21 years old Polish gremlin obsessed with LEGOs (and a lot of other stuff, but it would take too long to list them all here)
~Random facts 'bout me~
-around 160 cm tall
-zodiac sign: pisces
-Chinese zodiac sign: goat/ram/sheep
-own a lot of brown and green shirts with moth and mushroom prints
-Ironically, don't like mushrooms and am scared of bugs
-very accident-prone
-partially blind in the same eye as Macaque from LEGO Monkie Kid
-my old high school's building used to be a literal castle
-flip-phone proficient
~✨🍈OC list🍈✨~
How many OC's do I have?
The answer is... Yes.
~Monkie Kid OCs~
''Wandering Shadows''

Demon Lady Lady Prism (Ghost Moth Demon)



''Golden Core''

''Flower Path''

''Perfect Vessel''

Jinyu & Bojing

Magical Girls Vampire Girlfriends


~Legends of Chima OCs~

~Cookie Run OCs~
Chocolate Shortcake Dragon Cookie

Milk Choco Wizard Cookie
Would it be funny if I made Sky have some random demons try to court them?
Like, it's not because Sky is powerful, or because he's on Macaque's side. But they are certainly more aggressive than MK. And the demons think it's badass.
So they would try to get her attention by committing more crimes, and trying to impress them, walking around after him. And Sky is just confused. The demons are like: Oh, they like art? M'kay, I stole a painting from the museum for you!
All while Sky [asexual and demiromantic] is just confused by all of them. Until Macaque explains all the little things were demon courting rituals.
Of course, Sky would reject them because they just aren't looking for something like that at the moment.
The demon's conclusion? He just can't decide yet. Best course of action? Battle to death between all of them in some supermarket's parking lot Xddd
Idk, just a silly idea. If ya all like the idea, I'll let you make the suitors in the comments. The first three descriptions will win, and I'll draw their designs in the future maybe lol (You can make them any gender you want, and choose how they look and even personality. Just make a short description of them - w-✨ )

@lmkobsessedmoth, you've been abducted by the moth child! Have fun listening to her babbling about stars for few hours haha
This took me way too long to finish. I don't know if you'll like it but here you go... I tried my best T wT
This is related to my previous post:
Basically, I want to make a funny subplot, with a bunch of demons trying to court Sky and fighting for my very asexual demi-romantic OC's affection.
And I wanted to have some characters I wouldn't myself thought to make, so... I'm letting you make the three fated demon suitors!!! Plus, I think it would be more interesting to write the dynamics between all of them if I didn't make them all myself....
So, what you can do is write a detailed description of the character (personality, hair, skin and eye colours, clothing style) and let me create the final design, or you can also make a sketch of them, or a gacha design! They can be whatever gender you want, a style of any aesthetic, whatever species you want them to be... The only requirement is that they have to be a demon - w-
Also, no already existing characters you have! It has to be a brand new OC!!!
I'll accept the first three candidates that will be submitted, and there are only three spots open!
I'll wait two weeks at most. If none else wants to participate, then I'll just make them myself. I just thought it could something fun for you all to do.
And of course, you'll be credited for your creations!
The suitors list: (all spots taken)
1. Hè Xiang by @itsalice3940
2. Kumo by @zammy357
3. Wǔyè Xiu-ying by @keykittygirl

A drawing I did for an art trade with @tobiwith_thelmk_brainrot from Instagram ~✨ :3
Revealing Demon Lady's backstory! >:3

The Demon Lady used to be a normal human mortal. She had a very peaceful life, and lived in a small village. She was the most beautiful woman from her village, and was well liked. She liked the simple life, and was soon to be married to the love of her life...
But soon, her peace was broken. It turns out some immortal was deeply infatuated with her. The immortal was so deeply in love, that he decided to bribe his way through so he could be the one marrying her. She unfortunately had no say in this, and was forced to marry the immortal instead of the one she loved...
She didn't like the immortal, and was only more and more unhappy the longer she stayed in the marriage, which only made the immortal get angry at her....
All of this eventually led to her having enough, and poisoning the immortal. Yep, she poisoned her husband.
The poison was strong enough to kill even an immortal. And so he died, and his soul was sent to the underworld. The husband complained in the underworld about his situation, and since he was an immortal (and everyone had enough of his complaining), he managed to convince the celestial realm to punish her... And so, she was turned into a demon for her crimes, and banished to a live in a dark and damp forest in the mortal realm.
She lives rather peacefully now. Tho, if a man travels through her home, and she finds that he's an unfaithful man, or doesn't respect women or tries to hurt her... Well, let's just say he wouldn't be found again. But she gladly helps any children or women in need. Just don't accept any tea from her if you think she's suspicious of you...
Oh, and she can disguise herself to look as her old mortal self, but only during the day~ :0

No time this week for a full illustration, but I'm designing a Lego sona for me currently, so I made three outfits for them! But not sure which one I like the best, so here's a poll~

The little cuties from yesterday! Not even my babies were safe from the boopocalypse! :0
Anyway, reposting this, with proper hashtags this time, because these GIFs just came out so adorable :3
You've Yeed Your Last Haw

Have some Icy Shadows Duo/Macaque bullies club ✨~
Yo, @tiredghostness, I did something related to the AU we spoke about 👀
Qiū Zi as Lady Bone Demon's host and possessed Sky :0
POW: You're Macaque about to get wrecked-
Yo, remember the pancakes I promised?
Well, here you go! (ignore the stove-)

BUT WAIT! There's more!
Because this drawing isn't fully complete. That's because... The pancakes need toppings!
That's where you all come in. Send me topping combinations in my asks, and I'll add them to the drawing, giving you your own unique plate of pancakes! Go bananas, literally and figuratively. Fruit, sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate... Any combination, and I'll draw it >:3
All for a small price of your vote! (Not really lol, I'll draw that pancakes even if you don't vote for me).
You can find the vote here
I hope it's going to be fun hehe :3
For today's propaganda, I shall give a detailed explanation of how Sky's species works. Because I might have been thinking about it, in the not so normal amount. It's detailed for sure :v

(Sky, appearances in seasons 1 to 4)
Anyway, like I said, Sky is a shape-shifter demon (tho her parents are humans, but that's a different can of worms...)
They can change their appearance, but can't change into animals completely, so if Sky wanted to change into them, he would still have to learn the 72 transformations.
They can however change into an animal-like demon forms, and that gives them perks of said species. She likes the lynx and monkey forms the best, because they give more agility.
Shape-shifting wings is possible, but harder than changing hair colour, or even a tail, since humans have a tail bone, and so do demons since some of them do have actual tails. Sky likes having a tail, and will sometimes forget to shape-shift it out. And her tail actually gets broken and doesn't heal properly (that's why it's bent) in season 3, making them unable to shape-shift it out completely any more. They can only make it change shape, and become shorter or longer.
Changing colour of her hair and skin is also a more advanced technique, since it needs the decrease or increase in melanin, while the other transformations just require the re-arrangement of his cells. Unnatural colours however are almost impossible to achieve without the aid of additional magic. Tho, Sky does tend to get a bit more pale when changing into a more animal-like form, but that's just a side effect of him not being fully in control of her powers.
The true form of a shape-shifter demon of their species is the one they're born with. So yes, despite their form being fluent, they do have one set original appearance. But, Sky has also something kind of a 'true' true form. It can manifest if their powers go unstable, her body gaining a monster-like gas-like appearance. It's very hard to land a hit on him while in this form, because your punch might just phase through their body. But, the mind of a demon in that state becomes just as scattered as their body, making it near impossible to reason with.
But even when Sky's form is stable, their cells aren't as neatly connected as human's to accommodate for the shape-shifting and make it easier. But that also causes them to be more prone to injuries and other physical issues, such as asthma and poor sight. And any injuries/scars are permanent, no changing that
I think I've said enough for now. Feel free to ask me any question about this - w-
If you like Sky you could perhaps vote for them here ?
By the way, I'm still doing this. Seriously, you can just make a request for the topping, you don't even have to follow me or vote. Because it's just a fun little game. It doesn't cost you anything.
And if you don't fancy writing in my asks you can just comment or reblog this post. I just prefer asks.
Examples of pancakes I drew so far:

Yo, remember the pancakes I promised?
Well, here you go! (ignore the stove-)

BUT WAIT! There's more!
Because this drawing isn't fully complete. That's because... The pancakes need toppings!
That's where you all come in. Send me topping combinations in my asks, and I'll add them to the drawing, giving you your own unique plate of pancakes! Go bananas, literally and figuratively. Fruit, sprinkles, whipped cream, chocolate... Any combination, and I'll draw it >:3
All for a small price of your vote! (Not really lol, I'll draw that pancakes even if you don't vote for me).
You can find the vote here
I hope it's going to be fun hehe :3

(Homie, you made me pull out the unfinished sona design for this one-)
Of course, you can have a cookie! Here you go, I have plain sugar cookies and some with frosting and sprinkles, take whatever you want. I hope you'll feel a bit better soon

(Also, my phone crashed from the amount of cookies I copy-pasted... :v)
Moth man ( @lmkobsessedmoth ) I summon thee!!!
A gift for you :3


Art commissioned from @chuitu <3
I basically threw Apricot at Chuitu and told them to do whatever they want. And then I got this amazing thing! T wT
You can't tell me Apricot doesn't look cute as heck in the dress Chuitu designed 💕✨
(Also, look at the drawing Apricot made. Some out of context lore drop by Chitu perhaps? 👀)
(Also, go commission them-)
Give us more of the moth bebe
You've asked, so I shall deliver! >:3
She's making cupcakes for her favourite people! :D


This took me way too long to finish T -T
Anyway, here's some ship art of the love... square(?), that is a B-plot of Sky's story. They're all crushing, Sky is just confused by what made three people want to go out with them lol (the fact that Sky is ace and demi romantic doesn't help this situation lol)
Drew Sky in their season 2 outfit since I imagine that they all met somewhere at that time lol
Wǔyè Xiu-ying by @keykittygirl (in the middle)
Hè Xiang by @itsalice3940 (on the left)
Kumo by @zammy357 (on the right)
Also, I'm counting this as propaganda @lmk-oc-competition
(feel like it's too late for any propaganda I make to work, but it's worth a shot lol)
If you want to see more of this confusing mess of a love square, consider voting for Sky here 👀

Evil Sky anyone? 👀
Last second propaganda piece lol @lmk-oc-competition
You can vote for Sky here
This is basically a design for evil Sky, who became power hungry and trained for a long time before they stole the whole crew's powers. Now they just have to figure out what to do with all that power :3
So, in short, the worst case scenario timeline >;D
Monkie Kid Season 5 spoilers kinda?

There can only be one Jade Emperor
I watched the trailer and this was the first idea I got T -T I'm sorry, but I hate Li Jing's guts. Atlas may be canonically few months old, but he would be a better emperor that this pathetic excuse of a father :v
Also, technically, since Nezha made Atlas, is Li Jing his grandpa kinda? Not like that really matters, Atlas would be throwing hands anyway lol

Yippee! Lego sona finished design! :3
(Am a half ram, half water demon-)
So, what do we think of the small style changes guys? Yey or nay? I did change the proportions a bit, adding a midsection, but it's not visible with those clothes my sona has. Plus made the eyes more square lol Also, unsure about the messy shading style. Idk if I can pull it off every time, but it looks nice here
Some things about my sona (so kinda about me too heh):
-can't swim (the water demon genes basically useless lol)
-powered by an energy drink and an oreo
-more luck than brains
-clumsy as hell
-accidents at least once a week
-a bit of a gremlin
-can have a short fuse sometimes, but overall, it's pretty hard to make them upset
-can be a bit dense sometimes
-a loud introvert (shy at first but once befriended won't shut up)
-nonbinary, uses all pronouns
-low energy all the time
Here's an 'undyed hair' version: