Loba Apex Legends - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


I should make ones for the others 😳😳😳

also you should follow my insta @/shielasmom

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7 months ago

Request for @layluh-xoxo :)

Request For @layluh-xoxo :)

I'm so sad that they broke up :( I mean it was probably for the best given everything but I really hoped they could resolve their issues

Anyways in order to heal my sadness over this ship I present to you, just pure wlw fluff and comfort <3

Valkyrie x Loba Shortfic

Contains: Mention of attempted sa, don't worry tho Lobas badass, other than that it's fine


Valkyrie propped her feet up on the coffee table in her apartments living room, leaning back and sighing. For someone who was always 'go go go,' she still enjoyed the quiet moments alone in her apartment, just listening to the bustling city outside her windows. She heard the familiar sound of a key turning in the door's lock and smiled, knowing that Loba would walk through that door and come sit with her. Life was nice.

Except Loba didn't come sit with her.

She walked straight past the couch where Valkyrie was sitting and into the kitchen. Valkyrie heard her pour herself a very generous glass of wine before coming to sit down a few feet away from her on the couch. Loba brought her knees up to her chest and took a sip of her wine, her bros furrowed in thought and her fingers restlessly tracing patterns on her knee. Her braids were messy and her makeup was smudged, making her look disheveled.

Having been dating Loba for a while, Valkyrie knew the signs that she was frustrated and upset. Valkyrie turned the TV onto some reality show, knowing that it was the type of thing she would like.

"Do you need space, a distraction, or comfort, Lo?" Valkyrie kept her voice soft and loving. She knew how Loba's brain worked and didn't want to frustrate her even further.

"Distraction first, and then comfort, I think." Loba muttered, her voice tense and strained. Valkyrie nodded, thinking for a second before she spoke.

"I was scrolling on my phone earlier and saw someone assigned all of us legends our own animals. They gave you a wolf, of course, but they gave me a barn owl. Can you believe it? How am I a barn owl?" Valkyrie waved her arms in disbelief, pouting.

Loba giggled a bit at Valkyrie's antics. It was quiet, but still Valkyrie smiled knowing she was making her girlfriend feel even a tiny bit better.

"Personally, I think I should be something cool like a tiger or a venemous snake." Valkyrie gave herself fangs with her fingers, baring her teeth. Loba tipped her head back and laughed, and the sight made Valkyrie relax into the couch.

"I can see you being a barn owl. You've got the same face and eye shape. Plus, the whole 'striking from above' thing." Loba set her wine glass down, shuffling closer to Valkyrie and leaning into her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, laughing quietly at whatever stupid things the people in the show were doing. Valkyrie fidgeted with her sleeves anxiously, trying to figure out what to say next.

"Do you wanna talk about your day? If not that's fine I just want you to feel nice yknow." Valkyrie stuttered through her words quickly, looking anywhere other Loba's face. The silence that followed made her palms sweat and she was about to start apologizing before Loba spoke.

"I just... I thought I found a lead, but it was just some stupid man trying to get me in his bed. He told me he had information in his apartment. I was a fool to believe him."

Valkyrie hesitated before answering, wrapping an arm around Loba's shoulders and tracing shapes into her upper arm with her finger tips.

"Did he... you know..." She couldn't get the words out, hating even the thought that something like that could happen to her girlfriend.

"He tried, but he was dumb to think he could control me. I may have left him with fewer fingers than before my visit." Loba smiled, laying her head on Valkyrie's shoulder.

"That's my girl." She squeezed Loba against her body before letting go and standing up. "C'mon, let me run you a bath. I can pour you more wine, light some candles, give you a massage, anything you'd like." She reached a hand out towards Loba, who was still curled up on the couch.

Loba hesitated, not out of fear or reservation, but because as she looked into Valkyrie's eyes that were full of adoration, she realized just how much her girlfriend loved her. She took her hand, letting Valkyrie pull her up and lead her towards the bathroom.

"Okay, sit down there." Valkyrie pointed at the edge of her somewhat large bathtub, focused on lighting a couple floral scented candles and setting them on a safe shelf nearby. She then turned on the bath and held her hand under the tap, making sure the water was a good temperature.

By the time the tub was full enough, Valkyrie had gotten her girlfriend another glass of wine and they were both fully undressed. Valkyrie got into the water first, sitting down and leaning back. Loba sat down in front of her, keeping her knees to her chest and holding her glass securely in one hand.

"Would you like me to wash your hair?" Valkyrie asked, pulling the elastics out of Lobas hair so she could gently unravel her braids. Valkyrie stopped playing with her hair when Loba didn't respond. "Lo? You alright?"

"...Why do you go out of your way to do all of this for me?" Loba muttered quietly, setting her glass down on the edge of the tub and curling impossibly further into herself. "I treat you like shit and toss you aside in order to achieve my own goals, but still you sit here and love me as if I'm the most perfect girl you've ever met. It's not fair to you."

Valkyrie took a second to think, grabbing a plastic cup from the table beside the tub to scoop water and pour it over Loba's shoulders. The warmth helped Loba relax.

"I do it because I love you. And yeah it hurts a bit, okay a lot, when you treat me that way, but I deal with it because I know that the only reason you act that way is because you don't feel like you deserve to be loved."

Loba didn't speak, she just dragged her fingers through the water. So Valkyrie continued.

"I just want you to feel like you can trust me. I'm not going to let you self-sabotage because you don't think you're good enough." Valkyrie started to pour the water over Loba's hair, wetting it while she spoke. "You deserve to be happy and loved, just like everybody else."

They sat in silence for a bit as Valkyrie lathered shampoo into Loba's hair. She made sure to pay extra attention right at the roots, and Loba leaned her head back into the feeling.

"...I love you, Kairi."

"I love you too. I'll never stop loving you, Loba."


Thank you for reading! Almost made myself cry with this one hdhdjfjfj

Reminder it takes like 10 seconds to like and reblog my work and it really helps grow as an author. You can also request whatever you want in my asks and I'll do it 👍

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