Lookism X Male Reader - Tumblr Posts
Vasco: Take a look guys! I drew a face!
Y/N (criticizing as an artist): Euntae, the nose looks like a penis with three testicles in it.
Zack and Vin Jin: *laughs maniacally*
Jace, Hudson, and Daniel: wtf
Jay: *dying inside while trying not to laugh*
Vasco: Testicles? Like the part of an octopus?
Jace: Vasco...
Goo: What is a potato called if it has a penis?
Gun and Y/N: What?
Goo: A DICKtator *insert maniacally wheezing*
Y/N: *laughs maniacally back after 10 seconds*
Gun (unamused): Geez, your sense of humor is so boring
Goo: Yeah, just like you especially when we're in the bed
Y/N: *still laughing* um wait wtf
Lookism x Artist! Reader Headcannons 🖤🥀🎨 Part 1 (J-High-Main Boys)
Warnings: None Genre: fluff ☁️ Reader is gender neutral (and in an established relationship with the character of choice :)
Daniel Park (Park Hyung Seok)

He is so amazed by your drawings no matter what art style you use. Your works never failed to surprise him.
Daniel can't also help but to stare at your focused yet cute face when you try to draw on your sketchbook/paper (he'll stop if you find it creepy but he can't help it sometimes). He's really astonished by how you illustrate something with passion and take it to the next level even if it's just a doodle. Danny also finds it really smart and creative if you put meaning behind your drawings, whether it's sad or happy! He really likes to see the way you view things in life and express your thoughts on a piece of paper/canvas and he also can't help but to shower you with lots of compliments "Y/N It looks so cool! Keep up the good work!"
Daniel will also appreciate it if you use him as your reference! His heart will melt if you initiate to sketch him especially his original body. He felt so loved and cared about when you, his special someone sees the beauty in him no matter what shape, form or size he's in. He'll look at you like 🥺👉👈"Wa-Wait really? Are you sure?" HAHAHHAHAHAHA XD. Don't mind him but when he'll have an angst episode especially when his insecurities are getting in the way again, your comfort plus your artwork of him can really lift up his spirits. "You really find me cute in my other body?" he'll ask you in his taller form as you cup his cheeks and give him a peck as a sign of affection not wanting him to feel sadness and self-loathing himself. "Yep, that's why I always ask you to be my super model for my drawings! You're more than just your looks, so chin up Danny!" he can't help but smile thinking about it especially when he's feeling sad again, him feeling loved by you especially when it's not just his looks that you really adore and love about him (he feels the same for you). It really boosts his confidence more and in return, he'll not only compliment your works but also everything about you that's just so amazing to him.
If you're the shy type who won't show off your artworks to him, he'll definitely respect your privacy and space though he can't help but to be curious sometimes. And if you're the messy and inorganized type, expect him to just randomly check out your sketchbook especially when you both clean your shared apartment (don't scold him though he just picked it up on either the floor or the dining table which where it shouldn't be lmao). "So-Sorry Y/N I didn't know what I was doing sorry!" Though he will feel relieved when you just simply brushed it off saying it's fine but he won't stop apologizing when he can feel that you're upset about it. But this rarely happens since he will think about his actions first before doing it and he'll feel so much relieved when you started showing him his drawings and him seeing you breaking into your comfort zone.
Overall Danny's supportive about your hobby as long as you don't illustrate something too weird. He wouldn't mind if you teach him the basics or if you also you use one of his friends as your model/reference (especially Duke or his mom). He just loves you so much as much as you love him too (I need a Danny in my life right now).
Zack Lee (Lee Jin Sung)

This man will talk about you to literally everybody 24/7 (in good and really romantic way of course).
Zack's so amazed by everything you do even if it's the simplest things, so what more if you make a masterpiece everybody should be proud of ;)?
He'll also ask if he can take a look of your sketches and he'll be SUPERRR HAPPY when you showed him your sketchbooks and random doodles. Zack's so fascinated by how you illustrate things in your art style, making him showering you with lots of compliments. "You're so good at this! You really are a perfect person!". Trust me when I say that just like Daniel if you asked him to draw him as a reference, his heart will not only beat a hundred times faster but he's also going to explode from your request. His someone asking him to sketch him? His day couldn't get so much better. Just like Danny, Zack will also look at you with that puppy eyes when you ask him to draw him "Really?🥺👉👈" AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA xD. He will also tease you about it. Him posing with funny poses while you force yourself to not laugh (he's also doing it to make you smile trust me). "Y/N you think I'm attractive?" "No why?" you playfully denied as you smirked at his reaction before he teases you back. "But why did you ask for me to be your model for your drawings?" "OH C'MON ZACK JUST STAY IN PLACE I CAN'T TAKE A GOOD REFERENCE PHOTO OF YOU" "SORRY Y/N I WON'T DO IT AGAIN!".
If you're the shy type, he'll be okay if you don't want to show your drawings to him. But he'll be definitely be sad and crying inside since he feel like you don't trust him enough lmao (though he'll still respect your wishes). And he will also sneak up to see your works when it's just chilling on your desk or table, but he'll be so sorry and crying when you caught him touching your things without your permission. "SORRY Y/N I WON'T DO IT AGAINNNN!!! PLEASE FORGIVE MEEEE!!!. However, he'll be also relieved when you're okay with him checking out your sketchbook, though next time he'll ask for your permission though! (Always asking you with those puppy eyes. "Y/N can I take a look of your drawings again? I'll be careful with it I promise🥺👉👈 ". He'll also not let anyone touch your things and your coloring materials to other people unless you say so (He'll hand it to Mira since she's careful enough about others' belongings or he'll just simply put it on your desk when he needs to do something important).
Zack is just wholesome and supportive about your hobby. He will always flex you on his friends not only about your artistry but almost about everything about you. "Do you know Y/N is a great artist? You can ask for her to draw you if she/he doesn't mind it ;)". (Protect Zack at all cost).
Vasco (Lee Eun Tae)

Another cinnamon roll here.
Vasco really loves your drawings so much! He's always curious on how you managed to sketch pretty illustrations especially cute animals like kittens and puppies! He has that same puppy expression while his eyes sparkle as he views your artworks in awe. He's so confused when he tries to draw the same as you but it always end up looking a bit weird lmao (But we still love him).
He'll talk about you to Burn Knuckles especially Jace. Their reactions will be so priceless. No one had made Vasco smile and made his day better other than them! "VASCO, YOU TALKED TO A GIRL/BOY???!" "YEAH! SHE'S/HE'S SO PRETTY/HANDSOME, KIND AND SHE'S/HE'S A DRAWER!" "You mean artist right?" Jace asked as Vasco nodded with a cute smile. "Yeah! her/his drawings are so amazing!" As you became friends, Vasco will ask for you to draw him a puppy if you don't mind! And he'll be sooo happy if you did so especially on his birthday (he cherishes the others gifts that the others had given him but he just really loves your art so much!). "JACE! Y/N DREW A PUPPY FOR ME IT'S SO CUTE SHE/HE EVEN PUT IT INSIDE A PICTURE FRAME!"
If you're the shy type, he'll wonder why you're a bit hesitant of showing your works to him, though he will respect it and not force you to but he still can't help but to be curious about what it looks like. But after getting to know each other and getting closer, he will ask again if he can take a look of your sketches and if you agreed so, he'll appreciate you for trusting him and he'll give you lots of compliments so that you can show him your other drawings and he'll have that huge and cute eyes 🥺👉👈 while his mouth his gaped open in shock about how your drawings are so pretty. "Y/N you did all of this? It looks SOOO PRETTY!". And if you're the messy type or you constantly misplace your things, he'll always find your sketchbook where you left it and he'll shout at you with that childish yet deep voice as it echoes in the school hallways holding it up while waving his hand to catch your attention. "Y/NNNNN! I FOUND YOUR SKETCHBOOK IT'S ON THE CAFETERIA TABLE!!!" If he's a dog right now, his tail will waggle if you pat his head and thanked him for helping it find it. "Thanks Euntae, I appreciate your help". Your kindness along with your warm smiles, talent, and hard work never fails to amaze him and fall in love for you more!
And if you and Vasco became official after some time, expect the Burn Knuckles to cry while cheering for the both of you. You'll also find it entertaining to teach the them how to draw silly stuff that they like (It can be a pain in the ass but if that's what makes Vasco happy and you to get each other know better you're probably going to do it lmao, protect Vasco at all cost).
Jay Hong (Hong Jae Yol)

This man would be so protective and proud of you.
Jay finds it really interesting when you illustrate something beautiful while being effortless. If you're seatmates with him, he would slightly look at you sketching random things while the teacher discusses another boring lesson. Him multi-tasking with him just listening to the teacher's ramble while his eyes are focused on you drawing on your scratch paper instead of taking notes. Both of you may get into trouble for not listening but since Jay's a top student he can help you catch up with the topics (Istg I saw him on the anime and webtoon not taking notes down while there's a lesson yet he's manages to be in the top how does he do that?)
Headcannon: You and Jay would communicate with cute and silly drawings. For example you and Jay would exchange notes with you asking him how he's feeling or if he's been doing well with a cute cat doodle with a confused/concerned expression plastered on its face with a question mark. And he would respond back with a much simpler drawing of a dog smiling (considering how much he's scared of dogs, well he used to be), a sign/message that he's okay as the conversation will go on :) He also respects it if you're a bit shy of showing your drawings to him not wanting you to feel uncomfortable but he would also appreciates it when you initiate to show it to him. If you're the messy type he'll also check your sketchbook before giving it back to you. Though he will often ask permission if he can check your artworks out.
He also really likes your artstyle! No matter what style or genre of drawing you have you'll never fail to amaze him. He would also appreciate it when you draw him! I promise you he will put all of your illustrations that you gave him on expensive frames and he'll take care and preserve it like it's a delicate piece of masterpiece that needs to be put and hang on a museum (I love him so much).
Overall, Jay and you will have a special bond especially with anything related to art. Jay's perspective on it is so unique. Since he's having a really hard time in expressing his emotions and thoughts through words, he finds it as an escape and comfort on his problems (for an example is him with good fashion style). So having a partner who's an artist can be relatable for him, you and him will be a good power couple! (he also loves your good attitude and values so please be nice to him :).
A/N: Part 2 will be with Eli, Hudson, Warren, and Johan (if possible)