Lore Olympus Fanart - Tumblr Posts

LO edit with my Perse. She dotes on our good boy

Another redesign of Persephone. I really liked this panel in the comic.

The Wedding and Coronation of Persephone...

The Queen is speaking...
Another post of my version of Persephone

My version of Minthe, pre and post plant
In my au she gets turned into a plant by Demeter but Persephone turns her back duirng the 10 year punishment.

Happy Halloween!🎃
I realized I never posted this here. But here's my version of LO Persephone in her Dread form. In my rewrite(?), her Dream form is a gift from Erebus, she can use it when she's in the Underworld or in places of complete darkness. I based her form on Corpse Flower and a snake.
My IG has the full story bit.

The wrath of Kore, the birth of Persephone...
My IG has the full story but basically in my rewrite(?), Kore was barely 100 & was going through some heavy shit. The deaths of Krokos and Withy pushed her over the edge. When she made it to the sacred fields she went on a rampage, even going as far as to use the corpses as fertilizer.
The few that survived dubbed Kore 'Persephone' and for the next thousands of years, she spent her time training and honing her powers. Putting as much distance between herself and her act wrath as much as possible.
NOTE; She looks more like Demeter in this 'form' as to show where she gets her wrath from.

A Queens Debut...
Reminder Persephone can't fuckin stand Hades in my rewrite, she carves her own little piece of paradise in the Underworld so she doesn't have to deal with Hade as much.

Big-ass hats are hard to draw. But I like how this turned out.

Forgot to post this here. I LOVED the dress, too bad the story is goin to shit.

Ngl I wish her Act of Wrath was actually, ya know, an ACTION. Like something she did and owned up to it, before the 'owo It wasn't my fault uwu' it had grounds for showing how human she was compared to the other gods. And like humans she made a horrible mistake, she could've learned that she's a goddess and that when gods fuck up its far WORSE compared to how mortals do.
At this point I'm just in it to see how quick Rachel wrap this up...

She's been my muse lately since I've finished season 1!
I love her..
PLEASE DONT REPOST MY WORK, reblogs are appreciated!
Morphed LO Persephone and AC Persephone's designs together

Morphed LO Persephone and AC Persephone's designs together

Morphed LO Persephone and AC Persephone's designs together