Lotf Simon - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

honestly, simon running into a tree because he was just THAT gay for ralph? relatable asf, good on you simon

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2 years ago

me when i realise i kin simon and jack

rainbowguru - Eddie

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2 years ago

since i’m lowkey having art block- i kinda just want to talk about headcanons 👁👁

if you guys want anyone specific pls ask 👍

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2 years ago

oo what are your Jack headcanons??


One of my main headcanons for Jack (bc i’m projecting) is that he’s trans male! This would mainly play out in a modern AU, but I just feel like it fits him pretty well.

He definitely has horrid bed head, and so he has to spend like 30 minutes every morning just on his hair.

He sun burns super easy and has to have someone help him put on sunscreen, or he’ll burn to a crisp.

(Since I’m Jager trash) Jack and Roger are exes in almost every AU I have, or they’re dating.

Jack has a little sister named Elizabeth.

He actually ISNT the tallest in the choir, I usually make him the 4th tallest (1st being Bill, 2nd being Roger, and 3rd being Maurice)

Simon and Jack are childhood friends, meeting first when they were around 6 or 7.

He used to have a huge crush on Simon, but just kinda ignored it until he convinced himself he didn’t anymore.

This ties in with the trans headcanon, he’s 5’10”!

These are just my main ones! :D Take this drawing

Oo What Are Your Jack Headcanons??

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2 years ago

As a treat, Jager drabbles/headcanons

• Roger looks up to Jack a lot and that's why he doesn't confess, but Jack ends up liking him too

• Jack actually did believe in the ghosts on the island so Roger would sleep by him at night so he didn't feel afraid

• Jack and Roger still go to the same school and are lowkey chaotic boyfriends

• Roger is the one who does all of Jack's piercings because he doesn't trust other people to do them right :( /POS

• Jack listens to Roger's favoutite songs but never tells him how much he loves them

• Roger just admires Jack so much, he can't even explain why, he just does

• Jack and Roger intentionally disagree with each other even if they share the same opinion on a topic, they laugh about it

• Roger heavily disapproves of Jack's smoking and tries to stop him on multiple occassions

• Their first confessions to each other were whispered softly to the other late at night (sobs)

• Jack has a history of self harm and Roger is the only one who has seen his scars

• They visit Simon's gave together :(

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2 years ago

OKAY SO IM HAVING ROGER BRAINROT! Take Rogermon headcanons too

• Roger's favourite singer in the choir is Simon

• Simon makes little flower crowns with the flowers on the island and gives them to Roger

• Since Simon is short, Roger will pick him up (piggy-back rides, on his shoulder, etc.) so he can see at concerts

• Roger literally threatend their school to put him in classes with Simon

• Simon got matching heart tattoos with Roger and Maurice (okay this is a little rogermonice vibes but shut up)

• Simon asks Jack about things Roger likes so he can buy him gifts

• Roger always sings Simons favourite songs to help him fall asleep

• Sometimes Roger will get scared and wake Simon up when he's asleep to make sure he's alive

• Simon does the little thumb rub thing when they hold hands

• Roger still looks a little angry when he sleeps and Simon thinks it's adorable

• Simon gives angel or butterfly kisses when Roger's sleeping to make sure he doesn't wake him up

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2 years ago

I love your headcannons! 💞💞 do you have any more modern-day AU ones?

* Maurice quotes vines all the time, definitely way too often

* Simon and Jack have matching ear piercings

* I hc Jack as a trans gay man!

* Simon is Pansexual, Polyamorous, and nonbinary

* Eric dyed the tips of his hair various colours so he can look different when compared to Sam

* Simon and Sam end up working at a library together

* Ralph is just.. Ralph (I genuinely just keep him the same for the most part bc he’s perfect)

* Sam is the shortest in the friend group! (5 foot)

* Jack is the oldest and just let everyone think Ralph is because he thought it was funny

* Once, Jack dyed his hair brown because everyone made fun of the ginger too much

* Simon listens to Mitski.

* Jack and Roger can play the violin

* Usually when I write about them, I can’t bring myself to keep the boys dead- so Simon and Peter (piggy) kinda just didn’t die 👍

* But they were assumed to be dead


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2 years ago

simon core

any time someone is nice to me when i dont ecpect it i need to be able to beam this into their mind

Any Time Someone Is Nice To Me When I Dont Ecpect It I Need To Be Able To Beam This Into Their Mind

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2 years ago


Jack to Ramalama (Bang Bang) bc it just sounds so him?? I hope someone else understands where I’m coming from with this

Jager angst to Should’ve Been Me

The hunters to Boogie Woogie Wu

Jack and Ralph to You’re Nothing Without Me

Roger to Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)

Simon to Hey Lover

Roger + Ralph (idk their ship name) to Talk to You

Rogermon to Fourth of July

Ralmon to Write Me Letters

Maurice to U Know What’s Up

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2 years ago

I’m gonna add art here but this doubles as a coming out post 👍

Your fav jager enthusiast is on the aroace spectrum! (i’m still queer identifying, but i rarely feel attraction)

Im Gonna Add Art Here But This Doubles As A Coming Out Post
Im Gonna Add Art Here But This Doubles As A Coming Out Post

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2 years ago

Simon. Is. Autistic. NO I WILL NOT TAKE CRITICISM. Mans just played with nature and I fuck with that

His special interests are bugs, reptiles and plants (he could talk for HOURS about praying mantises.)

Yes, he’s autistic bc I’m autistic, what about it? 😒

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2 years ago

lotf fandom, i have a proposal

within the next few weeks, i’m gonna be writing a jager fanfic (mainly a crack fic, but i love them still)

this fic WILL be named “Moves Like Jager”, anyone interested and/or wants me to post it?

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2 years ago

YOU ship jager in the way that roger is a rebound after ralph breaks up with jack, I ship jager in the way the ralph is just a distraction for jacks feelings for roger, WE ARE NOT THE SAME.

(yes this is my fourth post today, shut up)

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2 years ago

Moves Like Jager

So there he was, alone yet again, but this time he couldn't find a reason to mind it. Roger Volkov, wearing a form-fitted tux, but his coat abandoned. He uncomfortably lossened his tie, leaning all of his weight on the table, his head in the hand that wasn't occupied by some long forgotten punch. He was deep in thought before he heard someone clear their throat.

"Uhm.. it this seat taken?"

Jack Merridew, what a sight. He was put together quite well, his red curls neatly combed out, but still having a slight bounce to them. He was wearing a black tux and red bow tie, still having his jacket on. Roger couldn't help but stare, looking the other up and down, not bothering to answer his question. Even if he did, knowing Merridew, he would sit either way.

"What are you doing anyway? I know you prefer to be alone, but this is rather sad."

"I could ask you the same, I thought you brought some girl."

Jack looks down, looking a bit embarrassed. Roger only could tell this by the fact that Jack's freckled showed bright on his face, his natural flush gone.

"Yeah, about that.. haha- she kinda ran off to dance with Jackson Thomas, not that I care all that much. I wasn't that into her anyway."

Roger's interest was peaked, he wanted to know if maybe, just maybe, Jack was more interested in someone else at the dance.

"Why did you come then, if not to dance with Julie?"

"Why did you come if you didn't wanna dance with Lydia?"

He didn't even need to look up to know that Jack was smirking, cocky bastard. Roger sighed and met Jack's eyes, challenging him a bit.

"Well, if neither of us want to dance, why don't we-"

Before he could finish, the DJ turned on a song that made Roger and Jack's faces turn into confusion, but also mild disgust. Despite themselves, everyone was actually dancing, Roger really didn't understand other people.

He was about to insult it, but he turned, and Jack was doing an awkward shimmey sort of dance. God he sucked at dancing.

But something whether it being the shake of Jack's hips, or his weirdly good singing, or his genuine smile, Roger hated the song a little less. Their eyes met for a moment, and Roger would swear they were the only one's in that room, in the world maybe.

That moment ended as Jack's eyes tore from his own, the tide retreating back into the ocean.

"Ughhh, I was actually liking that! Why did they have to switch it?"

"Because 'Moves Like Jagger' sucks, Merridew."

They looked at each other seriously for a few seconds before they started to giggle and laugh, both faces red. Jack looked back up to Roger, his eyes swimming with thought.

"What are you thinking of, Ch- ..Merridew?"

"What did you want to ask me before?"

They were both nervous now. So many questions, they both smiled with anxiety.

"Well, I was gonna ask if you would be more interested in leaving, but I guess you like that stupid song."

Jack snorted out a laugh.

"Well then, why don't we leave?"

Without anymore questions, they both leave, some slight pushing and shoving. Jack elbowed Roger, who just held his arm and dragged him along. In the corner of Jack's eye, he sees Maurice giving Roger a huge thumbs up, Roger only pulls Jack a little quicker than before.

They say their polite goodbyes before they're out in the courtyard, the night was cooler than Roger had remembered.

"God, there was so many people in there."

"Of course there was, it's the last dance of the school year."

That was right, it was almost summer, time really flew. Yesterday they were 12 year olds singing choir songs in the wrong key, and now, Roger was going to be 16 in a couple months. The idea wasn't that nice, but he tried to push the thoughts away.

"You have any summer plans, Rodge?"

"I wish I did, my mum is considering a trip to Spain maybe, I know my parents are going to be away must of the break though. So I'll just be at home alone."

"You don't have to be."


"Me and some other chior members are going to Wales for a few weeks, you should come with."

Jack began to list off people, two of which being Simon and Maurice, and other boys he could care less about. Roger began to imagine that very trip, would he sit by Jack the trip there? Would they use the same transport? Would Jack fall asleep and maybe lean on his shoulder? Would they-

"How does that sound, Rodge? Good enough?"

"Huh-? Ah- yes, it sounds alright, I may tag along. That okay with you?"

Roger didn't realise it while he spoke, but they were standing closer now, maybe even a foot apart.

Jack's words came out, nearly a whisper.

"That sounds lovely."

Roger's eyes flickered doen to his lips then back.

".. Hullo."


Neither of them had to think, leaning in at the same time. Maybe a little too in sync, considering that their noses bumped together awkwardly as well as their lips.

They chuckled into the other's mouths and turned their heads, a proper and not as awkward kiss.

Just as they settled in, even from outside, they heard the music blare. It was 'Moves Like Jagger' for the second time that night.



(they find a park bench and snog, idfk)

The End.

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2 years ago

okqy so moves like jager motivated me so expect more soon, some will include:

Ace of Hearts (A Ralger fanfic)

(Maybe) Sugar And Spice (Jalph)

Boys Will Be Bugs (Jimon/Jamon)

House Party (Ralmon)

An unnamed angsty Jalph fic

And a possible, currently unnamed, Moves Like Jager sequel because I love twoshots

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2 years ago


Jack Merridew to “Top of My School”


He STRIVES for perfection, he needs to be perfect and the best at everything. He hates Ralph because Ralph doesn’t have to try, he just does something and no one questions him. Jack worked to get where he is, to be head boy, and suddenly he’s second place because of some mildly attractive blonde? No.

Jack needs to be the absolute best, if he isn’t, was it all for nothing?

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2 years ago

Okay so Boys Will Be Bugs is gonna be posted later today and I’ll begin writing House Party as well!

Be prepared for fluff 🙏

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2 years ago

Choir quad

Jack: Name three things that would ruin a first date.

Maurice: Uh- shitting my pants

Simon: Saying “I love you”

Roger: Killing her.

Everyone: …

Jack: .. Did this happen-?

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