Lotf Piggy - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Alright everyone!!

Question for day one!!

Do you identify more with Ralph or with Piggy? All the time? Or sometimes you're more of a Ralph and sometimes more like piggy?

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8 months ago

Question for day four!!

Do you think Ralph is bad for calling Piggy "Piggy"? Is his apology a true one? Ralph tells him "I'm sorry you feel like that..." Is there another way to feel about it? And Jack Merridew for calling him "Fatty"?

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6 months ago

Guys wake up!! Me and @gnomeballed made a redraw of a schooling online recap video screenshot

Guys Wake Up!! Me And @gnomeballed Made A Redraw Of A Schooling Online Recap Video Screenshot
Guys Wake Up!! Me And @gnomeballed Made A Redraw Of A Schooling Online Recap Video Screenshot

Thanks for collaborating, I love how it turned out❤️❤️

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6 months ago

Lord of the strawberries🐖🍓

Lord Of The Strawberries
Lord Of The Strawberries
Lord Of The Strawberries
Lord Of The Strawberries
Lord Of The Strawberries
Lord Of The Strawberries

I made two Rogers cause I'm sick and tired of people whitewashing him (credits of the Roger redesign to @charli3emily . Didn't also make a Simon one cause the one they made is not facing forward)

Feel free to use any of them as a pfp. Credits are pretty much appreciated <3

If you want me to make other characters (it can be from any sort media not only lotf) or one with your design just tell me, asks are always open and welcomed 🤗

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6 months ago

Piggy should be talked about more

Piggy's aunt losing her sibling and then nephew should be explored more

Piggy being an orphan should be explored more

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5 months ago



Piggy is so criminally underrated in the fandom and that's a fact.

He is such an interesting character and we should be taking my son into consideration a lot more😤😤


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2 years ago

Choir quad

Jack: Name three things that would ruin a first date.

Maurice: Uh- shitting my pants

Simon: Saying “I love you”

Roger: Killing her.

Everyone: …

Jack: .. Did this happen-?

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2 years ago

Boys Will Be Bugs

Simon sat on the ground, quietly playing with the bugs. He stayed in silence, though he knew that Jack was sitting behind him. He continued to let bugs crawl up his arm, the only sound that filled the silence was Jack's knife plunging into the sand.


The silence was broken and with that, Simon lifted his head to the sound with a small hum.

"What.. What are you doing?"

The two boys looked at each other, Jack completely serious and somehow curious while Simon looked a bit surprised. He looked down thoughtfully and lifted his hand up at eye level, only a little way from Jack's face.

"Making friends, I suppose."

Jack scrunched his face at the sight of the bugs, but softened it once he saw how peaceful Simon looked. He thought slowly for his next words.

"How are you so calm? Bugs have always made me quite squeamish, you don't seem to mind them though."

Simon giggled softly and nodded at the small note.

"That's true, I like bugs. They're nice and I like all of nature, it's comforting to have something I like in an unfamiliar place."

Jack looked down, he couldn't really see a reason to like such creatures. They were squirmy and creepy, he hated them, but Simon seemed to love them. He couldn't understand.

Then there it was again, silence. But this time, it wasn't comfortable, it was almost like a thick smoke that would make you want to cough.

So Simon waved Jack over, and with some caution, he moved closer to Simon. He moved closer to Simon and those.. things. They crawled around everywhere, on the dirt onto the sand, all over Simon's hands. Jack was going to shrink away, but Simon began to giggle. And so in that moment, Jack nervously stuck out his hands. He shook slightly, and Simon softly stroked his arm.

Then they were both giggling, small bugs running up and down their hands.

"Hehe- tickles, doesn't it?"


They stayed like this, now leaning against each other, playing with bugs for who-knows-how-long. In the distance, they heard a horn sound, and recognised this as the conch. Jack huffed, and began to get up, but Simon softly took the bugs off his hand. Then he too stood up, wiping his shorts of any dirt.

He fidgted for a second before getting on his tip-toes, and leaning to Jack's cheek.


"It was really nice to hang out with you again, Merridew!"

Then he was running off to the platform, this time, Jack was the one trailing after Simon. Once they actually got there though, Simon halted, took an uncertain step and fainted into the sand. All heads turned their way while Jack nervously laughed, beginning to drag Simon by his hands to the nearest log.

The End!

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2 years ago

honestly, the 1990 movie is growing on me

obviously, it’s different from the book and the ‘63 movie, but it was still good in its own respect

simon is still the little lizard boy, JAGER MOMENTS?!?!, the cursing actually added to it a lot- I enjoy it a lot more on the second and third watch compared to the first

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2 years ago

okay so lotf angst prompt, pls comment your ideas on who you think this would be

Person A: “I just want you to love me.”

Person B: “Well I don’t, and don’t you feel pathetic for having to ask?”

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2 years ago

How Simon Realised He Needed Different Pet Names

Simon set down his bowl and signed, pushing his bangs from his face. He stared at the mixture and deemed he may need a second opinion, but from who?

One of his boyfriends would be available, surely! So he simply called out :

“Sweetie, could you come help me?”

He turned back to the bowl and dipped a finger into the batter, and tasted it, shrugging gently.

In a matter of seconds, there was crashing with different voices saying something along the lines of, “Yes, SiiAAH-”

With that, he turned quickly in concern. But sooner than he turned, his expression turned into one of love, giggling slightly.

“Are you four-”

Before he could finish, Ralph rushed in as well, saying the same thing. He suffered the same fate.

Ralph fell onto the heap that consisted of Roger, Maurice, Jack, and Sam.

They all looked up to Simon and laughed nervously.

“Are you.. five alright?”

They all nodded and mumbled agreements, standing up on their own accord. Slowly, they crowded around Simon as he began to explain what he had needed.

Simon got to take in the input from all of his boyfriends.

This is how Simon realised he needed different pet names for his boyfriends.

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2 years ago

okay can you drop your top angst headcanons or any analysis for roger? he’s so interesting and his pain is mine

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2 years ago

Maybe The Blonde Troupe Was Right

I feel like I've lost my touch somehow, not that I was that connected before. I feel like I'm outside of everyone, like I'm not truly there. I have to make my presence known and once they do, it's as if they've seen a ghost. Except for Ralph.

I feel my heart lightly flutter when I see him, he actually sees me. But as most things are for me, this didn't last long enough. His attention couldn't stay on me much longer as Jack commanded the choir as usual, but something in Ralph's eyes hurt me. He was looking to Jack as he used to look to me.

Who was going to tell me that watching someone get the look you used to hurt? I wasn't ready nor prepered for the sharp pain in my chest from seeing it, so I swiftly directed my attention to Jack as well.

I felt hurt and hate swirl in my chest, but I knew it was in vain. I didn't hate Jack Merridew as much as I wish I did, I craved hatred so maybe it would ease the pain of the stab. But it didn't.

The pain didn't go away or soften, I just grew used to it. It hurt every moment I was with them together, now that I've noticed the look. I hate so many things now that I couldn't imagine before.

I hate gingers with piercing blue eyes, I hate boomerang shaped islands with pink rocks, I hate brown-ish grey moths, and most of all, I hate blondes who know my favourite species of moth and know that I snort when I laugh.

Maybe the dumb blonde troupe was right.

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2 years ago

Jack Merridew with 11 and 13 for the ask meme?

My favourite relationship with Merridew is his with Maurice! Even though it’s not shown often, with the snippets we see, it’s one of the most playful Jack has! When he gets pig blood on his hands, he giggles and smears it on Maurice’s face! I think they’re cute and they make me happy :]

Second, my least favourite thing about how the fandom portrays him is the extremes they use. They either make him overly emotional and kind, or downright heartless, it makes me question if we read the same book. Jack waited for Ralph’s approval before SITTING next to him, and prided himself on impressing the other boys. He just got caught up in power + the mass hysteria, it’s not like he felt nothing. In the manuscript, Jack is also shown to have felt remorse and guilt when he caused Ralph pain, he really did care.

Jack Merridew is a complex character and I love him.

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2 years ago

How bout 10 & 14 for Roger?

Oh that’s a hard one, I love Roger

I really like when Ralph and Piggy approach Castle Rock and Roger does the whole, “Who goes there?” thing. In my mind, I feel like Roger already knew who they were, and just did that to annoy Ralph. That feels very Roger to me because he’s a spiteful little shit /pos

And I really like how his relationships are portrayed in the book, as well as the movies. The one thing that stays true throughout the book to both movies, is Rogers admiration and respect for Jack. There’s no malice behind it, he just follows Jack and doesn’t question him, he genuinely just stays by his side. The relationship seems so out of character for Roger and I love how adoring it feels, they’re soulmates :( /pos (/p or /r) 

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