Love My Big Pubbys - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

In the grim dark future of the 41st millennium there is nothing but war, darkness, sorrow and—

Really big dogs……

In The Grim Dark Future Of The 41st Millennium There Is Nothing But War, Darkness, Sorrow And

Some extra doodles—

In The Grim Dark Future Of The 41st Millennium There Is Nothing But War, Darkness, Sorrow And
In The Grim Dark Future Of The 41st Millennium There Is Nothing But War, Darkness, Sorrow And

Ik that op and co’s original idea was a like— really big “regular” sized dog— but the idea of a strain of specially bred/modified Primarch sized big dogs seemed very fun. Girlyman got his big lap dog and all(most all) of his brothers were jealous of the stress relief smh smh —

i think we should get guilliman a dog. one of those big dogs with floppy jowls that gallops around like an idiot. its brain comprehends WAG and PETS and nothing else. guilliman could use the stress relief and the dog gets a lap big enough to hold him. everybody wins

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