Loveasrian - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago



JulianxMCxAsra HCs

So we all know Julian and Asra are canon and that it didn’t work out because they wanted different things at the time, and not because it was abusive (as confirmed by the devs). Asra was heartbroken and focused on his pain over losing MC. Julian was crumbling under the weight of responsibility, trying to cure the plague, and desperately wanting to be loved. Not a great place to start a relationship for either.

But once upright ending happens and things start to look bright again, maybe there’s a chance to start over. Asra and Julian grew as people, and now MC is there, changing the dynamic.

It starts slowly. MC and Asra are back from another trip, and Julian is working at the palace with Nadia, Aisha, and Salim. They all meet for dinner and drinks at Nadia’s. Asra and his parents sneak out to the library to geek out over new alchemical designs, and Julian entertains MC with new spells he has learnt. His newly found love for magic is endearing.

Some time later he drops by the shop to borrow a book on magic. He is eager to learn, seeing a great potential in magic as a tool to help people.

It becomes his habit to sit in the kitchenette above magic store and read grimoires in the evenings.

Asra and MC are happy together, and they enjoy Julian’s company. One day Asra catches himself thinking how much Julian has changed and how things *could’ve been* different had they met now.

MC, however, has adored Julian for a long time. They have no problem seeing the best in him, and they often compliment his achievements, his looks, and his ideas. Obviously, it makes Julian’s heart flutter and his cheeks blush, but he’s not gonna admit *anything*!

Julian is embarrassed but he loves the praise. He’s happy being around the other two, happy that Asra and him are good again, and he’s happy spending time with MC. When he falls asleep in his palace room, he often fantasies about either of them. And if he’s feeling particularly rowdy, both of them at the same time.

Julian has everything sorted now: he has friends, an occupation that makes him proud, his sister and Mazelinka are taken care of, but with all that he has no more excuses to avoid the topic of his loneliness. His romantic ass craves night boat rides under the full moon, dancing till dawn, and belonging to somebody.

One night after Julian has left their shop Asra and MC start talking about him. Asra jokes that they should buy a bigger bed and just let him stay next time. MC asks if Asra would like to start seeing Julian again, and Asra blushes. Yes, in fact he probably would. He loves MC, and he is starting to fall for Julian as well. MC smiles triumphantly. They’ve known for some time now. They’ve felt it in both their hearts, a growing spark for the doctor. They would love to give their friendship a romantic twist.

So the next time Julian is there to read, the bed is made for three. MC asks if he would like to stay over, and knowing there is no spare room, Julian laughs that he couldn’t comfortably sleep on the kitchen table. When told he would be sleeping in bed with them, Julian melts. He blushes and is unable to find a good comeback or even words, and just nods, biting his lip, fighting sudden wave of anxiety.

As they go to bed that night, Julian is in the middle, surrounded by love and warmth. The two magicians hug him tightly. There are sweet kisses, wandering hands, and a lot of tenderness. It doesn’t go anywhere naughty that night. That night is all about sharing love for each other. Julian breaks down and cries at some point. He’s felt lonely for a long time, starving for affection, and now he’s having trouble handling it. He eventually falls asleep, holding hands with both of them for dear life.

The next morning MC and Asra make sure to be there when Julian wakes up. They don’t want him to think it was just a dream. There’s a lot of sweet talk, laughter, and flirting going back and forth. Eventually they make breakfast together and Julian leaves for the palace, humming under his breath. All three of them can’t stop smiling throughout the day. 

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2 years ago

Questions? Reach out to @jodieadler or me 🖤 Have fun and spread love!

Questions? Reach Out To @jodieadler Or Me Have Fun And Spread Love!
Questions? Reach Out To @jodieadler Or Me Have Fun And Spread Love!
Questions? Reach Out To @jodieadler Or Me Have Fun And Spread Love!
Questions? Reach Out To @jodieadler Or Me Have Fun And Spread Love!

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2 years ago

"Morning, captain"

Just pictured a younger Asra, waking up with the first rays of sunshine in Nopal. His bed feels warm, warmer than usually, his messy locks fall on his eyes. There's some other breathing behind him.

He turns around, discovering Julian sleeping on his back, shirtless, and his neck covered in love bites. Asra giggles, looking at himself. He's wearing Ilya's white shirt. Do i have hickeys, too? Asks himself, taking a hand to his neck. Probably.

The magician puts himself up to sit on top of him. The older one lets a little grunt come out of his throat as he feels Asra's warm hands caress his bare chest. I think he likes it. Julian's eyes open slowly, as they meet the purple ones. He smiles back, stretching, with a hand on his lover's tigh to tell him not to move. Ilya smiles at the skin of his lover reflecting the morning sun, and closes his eyes again for a moment after hearing:

"Good morning, captain"


Writing this before entering to class, i just love them. I'm also working on your requests.

Stay safe!

p.s: i know my English is basic sorr jfbfjs

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2 years ago
I Dont Usually Post On Tumblr But This Piece Is Different. The Version Up On Instagram Is Set Post-Muriels

I don’t usually post on Tumblr but this piece is different. The version up on Instagram is set post-Muriel’s upright ending, but the initial idea for the piece was meant to be during Asra and Julian’s relationship during the plague. I’ve recently read “The Rules” by the very VERY talented @motherofqups and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I need these two to be happy and embrace the complicated messed up feelings that brought them together at the most unlikely time, under the worst possible circumstances. So I will just keep making art of them finding comfort in each other, because they deserve it.

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