Julian Devorak - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Something Behind The Scenes.

Something behind the scenes.

Me and my co-author:

*see this magnificent tea set*.

Apostle Jay:

- This is the tea set that Valdemar and Nadia drink tea from on Fridays*.

/*HC based on the comic "Valdemar Schedule" from the Nix Hydra era and, in fact, the scene in PSL where Valdemar drinks tea/


- And Nadia periodically asks to borrow the tea set for, say, unpleasant conversations with unpleasant ambassadors.

Apostle Jay:

- And now I imagined Julian like this:

Something Behind The Scenes.


– "Quaestor, tell me, is there really cyanide in my cup?" asks Doctor №069 with a sly glance over the cup.

"Don't flatter yourself, young man. You've just pulled on the marzipan too hard," answers Valdemar with a calm expression and sets the cup on the saucer with a thin, light clink.

Julian's reaction:

Something Behind The Scenes.

Apostle Jay:



- Oh, really, how did I guess that? :}

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8 months ago

Maybe… some WIP? :D

somebody take the Aubrey Beardsley artbook away from me

I feel like I've been using the tablet for so long that I've forgotten how to draw in a sketchbook. But drawing patterns is new to me. I am pleased with the results of my experiment.

Maybe Some WIP? :D
Maybe Some WIP? :D

Something wicked this way comes~


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7 months ago

I got into WIPs, but there are finished drawings, so in this case my conscience is clear. :D

So, how it started:

I Got Into WIPs, But There Are Finished Drawings, So In This Case My Conscience Is Clear. :D
I Got Into WIPs, But There Are Finished Drawings, So In This Case My Conscience Is Clear. :D

How it's going:

I Got Into WIPs, But There Are Finished Drawings, So In This Case My Conscience Is Clear. :D
I Got Into WIPs, But There Are Finished Drawings, So In This Case My Conscience Is Clear. :D

(The "Sketch>Finished Art" team, I'm with you guys. Seriously, I really think that coloring is not my strong suit. However, I myself love the dark palette more than the bright one, but I just appreciate the contrasts that WasteOfPlace usually adds.

Like here.

Or here.

However, this is no reason to stop drawing on my own. I don't like to bother my team with my own petty whims. :D /L. S./)

And I hope Anon with the "Valdemar x Julian playlist" request is still here. Someday I will drop the whole playlist, I promise.🫀

(I am synaesthete and I love the dark-blue palette of early Apocalyptica so much. "Not strong enough" is not "the early Apocalyptica™ era", but indeed the Julian POV.)

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7 months ago

I came and brought some headcanons.

Since I don't like making headcanons about MCs, and the whole concept is not for me, I'm doing... a side character based on my favorite musicians instead. Who, in my opinion, fit into the Arcana world.

And I'm sure: "Blackmore's Night" is one of them (my beg pardon, I'm an old fan). Since I feel the same aesthetic and the same atmosphere, let's go.

1. This is where I feel the STRONGEST "Girl Power" vibes. What about, say, the "Nadia/MC" route? Portia can be here too (I mean, girl party in a storm on a cliff overlooking the ocean? YEAAH!).

2. I don't know why, but here I feel "Asra/MC" (suddenly!) vibes more than anything else. So, why not?

2.1. "Asra/MC" (or just Azra themselve), so-why-not-2:

So: "The Rowdy Raven". It's easy to imagine R. Blackmore and K. Night as musicians playing in the tavern. Maybe their patron arcana in the Arcana world are also "The Lovers", like Aisha and Salim. I don't think the patron arcana can choose the only person (or couple like "the Lovers" do). I guess "being chosen by the Arcana personification" is not an exclusive offer. It's rare? Well, yes. But I think it's much rarer to be exclusive. It depends, I guess.

Anyway, this is my own headcanon about side characters, which is just giving me a special ambiance as I see it. I like such non-binding vignettes, say:

1. Dancing in the "Rowdy Raven" to this song. Maybe this is a bit of an anachronism ("Lorelei" is a poem by Heinrich Heine, 1824 or even Clemens Brentano's poem "Lore Lay" on 1801) for the "Renaissance" setting of the game, but as long as there is tango (as the most obvious anachronism) in the game itself, this is allowed too.

(Imagine all those old sailors dancing under Mazelinka's leadership. She's sure to have many stories to tell about beautiful sea maidens: she was married to one of them. But with a happy ending. 🖤)

2. Oh, well, it's pretty simple. I think it was one of Julian's favorite songs. Especially for the "sentimental mood" ('cause he is a sweet sentimental boy, you know).

3. This is so obvious that I won't say any more.

I've been listening to them for over 15 years. It's kind of a "band of my youth" and maybe someone will discover "Blackmore's Night" for themselves, idk. Just say something if you want. I always appreciate little vignettes about the whole world (not the "MC with /put your LI here/…" type), but such content is rarely seen here.

Finally, my favorite:

/Lunatic Sun/

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7 months ago
Sorry, But. ApostleJay On The Line.

Sorry, but. ApostleJay on the line.

As a masochist, I would say that this thing works quite the opposite.

Yes, masochist can assotiate pleasure with pain - and it could be a coping mechanism. But it forms right into your brain and couldn't be turned back. Actually, it could be the other way - masochist may open up in healthy relationship and finally be themselves) There are different forms of masochism: some people enjoy degradation, some of them don't, some prefer the sensation of pain, others like to obey - it's not always about sex.

So I would insist that Julian is definitely a masochist and submissive as fuck :))

(UPD: Also short addition, because I, Lunatic Sun, have my own description in the quote.

BDSM is like a snake. Can you dislike snakes? Yes, you can. But don't say things like "all snakes are venomous" and kill poor reptiles. Not all snakes are venomous, and most likely the snake on your path wants to go away, not attack you. But if you killed every snake you saw and spread your opinion, you'd be harming the environment.

You can have your own opinion, but not your own fact. It's not enough: "a few articles from the first page of Google" for having your own opinion. But "BDSM is not my cup of tea and I exclude this line from my description of the relationship between my MC and Julian" would be more than enough. I may not like Asrian, but I don't scream "this is not canon because I don't like it and I think their relationships are kinda abusive". Asrian is a fact of the Arcana canon. "Julian is a masochist" is another such fact. That's all.)

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7 months ago
/Lunatic Sun On The Line, As You Might Guess/

/Lunatic Sun on the line, as you might guess/

Okay. Not the first time I have seen such an opinion in the fandom, but the first time it looks like a full consideration. Well.

As someone who knows a little more than a few articles on the first page of Google, perhaps I'll take the liberty of... clarifying the issue. I probably won't be kind enough because I'm so annoyed by these hot takes.

To be clear, this isn't much about the canon or Julian himself. My speech is about the whole image of BDSM on this "Opinion.jpg".

I can understand that you don't know much about BDSM and this is not your cup of tea. I understand that it is not for everyone.

But please. Please, tell me, someone, any of those people with such hot take.

Why do you think that if you are into BDSM you have no alternative? If you are a masochist, you can only be horny because of pain? Thank you for not EVERY pain, I have heard such… opinion.

Okay, can you explain to me, sadistic/dominant person, who am I? Maybe I want to torture everyone I have a relationship with? I have no alternatives? Perhaps I have more macabre intentions? Come on! "The "Sadist" sounds terrible! Maybe he/she/them will kill someone one day, they definitely can't live without torturing someone!" Welcome to the "As Vanilla Says..." TV Show!

The description of masochism as a disease (DSM-V, I mean) includes distress, "psychosocial difficulties" because of their masochistic sexual attractions.

And there's no "healthy relationships" in the clinical recommendations for rehab, iykwim. (✨Oh, love, the most beautiful miracle, heals all!✨ Sorry not sorry. Bruh.)

As I said above about sadistic affections, "sexual sadism disorder" as a disorder has this description:

"The individual has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning."

I sincerely hope you got that.

As a sadist and dominant, I don't want to kill your grandma, humiliate my partners 24/7 without their consent/for my own pleasure or whatever. Masochists can be horny without pain (If a masochist can only be aroused by pain, it's a disorder). Also, masochists can dislike some kinds of pain (even the "safe" kind, not the taboo or something extremely hard), and if I, as their sadist, ignore their ban/request, this behaviour will automatically make me an abuser and rapist. This is not my goal as a sadist.

BDSM is not a judgement.

There are many practices and the same person, whoever they are, can have many behaviours. Even in the area of "kinks and sexual attractions". And the devs surprisingly correctly described Julian Devorak as a masochist, okay? Not in the "disease way", but in the "kink way".

In conclusion, if you claim the golden standard of healthy relationships beyond "dialogue", "support" and "freedom to be yourself in a mutually respectful way", you seem to have no idea about healthy relationships (I mean, indeed, if you exclude BDSM as something harmful or sick from your "Golden Standard ™"). And yes, BDSM relationships must have the "mutual respect". Because the other way is pure violence. Or silly fantasies about such violence like the-film-that-shall-not-be-named.

Sorry, But. ApostleJay On The Line.

Sorry, but. ApostleJay on the line.

As a masochist, I would say that this thing works quite the opposite.

Yes, masochist can assotiate pleasure with pain - and it could be a coping mechanism. But it forms right into your brain and couldn't be turned back. Actually, it could be the other way - masochist may open up in healthy relationship and finally be themselves) There are different forms of masochism: some people enjoy degradation, some of them don't, some prefer the sensation of pain, others like to obey - it's not always about sex.

So I would insist that Julian is definitely a masochist and submissive as fuck :))

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7 months ago
"The Mandrakes Give A Smell, And At Our Gates Are All Manner Of Pleasant Fruits, New And Old, Which I

"The mandrakes give a smell, and at our gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid up for thee, O my beloved." ©

Song of Songs 7:13

You definitely don't want to know the symbolism of this mandrake.

/© Lunatic Sun/

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7 months ago

"I think I figured it out," grumbled Doctor №069 as he scrubbed another dissection table.

"This superstition that if you scatter poppy seeds in front of the undead, they will start counting them. Because of you, Quaestor!"

"You are extremely clever for your vapid head, Doctor №069," Valdemar grinned, carefully placed their polished scalpels.

"I Think I Figured It Out," Grumbled Doctor 069 As He Scrubbed Another Dissection Table.

(Based on a true story. Thanks to ApostleJay for such fun)

Here is some information to consider... ⏬

Note: this belief is more common in Eastern Europe, and no, I absolutely don't like headcanons about "Russian Ilya". Also, I remember the Devs' speech: Jeff Goldblum is a reference for Julian. Who is Jeff Goldblum? A Jew. But his family was from Eastern Europe and there were so many Jewish towns. Nevivon looks like one of those towns. For example, the kitchen in Nevivon (*"the Warm Welcome") is divided into two areas: meat and dairy. What is this? The basic principle of kashrut. "But Julian was born near Nevivon"? Yes. But Tasya said (to the Lishka; again, definitely not "a common Russian name", "Lishka" sounds much more like something Czech) about the treasure that is only passed on through the female line. An elegant homage to a specifically Jewish cultural thing, iykwim.

Also, the whole image of Julian is a stereotypical Jewish image in European culture: he's redheaded, a doctor, a violinist*, etc. Sorry not sorry.

(*Technically he is a vielle player, but the vielle is a precursor of the violin. And: no, there have never been any vielle players in Russia, except the modern times, represented by rare baroque ensembles.)

Definitely not Russian, diminutives like "Ilyushka" are not specific to Russian language, Portia is not a common Russian name (neither are Pasha and Ilona, her mother). And... have you ever heard of, say, Antonín Dvořák, the famous Czech composer of the 19th century?

BTW, ApostleJay and I have a theory about Portia Devorak. Nothing special, we're just guessing about the reference: Portia, the female protagonist in "The Merchant of Venice". Why not, since the game itself has enough references to classical literature.

At last: I once saw a Julian-kinny boy here. And he said he wanted to learn Russian to be more like a Julian. Poor boy, if you ever see my speech, here is my unsolicited advice.

Please don't learn Russian to be more like Julian. Learn Yiddish. It will be much more in character.

(Czechia? Maybe Bohemia? I need Julian singing "Bohemian rhapsody", IMMEDIATELY!)

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4 months ago

I can't post anything because I didn't draw in September and had an operation on my jaw. I'm fine, if someone want to know, but I don't know when I'll draw again, October is a month full of worries.

At the beginning of this year I had planned to draw 1 or 2 artworks per a month, but life has made its own adjustments. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

/© Lunatic Sun/

In the meantime, take a look at this picture. Absolutely Julian coded!

I Can't Post Anything Because I Didn't Draw In September And Had An Operation On My Jaw. I'm Fine, If

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4 months ago

– "I stole Valdemar's heart!"

– "What do you mean?!" – his cupmates in Rowdy Raven yelled in shock. Ilya takes a flask containing the anatomical specimen from his medical bag. He carefully places it on the table, unable to suppress a victorious grin.

A few seconds later, all the witnesses to his triumphant pose turn pale as a black latex hand falls on Ilya's shoulder and squeezes. Everyone has heard a well-known low cadence with a reptilian hiss in the overtones; soft, but for some reason more deafening than all the sounds of the tavern:

– "And then you will lose your head, Doctor №069".🫀

/© Lunatic Sun./

 "I Stole Valdemar's Heart!"
 "I Stole Valdemar's Heart!"
 "I Stole Valdemar's Heart!"

(P. S. Sorry not sorry. And yep, "Death as she/her" not as misgendering, but in a… kinda metaphysical way, ofc. :D here's the proof, and I can't unsee in first screenshots kinda brat and jealous inflections in his speech from the very first time. And you were warned about my "juldemar apologetic in a doctrinal way". Any objections here will be rejected, if this is not your cup of tea – deal with it, 'cause this is my cup of tea. However, I do not want to impose my thoughts and opinions on anyone.)

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2 years ago

I did warn you that you are more important that even the sun for him. That is Asra for you.

And Julian..... well, large story. You might learn more on Asra's route about it.

But the boys got their charm. (Julian and Muriel are still my fav)

I Did Warn You That You Are More Important That Even The Sun For Him. That Is Asra For You.
I Did Warn You That You Are More Important That Even The Sun For Him. That Is Asra For You.
Ok You Know What, Thats Sweet XD

Ok you know what, that’s sweet XD

Platonic or romantic, that’s sweet af

But then you have Julian…

Ok You Know What, Thats Sweet XD

Can i just call you ‘crushing on Asra and denying it for me’? That seems a suitable name XD

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6 months ago
I Miss You Doctor Man

I miss you doctor man 🫰🏼💕

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5 months ago

Full of depression 😭😭😭💀 help me brah

Some Whiteboard Julians :3
Some Whiteboard Julians :3

some whiteboard Julians :3

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10 months ago
Once Again I Am Normal About A Man Who Is Just Sooo Pathetic /pos

once again i am normal about a man who is just sooo pathetic /pos

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5 years ago
Julian And His Dog Brundle. I Love This Boy So Much!!!!

Julian and his dog Brundle. I love this boy so much!!!! 

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