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1 year ago
In Finnish Valentine's Day Is Called Ystvnpiv, But If You Break It Into Two Words, You Get Friend's Day.

In Finnish Valentine's Day is called Ystävänpäivä, but if you break it into two words, you get Friend's Day.

Also it isn't strictly a romantic day. It's completely normal to wish your friends and family Hyvää Ystävänpäivää and give them gifts.

So, Happy Friend's Day to all my fellow arospec pals out there!

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9 months ago
Hi I Am Sleep Deprived

hi I am sleep deprived

anyway here is leggy boy + ravio

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3 years ago

@tynittta asked for Ravio, so here's the rupee boi!

@tynittta Asked For Ravio, So Here's The Rupee Boi!
@tynittta Asked For Ravio, So Here's The Rupee Boi!

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1 year ago

Meeting again

Legend: So, this is where I live. Also beware I’m not the only person living he—

Ravio: Mr. Hero! You’re back!

Ravio hugs Legend tightly as the chain looked at confused, some smirking at Legend.

Ravio: Where have you been?! You’re letters were greatly confusing..

Ravio’s eyes drift over the crowd and land on a specific two people, Wind and Warriors. He eyed Time for a second but was unsure if his accusation was right.

Warriors, groaning: Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.

Ravio: Mr. Captain Hero Sir and Tune!

Wind: Holy shit it is him, wait that means.

Wind looks over at Legend and starts laughing his ass off, having to wipe his eyes because of how hard he’s laughing.

Legend: What the fuck is happening?

Wind, struggling to speak: We’ve met Ravio before, and, and, he kept telling us about his ‘oh so amazing hero husband’ I never thought it’d be you!

Warriors was trying his best to keep his composure but failed miserably, along with Time. Everyone was so confused looking at the three laughing their asses off.

And what a story it was to explain to them all.

Legend wasn’t happy about this at all.

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10 months ago

If we’re talking Waitress, When He Sees Me is so Legend, fear of opening up and not being accepted for it/losing that acceptance and love is the start of 90% of the character arcs I’ve seen for him. Poor traumatized darling :(

Please listen to "Never Ever Getting Rid of Me" if you haven't yet. I just listened to it again and it's just screaming Ravioli to me. Especially the beginning.

OMG you are so correct

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9 months ago

Goddesses I love theses dramatic fuckers with my whole heart and soul

I have a bunch of random writing rotting in my notes app, so even though I prefer lurking and reblogging I'm just gonna drop this ravioli outline thing here. It's written quick and dirty but that's just how it iz

Legend wants another divorce

When you're married for tax and immigration fraud purposes, till death do us part doesn't have that much of a kick to it.

The links witness the most lovingly dysfunctional marriage in all hyliankind.

The links turn up at Legends place for the first time. He takes them home, ravio is at the door, angry. Cries at link for leaving him alone for two months, says without his ugly mug threatening the customers he couldn't squeeze as a much money out of them, asks for another divorce, then runs off into their bedroom.

The other links are flabbergasted. Wars is dying inside cause no way is the collector (asshole) is married and divorced. Leg rolls his eyes, ignores questions and tells them to just sleep anywhere and don't touch anything.

At dinner, leg makes ravio a sandwich, gets down on one knee and asks ravio to marry him again. Ravio swoons with a yes, but before he can take a bite, he reams ravio about mixing his merchandise up with his adventure stuff, takes a massive bite out of the sandwich, says he wants to be divorced again.

Ravio won't let link sleep on the bed, it's improper, but leg is freaking tired and he can't have the couch because there are guests over, so leg just tiredly asks if they can be married again, ravio requests dowery of one week of bed cuddles, three days, four days and I'm big spoon. Deal.

At breakfast ravio has a single bite of waffles from wild, requests another divorce, says he wants to marry wild instead. Legend gets up on the table, sword out, and asks wild what he's playing at. Wild is so utterly confused and time diffuses the situation. Legend tells ravio he'll come crawling back and ravio sicks his tongue out at him

Legend does in fact win him back when Ravio needs him to do something in the shop, and leg wants to get paid a wage (and rent), Ravio would rather them be married so he's just contributing to the house.

They go to the castle eventually, mius leg he couldn't be bothered, where Fable tells em yeah they're legally married. Leg didn't tell her outright but she suspects it's because married couples with kids have lower taxes. The other links are shook and confused, so is fable, saying he adopted his three younger siblings. These are just link split up into the triforce heros but the chain doesn't know this.

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7 months ago

I’m sorry but why does Lu!Ravioli give off the strongest Solangelo vibes I’ve ever seen?

Their godly parents might not match up but their personalities sure as hell do. Legend and Nico are both very sweet and protective of those they love but hide it under a veil of sarcasm and abrasiveness to protect themselves from getting hurt again. They both have way too much quest experience and have done more shit than half the people around them combined. Both have lost many people close to them and feel immense guilt about it. I wanna give both of them hugs and forehead kisses and make sure they never worry about a single thing for the rest of their lives.

Ravio and Will line up a little less perfectly but are still shockingly similar. Or at least they are according to my headcanons. Both annoy their partners to death and back but also care very deeply and try not to trigger them. They both are trying to make sure their respective self-sacrificial idiot doesn’t get killed throwing himself into the line of fire. I’ve even seen multiple fics and headcanons about Ravio working in the medics tent during the War of Eras because he’s too cowardly to march into battle. They are also both the more personable partner.

And finally, both relationships fit the sunshine x emo stereotype.

Look, I’m just saying-

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7 months ago

I wanna squish his precious little cheeks! He deserves hugs and kisses and rupees whenever he wants them!!!



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6 months ago

Ravio listens to “Material Girl” by Madonna while he cleans the house and will dust on beat as he mouths along to the lyrics and you can pry this headcanon out of mY COLD DEAD HANDS-

Also Legend teases him about it but finds it incredibly endearing <3

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