Luca Oc - Tumblr Posts
I'm being gaslit by a single man in his 40s. This is a new low -_-
Maybe I would come to family game nights if you didn't try and drug the popcorn every. Single. TIME.
Silly, I think you're imagining things :) I swear you've been so paranoid about me, that now you're just making baseless accusations! I'm sure you were just tuckered out. ^^
Feeling inspired, so have some Christmas-adjacent whump! Malik belongs to @lumpsbumpsandwhumps!
A virtual cookie to anyone who gets who this drabble's villain is a reference to! EDIT: It's McCracken from The Mysterious Benedict Society! I suppose this counts as my entrance into the fandom.
Warnings for gun violence, regular violence, murder, and whump. Message me to add tags or warnings!
11:17 AM, December 24th
Carjacking was not how Luca would prefer to spend her Christmas.
This was why she was doing it as quickly as possible, rifling through the mess of a trunk for the documents she was looking for, and who the hell kept loose-leaf paper in their car boot?!
Evidently, someone who was trying their very best to keep their secret files secret- it had been hard enough finding the car, let alone tailing its owner and waiting for the right time to search. She shoved aside another pile of bills and leaflets, spotting a flash of color drowning in the sea of paper. Bingo.
She grabs it, inwardly cheering. Hopefully she has enough time to deliver it to the client and she can make it back to the agency in time for Christmas day. She just hopes Jake saved her some gingerbread-
Her train of thought is rudely interrupted by a cold sensation on the back of her neck. She looks to the ground, spotting a reflection in a puddle. A man- the car's owner, probably. Pointing a gun at her back. She raises her hands automatically, turning her head just enough to show him she's aware of his presence.
"Turn around," he orders. His finger is off the trigger, but that doesn't reassure her as she turns and sizes him up. Average build, average looks. An office worker, she thinks. Glasses and all. Looks like he hasn't seen the sun in weeks. And yet his aim didn't waver, even a bit. Strange.
His eyes didn't seem to move, and yet the corner of his mouth still rose in recognition. "I know you. You're that private eye- from the papers. Montoya, was it? Yeah..."
She doesn't dare move with the gun trained on her- she's fast, but she's not the Flash. She'll just have to watch and wait for an opportunity.
Oh. He's still talking.
"...saw you following me," he says. Shit, really? She must be losing her touch. "Didn't think you'd have the guts to follow me down here, though."
"Gotta take chances in my line of work," she retorts blithely. A stupid one, apparently...
"A pretty stupid one."
Yeah, didn't need to hear it from you.
He takes a step closer, still aiming at her head. "Now, how about you give me those papers and we can both forget this ever happened."
"Why don't you come over here and take them from me?"
A dumb question? Absolutely. But she was much more likely to survive a fistfight than a bullet through the skull. If she could get him close enough...
The man raises an eyebrow, before lowering the gun and shrugging nonchalantly. "Well- alright."
She drops her hands when he advances, covering the distance between them in three steps, and makes a rapid grab for the gun. He pivots on his feet- fast, too fast for her to react- and pistolwhips her with an audible crack. Luca staggers and falls against the back windshield, clutching her rapidly swelling cheek. A hand slams down too close to her ear, and she sees spiderweb-like cracks spread from the point of impact. Above her is a pleasant man in a now-disheveled suit, who fixes his tie before smiling disarmingly at her, marred only by a single gold tooth.
"Is this rather close enough, ducky?"
His hand not currently in a toxic relationship with the windshield reaches and takes the papers from her. They're wrinkled and torn from Luca's desperate gambit, but he just makes an annoyed noise and tucks them into his inside coat pocket. "That's better."
His previous tough behavior is long gone- now he looms above her, gesturing with the gun for effect as he spoke. "Now, how about you answer my other question and tell me what a spunky little thing like you is doing with my very important papers? They're crucial for my work, you see. Not for the eyes of children."
She ignores the barb (barely) and narrows her eyes. "Then why were they hidden in a giant pile in the trunk of your car?"
Another shrug. "You have me there. So maybe they're not my papers... but they're still quite important. Which begs the question, why are you so desperate for them?"
"You first," she says.
"You're awfully demanding," the man notes. "If you must know, old McCracken was paid quite a large sum to get these papers. But they'd be worthless to anyone else, I was assured. So...?"
Alarmingly, he taps under her chin with the barrel of the gun, and Luca is suddenly hyperaware of his finger on the trigger. "Your turn."
She swallows. "Like you said. I'm a PI. It's my job."
The barrel presses into the soft flesh under her chin. The man- McCracken- leans closer, studying her expression. "You wouldn't be telling a fib to old McCracken, would you? My trigger finger gets twitchy when I'm lied to."
She grits her teeth and says nothing. McCracken's gold tooth winks at her. "Cat got your tongue?"
She purses her lips in silence. McCracken leans back, blowing a raspberry in her direction. "The silent treatment? Really? You're just that determined to make things difficult for me?" He rolls his shoulders, Luca just now noticing the muscles underneath his prim outfit. "Well, me duck, that's quite a shame. Disposing of you here would make a rather big mess... we'll continue this discussion elsewhere."
He finally removes his hand from the window and pulls a handkerchief out of his welt pocket. Luca smells disinfectant- no, that's not right-
McCracken grunts, and suddenly the air feels much clearer- Luca shakes her head and looks down to see the man lying in a pool of blood, prompted by the hunting knife sticking out of his back. Her vision still swimming, Luca blearily looks back up, words of thanks on her lips.
They immediately shriveled up and died, because Malik was standing in front of her.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me..." she mumbles. Malik looks up, seemingly only now just noticing she was here. "Huh? The hell are you doing here?"
"Getting threatened, what are YOU doing here?!" Luca unsteadily pushes herself up, staggering towards Malik and jabbing a finger at his chest. "Why'd you save me?!"
"I didn't do no such thing," Malik says, seemingly offended at the suggestion. "This son of a bitch cut me off during a procession. I'm just returning the favor."
"So you were going to kill him anyway."
"I'll be honest darlin', I didn't even know you were here." Malik leans down and yanks his knife out of McCracken's ribs. "Then again, someone else roughing you up lowers your value and I still gotta turn a profit with you."
"Like hell you will," she spits, keeping one eye on him as she kneels to take the papers off of the body. Malik is busy examining his knife- he doesn't even spare her a glance as she straightens up, grimacing at the blood soaking half of the writing. She unfolds it slowly, doing her best not to tear it, and reads the loopy cursive with bated breath.
9 left
Nine left.
Luca looks up, fear suddenly flooding every cell of her being. "Malik-?"
But the man was already gone, leaving Luca alone with the body- and questions that she wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer to.
YOU DID SUCCEED <3 TYSMMM!! Migraines AND arm pain AND nightmares is it Christmas?? Luca's self-sabotaging tendencies biting her in the ass (do not sleep with a prosthetic limb on) REAL. cannot wait to do this again!!
Whump trade with the wonderful @detective-luca-montoya!
This was super fun! Thanks for doing this with me!
Prompt: Chronic Pain
Takes place during current era(?)(she knows Koya and is a currently a detective)
TW: chronic pain, pain from old injury(lost arm), migraines, nightmares, mental health issues, generally a horrible night all around. I think I took this as a challenge to see how bad I could make Luca’s night and I think I did succeeded.
Luca’s night couldn’t get worse. If it did, she was probably going to commit some acts of violence she’d regret.
To start, her head was pounding. The fluorescent street lights lights made her eyes scream and the sounds of the city were like someone stabbing her ears. If this case wasn’t so important, the detective would have stayed home- but unfortunately, here she was, investigating a crime scene in the middle of the night, feeling like shit.
Not only that, but Luca’s arm hurt like hell too. She’d known she wasn’t supposed to leave her prosthetic on overnight, but last night the warrior had more desperate needs, and now next-day Luca was dealing with the consequences. The stump throbbed, and her shoulder wouldn’t stop cramping. It didn’t help that the mechanisms inside kept getting stuck and locking up, pinching her and just making her life increasingly more annoying.
In general, everything just hurt. When Luca closed her eyes for relief from the light, her attention went to the pain on her shoulder. When she tried to rest her arm by sitting, all she could think about was her head. When the detective went to sneak past the caution tape, she stubbed her toe on the sidewalk, sending her cursing and careening straight into the nearest officer, knocking them both down and getting her in plenty of trouble.
At least getting caught meant an annoyed looking Koya descending upon her like a vengeful spirit and angrily demanding for Luca to go home. For once, she actually agreed without a fight. The cop didn’t let her go without a scolding of course, one much too loud in her migraine-sensitive ears, but at least she was going home. All the warrior really wanted to do was collapse into bed and bury her head under a pillow.
The crime scene was only a short distance walk from her home, but even that felt like it took hours. At some point it started raining, which really just topped off how horrible the detective felt: soggy, pained, and exhausted.
When she finally got home, her mechanical hand even locked around the doorknob, and Luca nearly cried in frustration as she wrenched it off, nearly breaking the handle in the process. When she finally got through, the detective practically fell through the door into the dark apartment, exhaustion hitting her like a truck. She dragged her feet as she stumbled to her room, dizzy with pain.
Luca eventually managed to make it to her room, not even bothering to remove her clothes as she collapsed face first onto her bed. The detective was barely even able to pull off her prosthetic arm, only motivated by the knowledge of how much more she’d ache in the moment if she left it on for another night in a row. The warrior massaged her shoulder for a moment, failing to ignore the tightness in her chest when her fingers brushed against scar tissue. Then her hand cramped up and she had to stop, burrowing her throbbing head into her blankets in annoyance and pain.
When the cramp finally subsided, Luca reached blindly for the bottle of ibuprofen she kept near her bed, accidentally knocking it over and onto the floor, where it rolled under the bed. The unfairness mixed with the pain brought angry tears to her eyes. Then the warrior felt really stupid for crying over something so small, and that just made her feel even worse.
After nearly falling off the bed and vehemently brushing frustrated tears from her eyes, the detective finally managed to retrieve the bottle, only to find it was mostly empty and only had half her needed dose. Luca just shoved the pill into her mouth and tried not to cry again as she collapsed back into her blankets, curling up into a ball of pain and frustration.
The warrior’s only relief should have been finally falling asleep, but instead her night was riddled with nightmares, clowns and blood and screams melding in her sleep into a slog of fear and pain. Eventually Luca could do nothing but stare at the ceiling and wait for morning, finally falling back asleep as her exhaustion hit its limit and her brain was too tired to even dream.

Eyo Luca oc? 😳👊😤
His name Enzo, a traveler that comes & go as he please both on land and the sea, he collects interesting junk along his travels, some of them he uses to catch his meal or use as a backscratcher lol
Along his travels, he got to learn more of the human slangs & phrases they say so he’s pretty much sorta an expert with humans tho there’s been times he almost slip up but thankfully no one gave a second thought about it. He usually keep his distance towards peeps/other sea monsters so he doesn’t have to worry about anyone ratting him out or something else so he can be left undetected :0