1 year ago
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[Transcript under the cut]

WG: breathe, this is normal you big baby Lucas: right. right. normal. FAMILY. WG: i used the front door? Lucas: okay… WG: we all hide the keys on the same spot, blame mom. WG: you know, never check under the rug first that's the toy one, always dig a hole next to the weird rock, that's were the real key is? Lucas: yes, i know WG: see? all legal Lucas:-doni't worry, I love seeing you! i just- thought you were at Gunther's…? WG: that's old done story man, i'm on my way yo San My now. WG: thought of seeing our little booger boy while on the road today- by the way what happened to you? you're like, massive Lucas: oh i. WG: it's whatever congratulations. oh right. your phone Lucas: thanks! it's warm WG: it was under my butt Lucas: … WG: …you're expecting someone's something? Lucas: what? no WG: are you sure? look at me in the eyes Lucas Munch Lucas: knock it off.. it's… nothing. WG: fine, sure! Lucas: …stop looking at me. WG. wanna get me off your back? feed me

WG: so what do you do for fun round here? Lucas: hmm… i'd say i have the most fun with Clarita wg: who's that? new friend? Lucas: ah! she's the cow, dummy WG: really, Lucas? Lucas: what? WG: really, Lucas? Lucas: hey this is fun to me! i'm fine this way! WG: are you… saying this is all you do? Lucas: no? i also go to the market every day. mostly to grab new flowers and sell stuff. WG: well good luck with that WG: anyways, do you have any spare bucks laying around? Lucas: i knew it! WG: then why didnt you just put your money down earlier, huh? Lucas: Lucas: my coat, left pocket WG: you're the best. WG: and i swear i'll give it back by your birthday Lucas: uh huh WG: the hell. don't play smart with me WG ruffles Lucas' hair aggressively Lucas: owowowow OKAY!!!- WG: well, see you later Lukey WG: -also, say hi to Max for me Lucas: yeah sure, no biggie

Chat Max: and i thought i was messed up yknow Lucas: ahahh dont be mean to her!! or about her! Max: anyways. i need to rest ttyl Lucas: sleep well!!!!!!!!!!

sent two weeks ago

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CLAWS OUT OF THE CEILINNG WOOOOOOOOHOOOO I cant fucking handle it max do something max DO SLMETHING! for all that is good in the world maxington send Lucas a dumb meme or some shit anything where is he where are we keeps looking at my imaginary clock waiting for max and Lucas reunion and some connection deep conversation love heart bs Lucas and max PLEASEEEE SLIDES DOWN THE WALL DRAMATICALLH IN A RANDOM ALLEYWAY AND ITS RAINING AND THE LIGHTINGS REAL CINEMATIC AND ITS PROBABLY RAINING. SUDDENLY IM MAX AND THEY HAVE A HEART TO HEART AND LUCAS FINDS GIM IN FHE ALLWAY AND SHARES HIS UMBRELLA AND IS LIKE I WAS LOOOOKING FOR UUU HERE YPU ARE USUAL ROMANCE DRAMA SHIT LETS GO I want them to be content and happy bad where’s the they reunite at a bookstore or like a coffee shop and Lucas is wearing glasses and a tie but both aren’t real and have no purpos help going to sleep last thought I hope max and Lucas are happy and this works out and they’re so precious it’s unfair goodnight munches 🛏️🤔💭Hm I hope max and Lucas have a wonderful future and that they can do whatever suits them best and it will all fall into place 😴💤🛌 wakes up 😯☀️⛅️ another max and Lucas day! so wonderful its a cycle I wake up look out the window and tell the sun or the clouded sky good morning Lucas hope we have both got good days in store and then at night I talk to the moon or stars before I get in bed and say goodnight hope ur days been good max moon maxinmoon! we all deserv the best and love Gn ! 😴😴😴💤