Lucette's Wedding Is Gonna Be So Dramatic And Extra - Tumblr Posts
God Kin Weddings
All week on Discord, I’ve just been talking about Lucette and her God Kin wedding and trying to figure out what that actually entails. I actually had to make notes for this. Gonna put this under a read more because it gets long.
So to start off, my idea of Anor Londo fashion is that the God Kin wear these large halo crown headdresses.
Like this:

Women and children always wear them during events (balls, weddings, feasts, celebrations, festivals, etc.). Men can wear them too but most usually decide not to unless it’s an extremely important event. Children wear smaller, more simple versions of it.
For a wedding, the bride will wear an extremely large and extravagant versions, with gems and filigree designs all over it. Always custom made to the bride’s choices of design. These versions are always the largest and are pretty heavy. Unlike with the other versions where they would wear any hairstyle and be fine, for these, the bride’s hair must absolutely be in a braided bun, both in front and behind the crown to support the weight and prevent it from falling off when the bride moves her head.
Whether the veil is attached to it or to a secondary crown is up to the bride.
I like the idea of the wedding starting early early morning before the sun comes up. The bridesmaids would walk in carrying small handheld brazier bowls lit with a candle, metaphorically lighting the bride’s way to the altar.
Then right when the sun starts to rise, the bride comes in. The sun will be risen enough to make all the gold on the bride sparkle and glow and dazzle but still slightly dark enough that the glow of the glowing flowers can still be seen and light up the bride.
She would be walked in by her father, Artorias, who will also physically join the couple’s hands together before stepping away. Yes, he cries the entire time.
Princess Gwynevere would officiate the marriage.
Another cool idea that I like (not from me) is instead of holding flowers, the brides hold their family’s crest on a silk cape thing. When they reach altar, they give it to their husband as a show of him accepting and being welcomed into the family.
Also, note: Here, I don’t do the “wife goes into the husband’s family” thing. Instead, I base it off of rank. The lower ranked person goes into the family of the higher ranked. If it is the husband, he will give the cape of his family’s crest to her. If wife, reversed. Kinda like Game of Thrones.
So in this instance, Koray (Lucette’s husband in this verse) will be given the silk cape from Lucette. Once the ceremony is over, he will wrap himself in it and will walk out wearing it. He has to keep it on for the rest of the day, even at the reception and feast.
That’s all I got for now but when I think of more, I’ll update this.