Lucius Malfoy X You - Tumblr Posts

Fixed ~ L.M
Blurb: it’s a year after the battle of Hogwarts. You’re one of Draco’s closest friends, and you are over at the manor to spend time with Draco. You walk passed the office of Lucius Malfoy and see him holding his broken wand, a numb expression on his facial features. Your family were known to have special abilities, so you decide to put yours to good use.
(Reader is female) (gif/image not mine)
Your hand reached forward to knock on the elegant door of Malfoy Manor, letting your presence be known. Draco opened the door as he was expecting you. “Hey, come in!” He smiled, happy to see you. You stepped inside and pull him into a hug. His arms wrapped around your shoulders without hesitation, like it was muscle memory for him. “Hello, Blondie” you joked and you heard him scoff, but you knew he found if amusing. “C’mon, Let’s go to the library!” He said, and you both eagerly started walking to the most common room you both hung out in. “I, brought a new record for us to listen to” you said, lightly taping the bag you had brought along. Draco’s eyes snapped to yours and his smile got brighter. After everything that happened in the war, the two of you stuck by each other. Always ready to embrace and share thoughts, feelings and concerns. You both found reading and music, helped you both cope with the events that occurred. You smiled back at him, feeling just as joyful as he.
As you both got comfortable on your usual sofa, by the fire place. With the new record playing, books of your choice in your hands, wrapped in blankets you gifted each other last Christmas. Both custom made to make them extra special, kept you both warm as you read. The only talking that occurred was when something happened in your books that you needed to share with each other. “(Y/N)! He finished the first quest of his journey!” He littered your shoulder with rapid, light taps. Your eyes looked at his book and read the title. “Oh cool! The book gets SO much better now, trust me!” You read the book before and loved it to pieces. You were happy to know now you guys could rant about the book together once he was done. “Hey, I’m just going to the bathroom. Be right back!” You explain, getting up and fixing your skirt as you did so. Draco nodded with a ‘mhm’, too focused on the book. You left the room and headed to the nearest bathroom, walking right in and locking the door. You relieved yourself and went to wash your hands. As you did you looked in the mirror to see how you looked, and you smiled. Your cheeks were a little red from being warm by the fire and you looked relaxed, which was a huge improvement. Considering how long it took for you to be able to be the level of content you currently were compared to a year ago. You were honestly proud of yourself and Draco, who you could also see a huge difference within his demeanour. He was smiling a lot more and his guard was down, which always brought an even bigger smile to yours.
You were done washing your hands, so you left and headed back down the hallway. You walked by many rooms, but one had its door slightly ajar. You swallowed, now slightly nervous. It was Lucius Malfoy’s office, which you had only been in if it was serious. The last time you were in there was when you had gotten your Dark Mark, you subconsciously grabbed your left arm where the mark was faded, and was still fading. In no time it would be reduced to nothing but a scar. Your curiosity got the best of you and you had a small peak in, and the sight made your heart sink to your stomach. The former Death Eater, sat at his desk with his broken wand in his hands. His face was blank as he stared at the two pieces, you knew it was ethically wrong to even think of doing so. But you used Legilimency to find out what was going on in his mind. “What I would give to cast spells again” the thought struck a cord in your heart, you touched your wand in your skirt pocket, and thought about how it would feel to not be able to cast spells again.
You thought about your family and their abilities. Your Mother could fly, which saved a lot of witches and wizards in the war. Your Father had the ability to absorb. He could absorb the strength of a beast, absorb the durability of any metal and use it to his will. Your Brother’s was sonic scream, he could break glass all the way in Australia from the United Kingdom. You had the ability to Heal, at the beginning you hated it for it was, in your eyes “Lame”. But once you mastered it, you grew to love it. The last time you used it, was to heal the Death Eaters after the events of the Tri Wizard Tournament and after the failed attempt at getting the prophecy. So you were nervous to use it after all this time, but you were ready to give it a shot.
You knocked on the door and waited for acceptance from Lucius. “Enter” you heard a draw shut and you entered. There he sat, acting like he was going over paper work. Which saddened you more. “Ah, Miss (Y/N). What can I help you with?” You could tell his smile was fake and forced. You had a small one resting on yours. “Well, I don’t mean to invalidate your privacy Mr Malfoy. But I know what happened just now, that isn’t paper work” the colour drained from his face, fear and worry paint it’s way on to his facial features. “No need to worry Mr Malfoy, I’m here to help” he now grew confused, his hands gripped the arms of his armchair. “W-what? Help…me?” You nodded, he became frustrated. “Why would you help me?!” His face held disgust, in himself. He thought, he was meant to have the bad mistakes he made, be a reminder of how horrible of a man he was. “Mr Malfoy, you and I both know that you may have made horrible choices in your life. But you did them to protect your family and those you care deeply for. So let me help you.” You spoke calmly, not to provoke any negative reactions from the Malfoy. You reached your hand out, a small “please” came from your lips. He looked around the room, looking no where in particular. “What if it doesn’t work?” He gripped the draws handle, “then you move on, and be grateful that we tried” he sighed, opening the draw and grabbing the wand pieces. You moved your fingers in a “give me” motion and the pieces were in your hands. You inspect it, having to observe what you are about to heal being part of your ability. Once you gave the pieces a good look, you placed them down on the desk in front of you. You gave him a look and he nodded. You shut your eyes and let your ability take control of your blood stream. The familiar warmth grew in your fingers and you focused. The light green aura could, could be seen through your closed eyes. The process begun.

You open you eyes and looked at his wands pieces. As you did, they rose off the table and floated in the air. Small sparks flew from the broken edges, magic flowing through them. You smiled, that was a good sign. You breathed deeply and brought your hands together, leading the pieces to come together. As the broken edges met the sparks grew large and strong, causing them to make your powers resistant. But you wouldn’t let them win, you wanted nothing more than to see this mans suffering end and his smile to shine bright once more. Your eyebrows met in a concentrated expression. The room filled in the aura of your ability. “Mr Malfoy, I need you to put your hand on my shoulder because when fixing an object of someone else’s. I need a person connection infused into my ability. Quick!” You instructed and he was by your side in seconds, his right hand rested on your shoulder and your abilities aura grew stronger. It felt like you were going to explode from the sensation. You took a deep breath and with one, single clap the process was complete.
The wand floated down, onto the dark desk. In one piece. You fell back, weak from using your ability after a while of not using it. Lucius caught you and helped you sit on his chair. He got you a glass of water from his drink station and passed it to you. You weakly thanked him, “t-try, cas-casting a… s-spell” you were out of breath and energy. But had enough to see if it worked. He picked it up and inspected it, in shock and hoped it would work.
“Expecto Patronum!” He had the motion and the pronunciation down like it his wand never got broken by Voldemort. The smile that grew on you face was bright and full of pride as an Albino Peacock illuminated the room. His eyes welled up with happy tears and a smile shone as brightly as yours. He was laughing with glee as the animal glided around the room and touched foreheads with the older Malfoy before fading away. Lucius stood there speechless, he turned to you with a dazed look. “It worked” you whispered as you fell unconscious. Lucius put his wand into his pocket, he rushed to your side to see if you were ok. He felt for a pulse and it was there, you were just in need of rest. He picked you up and walked out to the hallway. Narcissa was running with haste down the hall, with a worried expression etched onto her face. “What happened?!” She panted, Lucius answered her with a smile “let’s get her to the guest room, then I shall explain!” He prioritised. She nodded and followed him to the guest room, right next to the library.
Draco came out the door of the library, uttering a “what’s taking her so lo- Father?” He looked at the girl in his fathers hands and raised an eyebrow, “what happened?” He closed the door and walked with his parents into the guest room. Lucius placed her down and made sure she was comfortable. Once sure she was ok, he stepped back and sat down at the end of the bed. He got out his wand and the two gasped. “She didn’t!” Narcissa whispered in shock. A smile was permanent on Lucius’ face, “yes, she did! She saw me playing around with the broken pieces and she was ready to help me, without a second thought.” He looked down at the unconscious girl and smiled “I am forever grateful! I don’t know what to do to thank her” he had a slight look of stress on his face, not knowing how to show his appreciation. Narcissa held his hand and he looked at her in desperation. “Why not hold a dinner for the four of us tonight? in her honour” his body relaxed at the idea. “Perfect! I’ll go get it sorted right now!” He raced out of the room, wanting to waste no time. “He’s not been this happy in a long, long time” Draco smiled, happy to see a change in his Father. “Coke, let her rest” Narcissa beckoned Draco, and they both left the room.
~three hours later~
Your body shone bright green as it self-healed. You opened you eyes and sat up, you were slightly lightheaded from how fast you sat up. So you took a second to collect yourself. You got up and went to the joined bathroom to wash your face to freshen up. As you got out of the bathroom you were met by Narcissa “oh you’re up! Good! How are you?” You had a small smile as you realised it was her. “I’m great, I’m hungry, but I’m great” she grabbed your hands in one hand and placed the other on your chin. “That’s good to hear! Come!” She pulled you out of the room and down the stairs to the dining room. You checked the time quickly and saw it was dinner time.
The doors open and you saw the room decorated in your favourite flowers and colours and a big “thank you” sign hung above. “What’s all this?” You spoke, bashfulness consuming you. Lucius stood from his chair and held a glass in his hand, full of wine. “To thank you for restoring my happiness and giving me a chance to be a better man and Father, so tonight’s dinner is in your honour!” Your cheeks grew a deep red, not used to this kind of attention. Voldemort wouldn’t even thank you, he’d just nod and walk off. So being praised for your ability, was new to you. “You are very welcome Lucius” you sat down next to Draco and you all ate and chatted about a whole bunch of things. Books, music, what Lucius wanted to do now that he had access to magic once more and how he would celebrate you ‘till the day his body laid 6 feet under. You couldn’t get the beaming smile off your face.
You all continued to chat well into the night, not wanting such a Special moment to end.