Draco Malfoy Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
Harry Potter Masterlist

Harry Potter Masterlist

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

Fred Weasley Masterlist

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

George Weasley Masterlist

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

Cedric Diggory Masterlist

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

Draco Malfoy Masterlist

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

Ron Weasley Masterlist coming soon

Blurbs/ Headcons/ One Shots / Series

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2 years ago
(image not mine)

Fixed ~ L.M


Blurb: it’s a year after the battle of Hogwarts. You’re one of Draco’s closest friends, and you are over at the manor to spend time with Draco. You walk passed the office of Lucius Malfoy and see him holding his broken wand, a numb expression on his facial features. Your family were known to have special abilities, so you decide to put yours to good use.

(Reader is female) (gif/image not mine)

Your hand reached forward to knock on the elegant door of Malfoy Manor, letting your presence be known. Draco opened the door as he was expecting you. “Hey, come in!” He smiled, happy to see you. You stepped inside and pull him into a hug. His arms wrapped around your shoulders without hesitation, like it was muscle memory for him. “Hello, Blondie” you joked and you heard him scoff, but you knew he found if amusing. “C’mon, Let’s go to the library!” He said, and you both eagerly started walking to the most common room you both hung out in. “I, brought a new record for us to listen to” you said, lightly taping the bag you had brought along. Draco’s eyes snapped to yours and his smile got brighter. After everything that happened in the war, the two of you stuck by each other. Always ready to embrace and share thoughts, feelings and concerns. You both found reading and music, helped you both cope with the events that occurred. You smiled back at him, feeling just as joyful as he.

As you both got comfortable on your usual sofa, by the fire place. With the new record playing, books of your choice in your hands, wrapped in blankets you gifted each other last Christmas. Both custom made to make them extra special, kept you both warm as you read. The only talking that occurred was when something happened in your books that you needed to share with each other. “(Y/N)! He finished the first quest of his journey!” He littered your shoulder with rapid, light taps. Your eyes looked at his book and read the title. “Oh cool! The book gets SO much better now, trust me!” You read the book before and loved it to pieces. You were happy to know now you guys could rant about the book together once he was done. “Hey, I’m just going to the bathroom. Be right back!” You explain, getting up and fixing your skirt as you did so. Draco nodded with a ‘mhm’, too focused on the book. You left the room and headed to the nearest bathroom, walking right in and locking the door. You relieved yourself and went to wash your hands. As you did you looked in the mirror to see how you looked, and you smiled. Your cheeks were a little red from being warm by the fire and you looked relaxed, which was a huge improvement. Considering how long it took for you to be able to be the level of content you currently were compared to a year ago. You were honestly proud of yourself and Draco, who you could also see a huge difference within his demeanour. He was smiling a lot more and his guard was down, which always brought an even bigger smile to yours.

You were done washing your hands, so you left and headed back down the hallway. You walked by many rooms, but one had its door slightly ajar. You swallowed, now slightly nervous. It was Lucius Malfoy’s office, which you had only been in if it was serious. The last time you were in there was when you had gotten your Dark Mark, you subconsciously grabbed your left arm where the mark was faded, and was still fading. In no time it would be reduced to nothing but a scar. Your curiosity got the best of you and you had a small peak in, and the sight made your heart sink to your stomach. The former Death Eater, sat at his desk with his broken wand in his hands. His face was blank as he stared at the two pieces, you knew it was ethically wrong to even think of doing so. But you used Legilimency to find out what was going on in his mind. “What I would give to cast spells again” the thought struck a cord in your heart, you touched your wand in your skirt pocket, and thought about how it would feel to not be able to cast spells again.

You thought about your family and their abilities. Your Mother could fly, which saved a lot of witches and wizards in the war. Your Father had the ability to absorb. He could absorb the strength of a beast, absorb the durability of any metal and use it to his will. Your Brother’s was sonic scream, he could break glass all the way in Australia from the United Kingdom. You had the ability to Heal, at the beginning you hated it for it was, in your eyes “Lame”. But once you mastered it, you grew to love it. The last time you used it, was to heal the Death Eaters after the events of the Tri Wizard Tournament and after the failed attempt at getting the prophecy. So you were nervous to use it after all this time, but you were ready to give it a shot.

You knocked on the door and waited for acceptance from Lucius. “Enter” you heard a draw shut and you entered. There he sat, acting like he was going over paper work. Which saddened you more. “Ah, Miss (Y/N). What can I help you with?” You could tell his smile was fake and forced. You had a small one resting on yours. “Well, I don’t mean to invalidate your privacy Mr Malfoy. But I know what happened just now, that isn’t paper work” the colour drained from his face, fear and worry paint it’s way on to his facial features. “No need to worry Mr Malfoy, I’m here to help” he now grew confused, his hands gripped the arms of his armchair. “W-what? Help…me?” You nodded, he became frustrated. “Why would you help me?!” His face held disgust, in himself. He thought, he was meant to have the bad mistakes he made, be a reminder of how horrible of a man he was. “Mr Malfoy, you and I both know that you may have made horrible choices in your life. But you did them to protect your family and those you care deeply for. So let me help you.” You spoke calmly, not to provoke any negative reactions from the Malfoy. You reached your hand out, a small “please” came from your lips. He looked around the room, looking no where in particular. “What if it doesn’t work?” He gripped the draws handle, “then you move on, and be grateful that we tried” he sighed, opening the draw and grabbing the wand pieces. You moved your fingers in a “give me” motion and the pieces were in your hands. You inspect it, having to observe what you are about to heal being part of your ability. Once you gave the pieces a good look, you placed them down on the desk in front of you. You gave him a look and he nodded. You shut your eyes and let your ability take control of your blood stream. The familiar warmth grew in your fingers and you focused. The light green aura could, could be seen through your closed eyes. The process begun.

(gif not mine)

You open you eyes and looked at his wands pieces. As you did, they rose off the table and floated in the air. Small sparks flew from the broken edges, magic flowing through them. You smiled, that was a good sign. You breathed deeply and brought your hands together, leading the pieces to come together. As the broken edges met the sparks grew large and strong, causing them to make your powers resistant. But you wouldn’t let them win, you wanted nothing more than to see this mans suffering end and his smile to shine bright once more. Your eyebrows met in a concentrated expression. The room filled in the aura of your ability. “Mr Malfoy, I need you to put your hand on my shoulder because when fixing an object of someone else’s. I need a person connection infused into my ability. Quick!” You instructed and he was by your side in seconds, his right hand rested on your shoulder and your abilities aura grew stronger. It felt like you were going to explode from the sensation. You took a deep breath and with one, single clap the process was complete.

The wand floated down, onto the dark desk. In one piece. You fell back, weak from using your ability after a while of not using it. Lucius caught you and helped you sit on his chair. He got you a glass of water from his drink station and passed it to you. You weakly thanked him, “t-try, cas-casting a… s-spell” you were out of breath and energy. But had enough to see if it worked. He picked it up and inspected it, in shock and hoped it would work.

“Expecto Patronum!” He had the motion and the pronunciation down like it his wand never got broken by Voldemort. The smile that grew on you face was bright and full of pride as an Albino Peacock illuminated the room. His eyes welled up with happy tears and a smile shone as brightly as yours. He was laughing with glee as the animal glided around the room and touched foreheads with the older Malfoy before fading away. Lucius stood there speechless, he turned to you with a dazed look. “It worked” you whispered as you fell unconscious. Lucius put his wand into his pocket, he rushed to your side to see if you were ok. He felt for a pulse and it was there, you were just in need of rest. He picked you up and walked out to the hallway. Narcissa was running with haste down the hall, with a worried expression etched onto her face. “What happened?!” She panted, Lucius answered her with a smile “let’s get her to the guest room, then I shall explain!” He prioritised. She nodded and followed him to the guest room, right next to the library.

Draco came out the door of the library, uttering a “what’s taking her so lo- Father?” He looked at the girl in his fathers hands and raised an eyebrow, “what happened?” He closed the door and walked with his parents into the guest room. Lucius placed her down and made sure she was comfortable. Once sure she was ok, he stepped back and sat down at the end of the bed. He got out his wand and the two gasped. “She didn’t!” Narcissa whispered in shock. A smile was permanent on Lucius’ face, “yes, she did! She saw me playing around with the broken pieces and she was ready to help me, without a second thought.” He looked down at the unconscious girl and smiled “I am forever grateful! I don’t know what to do to thank her” he had a slight look of stress on his face, not knowing how to show his appreciation. Narcissa held his hand and he looked at her in desperation. “Why not hold a dinner for the four of us tonight? in her honour” his body relaxed at the idea. “Perfect! I’ll go get it sorted right now!” He raced out of the room, wanting to waste no time. “He’s not been this happy in a long, long time” Draco smiled, happy to see a change in his Father. “Coke, let her rest” Narcissa beckoned Draco, and they both left the room.

~three hours later~

Your body shone bright green as it self-healed. You opened you eyes and sat up, you were slightly lightheaded from how fast you sat up. So you took a second to collect yourself. You got up and went to the joined bathroom to wash your face to freshen up. As you got out of the bathroom you were met by Narcissa “oh you’re up! Good! How are you?” You had a small smile as you realised it was her. “I’m great, I’m hungry, but I’m great” she grabbed your hands in one hand and placed the other on your chin. “That’s good to hear! Come!” She pulled you out of the room and down the stairs to the dining room. You checked the time quickly and saw it was dinner time.

The doors open and you saw the room decorated in your favourite flowers and colours and a big “thank you” sign hung above. “What’s all this?” You spoke, bashfulness consuming you. Lucius stood from his chair and held a glass in his hand, full of wine. “To thank you for restoring my happiness and giving me a chance to be a better man and Father, so tonight’s dinner is in your honour!” Your cheeks grew a deep red, not used to this kind of attention. Voldemort wouldn’t even thank you, he’d just nod and walk off. So being praised for your ability, was new to you. “You are very welcome Lucius” you sat down next to Draco and you all ate and chatted about a whole bunch of things. Books, music, what Lucius wanted to do now that he had access to magic once more and how he would celebrate you ‘till the day his body laid 6 feet under. You couldn’t get the beaming smile off your face.

You all continued to chat well into the night, not wanting such a Special moment to end.

Tags :
6 months ago


Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Draco/Lucius/Narcissa Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black.


Slytherin characters


Fixed - Lucius Malfoy x Draco’s friend!Reader

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7 years ago

Imagine #2

Okay just imagine during breakfast students entered the great hall and saw a big large mirror besides the teacher lunch table . Harry seems to recognised it and before he could speak, he was cut off by none other than Draco who was standing infront of the mirror. Draco frowned and muttered "what kind of mirror is this? Potter,let me go! Stop hugging and snuggling on my neck! What in the bloody merlin happened here "then he turned around, he saw Harry was standing at the Gryffindor table with wide eyes. " That Draco, is the Mirror of Erised. It shows you, your biggest and hidden desire. And yes we ALL heard your comment. " said Hermione.

You can also see Mcgonagall received 10 galleons from both Snape and Dumbledore.

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7 years ago

Imagine Mcgonagall calling out Molly As "Mrs Weasley" but end up getting Angelina(Married to George), Hermione(married to Ron), Fleur( Married to Bill) ,Audrey (married to Percy) and including Molly herself to turn around towards mcgonagall and be like "yes? "


Mcgonagall calling out Arthur by calling him Mr Weasley and resulting Bill, Charlie, Ron, George, Arthur, Fred( George's son) and louis (Bill's son) to turn around.

You can hear James, Fred and Sirius laughing their asses off like a maniac when that scene happen.

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2 years ago

Kinkmas Day 10-Draco Malfoy x reader(Voice Kink)(Blurb)

Warnings: Sleepy Draco, soft morning sex, cowgirl, kissing, marking. 

(I apologize for this being late asf, but I do hope you enjoy! Thanks for reading!)

“Hey, Dray” I nudge him, he hmm’s and rolls over, his back facing me. 

I roll my eyes, and I lean over his body a little, my arms on his right arm. I rest my head on my arms and look at his side profile for a second. Taking my finger and lightly running it down the side of his face. 

His nose twitches and he groans, “Draco.” I whisper his name, hoping to slowly ease him out of sleep.

He hums again, and slowly begins to open his eyes, blinking slowly to fix his vision. When he finally looks at me, I'm just staring at him. A smile on my face.

“Good Morning my love. We have 40 minutes till class and if we don’t get up now, we won’t have time for breakfast.” I told him, sitting back up. And taking out my messy bun, running my fingers through my hair contemplating if I need a shower or if it can wait until after classes. 

“I think I'm gonna skip breakfast this morning darling and sleep for an extra 20 minutes.” He mumbles, his voice soft and deep. 

I pause what I'm doing, and look at him, he's staring at me with sleepy eyes and a small smile. 

I smile back and lean down, my face over his, “Merlin I love your morning voice.” I tell him, placing a small kiss on his lips before sitting back up to get out of bed. 

I’m about to stand up when I feel him tug my hair, pulling me back down and earning a squeak from me. 

“Now hold on now baby, you can say that and then just go about your day. Now you got me thinking about things and If we both want to have a good day, then we can have a quickie.” He says, pulling me into a kiss. 

I smile into the kiss and slowly climb on top of him. “Just a quick one. We have thirty mins till class and I at least want some toast.” I said, pulling his pants down a little till his cock pops out and I move my panties to the side. 

I slowly lowered myself onto him, we both let out small moans. I lean down to kiss him again, moving my hips slowly back and forth. He moves his hands to grip my waist, moving me a tad bit faster but not too fast. 

I move my lips to the side of his neck, right below his ear and I suck, knowing that's the spot that gets him there and that he’ll walk around later with a hickey on his neck all proud. 

I start to feel my stomach turn and next thing I know, I'm cumming on his cock. My body shakes slightly as I lay on top of him. He continues to thrust into me slowly, reaching his orgasm only a second laters. 

He kisses my temple and runs a hand down my hair, “That was great baby, Merlins I love you so much.” He said, lifting my head up to give me a kiss. It was slow but passionate, perfect for this moment right here. 

I smile and look at him, moving my arms to rest on his chest and my chin to rest on my arms. 

“I love you too”

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10 months ago

My Astronomer

Draco Malfoy x Reader


My Astronomer
My Astronomer
My Astronomer

“What about that one?” you point at the collection of stars. 

“Cassiopeia, also known as the seated queen” he quickly answers once again earning an amazed look from you. The two of you have been doing this all night. It started off as a nighttime picnic by the lake. The stars were just so beautiful you started to stargaze. Now you're having your boyfriend tell you every single constellation in the London night sky. Draco’s always been better at astronomy, having a natural talent and passion for the subject. 


He cuts you off, grabbing your hand so you can no longer point at the sky. “I love you darling but I’m beginning to think you want me to name every star in the night sky.” 

“I just like to hear you talk”, It's true he could be reading his potion textbook and you would sit and listen to him. Something about his voice just captivates you. Though he’s especially enchanting when he’s talking about something he’s passionate or knowledgeable about. Astronomy checks both those boxes, so can he really blame you for making him stay up late and tell you about the stars. 

“I can think of much better things my mouth can be doing besides listing the constellations”, he wiggles his eyebrows for added effect. You can’t help the fond smile that overtakes your face or the giggle that follows. You love your handsome astronomer. 

The two of you share a soft kiss, all smiles and giggles. Between kisses he amuses your need for him to talk about the stars.

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9 months ago


Draco Malfoy x Reader



“Everyone shut up he’s coming” you whisper shout, quickly turning off the lights and ducking behind a table. The air is heavy with anticipation, everyone listening closely to the tapping of shoes against tile. As soon as the door opens and lights turn on, you’re all jumping out of your various hiding places.

A chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’ rang out. Making the blonde jump. 

“BLOODY HELL!!” Draco yells, grabbing his wand and pointing at the crowd. “Are you trying to kill me?” 

“You're the one pointing your wand at us” you speak up walking over to your boyfriend. He chuckles, pocketing his wand before pulling you into a sweet kiss. “Happy birthday”, you repeat.

“You didn’t have to go through all this trouble”, he tells you looking around the room packed full of his friends. A large smile decorating his face, he couldn't believe you did this all for him.

“Hey are you forgetting about us” Pansy calls out. 

“Yeah we helped,” Blaise adds. Draco chuckles, his smile growing.

“Thank you all, now let’s get this party started!” Cheers erupt in the room.

That night was one of the best birthdays he ever had. He partied all night with his friends and got multiple birthday kisses from his lovely partner.

Tags :
2 years ago

girl friend (draco malfoy x reader)

summary: dating draco malfoy was always within pansy’s plan to ensure her future. there’s only one problem; she underestimated just how intertwined (y/n) was on draco’s life.


pansy tries to ensure her relationship with draco but he always seems more interested in his best friend.

warnings: none


i. Prologue: a match made in hell.

Draco Malfoy and (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

Prince and Princess of Slytherin.

A match made by the devil, Weasley would mutter under his breath whenever he caught a glimpse of them walking through the corridors.

(It was rather much a match crafted by their parents, but same difference really.)

Families that belonged to the sacred twenty eight tended to stick together— with fake smiles and the desire to keep their bloodlines pure acting as the glue— so it was only reasonable that (Y/N) and Draco would grow up together. After all, in the words of (Y/N)’s mother, “keep your friends close and your possible suitors closer.”

Keep reading

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Draco Malfoy and his Rose


Word Count: 3,722 words

Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse

June 3rd, 1989. The Malfoy Manor. 7:34pm

Roseanne didn't grow up oblivious to the ways of Draco's parents and how they had raised their white haired boy. Narcissa and Lucius taught Draco how to dress properly, who to associate himself with even at the mere 7 years of age. He never grew up with much of a childhood, except for his close family friend; Roseanne, who helped make his life a little easier to bare. While the stoic looking boy may have a very limited amount of emotions, she brought out all of these feelings he never knew he was capable of feeling.

"Draco...?" Roseanne whispered, peeking her head around the corner nearly jumping out of her skin as she saw the poor boy getting slapped harshly by his father his body slamming onto the stone hard ground. Lucius picked up his cane, angrily storming down the hall his robes bellowing behind him. Her heart stopped in her chest, feeling her body tremble as her best friend lifted himself off the ground feeling the waves of anger radiating off of his trembling body. As she parted her lips to comfort Draco, he shoved past her muttering incoherent sounds.

The young girl let herself calm down brushing her hair from her flushed face making her way to the living room as she heard her mother call for her, the sound of her heeled shoes echoed throughout the house announcing her arrival to the three adults seated. The Malfoy's living room was rather grand, with leather sofas nearly reflecting from the small light hitting them, white and gray patterned pillows were neatly placed on the seats and cushions. On their marble floor there was white, fluffy rug that covered most of the living room floor.

"Rose, we wanted to speak to you about something rather important." Aquila's voice wavered slightly, but not enough for her daughter to notice who just gave her a big grin sitting down across from them. Narcissa placed a gentle hand on her best friends shoulder, as her way of offering some comfort. Roseanne peered at her mother's eyes, noting that they had grown rather glossy feeling her body tense up as her mind ran with an endless amount of possibilities.

"Your mom has to go away for a while. I took up this new job and it requires me to go on long, across the country trips..." Rose froze, twiddling with the hem of her dress as she stared at her mother who gave her a reassuring smile, "Narcissa and Lucius have been ever so kind to me, giving me a place to call home but I could never ask them to help me with this. As a result of that... you will be staying with your father, until I return-"

“W-what are you talking about? I don't even know my father-” The panicked tone of her voice gave her away, standing up rather abruptly her legs feeling weak. Rose’s curly locks fell over her face, trembling as her mother stood up enveloping the small girl into her arms. The young girl tightly hugged her mother squeezing her eyes shut, the sweet scent of honey and cinnamon overwhelming her senses. Aquilla ran her fingers through her soft curls, blinking away the stinging sensation coming from her eyes.

"Don't worry about that, my petal. You'll be okay...everything will be okay."

August 28th, 1996. The Leaky Cauldron. 2:26pm

A loud laugh left the young girls lips, setting the large class cup on the wooden table. The gentleman across from her grinned, dimples poking through his scars and thousands of freckles covering his face, running his scarred hand through his golden brown locks. Hope eyed the young man, admiring the way he carried himself, and that breathtaking grin she thanked him for every chance she got. Remus would have never imagined he would be as happy as he was at this very moment, his daughter sitting across from him looking like a spitting image of him, except for her vibrant grey eyes which she inherited from her mother.

The young wizard had spent nearly 7 years with his daughter, shortly after her mother dropped her off at his home in France. Remus Lupin and his young daughter bonded right sway, at the first few sentences exchanged between the pair of them. Rose decided to go by Hope once she started school, wanting a fresh start with all these new people and the breathtaking language, she was currently fluent in French and Spanish along with her mother tongue; English. During her 3rd Year, her father was called to teach at another school so she stayed at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, with a friend who gladly let her spend her summer with their family. Her father didn't stay away for long, coming back shortly before the school year was over which she was thankful for.

"I may not look like much of a trouble maker, but those boys are the reason why I am no longer afraid to be who I am,"

"Oh, I can tell. Who else can say their father blew up the boys bathroom their 1st Year at Hogwarts? No one, that's who," Hope teased as she finished the last of her orange juice, giving her father a smirk.

They were one of the few people at the Leaky Cauldron, considering it was only 2 in the afternoon and the sun was unbearably hot at this time of the day. The girl gazed outside, fiddling with her wand as she saw people pass by the open windows laughter being heard all the way from inside. Heaving herself up from the creaky wooden chair, setting a few sickles on the table making her way towards the back door. The sound of Remus hurrying after her, made the girl grin as she motioned towards the brick wall, her nerves getting the best of her as he tapped a few bricks seeing the wall start to shift rather quickly.

“Wow...everything is so..so tres beau” Hope's eyes widened as she tried to take in everything before her, the life of everyone roaming around with a sense of urgency made the place look like it was alive. The chatter of kids her age laughing and going and out of stores, like a series of ants looking for food, feeling her mouth shift into a rather large grin. Remus chuckled thinking back to when he first saw Diagon Alley, when he tugged his parents into every store imaginable.

"Oui... don't worry about your school supplies, H, I already have everything taken care of. We can go around and look for things you might like, some books or some color changing ink?"

"Color changing what now? How come you never told me?! That's so sick!" The overjoyed girl squealed, running away from her grinning father who shook his head at her enthusiasm, leading Hope to Scribbulus Writing Instruments where the clerk looked more than happy to help the girl with the bouncing locks. After he showed her the different types of colors they changed to and from, she decided on a gold ink that changed into a breathtaking emerald green. Remus took the girl to buy a few books that caught her attention, along with a pretty white quill that she adored.

After what seemed like hours, they began to head towards the pub not before Hope bumped into a tall ginger, sending her tumbling to the ground along with her color changing ink. The shimmering ink splattered everywhere, glistening in the afternoon sun, maneuvering it's way along the cracks on the sidewalk. Hope helped herself off the floor, helping her father in mending the broken flask and returning the ink back into the glass container. She turned rather briskly towards the ginger, flashing him a look as he stared at her father as if he had just seen a ghost, tightening the grip on her wand. Her blood boiled just thinking of what crude comment would be coming out from his mouth as he eyed the two of them, his two friends standing alongside him with the same look.

"Harry! I almost didn't see you there, how are you doing? Good? Great! Ron, Hermione how are you guys doing?"

"We're doing quite alright, Professor. I'm incredibly sorry for bumping into you, I tend to be a bit clumsy at times. The name's Ron Weasley," The ginger blushed, jutting his hand out for her to shake, the grip on her wand loosening tucking it into her pocket shaking his hand firmly, sending him a soft smile," this is Harry, and this is Hermione." Hope greeted the other two, her reddening cheeks fading as she stepped closer to Remus as they continued speaking about school. From what she understood, her dad taught the three of them during their 3rd Year, to which they told her about how he was the best teacher they've ever had.

"I never caught your name," The dark haired boy whose eyes were a crazy shade of green, who she now knew as Harry muttered, locking eyes with her. Hope ran her hand through her hair, shuffling awkwardly as all the attention shifted towards the girl with the streaks of honey in her hair, freckles scattered on her rosy cheeks.

"I go by Hope. It's been nice to meet you but we’re running a little behind schedule. Au revoir!" Hope grinned, tugging her dad alongside her as they made their way back to where they first came from. They spoke of school, and if she would be nervous about starting her school year without any friends. She shook her head, thinking back to the boy with the green eyes and smiling down at the sidewalk as they neared the wall of bricks once more. Hope turned to her dad, whose face looked rather expectant of her answer.

"I won't be going to school all on my own, Dad. All those people you spoke so fondly of will be there,” Her wandering eyes turned to eye the trio who were laughing, looking around at all the windows. Without a second passing, the green eyed boy turned around giving a small wave to the girl who sent an over exaggerated wave back at him, making the shy boy grin. Remus eyed the pair praying that his little girl wouldn't be growing up anytime soon, wanting to keep her as close as possible, wrapping an arm around her shoulders making their way back to their little place they called home.

September 1st, 1996. Hogwarts Express. 10:47am

Hope felt her heart break as she waved goodbye to her father, whose eyes were swimming with tears knowing his little girl would soon be where he once stood many years ago. She closed the window to her little compartment, letting out a loud chuckle as she saw the different types of sweets her father packed into her satchel snatching a small chocolate ball, popping it into her mouth as she watched last minute students board the train. A knock to the door caught her attention, facing a pair of ginger twins whose grins were wider than the gap between them.

"Do you mind if we join you? Every other compartment is full, and you looked awfully lonely," She shook her head as she giggled at their remark, beckoning them in to which they hurried inside placing all of their belongings above the seat across from her, planking themselves in front of the girl giving her a teasing wink. Hope rolled her eyes, lifting an eyebrow at the pair eyeing them head to toe, noticing they looked rather familiar but she couldn't quite place why.

"Checking us out, love?"

"Quite the opposite really. Do you guys happen to have a younger brother?"

"Why yes we do."

"Why do you ask?"

"I met him the other day, and he seemed rather nice. Along with a guy named Harry, and a rather serious looking girl named-"

"Hermione" The twins stated unanimously, crossing their arms at the same time giving Hope a knowing look. She eyed the two, crossing her legs while opening her book back up to the page she had previously left off on, choosing to ignore the gingers blabbering in front of her. Hope spent half of the ride on the train speaking to the twins when they asked her a question, which happened nearly every 5 to 10 minutes, but she didn't mind. Somewhere in the midst of all that, she changed into her plain black robes, trying to hide the fact that she was new to Hogwarts as a 16 year old.

"You seem awfully tired. Were you up all night?”

“Maybe she was looking at the sky last night, Freddie. I’m sure we weren’t the only ones watching the full moon.”

“It was huge!”

“I heard it was the brightest, and closest it's been to Earth in a while, actually." That remark made her a little antsy, sitting upright trying to give Fred a little nonchalant look attempting to get comfortable against the moving wall. She gave up trying to sleep, reaching into her satchel for some sweets before George squeezed his way in between her and the bag of candy. A pout formed on her lips, angling her body away from the ginger, whose scent smelled absolutely ravishing. The tall boy patted his shoulder, flashing her a reassuring smile.

"The wall doesn't look too comfy, but my shoulder on the other hand I've heard is pretty award winning." George chimed, inching closer to the brunette, she sighed allowing herself to rest her head on his shoulder. Hope wasn't complaining at the ginger flirting with her, as long as she was able to rest at least for a couple hours before they arrived. The scent of cinnamon lingered around him, wrapping his arm around the sleeping brunette, face flushing pink as Fred sent him a wink, who was currently making his way out of the compartment. Hope nuzzled further into George, feeling their bodies mold together as time passed by, enjoying the way the older boy held onto her as if she was as delicate as glass. This year was surely going to be interesting.

September 1st, 1996. Hogwarts. 7:12pm

Hope marveled at the gorgeous castle standing before her, brushing her hair away from her face as the cool wind made its way through the sea of students. She locked eyes with a familiar figure, bursting into a sprint as she ran towards the tall, dark haired man the cold wind slapping her across the face before coming to an abrupt stop. Severus looked down at the girl, a scowl engraved on his pale skin but melted almost instantly as he realized who was standing before him. The 9 year old girl had grown so much, over the last 7 years since he'd seen her, her face practically glowing with happiness as she looked up at him. Severus looked around at all the students, as they passed by going out of their way to ignore the Potions Professor.

"Follow me." His voice made its way into her ears, taking tentative steps after the man she considered to be like an older brothero. He had grown fond of the girl, after countless of visits at the Malfoy manor, slowly wedging his way into her life until she was ripped away from him by her father. Severus was incredibly confused as to why this girl was here, considering Aquila hadn't returned and she never sent an owl informing him of her arrival. As he moved her into a rather empty hallway, she looked up at the Professor nearly bursting into tears as he sent her a comforting smile.

"You've grown up so much..." She grinned widely throwing her arms around the tall man, swaying back and forth as he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her just as tightly. He pulled away from her, eyeing her face noting she had truly received many of her mothers characteristics a small smile resting on his face. Hope nudged Severus, motioning towards the commotion of people nearing their corridor which made him snap out of his trance. After a few last words of reassurance he opened the double doors. The second she opened the doors, every living and nonliving soul stared at the young girl. She blushed profusely, looking up at Severus whose face was expressionless as he grabbed her by her arm and walked her to where all the 1st Years looked like they were about to pass out. He gave her a curt nod, the sound of his shoes clicking against the floor broke everyone out of their trance and the whispers proceeded to occur.

"Silence. Now, before we begin the Sorting Hat Ceremony, we have a new student joining us today. Unlike any of the students you see standing before you, she is a 6th Year from Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Please give a warm welcome, to Ms. Hope Aquilla Lupin." The ear defining sound of clapping rung through her ears, giving a soft smile to Professor Dumbledore who clapped alongside everyone else.

Once Dumbledore gave the okay to Professor McGonagall, she proceeded to call out every first years name from a sheet of parchment. Hope stared in awe as the Sorting Hat went to work, her mind going back to the countless stories her father had told her of his time at Hogwarts. By the time they had gotten to her, every other student had been sorted which left her to stand at the very middle of the Great Hall for everyone to stare at. Professor McGonagall motioned her over, holding the hat in her weathered hands. Hope made her way up the steps, plopping down on the wooden stool proceeding to wipe her sweaty palms on her robes. The feeling of the hat being placed on her head sent her into a panic, tapping her thigh out of habit jumping as the hat began to hum in her ear.

"Ahh...very difficult indeed, very difficult. Your mother was incredibly brilliant in Slytherin, yes... you would do very well. On the other hand... your father was as brave as they could get, you would be outstanding in Gryffindor."


"Why of course! Your talents are endless, but I do feel something... a huge heart. Absolutely tremendous. Nothing but pureness coming from you. Ahhh... of course. How about... HUFFLEPUFF!" Hope felt a burst of joy wash over her, hopping off the wooden stool as she made her way to the table closest to her, introducing herself to the few people sitting around her. She scanned her surroundings, seeing flashes of yellow, green, blue and red as they all talked to one another. The ceiling above her seemed to call her, feeling her heart swell as she saw her favorite star winking at her.

"Let the feast begin"

September 1st, 1996. Hogwarts Corridor. 12:45am

Hope had a rather interesting encounter with the Weasley twins after they tracked her down after the feast was over, and decided to show her around before curfew. But they didn't have a great sense of time and it was well past curfew before they dropped her off where they last found her, running back to the Gryffindor Common Room shouting something about homework for Snape. She sighed, looking around at the large castle that seemed to taunt her as she attempted to find her away around. After an hour of mindless wandering, she gave up muttering nox to her wand as she stuffed it into her robe. Hope ran her fingers through her hair deciding to follow the stairs that were laid out in front of her, letting her fingers run over the aging stone walls. After a few quiet moments of trudging up the stairs, she came across the open sky her mouth falling open at the sight of the stars from up high. The tired girl sat down near the edge of the tower, cuddling against the rough wall beside her peering out over Hogwarts feeling herself relax. The cold autumn air brushed over her exposed skin, making the small girl shiver tugging the robe closer to her.

"What are you doing up here? You know I could get you in trouble for staying outside of your common room past curfew-"

"Aren't you also out of bed past curfew, mon amie?" Hope muttered letting her voice echo across the tower, nuzzling into the warm material of the robe surrounding her shutting her eyes close. The person standing a few feet away from her huffed loudly, the sound of their footsteps coming closer made Hope tense up, holding onto her wand just in case they tried to pull anything on her. A sharp intake of breath caught her attention, prying her eyes open blinking away the bleariness attempting to catch a glimpse of the strange voice.

"Rose?" Hope bolted up from her seating position, feeling her body stumble as she locked eyes with a familiar pair of grey eyes. A gasp left her parted lips, lifting her hand up to her chest fiddling with the necklace he had gifted the brunette. She scanned the tall blonde standing before her. Draco aged like fine wine.

His milky skin sculpted rather nicely his body looming over her. His gleaming blue eyes slanted as he eyed the girl standing before him. Hope took notice of how his dark robes were filled out quite nicely. She let out a heartwrenching cry, throwing herself at her best friend holding him like it was the last thing she would do. His toned arms wrapped her into a tight hug, rocking her back and forth inhaling the familiar scent of honey emitting from her.

"W-what are you doing here?"

"My dad thought it best to let me come to Hogwarts for my last three years, and- and here I am! I have so much to tell you, Mal. But before I do, I'm incredibly mad at myself. I can't believe I completely forgot you also went here, holy-"

The blabbering girl was cut off by the blonde smothering her face against his chest, his grip on her tight as he swayed them back and forth. Hope felt her fingers clutch at his robes, holding him as close to her as she possibly could inhaling his sweet scent. She was scared to let him go, too afraid to think she would wake up and it would all be a dream.

Their bodies fit perfectly against one another. Draco felt as if the universe was whole once more knowing his rose was back in his life letting out a heavy sigh kissing the top of her head of curls. After years of restless nights, he could feel all the anxiety and fear leave his body, feeling at peace knowing she was safe.

send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))

a/n: for this series, i wanted to push the departure of the weasleys twin a year later. i have also made them only a year older than the golden trio, and hope, instead of two. so that they stick around just a bit longer :) part 2 is posted!

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Sapphire | Draco Malfoy x Reader

December 25th, 1994. Courtyard. 12:39am.

A smile tugged on his lips, patting the cold ground besides him. Sapphire gingerly sat down, removing the slender heels off her aching feet. His grey eyes looked down at the necklace in his hands, rubbing his slender fingers over the emerald glistening under the moonlight. The green complimented his pale skin nicely, silver chain blowing in the air as he fiddled with the metal chain in between his fingers. The pair had lingered away from their friends, taking a nice walk out into the courtyard where the winter air had settled enough for them to remain outside without shivering to death. The Yule Ball had ended several minutes ago, their blood pumping with apple cider and excitement from the many hours of dancing. Except for Draco who only danced for a maximum of 30 minutes, his cheeks turning bright pink remembering his hands holding onto her waist when they sneaked out of the Great Hall for a slow dance. Her head resting on his firm shoulder, the smell of honey and cinnamon lingering in his memory making the flustered blonde shiver. Draco thought it would be a good idea to get an outfit to match her gorgeous silver dress, so he decides to wear a black and white themed suit, which Sapphire found incredibly adorable.

"Thank you, Sapph..." She grinned, tucking a stray curl behind her rather cold ear. Before she could utter a word, Draco had rather urgently pulled the bubbly girl into a warm embrace. Mint and his signature cologne overwhelmed her senses, sighing into his white button up gingerly. She jumped slightly at the touch of his warm hand draping her toned legs over his lap, his body spreading warmth throughout the poor girls shivering body. The sound of rather heavy footsteps approaching them popped their bubble, scrambling away from each other the short girl standing up on the concrete steps. Draco ran his ring cladded fingers over his bottom lip nervously, looking away from the two figures he spotted from the corner of his eye.

"What the hell?!" The redhead sneered, his face nearly as red as his tousled hair. Ron marched his way down the stairs, throwing his new dress jacket on the floor standing in front of his girlfriend his warm breath fanning over Sapphire's face. She looked over at Draco, his signature stone hard facade was up locking eyes with the scared girl, his chest tightening up not liking the fact that his best friend was in a stressful situation.

"I-I thought you were up in the common room-"

"I was! But then I overheard Harry telling Hermione about you sneaking off with Malfoy, didn't even waste a second before you started snogging in front of me! Almost 2 years down the drain for this... this git!" His voice bellowed, hands curled up at his side taking two steps towards Malfoy. Her hands gripped his wrist, pulling him back heart racing. The last thing Sapphire wanted to see was her two favorite boys going at it, their eyes full of such anger.

"I'm going to murder that bespectacled boy," Sapphire let out a loud sigh, gently grabbing a hold of Ron's hands locking eyes with him, " I was giving Malfoy a late christmas present, and we were all cuddled up because well- I don't know if you've noticed but I'm in a very thin dress." Ron visibly relaxed, but the hard glare towards the blonde didn't falter. His toned arms pulled the girl into his chest wrapping his arms around her waist, pressing a shaky kiss to her rosy cheek. Her stained lips kissed his cheek gingerly, looking over at Draco who looked rather uncomfortable.

"If she wanted to leave you, she would have done so months ago, Weasley" Draco scoffed loudly, brushing dirt off his expensive looking suit. Her head snapped towards him, giving him a disapproving stare to which he responded by letting his snarky expression drop.

She somehow managed to convince Ron to let her say her goodbyes to Draco, pressing an awaiting kiss onto his lips. Sapphire gently made her way over to the blonde, wincing at the cold ground touching her feet, he wrapped his arms around his best friends waist pressing his cold forehead against her warm face. Fiddling with the hair on the back of his neck, enjoying his arms being wrapped around her. Parting from the blonde to talk to him properly, before they took separate paths to their common rooms, giving him a genuine smile.

"Goodnight, Mal... stay out of trouble okay? I'll see you tomorrow," He sent Sapphire a soft smile, letting his hands drape his suit jacket over her shoulders feeling her whole body warm up instantly. The blonde pressed a small kiss to her cheek handing her a small velvet box, briskly making his way back inside running his fingers through his gelled hair. Sapphire turned on the balls of her feet to face Ron whose face was contorted into an ugly face, wiping it off once he locked eyes with his girlfriend's disapproving eyes. She sighed, giving him a small smile placing the gift into Draco’s suit pocket looping arms with her boyfriend as he walked her back to the Gryffindor Common Room, her glittery heels in hand.

February 14th, 1996. The Gryffindor Common Room. 10:35am.

The sound of people yelling disturbed her slumber, groggily wiping at her eyes peering over at the commotion happening in the Common Room. Sapphire had fallen asleep in a corner of the room, casting an invisibility charm over herself so she wouldn't be disturbed but that didn't seem to work. All she could see was her boyfriend going red in the face, being held back by Harry and Hermione his wand clutched at hand. Looking to where he was shouting, nearly jumping from her position as she saw an angry looking Malfoy with puffy eyes, a look she knew so well. Working quickly to remove the charm running over to the group, standing in between the teen boys noting Ron's voice had decreased in volume. Sapphire's heart was racing the grip on her wand rather tight as she eyed all the curious Gryffindors looking at Malfoy with a look of disgust.

"What the hell is all of this about? I was quite enjoying my slumber, so god help me if this is over a foolish reason-"

"He forced his way into the common room, shouting some nonsense about needing to speak to you about some bloody fruit! Of course we're all livid, he's a Slytherin, what good would he be up to in the Gryffindor common room?! He could have-"

At the mention of the word fruit, Sapphire's ears perked up her head snapping towards the blonde who had grown increasingly ansty his eyes bloodshot. She nodded at Malfoy, tapping her hip subtly to meet him in the Room of Requirement to which he took gladly, forcing his way past the Gryffindors out the common room door. The room grew quiet, the only sound left was the sound of Ron muttering angry curses at the closed portrait door.

"Take a breather, babe. He meant no harm to you, or anyone in this room. He's just a kid,” Sapphire looked around the room, seeing the crowd of people slowly dispersing. “I'll be back in an hour max, I'm going to go check on him. Don't break anything while I'm gone," She reassure the ginger, cupping his freckled cheeks pressing a soft kiss to his plump lips feeling Ron melt into her touch. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close to him as he caught the other boys in the room watching holding her small frame against his toned body. The feeling of her hands rubbing comforting circles on his back was all he needed before reluctantly letting go of her, watching as she hurried out to chase after the blonde.

Sapphire had dealt with Draco a few times when he came looking for comfort, using their safe word cherry. The poor teen had spent a good portion of his life hiding his emotions, including the way he felt about his best friend; Sapphire, who helped him through all of his family troubles, school issues or just to keep his mind off of all the things he brought down on himself. That morning, Draco had been told of what his parents had planned for his near future and he felt the waves crash over the wall he worked so hard to build. No control of his anger, and the tears wanting to fall from his eyes he went seeking for his silver lining in a sea of darkness. The young girl spotted him curled up in a curtained off section by the Room of Requirement, his face flushed with sadness as he trembled against the stone wall. Sapphire muttered a muffliato over the corner they were at, taking tentative steps into the closed off corner ducking her head before sitting down beside the sobbing boy.


It seemed as if time had frozen, the seconds ticking by as waves of sobs racked his tall frame. She placed a gentle hand on his shoulder feeling him tense up before he threw himself at her, clinging to the small girl. Sapphire's arms tightened around Draco, rocking him back and forth attempting to calm him down. His hands clutched the back of her sweater, holding her as close to his body as he possibly could feeling his breathing start to go back to normal. Her fingers traced inconsistent patterns onto his back, the only sounds left in the room was her soft humming and the warm breath on her neck.

"Did you want to talk about-"

"They're going to make me one of them."

The silence that followed afterwards felt suffocating to the both of them, their movements stopping as that statement settled in. Draco pulled away from Sapphire, wiping at his eyes rather angrily letting out an exasperated scream, tugging at his gel free hair. He looked up at her, tears welling up in his eyes once again shaking his head as she clasped her hand over her mouth.

"No...no. T-they can't. You're too young, Draco! Voldermort could order you to kill people! What are they fucking thinking-" His heart nearly shattered as he heard the fear rising in her usually chirpy voice, the familiar shaking of her nimble hands was all he saw before she stood up and slammed her hands into the stone wall. Draco stood up immediately, the sound of her flesh slamming against the hard concrete was all that filled his ears yanking her away from the wall. Wrapping his arms around the trashing girl, her screams filtering the room as she tried to escape his grasp.

"Draco! Let. Me. Go!"

"Sapph... please calm down. I promise, I will work my hardest to keep that from coming true. They won't touch me... I promise." At those last few words, she felt her body melting into his touch the tears streaming down her face rather steadily. Sapphire turned her body around, holding the blonde as close as possibly while muttering sweet nothings into his chest. Draco tightened his grip on her kissing her head of curls, rocking her back and forth.

"If they succeed in turning you-"


"Please... let me finish. If they succeed, I want you as protected as I can possibly get you. I have spells that I haven't told anyone that they exist, that can help you." She mumbled, wiping the tears from her puffy eyes looking up at the boy whose usual pale face was now flushed red. Draco let his thumb caress her hand, maintaining eye contact as she pleaded up at him.

"Alright... but only for you."

April 26th,1996. The Room of Requirement. 10:48pm.

"Abduco baton!" He shouted, pointing his wand at the running witch who deflected his spell easily. Letting out a frustrated grunt, throwing himself behind a tall bookcase racking his brain for any spells he could think of, his chest heaving up and down. Cursing as he saw the gash on his leg, tilting his head back.

"Curvo!" The sound of her voice rang throughout the room, before Draco let out a large scream as he felt his back bend backwards. His teeth were gritted, attempting to fight back limply shooting a quick jinx at the witch before he felt himself fall onto the stone ground. He groaned, scrambling onto his feet as quickly as he could facing the girl who was staring at him with such frustration. There was a cut on her cheek, along with smears of grime and blood all over her clothes.

"Draco. Do you think you're ready? Because I will not hold back on this and it will hurt. Like absolute hell-"

"Hit me." Sapphire aimed her wand at the blonde, mustering up all the rage she could thinking through all the negative thoughts before parting her lips. She tightened her muscles, as he stood in front of her with a hard look in his eyes.



Both their streams of light hit each other, creating a harsh blast of energy tightening their grips on theirs wands. Sapphire felt the blast of the spell hit her body in waves, focusing on hitting Draco who was just as determined as the brunette. His bottom lip was captured in between his teeth as he pushed against her counteractive spell. The tension and the fear coursing throughout the room was unbearable, feeling the need to let go, Sapphire let go dropping onto the ground to avoid being hit by the spell. She bounced back onto her feet, a giant grin on her face eyeing the blonde whose sweat was trickling down his chest.

“You did it, Draco. I am so incredibly proud of you.” She gushed, running up to the tall blonde and wrapping her arms around his waist and rocking him back and forth. His breathing was heavy, but the smile on his face compared to no one else’s, tightening his grip around the brunette.

“All because of you, Sapph... you’re the reason I’m even anywhere near as good as you.” He breathed out, clamping his eyes shut focusing on gaining his breath back. Sapphire giggled against his chest, pulling away from Draco while keeping her arms around him. Their eyes locked, biting her bottom lip feeling her chest tighten up.

“I would do anything for you, Mal. You don’t deserve any of this, your parents are cruel for allowing this to happen to you. You deserve better. I wish I could just take away all of your pain, but unfortunately I can’t. In the meantime, my knowledge and skills are all I have to offer.”

“And your killer hugs,”

“And especially my killer hugs.” She grinned up at the blonde, letting her smile falter slightly as she thought about never getting the opportunity to see his smile ever again. Draco caught the slight change in her mood, feeling his smile wipe off of his face furrowing his brows as he held onto her shoulders trying to figure out what happened.

“Hey, hey... what’s going on? Did I say something wrong-”

“No, of course not. I just... I was just thinking about this summer. And the upcoming school year. What if I don’t get to see you again? What if my spells weren’t enough to protect you? I-I can’t afford to lose you, Draco.” The cracking of her voice made Draco’s heart shatter, shushing the small girl as he brought her into his embrace rocking her back and forth. He pressed soft kisses to the top of her head, tightening his grip around her.

“Honey... nothing is going to happen to me. I can assure you. Would you like to know why?” Sapphire hummed against his chest, messing with the thin material adorning his toned body. He laid his chin against the top of her head, letting out a large sigh,” because I have faith in you. I know that out there, no matter where I am, that you are safe and sound. And knowing that, will strive me to be better so I can come back home... to you.” 

send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))

Tags :

Rumor Has It | Draco Malfoy x Reader

₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊

January 3rd, 1994. The Hufflepuff Dormitories. 9:17am. 

Penelope's hands hurriedly tried to flatten the heavy mass of curls resting on her flushed cheeks, having spent the last few months trying to hide them by a small potion she had created but she made a small mistake and had completely forgotten to bring some of the concoction back with her after the holidays. Eyeing her reflection in the mirror deciding to make her way downstairs to grab breakfast, making sure to take long strides to the Great Hall. Nervously walking into the hall with the frizzy curls bouncing around her face, running her ring cladded fingers through the tousled curls as the two familiar red heads made their way over to her with a cheeky grin on their faces. Penelope felt a grin making its way onto her face, slowing her movements down to make sure the twins didn't attempt anything on her, they walked over to her in almost perfect sync. Fred reached out ruffling her dark curls, letting out a whistle his brother following along, she smacked his hand away from her flustered face.

"Can it, Weasley."

"You look good, love." Fred chuckled, cheekily winking at her only making her already bright cheeks turn a shade darker, pushing past the tall redheads to make her way over to her green eyed boyfriend. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders her chest flush against his back, pressing her lips onto his freckled cheek. The blonde flushed a light pink, turning to face the curly haired girl cupping her face pulling her in for a soft kiss. All of the surrounding Gryffindors whistled and cheered for Neville, being the first time he initiated the first kiss unlike all the other times Penelope had done so. Pulling away from the boy smiling softly, turning towards her table nearly skipping over to her fellow Hufflepuffs, waving at Cedric sitting besides the tall dark haired boy. He leaned over to ruffle her curls as he offered the girl a warm bagel, who let out a soft smile at his actions.

February 18th, 1994. The Room of Requirement. 11:57pm.

Penelope thrust her wand rather harshly ignoring the small jolt of pain she felt in her shoulder blade, a stream of yellow lighting up the dark room making it's way over to her target sending Draco flying towards a mat. A grunt left his lips, standing up from his position on the floor his skin a light red from the blood rushing up to his pale face. She extended a hand out towards the white haired boy, his large pale hand grasping onto her letting her help him off of the mat muttering out a soft thanks. Patting his sweaty frame giving a wide grin, wiping the sweat off her face feeling rather worn out from the 3 hours of working out and helping Draco practice his dueling spells.

"Didn't know you knew wordless spells,"

"There's a lot you don't know about me. You're really good, Malfoy. I still don't know why you won't join the group." Penelope let out sincerely, setting her wand on the table next to the couch plopping down on spot besides Draco nudging him with her elbow. His features hardened, turning to face her his chest still heaving up and down from our intense session, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip.

"Potter is a part of that group, a leader nonetheless, I'd rather take orders from a ferret..."

"Is this your way of calling me a ferret, Malfoy?" Penelope grinned, feigning hurt turning towards the blonde whose face was sporting a light pink. He faced the dark haired girl an apologetic look etched on his features before relief washed over him as she let out a giggle, sending a playful glare at Penelope as she laughed even louder. Draco would never admit it but he considered Penelope to be one of his closest friends, as much as he wanted to think otherwise, the girl reached a part of him no one had reached before.

"You are cruel."

"You love it, Draco. Wanna head off now? It's almost midnight, " He agreed standing up from the comfortable couch, grasping the girls hand helping her onto her feet. She thanked him making her way over the dark oak door that appeared a few feet in front of her. Penelope waved her wand over Draco and herself letting their looming figures blend into their surrounding, opening the door slightly poking her head out to check for any lingering prefects. Jutting her hand out for Draco to take making their way down the cold corridor, the wind feeling nice on their sweating frames smiling softly as Draco shoved her shoulder playfully. Penelope smacked his shoulder leaning away from his touch making her way further down the hall, letting out a loud giggle as the blonde successfully wrapped his arms around her lifting her up into the air.

"You cheat," She stuck her tongue out waving her wand once again locking eyes with the reappearing pair of grey eyes, letting a smile creep its way up her face grinning wider as he gave her a smile back. Draco turned his head away from Penelope as blood rushed up to his cheeks, making his way to her common room the dark haired girl trailing beside him.

The moonlight streamed in from the windows showing off their giddy smiles, the sounds of laughter lingering in the evening. The pair of kids chased each other around making sure not to wake any of the sleeping picture frames, as much as they thought they had been quiet all he frames had woken up to the sounds of the girl laughing. All of the older wizards and witches looked over the abnormal pair, nearly fawning over the amount of happiness oozing from the pair as they came to a stop in front of the Hufflepuff common room quickly scurrying off to their portraits to not disturb them. A peaceful silence washed over Draco giving the girl a smile, letting his actions speak for him, bringing her into a large hug his chin resting atop of her curls. Penelope wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling into the crook of his neck the scent of his signature cologne and fresh pineapple filtered into her nostrils, tightening her grip on the tall boy.

"Thank you once again, for giving me a chance to be better. You are helping a lot more than I'm letting on, Davey"

"Thank you, Mal. That means a lot to me... I'll see you tomorrow okay? Same time. Don't be late," She pulled away from him, giving him a small wink patting him on the shoulder as she made her way into her common room. As the door shut behind her, she let out a small sigh waving her wand over herself muttering a spell to replace her uniform with a pair of pajamas making her way hurriedly to the dorm room. Draco made sure the girl had made her way into the room successfully before making his way down the hall, tucking his hands into his robe keeping a firm grip on his wand. The night had gone a lot better than the previous nights, he had managed to catch Penelope off guard and he had never felt so accomplished with himself. Draco only managed to get a couple feet before he had fallen to the ground his face slamming into the cold stone. Oh that is definitely going to bruise the blonde thought to himself, rubbing his cheek softly.

February 29th, 1994. The Hufflepuff Dormitories. 9:48am.

Penelope bit her bottom lip slightly, adjusting the length of her flower printed dress. The dress really showed off her curves coming to mid thigh flowing around her slightly, along with a brown purse displayed across her chest a pair of white shoes being the final touch to her outfit. Her curls framed her makeup covered face neatly, pushing the frame of her glasses further up her nose before hurriedly making her way down the stairs to meet her boyfriend in the Great Hall. Today was their anniversary, and they were planning on going to Hogsmeade and spending their evening there. The moment the curly haired girl had reached the Courtyard full of other students waiting for the clock to hit 10 so they could leave, she spotted her blonde haired boyfriend nearly running over to him.

"Neville!" At the mention of his name, he turned to face the direction of her voice the smile being wiped off his face entirely making her come to a stop. Neville's face flashed red, pushing his way through the crowd making his way as far away from the girl as possible stopping to meet to his friends a couple of ways from her. Her chest tightened the smile on her face falling, gripping onto her purse staring after the green eyed boy shifting her weight on the balls of her feet. Penelope brushed her curls away from her face looking around at all the familiar faces feeling a stinging sensation making its way to her eyes, blinking away the tears making her way out of the Great Hall but before she could get close to the entrance a hand wrapped around her small wrist. Her tear filled eyes locked with a familiar pair of grey ones, nearly bursting into tears but she only managed to let out a loud exhale. The sound of Filch's voice caught her attention, pulling away from the grey eyed boy making her way outside the hem of her dress fluttering around her thighs as she began making her way to the trail, trying to avoid the large groups of people. Draco practically had to sprint to catch up to the short witch, receiving odd looks from people around them. He came to her side, nudging her with his shoulder in an attempt to grab her attention.

"Petal... are you alright-"

"No. I can't even pretend that I am. Today is Neville and I's anniversary, and we were supposed to go to Hogsmeade together, but when I tried to greet him this morning he completely brushed me off. Did I do something wrong? Draco... I-I don't know maybe I'm overreacting-" Penelope's voice cracked feeling the warm tears run down her cheeks, wiping away at the tears rather hastily looking down at the floor. The blonde wrapped his arm around her letting her cry into his pitch black button up, rubbing small circles on her back holding her close to his chest. Her heavy breathing quieted down for a minute, clutching at his coat softly pulling away from him.

"Sorry about your shirt..."

"Petal, don't apologize. You are in no position to be apologizing. Would you like to spend this evening with me? I understand if you would want to go back inside, and I respect that-"

"I'd love to, Draco" The girl muttered out meekly, waving her wand at her face feeling her makeup become lighter and as crisp as she had done it in the morning. Draco took this chance to admire the small smile on her lips, jutting out his arm to the girl a grin making its way onto his face her arm looping with his leaning her head on his shoulder. He let her rest on him, feeling the morning breeze blow over their faces the scent of honey and cinnamon filling his nostrils as she nuzzled closer to him. The only sounds that surrounded the pair were the sounds of people chattering as they passed by them, and the loud laughter of the kids goofing around and trying to race each other to the gate.

May 26th, 1994. Hogsmeade. 11:29am

The cool evening air hit her rosy cheeks, her feet making her way out of the warm store full of enticing sweets. She let out a happy sigh, clutching her bag of treats closer to her side turning to face the grey eyed boy who had made his way over to her. Penelope flashed him a toothy smile, shoving him playfully making her way down the stone path. Her eyes scanned the pretty colors swirling with the pretty clouds, feeling herself relax as she watched the fluffy clouds float by. The curly haired girl was so entranced by the evening sky she hadn't noticed the large group of people making their way out of the Hog's Head pub. Before Draco could warn her, she had crashed into a group of 6 people sending her flying to the floor. A loud squeak left her lips, scrambling up from the floor her cheeks blazing red.

"Watch where you're going" At the harsh sound of a familiar voice, she turned to face Ginny who was helping Neville off the floor glaring at the small girl. Penelope clutched her bag of sweets, taking a step back eyeing her group of friends her heart physically breaking at the harsh looks they were giving her. She chewed on her bottom lip anxiously peering up at Draco whose face was stone hard and staring out at them, his hand buried in his pocket where his wand remained.

"I-I'm sorry."

"You have no reason to apologize. If you even think about laying a finger on her let alone look at her-"

"Draco it's okay. I'm sorry to bother, I'll see you guys later," At the sound of Draco's mouth starting to sputter more incoherent curse words at the group, she hastily grabbed onto his clothed arm and dragged him further away from the group. Her heavy breathing had quieted down significantly, subconsciously tightening her grip on Draco's sleeve leaning into his shoulder letting their quiet footsteps be the only sound in the woods.

"Is everything alright?" He murmured, letting his voice drift across the evening air looking down at the brunette beneath him. She nodded softly, letting her free hand grab a hold of the fence in front of her scanning the beautiful colors streaking the sky. It had only been 2 months since Neville and her had broken up, and she was rather conflicted on her feelings. She was heartbroken about her breakup but after spending so much time with the boy beside her she began wondering if she had started growing feelings for him. Penelope picked at the paint chipping off the fence, her heart beat racing trying to think of a way to ask the tall boy next to her a rather complicated question.

"Draco? C-can I try something?"

"Of course," At the mere murmur of his words she turned to face the blonde, cupping his chiseled cheeks and pressing her plump lips against his. His lips parted instantly, his body stilling as a million thoughts coursed through his mind. Draco's eyes fluttered shut reciprocating the motions of their lips moving together, tentatively wrapping his arms around her waist. The pair remained in their state of bliss for a moment, letting the bright colors light up the sky in front of them as they become one with one another.

That kiss had answered all of her questions. Those kisses she had shared with the green eyed boy felt so bland compared the blonde whose arms were holding onto her tightly. This kiss felt like an atomic bomb unlike the small fluttering in her stomach she usually felt after kissing Neville.

“W-what was that?”

“A kiss-”

“Penelope,” Draco breathed out keeping her a couple inches from his as he searched her eyes for an answer, trying not to get his hopes up. She sighed clamping her eyes shut as she felt her nerves overwhelm her.

“I like you. A lot more than I thought I originally did... I-I get it if you don’t feel the same way. I just had to get that off my chest,”

“Are you blind, Davey”

“A little,” Penelope mumbled playfully motioning towards the glasses framing her face, to which Draco chuckled at leaning in to rest his forehead against her, “why do you ask?”

“I figured you of all people would have noticed that I have had the biggest crush on you ever since I bumped into you and Potter at Diagon Alley. But, I never pulled a move because that’s not the kind of man I am. Now that you are no longer taken, and I know for a fact you won’t reject me.... would you like to go on a date with me, Penelope David?” Penelope felt a grin creeping onto her face nodding her head rather eagerly to the blonde, bringing the boy into a kiss, melting into his touch as he gripped her hips pulling her close. They stood there swaying back and forth as the spring wind blew through their hair, enjoying the peaceful silence as they finally had everything out in the open.

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send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :))

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Draco Malfoy and his Rose. Pt. 2


Word Count: 4,861 words

Warning: cursing, slight smut

September 13th, 1996. The Courtyard. 3:29pm.

Hope felt happier then she had felt in an incredibly long time, after that night in the Astronomy Tower she felt like she could conquer anything. She spent all night cuddled up against her best friend, talking about the past 6 years and how they got to where they were at now. Draco tried to leave out as much of the abuse, and harsh words he had endured so the young girl wouldn't take any sort of pity on him.

Maybe after a couple weeks, he could open up to her, but as of right now he had a duty and he wasn't going to let his guard down until it was over. 

Several days had passed but she hadn't managed to see Draco once, which bummed her out but she brushed it off choosing to spend the rest of her afternoon in the courtyard studying for Snape's upcoming exam. The young girl was currently sitting with her knees tucked into her chest, strands of hair covering her face.The autumn breeze felt nice on her skin, softly running her fingers over her bare calve as her eyes scanned the words etched onto the pages. Hope pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, letting out a frustrated sigh at the difficult words clouding her vision leaning her head back and clamping her eyes shut as she tried to relax.

"You okay there?" The sound of someone whispering in her ear caught her off guard, letting out a surprised yelp sitting up rather abruptly. Hope eyed the red haired twin, whose cheeky smirk was covering his face. George made his way around the bench, taking a seat next to the brunette giving her a soft smile.

"Asshole. I'm doing good. I just... like making sure that all my work is 100% correct, even if it ends up killing me." She muttered, running her free hand through her curls eyeing the blue eyed boy through her frames. He nodded along to her words, gingerly picking up the open book on her lap reading the title.

"Ah, Snape. He's a fun one. You'll learn the tricks around his class rather easily, as long as you pay attention,"

"Oh, his class isn't hard. Especially for it being on level. I'm taking advanced classes so I am learning more advanced skills compared to the kids my age," George whistled, pretend fanning himself in a way of teasing the girl. Her cheeks became rather pink at his mannerism, playfully shoving the ginger. The Hufflepuff fiddled with the quill in her fingers, enjoying the feeling of the feather brushing against her hands.

"Oh, can it, Weasley. Say, where's your other half?"

"That is... an excellent question. I can promise you, he was right behind me as I came into the courtyard. But he must have-"

"Lupin. Professor Snape would like to speak to you. He said it's rather important," The sound of Draco's voice captured her attention, turning her head rather quickly to face the blonde nodding at what he said swiftly placing all of her books and pieces of parchment into her satchel. She turned to face George, giving him a small wave and a warm smile as she followed behind Draco. She felt her heart race at all the endless possibilities of what Snape would need to speak to her about.

"Did Snape say what he needed to talk to me-"

"Snape doesn't need to talk to you, Rose. I just needed an excuse for you to follow me." The young girl looked up at Draco, shaking her head at the slight smirk on his face. Draco didn't speak another word until they had reached a room she had seen before, due to Harry showing it to her. The Room of Requirement. Hope adjusted the satchel on her shoulder, as she watched the door appear in front of them, causing Draco to look behind him to ensure that Hope was following after her. He placed a hand on the small of her back as he ushered her into the room, closing the large door behind them, the thud echoing across the large room.

"Did you take me in here to kill me?" The brunette teased, playfully nudging the blonde as she made her way over to a large sofa and plopping herself down on the soft cushions. Carefully removing her satchel, letting the heavy material set on the side of the couch making sure she didn't accidentally tip it over. Draco eyed Hope, his heart clenching at the sight of her warm grin knowing that she was happy, a feeling he hadn't felt in an incredibly long time.

"Of course not. But, I felt bad for not coming to see you earlier. Which lead me to stealing you from that weasle, I hope you didn't mind," Hope laughed awkwardly, choosing to ignore the comment he made about George looking up at Draco with a soft smile shaking her head to his words. The blonde smiled down at her, eyeing her face rather hard. Hope felt her cheeks turning hot, reaching up with her fingers to trail her hand over her face out of fear there might be something there.

"Is there something on my face...?"

"No no... you just look really pretty. I don't think I noticed how gorgeous your eyes looked that night on The Astronomy Tower ," Hope flushed pink, nearly stuttering over her actions at the kind words leaving Draco's lips. I keep forgetting he's no longer the same boy I know, he's all grown. Her lips were parted uttering a soft thank you, feeling her chest clench as she saw him wet his plump pink lips. This was going to be a long night, she uttered to herself flashing the boy a quick smile noting how he sat with his legs wide open feeling her eyes widen slightly.

September 19th, 1996. Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. 4:01 pm.

Hope had a disgusted snarl placed on her lips as she listened to Professor Umbridge drone on and on about the importance of reading about spells, instead of actually practicing them. At every comment she made towards Harry, she wanted nothing more than to throw a hex at the toad. The entire lecture today had been her pointing at a chalkboard and picking on a few students, to see if they had read the endless chapters she always gave out. Hope had managed to scribble a few useful tips, making sure to mark them to know to go back to them not noticing how quiet the room had gotten, the sound of her quill on the parchment being the only sound in the room.

"Miss Lupin?" Hope's head snapped up, her cheeks ablaze as she made eye contact with Umbridge whose scrunched up face looked like it could burst at any given moment, swallowing rather thickly. She felt the endless eyes of her peers eyeing her, feeling her leg start to bounce up and down rather nervously as she stared at her Professor.

"Yes, Professor?"

"Would you mind reading out loud what it is you have written down? Oh, and please come to the front of the class," The sweet sickly tone of her voice sent her into a frenzy, giving a nod of her head delicately picking up her sheet of parchment almost covered in tons of notes making her way to the front of the classroom. Hope put a smile on her face as she made eye contact with her peers, clearing her throat before beginning to read over the neat notes.

"For our O.W.L.S, we will have to go over any and all knowledge over our 4 past years in Hogwarts on Defense Against the Dark Arts. We will have to write a short essay explaining the 5 signs of-"

"That's enough, Miss Lupin. So you weren't writing a note to pass around?"

"No, ma'am." Hope chirped, feeling her body stiffen as Professor Umbridge nearly squealed at her comment wrapping an arm around the witch. She let out a small laugh, looking around nervously. She tried to avoid eye contact with any of her classmates noticing that many of them were trying to muffle their laughter, a teasing glint in their eyes.

"Now students. Hope is a good example of what you all should be doing. 15 points to Hufflepuff!" Right as she finished hollering, the bell rang which sent all the students scrambling to gather their school things including Hope who hadn't had any time to pack any of her things before hand. She slung her satchel over her shoulder, hurriedly making her way to dinner letting out small excuse me's as she accidentally bumped into a few people including the Golden Trio. Hope came to a stop, flashing a quick smile at her friends who smiled right back at her.

"I'm sorry for nearly trampling you there, Weasley. I'm in a hurry to get as far away from Professor Umbridge as fast as possible. She scares me," Hope practically whispered, adjusting her satchel as she walked alongside them. They let out a chuckle, which made Hope join in on their little laughing fest locking eyes with Harry letting out a nervous chuckle, "Are you guys going to dinner tonight? I never see you guys there anymore,"

"No, we're currently trying to practice some stuff. And tonight we're gonna try to come up with a lesson plan for our next meeting." Hermione spoke rather cheerfully, tightening her grip on her books. Hope nodded along to her words, her mind flashing back to Draco whose grey eyes were burned into her mind,"-wondering if you would like to join us? I think the boys need some real competition."

"Oh- of course! That sounds like fun," Hope grinned brushing the stray hairs away from her face, choosing to tag along with the Golden Trio following behind them as they sneaked their way around the herds of students into the Room of Requirement.

Shortly after arriving there they began thinking of good spells for the kids to practice, surprisingly a lot harder than they had thought considering Harry had already thought of the highly important spells Hope's father had taught them. Hope had her head on Harry's thigh her back on the stone floor waving her wand around focusing on the trail of sparks that followed after her wand. She let out a deep breath she never realized she was holding before sitting up rather abruptly. The sudden outburst startled the trio, their eyes wide as they watched the witch intently as she sat up where they could properly hear and see her.

"I'm literally the stupidest person to have ever walked these halls-"

"Now that's just offensive to Ron," Harry mumbled around a mouthful of chocolate, taking a drink from his cup full of water a playful glint in his eyes. Ron's face flushed red throwing his satchel at the wizard, barely skimming over his head as the two girls began laughing as they began throwing the bag back and forth. Hope rolled her eyes, using her wand to throw the satchel against the wall startling them both. Both of their sheepish faces turned to face her, giving her a cheesy grin which she ignored.

"As I was saying, I could just ask my father. We have this little journal that we enchanted in my third year, for when he came here to teach and I was at Beauxbatons. I can talk to him just by writing into the journal, and it'll go undetected by Umbridge,"

"I could just kiss you right now, Lupin. You are a genius!" Ron muttered, cupping Hopes face to which she sputtered her face flushing as he pressed a sloppy kiss on her cheek. Harry let out a scoff covering it up with a loud cough, tossing the rest of his chocolate frog with the rest of his trash, offering the witch his leg again as she eyed him curiously to which he faked a smile eyeing Ron. Hope shoved the redhead off wiping the spit from her face, smacking his leg out of spite," you know you love me,"

"Remind me to sit next to you next time instead of this dumbass," Hope directed to Ron which just made Hermione giggle, letting out a gasp as the 6'3 wizard thought it would be a good idea to throw himself at Hope which led her to let out a pained grunt. This is going to be a long night, Hope thought to herself as she jabbed her elbow into the gingers stomach.

November 9th, 1996. The Gryffindor Common Room. 5:53 am.

"-and I see him being a complete ass to all these so called ‘half blood’ or ‘muggle borns’ so I got onto him about it. I don’t think I have ever wanted to kick the living daylights out of anyone as much as him! We haven't spoken since then... I messed things up haven’t I? Fuck, I’m sorry Harry, you’re probably tired. Just forget about it, it's silly-"

"No! It's not silly at all. Draco is a complete arse, and I know it must be weird to see him now after all these years of seeing your best friend as a saint. But, I can assure you. You aren’t silly for feeling upset about this...alright? " Harry murmured his accent thickening near the end of the sentence, running his fingers through his messy black hair, his eyes never leaving the brunette who was currently curled up on one of the many couches strewn around the Common Room.

Her eyes were glossy as she wiped at the tears threatening to fall, tucking her head into her knees that were pressed against her chest. Harry still couldn't figure out how someone as horrid as Draco had someone like Hope wrapped around his finger, rushing to throw his toned arm around her shoulder muttering soft nothings into her ear. She let her knees drop curling into Harry throwing her arms around his waist holding him close as she let out a few sobs.

"I'm sorry, H. I just- he's been my best friend for as long as I can remember. And after being apart from him for so long, I just figured things would be normal. Not-not this mess that it’s turned out to be," Hope mumbled into the dark haired wizards neck, noting the soft scent of his cologne trying to ignore how intoxicating he smelled, "Can you tell me a bit about what Draco did to you guys to make y’all hate him so much? At first I just thought you guys were being over dramatic... but now I realize that isn’t the same Draco Malfoy I grew up with,"

"I don't think that's a great idea, Hope."

"Why not?"

"Look, I might not be super fond of Draco. But, I have no right to go and put even more negative thoughts into that head of yours considering 90% of the kids here first judged me at the sight of my scar and I didn't like it. I felt belittled and like I was some walking trophy." Harry opened up his face flushing at the thought of all those comments he had endured while walking down the hallway, rubbing small circles onto her back noting the thin familiar T-shirt that adorned her body, "Are you cold? We could run up to my room if you'd like,"

"Are you sure? I can endure a couple hours of the cold, it's no biggie-"

"Come 'ere." The boy whispered removing his hold around the witch, helping her up letting out a soft chuckle as she struggled to put on her moose slippers. He grabbed onto her hand setting it on his shoulder so she could balance herself properly, successfully managing to put her slippers on giving the dark haired boy two thumbs up. Harry rolled his eyes leading the way for Hope to follow, trying his best to not make too much noise as he opened the door to his room. Harry motioned towards the only empty bed in the room, Hope gladly made her way over kicking off her slippers sliding underneath the warm covers as Harry closed the door.

"You look so tiny- do your feet seriously not reach the end of the bed?!" Harry chuckled as quietly as he could, playfully shoving her legs noticing the brunette had turned a bright pink smacking his bicep. He yelped rubbing at the sore spot, nudging her over so he could lay down next to her.

This wouldn't be the first time they've cuddled, considering they clicked from the moment they met and both had grown rather close in the last month and a half but this would be the first time they were going to be in the same bed in close proximity. Harry was twice her size, and it almost made this situation impossible because of how small the bed was. They both let out a series of giggles at their comical situation, their bodies incredible close nearly squished into one. Harry thought it would be easier to fit if they were even closer, which is why he proceeded to wrap his arm around her waist letting the witch nuzzle into his chest.

"If you were on me... like on my chest, there might be more room," Hope felt her chest flutter as she heard his husky voice breath out those words into her hair, nodding along to what he said allowing his toned arms to lift her onto him. Harry wasn't wrong. With Hope laying on him, partially anyway, not only was there more room for them he felt even more comfortable. Her fingers tracing random patterns onto his chest feeling his large hands tighten their grip around her.

"I'm sorry again for waking you up this early, I didn't know who else to go to,"

"Hope, you already apologized. And once again, I'm telling you that it's okay. I would have met you out in the freezing lake if you had asked me," He teased, which made the witch blush lifting her head up from its current position locking eyes with his bright green eyes feeling her breath hitch, her gaze flickering down at his lips feeling the air in the room thicken tremendously.

Harry wet his lips with his tongue, tightening his grip on her lightly as he felt himself leaning into her warm touch. The witch closed the gap between them, feeling herself melt into the kiss her hands trailing up his chest to tug on his hair. They adjusted their positions, letting Harry sit up with Hope's legs straddling his waist resuming their kiss feeling it grow heated fast. She enjoyed the feeling of his touch on her hips, letting out a small wine as he dug his long fingers into her exposed skin pulling her closer to his chest. Hope didn't expect this morning to turn out the way she had planned, but she wasn't complaining especially as she felt the dark haired boy growing beneath her. 

Harry couldn't remember the last time he had been in any way intimate with someone, trying to memorize the feeling of her burning skin as she tugged at his hair deepening the kiss as he subconsciously bucked his hips up. At the feeling of his growing member bucking into her, she let out a soft moan to which Harry hushed as he parted from her swollen lips nearly giving in as he saw the needy look in her eyes. He scrambled to grab his wand to close the curtains surrounding his bed, casting a quick muffliato. 

That way if they did end up getting too loud, there wouldn't be any chance of waking up the guys who were currently sound asleep. He stuck his arm through the curtain, struggling to set his wand on the bedside table from how badly his hands were shaking. Hope felt herself smirk as she saw how flustered Harry looked, growing frustrated from his wand not wanting to stay where he set it. Her smalls fingers fiddled with the T-shirt adorning his body giving him a slight pout nearly being thrown back as he swiftly tugged off his grey shirt exposing his toned body off to her. She felt herself growing hot as she pressed wet kisses along his neck, smirking to herself as she heard small gasps leaving his lips.

"Bloody... you are going to ruin me"

"Aww, don't get all shy on me now, Potter. " Hope teased nipping at a small spot above his collar, hearing the groan leave his parted lips. She didn't seem to notice the small change on his face, letting out a squeal as he flipped her onto her back. His eyes had darkened significantly, locking eyes with Hope as he hovered over her. His long arms were on either side of her face, caging her in as his hips ground down on her feeling his arms nearly buckle as he caught the look of pleasure spread across her face.

"I don't like being teased, sweetheart..."

"Holy-" Hope choked out at the choice of his words, throwing her head back onto the pillows as he continued to grind his clothed member against her core. Her hands reached up to tug on his dark locks, leaning her neck to the side as he mouthed at her neck. He sucked greedily on her tan skin, not paying attention to the dark bruises already forming.

"You look so pretty underneath me," He groaned resting his knees in between her thighs nearly losing it as the brunette wrapped her slender legs around his waist pulling him close, running his hands underneath her shirt feeling her breath hitch at the soft touch of his cold fingers.

"Fuck... I need you please," She whined, feeling her breathing grow heavier as his large hands grabbed onto her waist pulling her down closer to him. He leaned down to press a kiss onto her parted lips, moaning into her mouth as her hands brushed over the growing tent in his dark sweatpants.

His hips quickened the pace grinding themselves onto her, trying to create some friction successfully drawing a moan from Hope. The brunette snuck her hands into the waistband of his sweats feeling him groan heavily into the crook of her neck before they stiffened, they sound of people shuffling from outside the curtains caught their attention. Harry let out a few curse words resting his flushed forehead against hers waiting to see if the noise went away. Unfortunately, it seemed to have grown louder as his fellow roommate had woken up somehow managing to wake everyone else around him.

"For Godric’s sake-"

"Put your shirt on, Potter," Hope groaned, feeling rather pissed at the fact that their current actions had to be halted. Harry rolled off of her, tugging the material over his head letting his back rest on the headboard his red cheeks standing out on his pale skin. The brunette leaned against his shoulder, her eyes fluttering shut as his hand rubbed subtle circles on her exposed thigh.

"Oi, Harry, why are your curtains closed-"

"-I betcha he's got a girl in there! Are y'all shaggin'! " Her cheeks grew pink, giggling at the words of the Irish boy using her own wand to undo the muffliato opening the curtains with a flick of her wand making direct eye contact with Dean and Semus. She flashed a teasing grin, making her way off of Harrys bed not before stuffing her feet into her moose slippers.

"It was like 5 am two seconds ago, what time is it?" Hope questioned, stretching out her limbs from being in one position for a long time. She let out a small yawn, covering her mouth with her hand looking at the two boys for an answer. The pair of friends both looked at one another before a voice off to the side caught her attention.

"It's 7 am, although I have no idea why they're awake at this time. I'm still half asleep” Neville mumbled groggily, “Maybe just asleep...", His blonde hair laying messily over his face nuzzling further into the pillows. Hope let out a soft thank you, running her hand through her curls feeling herself grow nervous at the pair of eyes watching her, "Okay, well thank you for keeping me company, H. Sorry if I intruded... I best be off."

"I'll walk you out," Harry stood up from his position, adjusting the newfound hoodie lower on his hips most likely to hide his erection which made her giggle. She flashed him a knowing smile, ignoring the glare he sent her as he walked her down to the Common Room where there were thankfully no students lingering.

Hope was about to make her way towards the portrait stumbling as she felt a hand pull her back. She crashed into Harry's chest, looking up at the green eyed boy whose eyes were scanning her entire face. He let his large hands rest on her hips, holding her in place as he nervously bit his lip.

"About what happened upstairs... w-what does that mean for us?"

"I mean... I think we should play it out and see what happens then. I do like you, H. But, I still have to figure out where in the world I stand with Malfoy,"

"Okay. I can live with that... so, theoretically, if a so called boy wanted to kiss you-" Hope rolled her eyes at his words, grabbing onto his soft hoodie pulling him down to press a very much needed kiss onto his lips. He rested his hands on her waist tugging her closer, feeling his body melt into the soft kiss nearly leaning back in to recapture her lips as she pulled away. They both simultaneously grinned at one another, parting from one another as Hope began making her way towards the exit.

"Wait!" She spun on her heel, letting out a soft laugh as she saw the boy struggle to remove the Quidditch hoodie off of his body, handing her the warm material giving her a cheesy grin. Hope felt her heart swell at the endearing gift, pressing a long kiss on his cheek uttering a soft thank you. Wow... I thought Ron was exaggerating when he said he couldn't get enough of Lavender, the boy thought to himself sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he jogged back upstairs to talk to the boys awaiting in their dorm room.

November 10th, 1996. The Courtyard. 1:46 pm.

"Hopeeee!" The sound of someone screaming her name made her jump, dropping her book onto the hard floor as she looked around for the source of the noise coming face to face with the Weasley twins who were carrying several bags in their hands, "Why weren't you at Hogsmeade today? You never miss a chance to buy your precious chocolate,"

The twins made their way over to the brunette who had just bent over to pick up the book that had fallen out of her hands, wiping it off rather briskly. Just as Hope had opened her lips, George popped a chocolate ball into her mouth a grin on his lips. She chewed on the sweet candy happily, humming appreciatively at their choice of sweets focusing her attention back on the large book yelping as Fred slammed the book shut.

"We free our schedules, just for you to read in front of us? Nuh uh, not in front of us, love."

"And look, we went out of our way to buy you your favorite candy. Even that fancy chocolate you like so much-"

"You did not!"

"Oh yes we did." Fred chirped, taking a bite out his licorice wand as he watched the look of awe on the witch's face as George handed her a rather full bag of candy. A large grin made its way onto her face, wrapping her arms around both of her favorite twins hugging them tightly, "Don't kill us yet, love. I would like to open our shop first, then I'm all yours."

"Oh can it, Weasley." She chuckled, shoving the both of them off looking down at the bag on her lap sifting through it to try to find another chocolate ball happily popping it into her mouth," You guys are so sweet."

"Anything for you, love. Now would you mind telling us what has had you in such a prissy mood these past few weeks,"

"I appreciate the concern you guys, but it's nothing. If anything, today, I'm in a really good mood." She grinned, thinking back to the heated kisses and the sensual touches that were burned into her memory. The twins shared a look, choosing to pester her about it later watching her stand up from her seat on the stone bench holding her book and the bag of treats they had brought her close to her chest, "It was nice to see you guys. Don't forget about Tuesday after school, don't get your panties in a twist after I beat both of y'alls arses."

"You wish, Lupin." The both shouted out simultaneously, the smile on both of their faces growing as she swiftly flipped both of them the bird watching as she made her way inside.

"Hey, Fred?"

"Yea, George?"

"Was it just me, or were those hickeys on her neck?"

"Oh no, those were definitely hickeys. Our little Hope is all grown up,"

"Yea... she sure is." George mumbled, feeling his chest tighten at the thought of another guy marking her up. The red head hadn't said a thing out of fear that he would get rejected but seeing her today with those dark love bites on her neck only fueled the jealousy coursing through his veins, wanting nothing more than to kill the little boy who had his hands on her. George shook his head of those thoughts, choosing to focus on Fred's ongoing plan on pranking Filch.  As long as Hope is happy, then I'm happy. And if he hurts her, then I'll gladly throw him into the Lake.

Draco Malfoy And His Rose. Pt. 2

send requests! i’m always up for writing anything, just send me a quick little inbox and i’ll make sure to write it as quickly as possible. and if you have any suggestions or criticism, feel free to make it :)

a/n: let me know if you guys would like a part three! thanks for all the love <3

Tags :

I want to request a Draco Malfoy x Gryffindor! reader please: despite being a close friend to the golden trio, the reader and Malfoy has this playful ‘who can get a rise out of each other’ type of relationship so they tease & banter with each other on any chance that they get. What if one day the reader decided to steps up her game and steals one of Malfoy’s slytherin tie with his initials on it and proudly wears it around Hogwarts and it just bothers him soo much!

The Forsaken Tie | Draco Malfoy x Reader

Word Count: 2,832 words

Warnings: cursing, making out, teasing

Requested: Sorry ran out of word count :( can it also included a jealous Malfoy and then ended with some makeout session before he finally has the guts to ask her out please? Thank you so much <3 @queenofmankind

September 27th, 1995. The Gryffindor Common Room. 9:57 pm.

You let your head roll back, letting out a frustrated sigh. You had spent the last 3 hours listening to Hermione and Ron bickering, and while you loved them to death, this was a bit ridiculous. Your eyes flickered off to the side eyeing Harry, whose eyebrows were furrowed, eyes flickering between the red head and the bushy haired girl. Leaning over to whisper something in his ear, resting your free hand on his shoulder, "I don't know about you, but I think Fred told me a little something about the elves making a killer cheesecake-"

"Say no more," Harry rushed out grabbing a hold of his wand, and your hand making a run for it. Loud giggles left your lips, trying to keep up with the dark haired boy's long strides. The wide grin on his face made you smile, letting yourself slow down looping your arm through his enjoying the long awaited peace and quiet, "Thank you. I think if I had stayed a couple seconds longer, I would have torn my hair out of my head,"

"I don't understand it. One second they're giving one another the love stricken eyes," Harry snorted, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose keeping your paces pretty steady as you guys made your way down to the kitchens, "And the next, they're at each other's throats!"

"How long do you think they're going to be arguing for until they noticed we've gone?"

"Probably when someone comes down from the dorms shouting at them for keeping them up-"

"Well, well... what do we have here?" The sound of someone interrupting you made you guys tense up, turning around to face the sound of the voice coming face to face with Draco. Your heart felt like it had stumbled over itself, swallowing back the rest of your sentence crossing your arms over your chest. The air around the three of you had thickened tremendously, feeling the tension between you and the blonde who was eyeing you like a hawk. Harry stiffened beside you, subtly moving in closer to you his hand resting on the small of your back now as you both stared down the Slytherin. The second Harry set his hand on your back, you felt the burning oh Draco’s stare, "Two Gryffindors out of bed past curfew... 10 points from Gryffindor."

"Oh shut it, Malfoy."

"Make me, Potter. As you may or not may have noticed-"

"Yes, Malfoy. We're all quite aware. We heard your voice loud and clear in the Great Hall as you announced your news to the whole wide world. Maybe you'd like to use sonorus next time?” The blonde's head snapped towards yours, his face flushing pink his mouth opening and closing as he tried to come up with a comeback. You smirked, looking over at Harry who hadn't removed his gaze off of Draco. "Come on, H. Look, I'll head off to the kitchens and grab some cheesecake and you go and tell Hermione and Ron that if they aren't finished bickering by the time I get back that-"

"-you will throw their asses in a bin. Got it." Harry smiled down at you, removing his grip off of you stalking off to the Gryffindor Common Room leaving you and Draco alone. The second you could no longer hear Harry's footsteps you let down your facade, shoving the blonde who just smirked at you.

"You asshole. Why'd you have to take points? I would very much like to win the House Cup this year,"

"It's not my fault, if you hadn't been out past curfew with Potter then maybe you'd still have those 10 points," He murmured, letting his eyes scale you up and down noticing you weren't wearing your usual attire. A pair of shorts covered your legs, along with an oversized hoodie that seemed quite familiar. A smile tugging at his lips as he realized it to be the one he let you borrow after the Yule Ball. It was his only article of muggle clothing, so no one had seen him wear it except for you which is why he had no problem lending you the hoodie.

"You got something against Potter, Malfoy?" You teased knowing the blonde was jealous of your relationship with his enemy, letting your fingers trail up his arms, patting yourself on the back mentally as you saw how much that had affected him. He practically became puddy in your hands.

"N-no. Why would I?"

"Oh no reason. Well, I should go and get Harry that cheesecake... see you later, Mal," You had leaned into him, your hands resting happily on his chest tugging him close your lips brushing against his ear. He shivered, willing his hands to not grip your waist and press his lips onto yours. Hastily pulling away from his tall frame, making your way down the stairs determined to grab a couple slices of cheesecake a smile on your lips as you thought about his gorgeous grey eyes shaking your head at the thought of crashing your lips together knowing it would never happen. Harry would kill the boy 1,000 times before coming for you next.

December 8th, 1995. The Great Hall. 1:08 pm.

You currently were trying to de-escalate a petty disagreement between Ron and Hermione knowing it would quickly become an argument before you felt someone tap your shoulder, turning your head around watching a blur of Slytherin robes walk past you. You excused yourself, knowing well they probably didn't even know you were there, hurriedly making your way out of the Great Hall, popping one last grape into your mouth chewing happily looking around for the blonde almost letting out a scream as you were dragged into an invisible corridor a hand wrapped around your wrist. At the sight of a familiar pair of grey eyes you relaxed, but not before smacking the blonde upside the head which made him whine rubbing the sore spot.

"You asshole. I didn’t even know this corridor existed, I thought I was going to die,"

"Sorry. I didn't know how else to get you to your attention,"

"Maybe a simple, 'Hey!' would do," He rolled his eyes at your sarcastic remark, chewing on his bottom lip thoughtfully trying to think of how he was going to word his next question feeling his face starting to grow red, "What was so important that you needed to steal me out of lunch for?"

"Well... I have a question." You felt yourself stiffen, your hands scrambling to fiddle with the hem of your sweater peering up at the blushing Slytherin. Merlin... is he-is he about to- your thoughts were interrupted at the sound of Hermione yelling at the top of her lungs her insults aimed at the red head. A loud sigh left your lips knowing you had to go and see what in the world was going on this time, mentally cursing at yourself.

"I'm so sorry, Mal. I have to make sure Hermione doesn't kill Ron. I'm fairly certain she wouldn't like to end up in Azkaban." A loud sigh of relief left Draco's lips nodding at your words, giving you a soft smile as your ran off to chase after your friends. Maybe after the Christmas Holidays... yeah, after Christmas. He ran his fingers through his gelled hair, straightening up his school uniform before briskly making his way back into the Great Hall with his signature smug look.

December 18th 1995. The Slytherin Common Room. 11:53 pm.

"Yes!" You smirked down at the silky fabric twirling it in between your fingers, almost forgetting the boy who stood behind you with a teasing glint in his eyes. You stuffed the fabric into the pocket of your hoodie, closing the drawer with a satisfied hum spinning on your heels to face Theodore Nott who had his hands tucked into his dark wash jeans eyeing you, "I got it,"

"I can see that, but what exactly is it that you got?"

"You'll see when classes start back up. And to prove it to you, I'll come to you first thing in the morning." You flashed him a wide grin, pulling the sleeves down on the grey hoodie covering your hands with the sleeves. He just smiled down at the bubbly Gryffindor motioning towards the dorm door, following after you as he led you into the Common Room with ease his hands gently placed on the small of your back leading you to the door before coming to a stop right as he went to open it.

"You know, if it weren't for the fact that Herbology would be an absolute nightmare without you, I wouldn't be doing this," He mused, his dimples poking out as he watched you let out a loud laugh shaking your head at the Nott boy. You chewed on your bottom lip to stop yourself from grinning, peering up at him.

"You love me, Nott. Now let me out. I'm in the mood for some cookies,"

"Whatever you say, love. Goodnight. Please be careful,"

"Aren't I always, Nott?"

January 9th, 1995. Outside The Slytherin Common Room. 7:32 am.

You felt your body practically vibrating, nerves flowing through your body a small smile on your face, rocking back and forth on your heels your satchel feeling heavier than usual as you stood waiting for a familiar face.

Nearly knocking out the tall boy who had cleared his throat, turning your whole body towards him a wave of relief washing over you. He chuckled at your reaction, before choking on his own saliva as he looked down at the tie wrapped around the collar of your bright white button up. A loud giggle left your lips as you untucked the tie from the vest showing the bright green and black stripes of the silky tie.

The brunette made his way over to you his fingers taking a hold of the tie, a smirk growing on his lips.

"Is this..."

“Yes... the ‘forsaken’ tie. Stolen from yours truly, Mr. Malfoy." The Nott boy let out a loud laugh, throwing his head back as he thought of the look on Malfoy's face as he saw the girl he's been crushing on for years wearing his tie for the whole school to see, "That's not even the best part. His initials are so graciously placed for the whole world to see,"

"That is bloody brilliant. I would love nothing more than to chat with you love, but I have to go wake up the rest of the lot. But come by later and we’ll talk all about it. Sound alright?"

"Of course! Oh, and Nott? Tell Malfoy to make sure his tie is properly tied,"

January 9th, 1995. The Great Hall. 9:10 am.

"Hey! Did you hear about- woah... what are you wearing?"

"Malfoy's tie," You replied nonchalantly, scooping some yogurt into your bowl tossing some fruit on top. The sound of Ron and Harry choking on their juice made you smirk, shoveling a spoonful into your mouth to avoid talking to them. The feeling of someone grabbing your wrist forced you to look up, locking eyes with a pair of vibrantly green eyes swallowing the yogurt down, "Yes?"

"Don't 'yes' me. Why are you wearing Malfoy's tie? You guys are always bickering, you guys are worse than Ron and-" You scoffed, arching one of your eyebrows as you ate another grape, Harry stopped to think correcting himself, "-okay maybe not that bad. But what the hell?"

"H, it's nothing. Don't worry about it,"

"Well, he and I are going to worry about it. He's a complete asshole. Oh no...don't tell me you guys slept together-"

"I swear, if you guys slept together, I will hex his ass into oblivion." The dark haired boy spat out through his teeth, his eyes darkening flickering behind him standing up out of nowhere his stance stiff. You turned around facing a blonde who looked to appear seething, his hand gripping his wand so tightly his knuckles were stark white.

"You let her go this instant," Draco's stone hard eyes flickered down to you, his lips parting at the sight of one of his ties wrapped around your neck taking a step forward to grasp the fabric before being shoved back by Harry whose face was also flushed.

"Don't touch her, you ferret."

"She's not yours, Potter."

"Well, she would much rather choose me over you."

"How. Dare. You-"

"Okay! Malfoy, let's go." You grabbed a hold of his much larger hand, hastily dragging him out of the Great Hall in order to stop the seething boy from hexing the 'Chosen One' managing to catch the eyes of many as they saw the infamous 'Slytherin Prince' and one of Harry Potter's best friends hand in hand. Harry and the rest of the Gryffindors were at a lost for words as they had seen one of their own willingly be around a Slytherin. You let out a relieved sigh once you had closed the door to the empty classroom, glancing at the blonde whose face was no longer a bright shade of red.

"Is this the year for all the guys to go batshit crazy? Did you finally hit puberty, Mal?"

"Where did you get my tie?" The flustered boy breathed out, his eyes never leaving sight of the fabric wrapped snug against you neck. Your hands reached up to fiddle with the silky fabric, tugging at it so it came undone letting the tie rest on your hands as you peered up at him. His eyes had darkened significantly, his bottom lip trapped in between his teeth as he eyed your pouty lips.

"Nott let me into your room, and I stole it." You felt your hands getting antsy, as the boy took a step towards you. “W-what are you doing?”

His eyes scanned your face for any sign of discomfort, making the bold move to cup your face with his hand letting the other hand rest warmly on your hip feeling your breath hitch, "Can I kiss you? I won't if you don't want me to. It's completely understandable if you don’t! You know on the other hand I think I heard someone calling me actually-"

"Bloody hell, Malfoy. You talk too much," You took matters into your own hands tossing his tie onto an empty desk pressing your lips against his hungrily. Wrapping your arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around your waist pulling your body flush against his toned frame. His hands gripped your hips, his thumbs digging in deeper as you tugged at his blonde locks. He let out a breathy moan, clawing at your sweater trying to intake as much of the moment as he could.

"I've been dreaming of this moment since you tipped your bowl of pasta over my Yule Ball suit," A loud laugh left your swollen lips at his comment shaking your head, parting from the Slytherin boy whose warm breath fanned over your face a tiny smile on his bruised lips, "Did I ruin the moment?"

"Just a bit,"

"I'm sorry... but if it helps, your plan backfired and you ended up getting yourself dirty as well,” He untangled himself from you, running his fingers through his ruffled blonde hair before looking over at you an readable expression on his face. You tilted your head at him, motioning him to continue speaking, "I um... I have a question."

A wide smile covered your face, biting your bottom lip to stop yourself from giggling at the nervous boy who was rubbing the back of his neck, "Yes, Malfoy?"

"I was wondering if you... would you like to go out with me?" He grinned, his hands taking a hold of yours tugging you close his eyes peering down at the growing smile on your face. You shook your head at him, letting out a loud sigh.

"That's a pretty tough question, I think I'm going to have to get back to you on that-"

"Don't even start,"

"I'm just messing with you, Mal." An idea came to mind, wrapping your fingers around his tie tugging him to you pressing your body against his, Draco's eyes wide feeling all the blood rush down from his brain as he saw you with a mischievous glint in your eyes. "I'd love nothing more than to go out with you..."

"Good... now how do you feel about skipping today and put these ties to good use?"



"You're a prefect!"

"And...?" The silence that came afterwards seemed to prove his point, smirking down at you letting out an appreciative hum as you pressed a soft kiss to his awaiting lips trying to deepen the kiss before you pulled away making your way to the door.

"You should close your mouth or else you'll catch pixies,"

The blonde clamped his mouth shut watching his girl walk out the door, shaking his head as he picked up the extra tie about to shove it into his pocket before he noticed something by his initials. Beside his initials were your initials with a little heart by it, making his heart swell a smile on his chiseled features. You are going to be the death of me, he thought to himself hurrying to his classroom a permanent smile not etched onto his face.

a/n: thank you so much for this request! i had so much fun writing this where i wrote it all in one sitting. i hope you like it! lots of love <3

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Hiii, could you write a Draco x reader where he just spends the night being a soft boy with her, cuddling and kissing and talking about anything and everything in bed? Thanks💗

We’ll Be Alright | Draco Malfoy x Reader

Word Count: 1,267 words

Warnings: slight angst, mentions of the war, curse words, probably could have used even more fluff

The feeling of Draco's fingers running through your tousled hair made you melt further into his touch, wanting nothing more than to spend the rest of your nights like this with him.

You had invited him over to your apartment where you had previously shared with the Weasley twins. He graciously accepted, willing to do anything to get out of the Manor, where he still couldn't look at his father without wanting to hex him for putting him what he put him through.

"How long do you plan on staying?" You mumbled into the soft fabric of his T-shirt, tracing small circles onto the exposed skin. He shifted slightly so your body wasn't hanging off the edge of the bed pulling you closer to him. Draco let out a heavy sigh, feeling a dread wash over him thinking of his family.

"I haven't really thought about when to go back. I think I'll just wait until my mother calls me. But if you have other things to do, then I'm more than willing to leave tomorrow morning-"

"Draco, calm down." Giggling into his chest, lifting up your head to look down at the blonde whose face had flushed lightly, "I'm not kicking you out. I was only asking so I could figure out when to beg for you to stay even longer..." You confessed a light blush on your cheeks. Draco felt his heart melt at your words, playfully pouting his lips to which you leaned down to press an awaiting kiss to them. He responded almost instantly his heart clenching at your sweet touch, his hands tightening around your frame tugging you even closer.

"You know... this reminds me of the time when you tried to tell me you had a crush on me. But then you just ended up telling me you liked George,"

"Oh fuck off," You felt your face heat up, nuzzling into his chest as he let out a deep chuckle.

"I don't even know why I said that! I didn't like him in any way and then I go and confess to my crush that I like another guy,"

"Kind of hurt," He teased, scratching your scalp lightly as you let out a small whine smacking his chest. Draco chuckled as you peered up at him from your position on him.

"You arse, you knew I didn't like Weasley. Why didn't you say something?"

Draco laughed, shaking his head at your words, "I think it was more fun to see you struggling. But on a serious note, I was honestly heart broken when you said that. It took me a solid 30 to realize what you meant to say before I could get over it."

"Yeah, yeah, rub it in."

After a couple seconds of you guys giggling, Draco began tugging at the collar of his shirt a soft sigh leaving his lips.

"Aren't you warm? I'm never usually one to get overheated but when I'm around you I promise you it gets 20 degrees hotter," The blonde shifted, forcing you to lift yourself off of his body so he could sit up. His hands found the hem of his shirt tugging it off of his sticky body, your heartbeat speeding up at the sight of your boyfriends toned torso. Draco noticed the look of awe spread across your features, a pout forming on his lips making a gesture with his hands to pull you close. "C'mere..."

You snapped out of your little daze, climbing into his embrace letting the blonde hold you tightly as you made yourself comfortable.

Draco was never one for physical contact, but with you he could never get enough of it.

Whenever you guys were apart, he would feel lost and was practically counting the minutes until he could have you in his arms again. Even if it was the smallest gesture like holding your hand, or seeing that gorgeous smile of yours he felt grounded and as if nothing could ever get to him.

"I don't think I've ever told you how much you mean to me, love." He whispered, adjusting his grip on you feeling his warm breath in the crook of your neck.

“Ever since our 2nd Year, all I ever thought about was you. When I was sitting behind you in Potions, all I ever thought about was how easily I could just reach over and just say hi to you. But I didn't. If it weren't for Blaise, I don't think I would have ever gotten the courage to say anything to you... you have been an absolute blessing to my life. I wish I could have had the chance to choose you over becoming a Death Eater, because I would choose you over and over again."

"Draco...it's not your fault-"

"Yes. It is. I-I fucked up. Blaise told me each and every single day about how heartbroken I left you, and I wanted nothing more than to march my arse over to your dorm room and just comfort you. But I couldn't. I had to pretend that our relationship didn't matter. And when it came to fighting against the Dark Lord or standing by your side, I chose what I knew was right. I went with my heart. I went with you. " At this point, Draco had tears streaming down his face looking down at you with red cheeks. You cupped his face, brushing away any stray tears hushing the sobbing boy quietly.

"Mal... I don't blame you for anything. I know that deep down you would have done anything in your power if it weren't for You-Know-Who. I still loved you... I still do. You were being used, and who am I to criticise or blame you for things you had no control over."

"Fuck," He choked out, pulling you onto his lap with your legs on either side of him as he took in a shaky breath. "I love you so damn much..."

You let out a small smile, leaning down to press a kiss to his salty lips. "I love you too, Draco. I always will."

"You promise?" Your heart physically shattered at the tone of his voice, letting the blonde rest his head against your chest running your fingers through his feather soft hair. He let out a soft sigh, melting into your comforting touch.

"I promise. You're going to have to burn down every single bloody thing I care about before I even consider leaving you... and even then I still wouldn't leave."

"Not even for your dog?"

"...which one?"


"Woah there buddy. Now you're pushing it," He let out a giggle, making you smile widely at his actions rocking him side to side as you let out a happy sigh.

You spent the rest of your week like that, laying in each others arms.

Draco was finally catching up on all that sleep he had spent stressing over about, the slightest ghost of a smile permanently etched onto his face as he held on tightly to you.

He couldn't remember the last time he had ever been as happy as he was with you.

Doing simple things like going grocery shopping, watching muggle movies.

Draco was currently laying in bed with you and your 2 dogs watching you have casual conversations with them as if they could understand you, an ever growing smile on his face.

You peered up at him, flashing him a wide smile that never ending twinkle in your big doe eyes making his heart soar.

At that moment he knew... he just knew you were the one.

After days of asking for a sign, begging for the universe to let him know that was he was feeling wasn't just his imagination, he finally got it.

We'll be alright... We'll be alright after all.

a/n: i listened to fine line by harry styles while writing this, and i was highkey wanting to cry towards the end. i hope you enjoyed this! i am so sorry about the wait, but if you have any criticism please don’t be afraid to let me know. i had a lot of fun writing this! lots of love :))

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Draco Malfoy and his Rose Pt.3

Draco Malfoy And His Rose Pt.3

Word Count: 2,227 words

Warnings: cursing, making out, some fluff

November 16th, 1996. The Room of Requirement. 12:36 am.

Hope tugged her hair into a low ponytail, trying to make sure none of her curls were hanging out giving Draco a dirty look. The blonde looked irritated, running his ring cladded fingers through his gel free hair eyeing the angry looking girl as if she had grown two heads.

“A Death Eater!? Malfoy, are you out-of-your-mind?! What in the hell is-”

“Keep your voice down!” The blonde hissed, slapping his hand over her mouth his eyes wide.

Hope parted her lips not hesitating to lick a stripe up his palm, which made him pull away from her wiping his hand on his trousers an annoyed look etched on his face. The small witch felt tears pricking her eyes, looking up at the ceiling in an attempt to stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks.

Draco had never felt so broken, and so lost in his life then he had at this very moment. He was watching his best friend having a break down at the thought of him being a Death Eater.

He let out a shaky breath reaching a hand out, having it moved away by Hope who just snapped her head at him a harsh glare set on her face.

“Don’t. You. Even. Dare.”

A loud sob managed to escape her lips raking through her body, closing her eyes shut as everything started making sense.

The reality of the situation just now hit her like a ton of bricks, feeling her whole body shaking as more heartbreaking cries left her parted lips sinking onto the floor. She covered her face with the sleeves of her hoodie, the hot tears seeping through the grey material as more and more tears streamed down her face.

Hope had never felt so broken. She lost her best friend, in more ways than one, and she knew there was absolutely nothing she could do about it, “Draco... p-please just hold me,”

Draco didn’t hesitate for one moment, letting his knees rest on the stone floor scooping the sobbing girl into his arms tightening his hold on her. He whispered sweet nothings into her hair, rocking her back and forth as he rubbed small circles on her back. The trembling girl clutched at the black button up of his shirt, resting her forehead on his chest as she hiccuped a few gibberish words.

“Lovey... I swear to you on my life. I did it because I had no choice. Besides, nothing will happen to me or you-”

“Draco. The Dark Lord could ask you to kill any of us without a second thought, what would you do then, huh?” The blonde struggled to answer, knowing she had proved a point with her statement.

“You’re telling me,” She pulled away from his chest to lock eyes with his soft stare, “You would not hesitate to kill any of your friends? What if it were Blaise? Or how about a ‘lousy Gryffindor’ like Ron? Or better yet... what about me, Mal?”

A shaky breath left her as she stared intently at his face searching for an answer, feeling her heart shatter as she saw nothing but sorrow and a darkness that wasn’t there several months ago when she saw him up at the Astronomy Tower. 


“Malfoy, you didn’t do it because you had no choice. You always have a choice... if they had tried to do you harm I would be there in an instant. Anyone at this bloody school would stand in front of you, regardless of what you’ve done. You are loved, Mal. Always have been. If Narcissa and Lucius refuse to see what they are doing to their only son, then they really need to re-think each and every single decision they have made up to this point.”

“Is this your way of saying you’re leaving?” He angrily spat, this glare in his eyes sending dagger at the girl who was currently sprawled across his lap. Hope shook her head cupping his cheeks, sensing the boy visibly relax.

“Of course not. I am... I am going to help you through this. This is too much of a burden to carry all on your own. But, if things start involving the harm of any of the students here in Hogwarts, I will not hesitate to turn you in a ferret and leave you in this dingy room.” She tried to make light of the situation, making the blonde turn a shade of red at the statement nodding to her words. Hope leaned down pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek, holding him tight as he hummed appreciatively.

“I love you, Rose,”

“I love you too, Draco,”

November 17th 1996. The Great Hall. 1:16 pm.

Hope let out a chuckle as she saw the Golden Trio making their way over to her, a flushed expression on their faces. She popped a few grapes into her mouth, chewing thoughtfully as they took a seat on either side of her, with Hermione on one side of Ron flashing a quick smile. Unbeknownst to the smiling girl, there were a pair of grey eyes already watching her, stabbing rather angrily at his salad. 

“Hi Hope,” The redhead breathed out rather heavily, his cheeks almost as strikingly red as his full head of hair. You pursed your lips, fighting off a smile as you eyed the pair.

“Hello, Ronald... Why do you guys look like you’ve just finished running from a herd of Hippogriffs,”

“Harry thought it would be a bloody good idea to go on a rant about a certain toad. She happened to turn the corner at the same time, but since there were several other kids in the hallway we decided it be best if we hurried here as quickly as we could so she wouldn’t remove any more house points.” He choked out, taking a swig out of Hope’s cup, some of the orange juice making it’s way down his chin. After Hope smacked him upside the head, all she heard after that was Hermione scolding him for being a pig, before they got into a heated discussion off to the side. She rolled her eyes, facing the dark haired Gryffindor her cheeks flushing pink as she caught him staring at her. A teasing glint gleamed in his eyes, wetting his lips as he caught her growing flustered at his small action.

“Hey, H,”

“Hi... you look really pretty today,” Harry smiled at the brunette, reaching up to brush a stray curl out of her face her grin growing wider. Feeling her breath getting caught in her throat as she felt Harry scooting in closer to her on the bench, attempting to get as close as possible without being weird.

“Thank you, H. I don’t think I can say the same about yourself-”

“Oh sod off,” Harry laughed shoving her playfully, sending her into a fit of giggles as she almost bumped into the redhead behind her, “You love me, Lupin,”

“You are very much correct about that,” Hope sent the grinning boy a sly wink, fiddling with the hem of her skirt as she leaned in close to the boy whose eyes had widened, “Remember that morning in your dorm room-” At those words Harry felt himself growing flustered, nodding tentatively, “And what we talked about when we went down to the Common Room.”


“I made up my mind. If the offer still stands, I would love to go out with you, Potter.” Harry practically beamed at her words, cupping her face eagerly pressing his lips against hers as he poured all the emotions he could into that kiss. Hope gingerly place her hands on his chest, melting into his touch before pulling away from the heated kiss. She failed to notice the bickering friends behind her had stopped arguing, now sitting gaping at the action they had just witnessed.

Draco dropped his fork onto the table, making it clatter rather loudly a wave of rage washing over him. He felt sick to his stomach watching Potter and his dear Rose lip locked, nearly gagging at the sight focusing on his salad having lost all of his appetite. The sound of Draco fuming beside her had made Pansy shut her mouth turning to face Goyle instead as she watched Draco, anxiously awaiting his next move.

“I don’t think you understand how happy those few words made me,”

“Well, I mean... I could take them back-” Hope teased, letting out a giggle as the boy recaptured her lips in his, laughing into the kiss as she caught sight of pout resting on his face, “You’re a big baby, Potter.”

“Ummm... hello?! When in the hell did this happen?” Ron exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face eyeing the pair who just sat there looking flustered.

“Remember that day where Seamus, Dean and Neville were making fun of me very early in the morning, and we woke you up?”

“Uh huh...?”

“Well, the reason they were making fun of me was because they had caught Hope in my room, a-and the curtains happened to be shut around my bed,” That sentence caught Ron’s attention, a cheeky grin spreading across his face eyeing the couple who just blushed. The red-head 

“Oh you dirty dog,”

“Ron! You’re one to talk. What about you and Lavender? You guys were horrendous at least they had the decency to do it behind closed doors,” Hermione scoffed, slapping the red head upside the head making him sulk as he rubbed the sore spot, “But I’m happy for you guys, truly. You guys are cute together-”

“Lupin. Professor Umbridge would like to speak to you. At once,” The sound of someone practically hissing her name caught her attention, looking up to see an angry looking Draco. She flashed him a soft smile, picking up her hoodie off of her lap giving a quick wave to the group making her way to follow the blonde. A hand wrapped around her wrist, stumbling backwards into a broad chest.

“Hold on,” Harry cupped her face, pressing his lips against hers holding her close to him. Hope’s eyes fluttered close, feeling her chest tighten at his intoxicating touch, her nimble hands clutching his robes before she hear someone scoff behind her forcing her to pull away from him.

“10 points from Gryffindor. Lupin unless you want Umbridge to hear about this, then I suggest you hurry,”

“I’ll see you later, H,” Hope mumbled, briskly following behind a seething Malfoy whose pace only seemed to increase struggling to catch up to his long strides. “Slow down there, buddy,” She rolled her eyes as she felt him grab a hold of her arm, dragging her into a nearby empty classroom locking the door with the flick of his wand.

“What-in-the-hell, Rose-Anne?” He growled, turning on his heels facing the brunette who had taken a seat on top of one of the desks, setting her books and wand on the open desk beside her, “How long?”

“You know, people think you’re crazy every single time to call me Rose, considering they all know me for my name; Hope.”

“Lupin, I have called you Rose-Anne since I knew what words were... If it bothers you that much then I’ll quit-”

“No, no. I find it cute,” You made the blonde blush, his already reddening cheeks growing a shade darker shaking his head at your comment. Attempting to ask you the previous question he had asked you, wanting to know when you and Potter had grown all lovey dovey.

“Potter and I? Not long. I guess we always just had slight attractions to one another since the beginning, but we didn’t do anything besides hang out and hang out a few times on our own until like a couple weeks ago. Since then, we’ve just been testing the waters,” Draco angrily ran his fingers through his hair, throwing his head back rolling his eyes at her words. Potter. Of all the guys in the Hogwarts, she chose the scummiest of the scum. He thought to himself, swiping his tongue across his lips wetting them in the process. 

Hope hopped off the desk, making her way over to the boy who looked like he was going to burst in any second. She tentatively rest her hand on his shoulder, his body stiffening before relaxing at her touch. He let her wrap her arms around his waist, her head resting on his chest humming softly at his warm embrace. They stood there for a few moments, enjoying one another’s presence, before he parted from her holding her a few inches from him. His light grey eyes scanned her face, trying to see if he found any sort of sign of her lying to him.

“Does he make you happy?”

“Yes... he really does.”

“Then... as much as it pains me,” She giggled, messing with his black robes peering up at him, “I’m okay with it. If you’re happy, then that’s all that matters. But, if he lays a hand on you in any way, or if he even dares to dream of hurting you. I won’t hesitate to hex him,” Draco teased, a serious underlying tone in his words making her smile nodding her head.

“Thank you, Mal. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier, I don’t really think I could considering we just made it official about...10 minutes ago,”

“About that, if you start snogging like that anywhere where I can see you, I will not even begin to second guess myself before taking points.”

“Oh shush. Let’s go back and finish lunch, I didn’t even get to eat all of my grapes,”

a/n: this took me 5397394 years to finish. please lemme know if you guys have any questions, or if you have any feedback. my requests are always open. thank you lovelies <3.

Tags :
2 years ago

Born too late.

Born Too Late.

-pairings: draco × reader astoria x reader

-summary: astoria fell in love with her older sisters best friend. Now she has to watch her fall in love with draco malfoy.

-warnings: very angsty, brief mention of sex, mentions of drinking, astorias pov

-a/n: this is my first one shot so please do give credit but be nice or I'll probably cry LMAO anyways it would mean a lot if you read it thank u lovey's

Born too late for you to notice me

I walked into the great hall for breakfast. I was late as usual but I couldn't get myself to care. Looking around for a place to sit I saw my sister and her friends laughing.

Daphne laughed the loudest, per usual, next to her Pansy was just snickering quietly with an evil smirk on her face. Aha, they're gossiping. In front of Pansy was Draco Malfoy quietly whispering something in her ear.

In her ear. Y/n Y/I/n. She was smiling at him. Her beautiful smile that seemed to be reserved for them only. Not once have I tried to become one of them. And sometimes they let me hangout with them. But mostly because she asks them to.

"Hey Daph." I said walking into the common room. There she was. My older sister sitting with her friends. She was painting her nails black, Pansy was reading in a magazine and YIn was working on a potions essay. "Hey Tori what is it?" "Can I hang out with you guys. I'm new here I don't have any friends yet." "Well then go and search for some." she exclaimed bored while poking her tongue out of her mouth. A habit she has when she's concentrating. "Oh come on Daph. She won't bother us right sweetheart?» YIn spoke softly. I looked at her nodding my head excited. "See Daph, let her hang around. Look how cute she is." She pouts while walking toward me and taking my face in her hands. I blushed a bright crimson red and my belly was fluttering with butterflies. "If you say so. Daphne rolled her eyes. YIn threw her arm around my shoulder and pushed me to sit next to her on one of the sofas when Pansy spoke up. "Have you heard about Pucey asking that Ravenclaw girl out?" But I could only concentrate on the gossip so much with YIn's arm still around my shoulder. My belly was full with butterflies that didn't seem to calm down and I knew my feelings for the girl had changed.

That was three years ago when I was in my first year. Now I'm in my third year and she's in her sixth year. I sit down next to my friends and they started talking immediately. But I wasn't listening. I was looking at her talking the morning away. With my sister. Because she's my sisters friend. And I'm just her best friends little sister. Nothing more.

To you I’m just a kid

Walking out of the potions classroom I saw my friends waiting for me. Today was friday and a Hogsmeade weekend just started. We planned to go shopping to finally get a break from school and homework.

So we walked down to the village. It was a warm summer day perfect to just relax.

“Where do you wanna go first?” asked my friend Layla.

“How about Honey Dukes?” I asked.

My friends nodded and made small noises of agreement so we made our way to the small sweets shop.

On our way there I saw my sister and her friend group. Y/n who saw us waved me towards them with her left hand.

She’s right handed why is she waving with her left hand?

In the next two seconds time stopped. Her right hand was holding Dracos. Gulping once I made my way over to them.

“Hey where are you off to?” Pansy asked with a small friendly smile.

I came to like her over time. Not as much as I like Y/n but I liked her. Even when she doesn’t seem nice she actually is when she’s around her friends.

“We were gonna go to Honey Dukes and you?”

“We need new Fire Whiskey. You know the last bottles are gone because your sister here likes to drink a bit too much.” Draco answered for Pansy.

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have a real reason to. I knew my sister liked to drink. I guess it wasn’t him but the hand he was holding. Shaking my head I composed myself.

“Could you bring us some we don’t have any ways to get it?” I hoped to look older. So she realises I’m not so little anymore.

“What no you’re just a kid. Tori wait a few years and we’re happy to help but you’re just too young now.” Y/n shook her head.

I rolled my eyes with a smile and nodded when she tousled my hair. I tried to make my smile look as real as possible. But when she walked away with her friends and Dracos hand in hers the only thing I could think about was what she said.


That you won’t date

It was already late at night. It was saturday though so I wasn’t too worried that I couldn’t seem to fall asleep. And there was something or rather someone who kept me up. My thoughts were too occupied with her for me to settle down and fall asleep. My roommates were all soundly asleep in the beds next to me. I tried focusing on Laylas steady breathing to lull me to sleep. It almost worked. I was falling slowly asleep until my mind wandered and I thought back to the day before. Kid Kid Kid. I’m only three years younger. If she’d be thirty and I’d be twenty-seven no one would care.

I decided to take my book and go read in the common room. As soon as I closed my dorm door I heard laughing. But I only focused on one of that laughter. It was her laughter. I would recognise her laughter in a room with hundreds of people laughing.

I slowly started climbing down the stairs until I came to face the laughing faces and bright smiles of the whole group. Daphne, Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Theo and most importantly Y/n.

They were all sitting in a circle on the floor, Y/n on Dracos lap, in the middle an empty bottle fire whiskey.

“Toriii! Look guys my little baby sister’s here!” Daphne slurred.

Oh Merlin.

“Come sit with us.” yelled Pansy as if we were im different rooms.

“We’re playing truth or dare want to play?” Blaise chanted.

“I was just going to read my book.” I awkwardly held up my book to prove my point.

I knew I didn’t have anyone to prove anything to but I still felt the need to.

“Oh come on Toriii.” Y/n pleaded.

Who am I to deny her puppy dog eyes?

“Okay but not for long.” I gave in looking at her and couldn’t help but smile.

She’s got that effect on me. But when my eyes wandered from the girl in his lap to the boy in whose lap she’s sitting on I got a sick feeling in my stomach and my smile slowly faded. Luckily subtle enough to remain unnoticed.

I sat down in between Theo and Blaise as Pansy spun the bootle.

A couple of ohh’s went around the circle when it landed in Draco and Y/n.

“Ohh scared Y/n/n” exclaimed Theo so I figured Draco wasn’t playing or at least not anymore.

“Me scared? Never Nott. Bring it on Pans.” Pansy nodded while tapping her chin in a thinking manner.

“Would you date everyone in this circle? And if not tell us who not and why not.” Pansy wiggled her eyebrows.

Again you could hear ohh’s going around in the common room.

“Hmm no I wouldn’t date everyone. I wouldn’t date Theo he’s more of an older brother material for me. I also wouldn’t date Blaise cause I can’t do that to our poor Lovegood girl. And I wouldn’t date Tori. She’s like my little sister. And even if I wouldn’t feel like that she’s still a kid. I’m no pedo.” to the last bit she added a wink which normally would have made me swoon but right now I could only concentrate on trying not to cry.

“Wait wait wait. But you would date Pans and Daph huh?” Draco threw in after pulling his head out of her neck.

She looked at him with pure adoration in her y/e/c eyes and I felt like breaking because that was exactly how I looked at her.

“Hey there would be nothing new! We have kissed before. In fact we taught each other how to kiss in our fourth year. And after some house parties …things happened in the girls dormitories. We understand each other blind and know all the things we don’t like that our past partners did. We are literally perfect for each other maybe I’ll leave you for them.” she added one of her little winks again this time directed to Pansy and Daphne who winked right back while Pansy blew her a kiss.

Everyone was happy while I felt the world around me crumble to pieces.

“Hey I’m tired I’m gonna head off to bed.” I mumbled before making my way to the stairs.

I heard a choir of “night Tori”s and “sleep well”s before climbing the stairs back to my dorm.

Once in bed I cried into my pillow. Like my little sister. Still a kid. Those sentences kept repeating in my head. I cried myself to sleep that night.

Why was I born too late?

The new year just started and per usual gossip is flowing through the great hall while we’re eating breakfast. The whispers are the only thing you can hear after the sorting ceremony but that’s not surprising anymore.

But the thing that scared me is the latest rumour. ‘Draco Malfoy is engaged.’ was being whispered among friends. No one knew if it was true and if it was then I was praying it wasn’t to the person that I imagined.

I saw Daphne walking into the room with Pansy and Y/n on each of her arms. They sat down in their usual seats and start eating breakfast.

After Y/n bit into her banana you could see Draco, Theo and Blaise walk over to them. Draco, of course, sat much to my dismay next to Y/n.

He slung his arm over her shoulder and gave her a sweet kiss on her forehead. She turned to him and smiled softly at him before kissing him still with a smile evident on her lips. He then interlocked their hands together and started eating with his free one.

All I could do was look with sadness clearly on my face. I wanted nothing more than to be the one who got to hold her hand or kiss her forehead. I’d treat her like a princess but I guess he does too. Otherwise she wouldn’t stay with him. She knows what she’s worth.

When I looked back at their interlocked hands my heart stopped.

She was wearing a silver ring on her left ring finger.

I felt my eyes beginning to get teary and my bottom lip begin to tremble.

They’re getting married.


She was standing up but not without giving Draco a quick peck on the lips. Seeing this made my heart break a little more and I had to control myself to not let the tears roll because I knew once one falls they wouldn’t stop.

She was making her way towards me, smiling a bright smile. I started blinking away my tears as fast as I could.

“Hey Tori! I have something to announce.”

I knew what was coming but I really didn’t want to hear it afraid that I’ll break down in front of the whole great hall.

She held her hand toward my face so I could see the ring. I put on the brightest fake smile I could muster under the circumstances and congratulated her.

“I also need to ask you something. Well I need three brides maids. I already asked Pansy and Daphne and now I need one more. So I thought why not ask my little sister hm?” She bumped her shoulder into mine in a playful manner while saying the last sentence.

I felt my heart being ripped into so many more pieces and I’m afraid they couldn’t be put together anymore.

“Of course! That’s great Y/n!” I managed to get out with a fake smile.

She smiled and hugged me while whispering small thank you’s in my ear.

I watched how she walked back to Draco and whispered something into his ear, most likely that I said yes to being her braids maid.

He smiled at her with pure love and adoration in his eyes and I knew she was happy.

I knew that he would make her happy. Even if I won’t get happy I’ll go to her wedding and put on the realest fake smile I can muster. Because I love her enough to put her happiness before mine. To let her go. Why was I born too late?

Tags :
2 years ago


Summary: When your ex husband draco finds you at a club that same things that led you far away from him, pave the way back.

Warnings: Smut. Blowjobs, vaginal penetration, cumplay, slight spit, mirror and sir kink. Ex!husband!Draco. Possessiveness with a dash of toxicity.

a/n: ahh yes, my assignments lay incomplete but i sure can write p0rn on a school night.



The flashes of neon light flickered over his features, but those cold edges of silver remained unaltered, his eyes seemed to have been painted with his possessive and obsessive behaviours.

There was a part inside of you that wanted to do the classic throw-your-drink-at-your-ex act and this other part that was craving the antonym of that act.

Maybe you’d caught his paradoxical behaviour— the apple never falls too far from his tree.

“Babe, do you want to leave?” Hermione whispered, looking at you sympathetically.

Certainly not— he’d silently sent provocations to you a thousand times over, and there could never be a time where you would’t be prepared for a war— just like the old times.

“I think I’ll stay” Your voice had no cracks or crevices, and you kept your cool hard gaze on Draco as you answered her.

“You sure?” She questioned again, eyeing between you and Draco, and you simply gave a nod.

Draco smirked and his eyes met yours. The moment they did, his hands dusted off his coat and he soon stumbling out from the croud towards you.

His movements were more graceful than the dancers, even though he was simply fucking walking, he always found a way to make beauty.

“Hello darling” He said curt, his voice deep and smooth.

“Fuck you” You snapped back immediately, and his eyes widened at your response.

His hand fell over his chest dramatically as though your words made his heart ache, “That’s not very nice, I expected a far more sweeter response”

“Well, you’re my ex”

“Let’s be civil yeah? I still like you very much angel”

You huffed, eyes rolling and he caught that exact movement. You stared over at Hermione, who was looking as awkward as ever, shifting in her seat to somehow be a little more comfortable.

“I got it Hermione, you can leave” You leaned ahead and whispered. She gave a skeptical look and you reassured her with a smile.

From what she gathered, you two certainly wouldn’t go through the night without fighting or fucking. She didn’t feel like being a barrier tonight so then with a small peck on your cheek and with a small goodbye, she was off to finding Ron and Harry.

“Well” Draco said, looking ahead as she walked away, “Now that she’s gone, we can talk better”

“I have nothing to say to you”

He chuckled, swiping his thumb over corner of his mouth as he took a sip of his drink, his rings shining brightly and his viens prominent.

Draco had always had the most beautiful hands you’d ever seen. And a while ago, you were blessed to have that same hands pleasuring you in the most sinful of places— a privilege which you’d now lost.

“I see you still have the hand kink” His voice broke off your focus, and you were silent for several seconds shaking your head and scoffing.

“What are you doing here?” You asked defensively, pinching your eyebrows.

His teeth grazed his lip and his eyes traveled down your pretty body, noticing every perfection of that tight little black dress.

“Was it necessary to wear that” He sneered, not giving answers but rather more questions.

A giggle passed through you as his possessiveness came to surface, a reminder of why you left in the first place— well honestly you couldn’t just put blame on one thing, there were multiple reasons why you left but his jealousy was definitely one of them.

That giggle went silent the moment his warm large hand rested on your thigh, caressing and petting the soft skin, his rings leaving burns wherever they touched.

His fingers were barely ghosting over your panties, and your breath caught, your eyes quickly scanning over the room to see if anyone was paying attention to you two.

“Did want some random idiot’s dick? Is that why you’re so indecent tonight?”

“I—” Now your voice had cracks, you shuddered and throbbed as his words got more and more vulgur and much to your dismay, you got more aroused.

“There’s nothing— nothing, I hate more than the thought of my baby having to go to other people to get taken care of”

He sensed the libido, the clenching thighs and the darkened irises. His possessiveness got the best of him and he was willing to fall on his knees again, only for you.

“Don’t you want me to take care of you?”

His lips were soft but the way he kissed you was ravenous and rough. His tongue was moving along with yours, asserting dominance.

Your legs rested on his hips as he pressed you against the wall, kissing you deeply.

“Mine, mine, all mine” He muttered as he kissed along your throat and over your breasts. You moaned as he squeezed your arse, and grinded himself against your slit.

Suddenly, he pulled you down from him and you were left with wonderment before he pushed you down on your knees.

“You know what to do doll” He said, pulling your strands of hair back from your face.

“Yes sir” You only nodded with anticipation, hands trembling as you worked to unbuckle his belt. His breaths were ragged, and his hooded eyes fixated on your mouth.

His cock was hard as a rock, and heavy in your hand. You only needed to give him one firm stroke to have him grunting.

Your mouth wrapped around the head of him, licking up his tip and brushing and squeezing at the base of his thick lenght. Your eyes flicked up, maintaining contact as you took his entire shaft inside.

His fingers tensed, and your mouth sucked, and then bobbed back and forth, earning a throaty, ‘good girl’

The praise motivated you to make him feel ever better, your hand working at the base of him, stroking the flesh as you took the rest in your mouth.

“That’s it baby, you still take me so well” He groaned, giving an experimental thrust of his hips.

Soon, your eyes were watering and he was feeling that fimilar euphoria blooming down in his abdomen. When each one of his hands rested on the side of your face, yours rested on his thighs and you inhaled for what was to come.

His hips canted and thrusted into your mouth, your chin smeared with drool as he fucked your mouth. Your cheeks were stained with the tears that slipped down your pretty eyes.

“God, fuckin’ love this filthy little mouth” He grunted, pulling his cock out, spit connecting your lips with his head.

Your arousal smeared your thighs, it was almost painful. He was right in front and yet you hadn’t had him.

When you looked up, his expression was proud and satisfied, he gave your head a pat, muttering even more praises as he pulled you up. His thumbs cleaned up the remaining tears, kissing your nose and cheeks and healing the ache.

Draco pulled you up again, carrying you across his penthouse to his bedroom.

There were candles lit all around his room, and it gave everything a golden hue.

A whine fell from your lips as he pushed you down on the bed, “Draco please” You mewled, spreading your legs wide apart.

His pupils dialated, and he bent down to kiss along your thighs, your panties went down your legs, and he made it sure to make it absolutely excruciating.

He pulled at your knickers until they were down to your ankles and then he moaned as he stared at your possession.

“Fuck— I missed my girl so much” He spoke, kissing right abode your aching nub.

“And what about me?” You pouted, staring down at the blonde man between your thighs.

“Course I missed you too, silly” He sighed, “I just missed her more”

His finger prodded at your entrance, with a glance on your face, he pushed them inside and immediately curled them— and you cried out as his rings juxtaposed against his skin and the tips of his fingers scraped at that spot.

That feeling was lost soon, way too soon as he pulled them out. His grey eyes taking in the beautiful details of your responses. You looked at him avidly as he sucked on the arousal covered fingers.

“Still the sweetest”

“Please, please sir” You begged, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him towards you.

“Brat” Draco said, and swiftly turned you around, pulling your dress above your hips and cupping your arse.

He gave you a spank making you yelp in surprise. “That’s for earlier”

Draco spit on his shaft, jerking himself off and he still teased you and dragged out your desire. He aligned himself perfectly with you, and stayed still. He was always such a fucking tease.

With a strong thrust, he was buried deep inside. You trembled, gripping the sheets beneath you. His ripped muscular arm pulled you against his chest, keeping your skins together as he rut inside you.

“See how perfect I fit you?” His hand made you look right forward at the huge mirror in front of his bed.

And you stared at the sight of him and you. How you were filled with him so beautifully, how he was dragging your tits out from your dress, how his mouth was on your neck, and his arms around your waist.

When he gave a single hard thrust, you gave an embarrassingly loud gasp.

Then he gave a second and a third and several others and you were already shaking and struggling to keep yourself up.

You’d forgotten about the affect that he had on you. How much power he held.

His thrusts got harder and harder with a certain symphony hidden in them. “Oh fuck—” You sobbed, “I love your cock so much”

At that, he grunted loudly, and turned your head so that he could kiss you.

Your tits bounced as he got rougher, fucking you until he lost almost all control over himself.

It wasn’t until he felt you tighten unimaginably hard around him that he pulled out and you whined impatiently.

Draco manhandled you onto your back, he kissed you as he climbed on top of you, his hands sliding along your body.

He placed his palms on your thighs and pulled both of your legs up until they rested on his shoulders. He pressed a kiss on the inside of your thigh, cherishing the sculptured skin.

You whimpered as he sank inside again, drawing that coil inside you again. You were mesmerized as you stared at his sweaty broad shoulders and admired how your legs rested on them.

As he began to move inside again, you only stared at his face, and the illuminating orange colour of the lighting on him.

He was thrusting hard, trying to surpress feeling with the way his hips roughly met yours, with the way his lips moved with yours.

Your underwear dangled off your ankle as he pounded inside your pussy, leaving you shaking under him.

“I’m— I’m close”

Draco grunted, and his hand slid between both your bodies, drawing tight circles where the two of you met, “Cum for me”

And for him, you did. For him, you cried, and unraveled pleasure beneath him. Tears right at your eyes, like pearls decorating them, and your sobs and pants like melodies to his ears.

He pulled out quick, panting as he came and stained your flawless skin with his sin. His cum spilled over your belly and spread down to your pussy.

He panted near your shoulder and kissed it, feeling adoration come to surface, that one thing he’d tried to deny.

But all he could see was how the world was much more better and beautiful when you were present in his eyes, or in his arms.

And it was amidst all the lust and vexation, that you knew; knew that you were still almost as much in love as the first time the rays of the sun ever reached the earth— the first time you ever felt love for him sear through you.

His forehead rested against yours, and maybe it was the heat of the situation, but that possessiveness was appealing. You wanted it, you wanted him.

Draco kissed your cheek, “I want you back” and to that, you answered with a smile, a dimple forming right where he’d kissed away any doubts to not be called his.


follow @spilled-inks to be notified of my works

Tags :
2 years ago


Summary: Reader cries because of lack of attention and Draco finally gives in to comfort her.

Warnings: Smut. Draco is just big and strong lol. Innocence & hand kink. Fingering. Dom!Draco. Crybaby!Reader. This is super short and a little rushed, srry :(

a/n: hi i am back after 20 days, i got some of the inspiration to write this after listening to crybaby, so everyone go steam it. enjoy :p



There was that pout, and your fists— curled— and eyes teary, and your throat dry.

It had to have been an infinite amount of times you’d called for him, but he’d shake his head, swipe his eyes over you for a mere moment, and return to whatever activities he was doing.

Now there was that cry caught in your mouth— and you were pressing your lips together into that hard flat line to contain your sobs— but they fell through your efforts— and that immediately got his attention.

“Baby? What’s wrong?” He sounded worried, but it felt like a joke to you, you didn’t look back at him or answer him as he stood up from his seat and went to grab you.

You hated being a crybaby, but in all honesty, you were right to be in this position right now. He’d payed no mind to you, shoved you aside, all until you were crying, and wiping away your tears yourself, despite his being present.

“Love. Love. I’m here, can y’look at me?” His voice was gentle— apologetic— as he bent down, settled his legs on the couch, and sat you up to straddle him.

Draco’s hand rested behind your head, patting you softly and pulling you into his chest, kissing your forearms, and whispering into your skin. “Darling, m’sorry, I swear I was just joking”

Your sobs didn’t falter as you spoke softly, “Am I annoying you?” You said, still covering your face.

“No! Not at all, I was playing around, I’m so sorry for ignoring my love.”

His hand put away yours from your face, intently staring at you, and giving you a warm smile. Draco wiped away your tears using his sleeves, guilt bubbling in him as he cleaned the tears he’d formed, “I’m sorry” He repeated, resting his head against yours, “Can you please forgive me? I’ll do anything”

You giggled lightly, and nodded, “I forgive you”

“Good girl. Now, what do you want?”

You sniffled, fumbling with his tie nervously, “I jus’ needed you— to take care of me however”

From the stuttering syllables, and shy behaviours, he picked up where you exactly needed him.

He chuckled into your hair, giving both your eyelids a kiss as his big hands held your waist and he picked you up with ease.

You aligned your lips with his, and his kissed him ravenously as he stalked towards his bed and put you down on it. His lips were like clouds that felt like they’d been danced on by angels.

Draco pressed his tongue inside you, swiping it over yours, and teasing your lips with his teeth, and then as you just got indulged in it. He pulled away and left you wanting again.

At your expression, he laughed and gave you back a small peck.

His hands pulled up his your hoodie to reveal your soft tummy and your navy blue underwear.

“Pretty” he muttered, and he rested his soft lips on your neck, and ran a finger through the outline of your slit, gently tracing your folds and feeling the slight dampness of it.

“Is this what you need taken care of?” Draco said, cupping your cunt, and staring into your wide eyes.

“Y—yeah” You meekly said as he smirked and part your legs further.

His heavy hand rubbed you over your panties, putting pressure on your clit and he made circles around it. Your gasps going up as his movements got more and more intense.

You fingers went up to grab his silver strands of hair. Pulling at them as he pulled your knickers down your legs, and threw them on the floor. Staring at your pussy hungrily.

Your cheeks burned in shame. He bent down to give your core a little kiss— inhaling your scent as he did so— and then coming back up to your face.

“Draco” You softly gasped as he pulled apart your lips with his fingers, and revealed the pretty flesh.

He shut you up with his lips, kissing you hard as his hand worked over your pussy to give you the best orgasm possible.

As he were kissing you, you felt his hand slip between the two of you, and pulled away from him to look down and there you found his pulling off his silver rings— very much to your dismay.

He stared at you confusingly as you quickly reached down and removed his hands from one another.

“What—?” He asked, pinching his brows.

“I want you too keep them on. Please?”

Fuck. He’d sell his entire estate, his soul, if you ever asked him like that— or in any other way really. He was as dedicated as an angel was to be.

“Right, of course I will”

Then without any wait, or hesitancy, his fingers shoved inside, and immediately curled to find that euphoric spot.

You squealed, and creamed around his fingers as they scissored inside of you, opening you up for when he’d give you the bigger reward.

His held your hips in place as he started to thrust his digit faster. Those rings which you’d asked him too keep provided that extra pleasure which you’d expected.

They were cool around your entrance and inside of you, burning through you, as he expertly worked his hand.

As his thumb fell over your clit, your thighs jolted, and your hand went down to grab his.

Tears brimmed your eyes again, and they filled the path of the previously dried up tears.

Draco looked down at you so so lovingly, that the black avid iris of his eyes might as well have been painted with with outlines of hearts. He had literal heart eyes sparking in him for you.

“Why are you still crying baby?” He smiled, increasing the pace of his hand. “I’m giving you attention now, aren’t I?”

“Just, fe—feel— too goood” You whimpered, curling your hands around his tie, and bucking your hips into his hand.

The coil in your belly spread warmer, and your thighs shook hard around his arms, by that, he knew that you were close to your much needed orgasm.

His fingers pumped into your pussy more, and he used his other hand to rub circles on that sensitive cluster of nerves, when his lips crashed on yours— you only saw and felt cosmos.

Crying out against his mouth, you reached your climax and came on his fingers hard. Riding his palm as you reached the end. Panting and trying to catch your breath as he stared at you mesmerized.

“Atta girl” He praised, pulling his fingers out from your cunt and putting them into his mouth. Groaning at the sweet taste of you as you shyly smiled up at him.

“M’sorry— for crying”

“S’okay, I love my crybaby”


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2 years ago


Summary: Head canon of Draco having a tit kink.

Warnings: Smut. Tit kink, titty fucking, nipple play, tit sucking, just tits.

a/n— I'm literally 12 followers away from 300. GET ME THERE.



Draco with a tit kink:->

Draco Malfoy is a tit guy, always has and always will be, even though he loves every part of you equally, boobs come first.

He loves the feel of them in his hands, soft and smooth. How they fit perfectly in his hands.

Sometimes you would have your back turned and he'd come behind you and just give them a rough squeeze.

They're almost like his stress ball, you would often find his hand tucked beneath your shirt, massaging and kneading your breasts, rolling and pinching the nipples inbetween his fingers.

Him randomly pulling your shirt up and your bra down to suck on your tits.

He loves seeing them painted with dark blue and purple hues, that he made and his hand print on them from slapping your breasts.

The way he would accompany each one of his sucks and licks with the thrust of his hips.

Let's be honest, he has ruined almost every one your bras, just because he was too impatient to unclasp it.

Nothing is more satisfactory than seeing them fall out of their restraints.

But he is thankful for the fact that you don't wear bras at night, so he can just play with them anytime he wants during the night.

Uses your boobs as a pillow.

No matter the position he will always play with them.

Missionary: Just bend down and suck on your nipples and bite the soft skin of your tender breasts. Squeezing them and also slapping them as he pounds your pussy.

Cowgirl: Fucking loves to see them bounce up and down as you ride him. Fucking your tits with his mouth and hands.

Doggy style: Will use your boobs as support and knead them as he would slam his cock into you from behind.

Also is addicted to seeing his cum spread over them.

"Where does my baby, want my cum?" He said as his thrusts became sloppy inside of you, "On my tits, daddy" you reply. Draco let out a loud moan, instantly pulling out, stroking his cock hard and fast and spilling his cum all over your chest.

Or him face fucking you.

"Fucking, cock slut. Sucking me off so well" Draco groaned as the bobbing of your head got faster, flicking your wrist and hollowing your cheeks more. "Want me paint your tits with my cum?" Draco panted as he thrust his hips into your mouth. Pulling your mouth off him, ropes of hot thick cum would land on them. His cum dripping down from your boobs to your stomach.

He just can't go by more than a week without fucking them.

To him nothing his better than the feel of your beautiful tender breasts squeezing his cock.

"Yes, that's it. Atta girl. Keep doing that. Keep fucking my cock on your chest"

The tip of his cock constantly hitting your chin as he bucked his hips, fucking his cock in the space between your boobs as you held them together with your hands, looking up at him with doe-eyes. "Fuck, gonna cum all over your pretty little tits"

In conclusion, Draco Malfoy is obsessed with your tits.

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