Luke Blog - Tumblr Posts
I need an opinion and here is my apology.
guys and gals, fangirls and fanboys,
I have recently fallen inlove with a band called Bring Me The Horizon. I know they’ve been around for a long time but I finally decided to listen to them... and now I listen to them ‘Religiously’ as some of you may put it. So, I have realized that I have neglected this blog allot and I am so sorry for that. Maybe it has been for my lack of inspiration, or the fact that I needed to sort myself out and my family. Or I could be the fact that I just haven’t had the time, college is stressful.
What I’m really asking is.. should I make another blog that is Bring Me The Horizon themed? Or should I just change this blog as I don’t have any 5SOS inspiration at the moment?