Magic Systems - Tumblr Posts
Creating a magical system is sooo hard š Does anyone have any advice that can help me?
I feel like we need to write powers with more negative consequences when using them, and I don't mean "They get super tired if they use their power to much." Power shouldn't be free with no cost. For every action there is a reaction.
Positive Powers with Negative Side Effects
Someone with the power of resurrection who can bring anyone back to like shortly after dying. However every time they do, some other random person in the world will suddenly drop dead. Can they live with the guilt?
Psychic powers often come with memory issues.
Someone with the power to breath underwater, but has to wear an oxygen mask when they aren't because they can't get enough from the atmosphere normally.
Controlling fire isnt as awesome when the wielder isnt flame resistant
Someone who can fly, but is bound to a wheelchair when they aren't flying.
Superstregth might be good for your muscles, but not so much for your joints.
Someone with the power of foresight, but they can only foresee bad events.
Shapeshifting is excruciatingly painful.
Someone with the powers of magnetism is constantly sick because of the unbalanced metals in their natural system like iron, zinc, etc.
Someone who can liquify themselves can easily change shape, but being so malleable doesn't lend itself to having strong bones and other body parts
Someone who can speak to animals, but is otherwise mute.
Hydrokenisis comes with the side effect of dehydration.
50 Magical Origins...
You touched a strange rune-covered stone and was engulfed by its glowing energies.
You were bitten by a strange creature that then disappeared into the wilderness.
You hugged a tree that was attuned to a place of great power.
You ate a immortal insect that still sits in your stomach.
You accidentally transported yourself to the Astral Plane after consuming a strange magical substance.
You spoke to a phantasmal being while you slept.
You accidentally entered the ceremonial chambers of a lost temple.
Your ancestor claimed to be a powerful medicine man, but in fact worked with otherworldly magics to heal others.
Your skin became fused with a strange alloy metal dust, which was actually the ground up scales of a metallic dragon!
You found an ancient idol of unknown origins buried in an old field.
You took part in an arcane military experiment to develop a humanoid war machine.
You were exposed the strange energies of a glowing meteorite.
You breathed the magical spores of a prehistoric mould recovered from an amber chunk.
You fell ill from a mysterious illness that rode to earth on the surface of an alien space capsule.
You discovered a cave filled with giant crystals that released pulsating, glowing energies.
You were stung by several transmuted wasps that had been warped with a new form of magic.
Your father or mother was secretly an inter-dimensional traveller.
You were born of a failed cloning experiment and escaped the grounds before being destroyed.
Your grand-father was a performer who made some dark deals to gain fame and fortune.
You survived a magical explosion!
You were exposed to wild cosmic powers while picking through the remains of fallen space junk.
You accidentally breathed in the dust of a Kingās tomb while exploring a ruined structure.
Your body was transformed after breathing in a toxic alchemical smog.
You consumed some unknown fruit found deep in a savage jungle.
You came into contact with a strange sludge flowing out of a flooded ditch near an old alchemistās shop.
You participated in a strange experiment involving man-made magical fields.
You performed a magical ritual found in a strange, dusty old book.
You drank the waters of a mystical fountain.
You had a strange, almost allergic reaction to an experimental magical potion.
You consumed a strange tasting herbal tea while visiting an cackling old fortune teller.
You great grand-mother was the high priestess of a savage tribe.
You were taught ancient secrets of mind over matter by an elderly mage.
You survived a fall into a vat containing a strange new alchemical substance.
You were struck by lightning while visiting a historical site during a brewing storm.
You were bitten by a lizard while visiting a series of old magically ruined towns located far away from any modern civilization.
You were exposed to a previously unknown mineral ore during a mining accident.
You were kidnapped by strange creatures and forced to participate in bizarre experiments.
Your latent magical powers activated when you were accidentally electrocuted.
You snorted a bizarre looking ash while getting high on street drugs at a dive bar.
You consumed a bizarre tasting elixir purchased from an old alchemistās shop.
You fell into a bizarre, dream-filled trance when visiting an old medieval tower.
You rode in a boat that was in engulfed with strange energies from a magical sea storm.
You survived the accidental release of a magical modified disease.
You purchased a mysterious ancient war mask from a back alley antique store.
You survived being struck by a falling crystalline meteor, with a shard still buried in your back.
You were once an Imp, but a strange surge of magic during your āPromotionā trapped your Soul in a Mortal Humanoid body.
You were once part of an illegal gambling ring, winning a Wizardās Spellbook in a Game of Chance. Sometimes you find yourself writing in that old Wizardās hand-writing.
You were grievously wounded by a powerful Dragon, but not before landing a blow on the creature. Your bloods mingled and some of its powers were shunted into you!
Your Soul wandered the depths of the Shadowfell, before arriving at the Fortress of Memories, where pity was taken upon you and you were reincarnated as a second chance at life.
You worked at an old clock tower. One day time seemed to stop for just a moment while you stood before the gears, but then it ticked along once moreā¦
Things to Consider when Creating a Magic System
What are the drawbacks of using magic? Does it have mental, physical, and/or emotional consequences for the user?
What tools are needed to harness magic? Wands? Spells? Magical artifacts?
How do people learn magic? Instinct? In school? From family members?
Can everyone use magic or are only certain people capable of using it?
Is the capability to use magic hereditary? What about different ways of using magic (transformation powers, teleportation, etc.)?
What is impossible for magic to do?
How long does it take to master different magical skills?
Can creatures other than humans learn magic? Are different creatures better at using different kinds of magic?
Does it require spells to be spoken, written, or thought?
Is it possible for someone to lose their magical abilities?
How do charactersā emotions affect their ability to use magic? Do their emotions affect the magicās intensity or controllability?Ā
How does the strength of a personās magical abilities change as they age?
Can people normally perform any kind of magic or can they only perform things that fall under their specialty? Are their exceptions?
What rules restrict magic use in society?
How do peopleās magical abilities impact their career prospects?
What kinds of magic are the most feared or seen as the most powerful? Which are seen as mere jokes?
How do people use magic to help with everyday tasks?
Can magical energy be stored for later use?
What objects or other factors can amplify someoneās magical powers?
When do magical abilities initially manifest? From birth? At a certain age? Under certain conditions?
What is the first spell a character is likely to learn?
What happens if a spell is performed incorrectly? Nothing at all? A weaker version of the intended results? Pain?
Can different spell casting methods be used to obtain the same result? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
Building a magic system
A little guide to help you with your magic system.
1. Source
- External source: Energy from the outside that the mage can draw upon or convert into magic energy.
The atmosphere
Drawn from elements
From another dimensions or realms
Supernatural entities
Star or planet constellations
Weather phenomena
Magic as life energy
Magic as omnipresent energy that flows through everything
- Internal source: Magic coming from within the body of the mage, generated by him
Coming from the mind
Generated by the body
From the soul
2. Magic control through:
Hand gestures
Written symbols
Focus/concentration/will of the mage
By connection to the source (object, supernatural creature, another realms etc)
3. Magic limits - what canāt be done by magic
Range of effect
Lenght of effect
Limited by the mageās focus
Limited by the mageās stamina
4. Magic costs
Exhaustion of stamina
Gradual loss of senses
Burning off the mageās soul
Buring off the mageās life span
5. People who can use magic:
Born with it
Bestowed upon them
Awakening magic in some way
Deal with a supernatural entity
Consumption of blood of a supernatural creature
Acquiring it from a near-death experience
6. Mages regarded by the society:
Hidden from it
Led by it
12 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Magic System
How is it learned and executed?
How is it accessed?
Does it have a will of its own?
Is it restricted in space and time?
What does available magic do?
How does it relate to the character, plot and theme of the book?
What is the cost of magic?
What can it not do?
How long does it last?
Who can use it?
How do others react to it?
Why havenāt people with this power taken over the world?
Latin phrases to use as incantations.
This is gonna be a long list.
ab intraĀ - from within
ab origineĀ - from the source
absit iniuriaĀ -Ā ālet insult be absentā
absit invidiaĀ -Ā ālet envy be absentā
absit omenĀ -Ā ālet omens be absentā
ab uno disce omnesĀ - from one, learn all.
abyssus abyssum invocatĀ - deep calleth unto deep
a capite ad calcemĀ - from head to heel
acta non verbaĀ - actions not words
ad altiora tendoĀ -Ā āI strive to higher thingsā
ad astraĀ - to the stars
ad fontesĀ - to the sources
ad melioraĀ - towards better things
ad oculosĀ - to the eyes
ad undasĀ - to the waves
ad victoriamĀ - to victory
adsumĀ - I am here
a fortioriĀ - from the stronger/from strength
a mari usque ad mareĀ - from sea to sea
audeamusĀ - let us dare
audentes fortuna iuvatĀ - fortune favors the bold
audi, vide, taceĀ - hear, see, be silent
beatae memoriaeĀ - of blessed memory
bona fideĀ - in good faith
bono malum superateĀ - overcome evil with good
capax infinitiĀ - holding the infinite
carpe diemĀ - seize the day
carpe noctemĀ - seize the night
caveĀ - beware
ceteris paribusĀ - all other things being equal
circa - around
citius, altius, fortiusĀ - faster, higher, stronger
clavis aureaĀ - golden key
cogito ergo sumĀ - I think, therefor I am
compos mentis - in control of the mind
concilio et laboreĀ - by wisdom and effort
concordia cum veritateĀ - in harmony with truth
concordia salusĀ - well-being through harmony
coniunctis viribusĀ - with connected strength
consummatum estĀ - it is complete
corruptus in extremisĀ - corrupt to the extreme
crescit eundoĀ - it grows as it goes
de novo - from the new
de profundisĀ - from the depths
dies iraeĀ - day of wrath
dona nobis pacemĀ - give us peace
ego te provocoĀ - I challenge you
esse est percipiĀ - to be is to be perceived Ā
esse quam videriĀ - to be, rather than to seem
esto quod esĀ - be what you are
ex animoĀ - from the soul
ex luna scientiaĀ - from the moon, knowledge
ex scientia tridensĀ - from knowledge, sea power
ex silentioĀ - from silence
ex undisĀ - from the waves of the sea
experientia docetĀ - experience teaches
fac et speraĀ - do and hope
fac fortia et patereĀ - do brave deed and endure
faciam quodlibet quod necesse estĀ - Iāll do whatever it takes
faciam ut mei meminerisĀ - Iāll make you remember me
facta, non verbaĀ - deeds, not words
fortis et liberĀ - strong and free
fortis in arduisĀ - strong in difficulties
gloriosus et liberĀ - glorious and free
hic abundant leonesĀ - here lions abound
hic et nuncĀ - here and now
hic sunt draconesĀ - here there are dragons
hinc illae lacrimaeĀ - hence those tears
hinc itur ad astraĀ - from here the way leads to the stars
igni ferroque - with fire and iron
in memoriamĀ - into the memory
in nocte consiliumĀ - advice comes over night
libra - balance
littera scripta manetĀ - the written words endure
locus standiĀ - a right to stand
luceo non uroĀ - I shine, not burn
luctor et emergoĀ - I struggle and emerge
mare liberumĀ - free sea
memento vivereĀ - remember to live
more ferarumĀ - like beasts
natura non contristaturĀ - nature is not saddened
nec spe, nec metuĀ - without hope, without fear
noli me tangere - do not touch me
ophidia in herbaĀ - a snake in the grass
pro seĀ - for oneself
propria manu - by oneās own hand
quaereĀ - to seek
quod abundat non obstatĀ - what is abundant does not hinder
resurgamĀ - I shall arise
semper ad melioraĀ - always towards better things
semper anticusĀ - always forward
semper apertusĀ - always open
semper fortisĀ - always brave
semper liberĀ - always free
stet - let it stand
tueborĀ - I will protect
vera causaĀ - true cause
i love pitting classically trained magic users against self-taught magic users in sci-fi/fantasy but it shouldnāt be snobbish disdain for them it should be terror
in praise of worldbuilding
Sterling silver foxes. Thatās all.
Guide to the thread magic of the Kingdoms and Empires series by Jaclyn Moriarty
Colors of thread: | Name of thread/magic:
red and black | shadow thread/magic, dark magic
green and gold | binding thread, spellbinding
blue and silver | bright thread/magic, true magic
Itās pretty cool that magic works without the threads now. Kinda like how money used to have actual worth when it was gold coins but now we trust paper to certify wealth or whatever money is?
Bronte says that mages somehow learned how to do the spells without the actual threadāthough they can see the thread in their minds!
I also think the thread itself only has powers if a mage with matching speciality uses it. Like a True Mage could never use Shadow Thread to do any kind of magic, because shadow thread can only do shadow magic and only if a Shadow Mage is using it.
Writing Notes: 10 Uncommon Magic Systems

These examples of unique magic systems might pique your curiosity and inspire your next fantasy epic.Ā
Color Magic: Harnessing colors to invoke specific spells or effects.
Sound Magic: Crafting spells through vocal tones, vibrations, or musical instruments.
Time Magic: Manipulating the past, present, or future, often bending the laws of physics.
Egoic Magic: Altering one's sense of self or emotions to use as a magical conduit.
Manufactured or Artificial Magic: Magic crafted or produced through synthetic means (e.g. via objects or alchemical processes).
Nothingness Magic: Conjuring voids or vacuums, often manifesting as spatial anomalies.
Glass Magic: Manipulating glass to create barriers, projectiles, or even complex machinery.
Astrology-Based Magic: Drawing powers from celestial bodies or zodiac signs.
Fate Magic: Influencing destiny or chance to manifest predetermined outcomes.
Bio-magic: Utilizing biological processes or traits for supernatural effects.
Incorporating lesser-covered categories of magic can set your story apart in an oversaturated market, helping you carve out your distinct niche and voice. Source
More: On Fantasy Writing References: Worldbuilding ā Plot ā Character
If you're in the unfortunate spot of wanting to make a story and have to world build, you'll get to see this first hand!
Find yourself a nice video on the "world building" and "magic system" in Avatar:tla get cozy, and listen to 20 minutes of someone COMPLETELY IGNORING EVERYTHING THAT MAKES THAT SHOW GOOD.
The bending styles based on real world martial arts? How the elements mesh with the character's personalities, and the ethos of the in world culture they come from? The use of these "powers" being tied exclusively to character development throughout the series? (Zuko being physically scarred by the fire, Aang needing to be less flighty as a person in order to master earth bending)?
NAH SIS! What's IMPORTANT is knowing that the audience knows all the ins and outs of a carefully detailed magic system so they can't find any plot holes!
Since you know. It's plot holes or a lack thereof that makes a good story. Nothing Else.
Everyone knows reading comprehension sucks. Boring, overplayed, classist.
Let's talk about visual and auditory comprehension instead!
I'm currently trying to world build a magical school for my fantasy realm. I'm having a hard time finding sources online. Any general advice for fantasy schools?
For starters, you want to have your magic system fleshed out really thoroughly. What good is teaching a bunch of kids how to use a magic system that you, the author, don't really know how it works, right!? If you haven't done this, you might check out my Brainstorming posts Here (Part 1) and Here (Part 2) to get started.
Beyond that, you need to think about some school basics:
Are all children educated in magic? Or only the most talented, the richest, or the poorest?
How does society at large feel about magic education and how does that impact the freedom and funds of the school?
(Related:) What kind of teachers are employed at the school? The best and brightest or the shlufs who couldn't make it in a "real" school? How does that affect the education of the students?
How does general education play into the lives of the students? Do they go to primary school first where they learn to read and write etc. or is that part of the their magic school curriculum?
How much danger is there in the day-to-day of the school? Is the magic difficult to use and therefore generally not a risk? Is it ubiquitous and therefore maintains some inherent balance? Is it difficult to use and therefore volatile and unpredictable?
What is the purpose of receiving a magic education and what do its students aspire to do after completing school?
I hope these help you out little bit. :)
Happy building!