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I’m gonna say something controversial

I do not know what’s the problem with Thomas Jefferson Hatsune Miku Binder.

Like, I understand the criticisms of Hamilton, how it rewrites history, that it gives the founding fathers a better rep than they deserve and leaves out small things like. uh. slavery

And I understand the praise! That people of color get to reclaim the “American Dream”-narrative, and that the musical itself gives opportunities for people of color.

I don’t think, as a white Austrian, I get to comment on that. And I personally don’t care enough about Hamilton (the person and the musical) to have an opinion.

But I don’t get what the controversy is about Jefferson Miku Binder.

Like, if Thomas Jefferson was a piece of shit, I hope he rolls in his grave that that is a widely recognised piece of his legacy. I personally like making fun of slave owners.

“But he was a founding father djanrhaufbak” don’t care, I don’t respect them. I’ve personally seen worse shit than making a trans version of a character of a fanfic version of a founding father.

I don’t cringe when I see it, I laugh. Unless I’m missing something and am horribly wrong, in which case please educate me, I don’t hate Hatsune Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson.

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I love you rainbow hair I love you red eyes I love you heterochromia I love you eye scars I love you demon/angel hybrids I love you “cringey” OC’s I love you Mary Sues I love you self-inserts I love you wings and tails and horns and sharp teeth I love you people who just want to create and make stuff that makes them happy

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7 months ago

Hot take: Hater culture is just cringe culture in a different trench coat.

“I love being a hater u3u” No you love being a pedantic little shit who takes the enjoyment out of everything and makes people feel bad for liking anything.

What makes “being a hater” so fucking annoying isn’t even the negativity, it’s that it makes everything fucking boring. What, something has to be flawless to be good? Get fucked. I hate that kind of mindset, that just because something has its issues that it’s fine to dismiss everything it does right. Chronic “Hating” strips everything of its individuality and demands conformity, because how dare this thing be something I don’t enjoy! How dare there be flaws!

And don’t even get me started on how half of the “flaws” they point out aren’t even fucking flaws, and are just not conventional.

It’s also fucking annoying how this kind of mindset crawled into fandom spaces. That’s also why, in my opinion, it got this rebrand, because “cringe” in itself is kind of a fandom-esque term. It’s just a bunch of bitter idiots getting lost and finding themselves in fandom spaces somehow, only to point at everything and going “Oh my GOD, do you UNIRONICALLY like that??”

It’s the same shit over again, where something is only “allowed” to be enjoyed through like, seven layers of irony. It’s pathetic. Fuckos, it’s fine to acknowledge that something has flaws and still like it. At least fucking stand for it.

I didn’t want to acknowledge how fandom in general has deteriorated because of these insecure, bitter idiots invading spaces made for enjoying something unconventional safely, but fuck, I miss the old times. They weren’t fucking perfect, but at least there wasn’t some whiny rat around every corner screeching about how liking something is bad unless you do it at a mental and emotional distance.

Fuck haters. Fuck cringe culture. Fuck all the people who say shit like “love being a hater uwu” and “being bullying back”. Sort out your own fucking issues. Grow up.

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