Make Me Immobile - Tumblr Posts
So, I have low testosterone syndrome and have been treated with Nebido for a couple of years. It’s a large 4ml, horridly thick injection that should last 14 weeks but only keeps my levels up for 8 weeks. That means the rest of the time I go through the male menopause (andropause) every 2 months.
Not fun.
But, last week I was swapped to Sustanon. It’s a 3 weekly jab, only 1ml and painless. It’s used by bodybuilders, strongmen, lifters etc. And, boy, do I like it!
Within a day I felt brighter and I also seem to be ballooning. My belly looks almost bloated. It’s weird. It’s distended as if I’m stuffed but I’m not. Despite its roundness firmness I can still eat a shit ton of food.
I think this could be the start of some serious bellybuilding.
Anyone want to help push my limits and cover me in stretch marks?
No limits, no regrets! Get me as fat as you want.
Oh, and I officially fill my local McDonald’s booths! Result!

My absolute idol and a really nice guy too. We both started this gaining journey around the same time and weight (155 in the early 1990s). The difference is that he has the courage to commit and become a superchub.
Now I’m ready for this to become my reality.
Any feeders are welcome to help or take control.

Filling the frame - see much more on my Patreon site

Massive gut and happy with it too🐷

Pondering if I can be bothered to get up or just order a delivery🐷

Me today v what I want to be
This is simply magnificent

Pondering if I'll ever see my feet again😁🐷

Soon to take up a whole king size bed as my belly keeps spreading like a pool of fat before me...NEED to be bigger!

If only I was 600lbs🐷

How I'd LOVE to look

Getting so hard to shift my huge gut in bed🐷

Some of my greatest roll models

Got morphed by a friend on here, God this is how I want to end up! Thanks rasgar01😁🐷

When you're obese and you wake up and don't feel like moving and just ordering delivery!🐷
I hit 3.5k calories in Nutella and bagels alone 😳
That’s not counting the large pho, large sub sandwich and about a half gallon of water.
I Hope I wake up feeling as heavy as I do now 🥵

Why aren’t you playing with my belly? 🥺
A force feeding video, tied up, stuffed and bloated until i burst 🎈🪡🍩🍩
Check this video and the rest of my content for only 10 usd on my patreon! Help me get bigger

Sometimes you just have to be your own feeder…