Male Body Swap Mishief - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Monkey Business: Part 1 of 3

(Hello! Before you start reading I would like to shout out @outkast1728 here on tumblr. He has recommend and inspired me to write this series. This whole animalistic transformation is out of my writing comfort zone but hopefully I don’t disappoint)

I fuckin love myself! Ever since I changed, this is all I can fuckin think about, Bros. My strong arms and furry muscled bod, it’s such a fuckin change from my sad ass past life. And, I have to tell you all a fuckin about it. After all, with being this perfect, it would be an injustice to hide myself from the fuckin world.

Damn, I guess I’ll start from the beginning, Bros. The night I came into fuckin existence. I was Lewis. And he was a pathetically sad human being. From a young ass age he was totally alone, with no family. He had to fend for his fuckin self, living mostly on scraps. This is why he made it his damn goal to have a successful career and find love. By the age 24, he busted his ass into a successful career, but he still had fuckin problems. His harsh youth had stunted him, he didn’t have the love or resources for his bod to gain the nourishment it needed to receive the full effects of puberty. He was short and his muscle structure weak. His pathetic bod would never fully be able to build muscle, no matter how fuckin hard he tried. The one thing he did have was a fast metabolism, which would have left him stick thin if it wasn’t for his shit, I need to eat anything to survive, diet.


That night, Lewis came home fuckin defeated. His asshole of a date, from work, stood him up. – Damn just remembering all this, I feel sorry for this kid – He hated himself and his life.  He felt like shit, like he could never be loved. The one thing he did love was scrolling through the net looking at pictures of hot dudes. Imagining what it would be like to live their fuckin lives. He was in the middle of reading one of his swap stories, when a message alert popped on his screen.

“What if I told you that body swap stories are real?” The anonymous user posted. At this point Lewis didn’t know his fuckin life was going to change forever.  

Being in a lustful state from all the hot pictures he browsed, Lewis decided to play along, something he wouldn’t normally do. “I would absolutely love it.” Damn Lewis sounded like such a pussy.

“Will you let me change you into anything of my choice?”  The poster typed back instantly.

Believing it was role-play; Lewis excited to see what this user would turn into. “Yes … along as I’m hot” Hahaha ... was such a fuckin beta.

All of a fuckin sudden the screen turned into a fucking hypnotic spiral and started to suck the consciousness out of Lewis. Words started to flash on the screen. You no longer exist, you are my blank slate. You will be what I want you to be. That is when I was born. I had Lewis’ memories, but they weren’t mine. I didn’t know who I was or how to think. In the fuckin confusion, I was drawn to a vocal countdown coming from my computer. 5…4…3 it was a dude’s voice … 2 … 1. Wake Up! “How do you feel?” The voice said.

“I feel good … but I’m confused.” I respond still corrupted by Lewis’ pussy ass personality.

“Don’t worry we are not done yet, I wanted you to be awake to feel this experience.” He said before he continued to talk. “You like monkeys don’t you?”

A wave of thought pulsed through my mind, “Yeah they are my favorite animals.” I answered.“Interesting. I wonder if it’s because you look like one.” As he said that, a strange sensation filled my bod. It was like thousands of pins where beginning to stab their fuckin way out.” I looked as hair started to cover my once hairless bod, what fat I had melted away. While the hair fuckin grew and expanded its way through my bod, the voice spoke again “Wait aren’t you part monkey.” Pressure started to build at the base of my spine. The hair grew and became more fuckin fur-like; the only truly hairless parts of my bod were the base of my feet, palms of my hands, and upper part of my face. Fuck! The pleasure was unbelievable. My bod’s features becoming a mixture of human and monkey; I realized something behind me moved. It quickly wrapped around my arms and squeezed my weak ass bicep, making me jump. Then it quickly jumped off and the wrapped around my now flat ass stomach. I looked down to see this thick long hairy monkey tail. In just seconds, I gained control of it, making it rub against my bod. “You look sexy” the voice says. “It must be hard to control that monkey energy. That need to be the alpha, you must love showing your body off.”


My bod started to pulsate. Every pulse increasing my size. Filling my muscles with power. I am fucking hot. I’m perfect. My tails and hands rub my now beefy and muscled body. “Hello Logan, I’m Morphmaster. I chose you to fulfill my plans. But those can wait for now. First go live, and experience your new body.”

The screen goes black. I was left alone with my bod, as pheromones filled the room. The dank ass smell my bod gave off pumped me with energy. It made me fucking restless. I got to move. I got to fuckin work out. My new beefy ass bod needed to be used. I ran to the mirror to look at my bod in all its glory. My hot ass manly face looked back in a mixture of shock and pride. There was no one that could rival me.  

Shit, Bro I gotta fucking stop writing here for now. This is fuckin turning me on. I gotta go to work out and then see which wannabe gym alpha is going to receive my hybrid seed.

(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief​. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)

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3 years ago

Holiday Special: The Twelve Months of Transformation

[Part 6 of 12]

Holiday Special: The Twelve Months Of Transformation


The next day Nick woke up earlier. For the first time in his life he felt groggy and heavy. It was difficult trying to get the energy to get out of bet. And, then there was the pain from his lower back.

He looked at his reflection and noticed his skin started looking older. More wrinkled and weathered by life. He wasn't sure if it was all in his head but it looked like he gain more weight overnight. He sighed, Hopefully I get some answers, today.

Nick sat in the doctor's office. As his doctor walked in.

"Nick is that you?" The doctor asked shocked. You both didn't want to say it, but you now looked older than the doctor.

"Yeah, Doc. This is the new change I was talking about." Nick slapped his gut. "The changes stopped since the last time I saw you, and everything was fine. But, literally overnight I just gained 30 lbs of fat."

"I'm sorry you are going through this." The doctor said. But, in his tone hid the fact that he wasn't surprised.

"So, doc, can you tell me what's going on with me?" Nick, asked.

"It's complicated. Everything came back negative. For all intents and purposes internally your as healthy as a 20 year old athlete." The doctor explained.

Nick laughed in disbelief and his small belly jiggled. "That's hilarious. Look at me... look... this is not healthy. What's happening is not normal." Nick started becoming more agitated.

"Nick calm down. I agree with you. Something is happening. Just not something with your health." The doctor rose his voice in an attempt to silence Nick. "It has to do with your genetic."

"What do you mean." Nick said his anger interrupted with confusion.

"After the result came back, your case still intrigued me. It's nothing I've ever seen before. So, I sent a DNA sample to a colleague you works more in experimental genetics." The doctor began to explain. "And, what he found defies everything we know."

At that point another doctor walks into the room an, elderly man. "Hello, Nick I am Dr. Paulak. Your case is quite intriguing." The old man began pulling out paper work and handing it to Nick. Nick began reading it. It was results and information from multiple DNA test.

"What is all this, Nick asked."

"Dr. Freeman is correct. Medically there is nothing wrong with. You are as healthy as a man younger than your actual age. But, there are some very strange anomalies that cause your body to act very different from an average person."

"Please, just tell me. What's going on with me." Nick pleaded, tried of the doctor skirting around the issue.

"Okay, okay... it's seems like your cells have an ability and need to store massive amounts of energy. In fact your body seems to see this as the main goal of it's function. This can explain your aging appearance but the fact is you are still as healthy as a race horse. Your body seems to have drained the energy keeping your skin and hair youthful and began storing that, as energy, for this transformation process, you are going through, to start."

"There's no way to reverse this?" Nick's heart dropped. "What about the weight gain. Why am I getting fatter, now all of sudden?"

"That can be explained too. As your body continues to transform into this energy saver, for a lack of a better word, it seems your body is even more skilled at storing the nutrients and fats of everything you eat. Meaning it's hard for you to lose weight because now even the healthiest foods are somewhat fattening." The doctor continued to explain. "In fact as this transformation continues, your body is gonna have the need to eat more in order to meet its needs to store energy."

"So, what are your telling me, I'm going to get fatter and theirs nothing I can do about it." Nick yelled.

"I'm afraid, so." The doctor simply replied allowing Nick to sit in silence and think.

"What is this energy even for? You keep saying my body is taking all of my youth and the food I eat for energy, what's the point." Nick asked just trying to understand.

"As for that, we don't know." Dr. Freeman spoke up.

"I don't even feel full of energy. Today, I felt so drained. So much for all this energy my body is storing." Nick cried.

"Well that's happening for two reasons," Dr. Pualak started up again. "Firstly, It could be your not eating enough, to meet your new bodies needs. Now, I'm not condoning you eat more. It up to you. The second reason is... it seems your body has a genetic depositions for a hibernation cycle of sorts. It seems like during winter your body might be more active. As summer approaches, you are at the peak of your hibernation state. That explains why you are feeling so tired. As winter approaches again you should start feeling better."

"There's gotta be something you can do. Hormones I can take. Things I can do." Nick sat down defeated.

"As of now, there is nothing we can do. Unless there were others that share your strange syndrome. Then we can start cross examining the data and narrow down something that could stop or cure this. Do any of your family members share any of these effects?" Dr. Paulak asked.

Nick just shook his head. "No, my mom's family are normal. Some cases of cancer, diabetes, but nothing like this."

"What about your father." Dr. Paulak asked.

"I don't know, I've never known him or his family. He left before I was born." Nick got a bit irritated thinking about the fact that he could have inherited this from his father. A man the he never met or cared about. A man that abandoned him and his mom.

"Well maybe you can start there?" Dr. Freeman stepped in. "You can ask your mother and update us if you find out more. Until than take it easy. If you need we know a therapist thst handles these types of cases."

"What there are othesr like me!? But, you just said..." Nick asked confused.

"Not exactly like you... But, people that have found themselves in a new body, one way or the other."

The doctors gave Nick the card to the therapist. And, he left back to his home. He got some answers but he was heartbroken he didn't have any solutions.


Everything was happening so fast. This year was to much for Nick to handle. As May went on, he fell into denial. Those doctors are crazy. Talking about people being put into new bodies. They sound like some cracked mad scientist. They don't know what they are talking about. I'm going to be better in no time. Nick talked to himself.

But as the month past, he felt more tired. He gained more weight. The age difference between him and his friends were becoming more apparent. He started ghosting them. He hung out more with his boss and his new older friends. He was able to relate to them more. "I was jealous of you there for awhile. Glad your gaining weight like the rest of us." His boss admitted. Nick didn't care at this point. He was defeated. He just smiled and laughed it off.

The guys at the gym started making fun of his weight gain. Saying he was starting to look more his age. And, that it was sad to see age get the best of him.


There was one last hope to fix this, Nick thought. Maybe his dad or his dad's family could shed light on his situation. But,, first he had to talk to his mom. Through all of this, he kept his mom blind to what was happening. Hoping he could fix it on his own. But, now with no cure he knew he had to come clean. He called up his mom like he had always done. "Hey, mom month when I go back home to visit you for your birthday... there's gonna be something different about me. I just want to give you a heads up."

"Oh, sweetie what's going on. You sound like your in trouble. Now, matter what it is you can tell me." His mom's warm voice made him feel safe. Tears ran down his face.

Nick cried as he began to speak, "I'm an old man now."

His mom laughed, "Sweetie you're barely 35. You have a lot of life left ahead of you."

"No mom, I'm really an old man." Nick took a picture and sent it to her. He was getting frustrated that she didn't believe him.

"Oh, sweetie stop playing with those apps. But, that is a realistic photo edit. You got me worried for a bit. You always try so hard on your pranks." His mom laughed.

Nick realized the only way to prove it to her was to just wait and show her in person. Hopefully she wouldn't freak out. And, better yet maybe she had answers to some of his questions about his father.

(Shout out to @thegreatstoryteller his TF Therapy series has inspired me to turn this one story idea into a series)

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