bodyswapmischief - Body Swap Mischief
Body Swap Mischief

I love male body swaps and transformations. I love it even more when things go wrong or have a twisted ending

112 posts

Monkey Business: Part 1 Of 3

Monkey Business: Part 1 of 3

(Hello! Before you start reading I would like to shout out @outkast1728 here on tumblr. He has recommend and inspired me to write this series. This whole animalistic transformation is out of my writing comfort zone but hopefully I don’t disappoint)

I fuckin love myself! Ever since I changed, this is all I can fuckin think about, Bros. My strong arms and furry muscled bod, it’s such a fuckin change from my sad ass past life. And, I have to tell you all a fuckin about it. After all, with being this perfect, it would be an injustice to hide myself from the fuckin world.

Damn, I guess I’ll start from the beginning, Bros. The night I came into fuckin existence. I was Lewis. And he was a pathetically sad human being. From a young ass age he was totally alone, with no family. He had to fend for his fuckin self, living mostly on scraps. This is why he made it his damn goal to have a successful career and find love. By the age 24, he busted his ass into a successful career, but he still had fuckin problems. His harsh youth had stunted him, he didn’t have the love or resources for his bod to gain the nourishment it needed to receive the full effects of puberty. He was short and his muscle structure weak. His pathetic bod would never fully be able to build muscle, no matter how fuckin hard he tried. The one thing he did have was a fast metabolism, which would have left him stick thin if it wasn’t for his shit, I need to eat anything to survive, diet.


That night, Lewis came home fuckin defeated. His asshole of a date, from work, stood him up. – Damn just remembering all this, I feel sorry for this kid – He hated himself and his life.  He felt like shit, like he could never be loved. The one thing he did love was scrolling through the net looking at pictures of hot dudes. Imagining what it would be like to live their fuckin lives. He was in the middle of reading one of his swap stories, when a message alert popped on his screen.

“What if I told you that body swap stories are real?” The anonymous user posted. At this point Lewis didn’t know his fuckin life was going to change forever.  

Being in a lustful state from all the hot pictures he browsed, Lewis decided to play along, something he wouldn’t normally do. “I would absolutely love it.” Damn Lewis sounded like such a pussy.

“Will you let me change you into anything of my choice?”  The poster typed back instantly.

Believing it was role-play; Lewis excited to see what this user would turn into. “Yes … along as I’m hot” Hahaha ... was such a fuckin beta.

All of a fuckin sudden the screen turned into a fucking hypnotic spiral and started to suck the consciousness out of Lewis. Words started to flash on the screen. You no longer exist, you are my blank slate. You will be what I want you to be. That is when I was born. I had Lewis’ memories, but they weren’t mine. I didn’t know who I was or how to think. In the fuckin confusion, I was drawn to a vocal countdown coming from my computer. 5…4…3 it was a dude’s voice … 2 … 1. Wake Up! “How do you feel?” The voice said.

“I feel good … but I’m confused.” I respond still corrupted by Lewis’ pussy ass personality.

“Don’t worry we are not done yet, I wanted you to be awake to feel this experience.” He said before he continued to talk. “You like monkeys don’t you?”

A wave of thought pulsed through my mind, “Yeah they are my favorite animals.” I answered.“Interesting. I wonder if it’s because you look like one.” As he said that, a strange sensation filled my bod. It was like thousands of pins where beginning to stab their fuckin way out.” I looked as hair started to cover my once hairless bod, what fat I had melted away. While the hair fuckin grew and expanded its way through my bod, the voice spoke again “Wait aren’t you part monkey.” Pressure started to build at the base of my spine. The hair grew and became more fuckin fur-like; the only truly hairless parts of my bod were the base of my feet, palms of my hands, and upper part of my face. Fuck! The pleasure was unbelievable. My bod’s features becoming a mixture of human and monkey; I realized something behind me moved. It quickly wrapped around my arms and squeezed my weak ass bicep, making me jump. Then it quickly jumped off and the wrapped around my now flat ass stomach. I looked down to see this thick long hairy monkey tail. In just seconds, I gained control of it, making it rub against my bod. “You look sexy” the voice says. “It must be hard to control that monkey energy. That need to be the alpha, you must love showing your body off.”


My bod started to pulsate. Every pulse increasing my size. Filling my muscles with power. I am fucking hot. I’m perfect. My tails and hands rub my now beefy and muscled body. “Hello Logan, I’m Morphmaster. I chose you to fulfill my plans. But those can wait for now. First go live, and experience your new body.”

The screen goes black. I was left alone with my bod, as pheromones filled the room. The dank ass smell my bod gave off pumped me with energy. It made me fucking restless. I got to move. I got to fuckin work out. My new beefy ass bod needed to be used. I ran to the mirror to look at my bod in all its glory. My hot ass manly face looked back in a mixture of shock and pride. There was no one that could rival me.  

Shit, Bro I gotta fucking stop writing here for now. This is fuckin turning me on. I gotta go to work out and then see which wannabe gym alpha is going to receive my hybrid seed.

(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief​. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)

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More Posts from Bodyswapmischief

5 years ago

Silver’s Sauna: Nerd to Sliver Fox


Just moments ago, I was a nerdy high school senior. Now, I'm almost an actual senior at 55 years old. Yes, I have one hell of a body, but was it worth 37 years of my life.

I was always made fun of, in school. First I was, too short ... But, once puberty hit, I grew taller. To bad my muscles didn't get the growth memo. I was a tall, pale, nerdy skeleton. And jocks/bullies at my school never let me forget how much of an outcast I was.

With college coming up soon, I saw my chance to start over. I could work on my self now and become the person I wanted to be in college. So, I joined a gym, where I knew my classmates wouldn't bother me. Silver's Gym was mainly advertised to older men. The mascot was a fox. So ... the whole Silver Fox motif wasn't lost on me.

I walked up to the front desk. And, there was Mr. Edward Silver. He was the youngest and fittest man in there, in his early 30's. He was curious why I wanted to be at this gym. So, I told him my story. He understood and even gave me a discount. For the past few months I went, but saw no results. Mr. Silver tried to give me tips, but I just couldn't gain weight to build muscle. Exercising became a form of meditation for me. And working out next to overweight business men was a real confidence booster.

Today, I was working out when I saw a bald and severely obese man walk in. His clothes and the way he carried himself shown that his gluttonous appetite came from his extremely wealthy life style. Mr. Silver came, out of the back office, and greeted him. They started talking and the old man handed Mr. Silver a brief case. Mr. Silver motioned to me and the old man nodded. My gut told me I needed to leave, immediately.

I stopped what I was doing and rushed into to the locker room. My heart was racing and it felt like being back at school, running from my bullies. As I struggled to get the locker open, Mr. Silver walked in. Being bullied at school, I considered him my only friend, based on the interactions we had. But, now standing in front of me, he was different. He stared at me like a predator that had cornered his prey. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I knew he had me trapped. "Aw Eric! Glad I found you." He said in a fake cheerful tone. "I wanted to congratulate you, myself. You won the gyms surprise lottery. You got yourself a free trip to the sauna."

"That's great," I let out, fear shaking my throat. "But, I can't do it now ...  Can I comeback..." Mr Silver interrupted me, with his fake cheery tone. "Oh, we both know you're not gonna want to miss this opportunity." He grabbed me and forcibly led me to the spa area. I tried to break free. Even though Mr. Silver was shorter than me, his ripped body easily slammed me into the locker. With his ripped physique pressed against me, he looked at me straight in the eyes, his silent message was clear. I wasn't escaping. I stopped fighting back and let him take me.

He led me into the basement, with two glass chambers. The chambers were set up like saunas, except for the 3 glass walls. In one chamber sat the fat old man, with a towel across his legs. "Strip down and here's a towel." Mr Silver commanded. Understanding that I couldn't do anything to escape, I followed his command. He opened the door to the other chamber and I walked in.

The fat old man looked at me at smile. "Hello, I'm Theodore Hutchinson. And, I appreciate what you are about to do for me." I was confused. "What's going on!'" I order Mr. Silver to explain what was happening. "Years ago, I discovered these particles that I have infused into this mist. When properly charged these particles can overcome the obstacles of time and space. However they need to be balanced, or else ... bad things happen" Mr. Silver began to explain.

As he was talking, I witnessed what was happening to Mr. Hutchinson. Fat was melting of his body. Hair was growing back on his head. His body was becoming less hairy. His skin started to tighten and his body was being pumped with muscle. Once the steam cleared he looked like he was now my age. He looked like the buff jocks that made my life a living hell. His towel dropped to the floor revealing his hard cock. He started laughing in disbelief, while feeling up his body. The laughs turned into moans and he started rubbing his cock. His body pulsing with pleasure as as he felt up his now younger body.

The machine started violently shaking, as Mr. Silver walked back to it. "See. These little guys are fighting to regain balance. They need somewhere to go." He said deviously. Steam started filling up my chamber. I panicked, looking at  Mr. Hutchinson younger body. I subconsciously put one hand on my stomach. I brushed the other hand through my hair. Mr. Silver laughed. "It doesn't work like that. It's not a body swap machine. In Mr. Hutchinson’s case it naturally de-aged him to his senior year of high school. When he was a muscled up jock. You on the other hand, It will age you as if you kept living your life naturally. What you will look like ... well who knows. That's the fun part. Maybe you will get fat and bald like he was and maybe you won’t. Only time will tell." Mr. Silver Flipped  the switch.

The steam surrounded my body. Although I could still breathe, I felt suffocated. My body was heating up. Suddenly, I felt a pressure on my stomach and saw it start stretching. My chest became flabby and my stomach jutted out. " Looks like some gained the freshman 15," Mr. Silver playfully said.

Part of me was happy that I was no longer a skinny skeleton. But I worried how fat I was going to get, as the weight kept piling on. "Someone discovered beer on their 21st birthday." Mr Silver Chimed in.

Suddenly I feel my arm getting stabbed over and again. A tattoo appeared on my arm. My body was still chubby, but muscle was beginning to developed. My biceps started painfully pulsating, as they increased in size. My chest became more defined. " Look's like 25 was a good year for you." Silver seemed amused.

My body kept increasing in size and my belly became flatter. I begin to feel stabbing in my other arm and neck. More tattoos appeared. "Damn your looking good in your 30's, most guys I’ve seen let themselves go, by now." Silver said, not hiding the fact he was getting turned on.

My skin started to tan and finally an eight pack formed on my stomach. My body looked like what you might imagine an ancient gladiators body would look like. I was in the best shape my life. "So you are one of the it gets better with age guys, huh." Silver said, with a big smile on his face. He was really enjoying this.

The mist kept swirling, but my body only went through minor changes. A little more muscle gain and a pricking sensation as stubble appeared on my face.  But, then I started to feel drained. I was more tried. My body felt heavier. It felt like more work to carry all this muscle. The steam cleared. I looked down at my body. I was insanely fit and hot and my body wasn't changing anymore. With a body like this, I had to still be in my late 30's, at the most. Confused, I asked "why am I still in my 30's ..." I stop, shocked by how old I sounded. Silver chimed in, "It would look like that, doesn't it." Silver smiles. "But you are now 55."

My heart beat fast in disbelief. Mr. Silver held up a mirror. Although my body looked strong, I still felt heavy. I slowly got up feeling pain in my lower back and knees. I made my way to the mirror. I looked at my reflection and saw an old face staring back. Wrinkles on my face and grey in my hair and stubble.

"It looks like you are in great shape  ... but as an older man you are going have to live differently to keep that body tight. There will have to be diet changes and working out twice has hard and twice as much, compared to a man now half your age." Mr Silver smiled, checking out an analyzing the work he did to my body. I stumbled back to my seat, reality setting in. I'm an old man now. A hot Silver Fox, but still an old man. "What's going to happen. I can't go back home like this." I cried out. 

"Your past is taken care of. To everyone you knew ... you are dead. A bus crush that should happen any moment, now. As for the future ... you are now a father. Your son is that young man over there, Ted Hutchinson. As per his contract, he has given you his life and all the wealth that comes along with it. You will continue to work in his company and make money. And, you will have time for fun too, so don't worry about having to work to much. After all, you have 10 more years until retirement is an option. Your new son will get to live like the rich kid he always wanted to be, instead of the self-made billionaire he had to be. And, once you die, you will leave everything to your son. Do we have an agreement?"

With tears in my eyes, I nodded. I didn't have choice. My whole life was gone. If I said no, I'd probably end up on the streets, with my parents not believing I'm really me and a lack of work experience to get a job. Who's going want to hire a 55 year old man with no work experience or proof of being a citizen.

My life was over. Not that it was great, so far. But, it was mine. I missed out on so many experiences. It seemed like my 20's, 30's and 40's were going to be great. But, now I would never know. I mean with how in shape I am in, I'd probably live into my 90's, assuming something else doesn't go wrong in my body, but now that is only 40 years away. Silver comes back and brings me the contract. I sign it.

My new son, Ted, walks in. I feel angry about what he did to me. "I'm lucky my new daddy is so hot" he says as he enters my chamber. He walks closer to me. His body less muscular than mine, but still hot. He starts feeling up my aged body. And, I start feeling his, my anger turning to lust. "Don't worry I'll take care of you dad" Ted said, removing my towel and exposing my old but still impressive cock. He bends down and starts sucking it. I moan in pleasure.

I could get use to this. I mean there's nothing I could do about it now. I might as well enjoy it ... while I'm still alive. Being a Silver Fox can have it’s benefits. 

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5 years ago

Buddy Swap (Part 4)


Months passed by, as we adapted to our new routines. I would get up and eat. Work at home for my new desk job. And, eat if I got bored, which was always. Then, I would eat after I finished working for the day. Before it would get to late, I would take a few hours nap. Finally, I would wake up and hangout with my online gaming friends, while I ate some more.

With all my free time I had, I was getting good at gaming. I started dreaming of the day when I could quit my job and just game. All my friends were online, at this point. It was nice talking to people without then knowing how fat I was. Hanging out with them, I felt like my old self. That was until, one day when the group wanted to face chat. Being fat slipped my mind, and afterwards I became the butt of all the fat jokes.

Spencer on the other hand was loving life. He would start the day early. Go on his run and eat healthy. He tried to introduce my old friends to me, in my new body. They had no idea of the swap,but being gay If I didn't fit their sexual desires they wanted nothing to do with me. And not being gay, Spencer had no use for them. So, he found new friends. And, if he wasn't hanging out with them, he was with Jess. She started coming over more and more. -Some nights, I would masturbate to the sound of their love making. In those moments I wished I was her. I wished I would find someone who loved me- But, most nights Spencer was gone at the gym.

"Hey, So you down for the gym tonight?" Spencer said entering my room. I looked at the mirror seeing my fat body. "I don't know." I responded. "Why!? Your doing so good," He smiled. "I'm not losing any weight. I'm still 280 fuckin pounds." I said, as I bit into my hamburger. Spencer walked over to me and jiggled my belly. "Well, that's why ... All that shit you put into your body. How can you expect to lose weight. For fuck sakes I think you have been eating more then I did," he said laughing as I pushed his hand and continued eating. "What it's true ... imagine how big you would get if you didn't come and work off some of that food in your gut," he continued, still chucking to himself. With the thought of getting fatter, I put the burger down. "Fuck you! ... I'll go ..." I said defeated.

It was weird seeing Spencer like that. He had so much energy. I guess I never realized how much being fat drained him of that energy, until now. On the ride their, he became more serious. "Look ... I gotta tell you something ... we can't keep messing around. I don't even roll that way. I've been doing it to make up with you, but ... I love Jess ... and I going to propose to her," he let out. I knew this would happen, I just didn't want it to. "You guys barely been dating a few months," I fought back. "It almost been a year," he stated. My heart was hurt and my mind jealous. " oh ... yeah ... look ... I want you to be happy. We'll stop ... it's fine" I said frustrated. The rest of the car ride was quite.

At the gym, Spencer walked me to the treadmill. "Okay ... I'm going to workout with some clients. I'll check back up on you," he said trying to gauge how I was feeling. I said nothing and he walked away. I started walking on the treadmill, my mind racing. I was mad at him. But, more mad at myself. I knew he wasn't gay. I knew he was just trying to make me happy. I hated that I felt like no one could love me, like this.

I stopped the treadmill. I had to get out of the workout area. My anxiety was raising. I looked around and felt everyone's eyes on me. Saying the worst things in their minds. Look how fat he is. He can't even run. He's gross. Their silent laughter and mocking was get louder. Tearing up, I quickly left into the Spa area. But, not before I bumped into him. He was the man of my dreams. Even in my old body, I would have been envious. He was admiring himself in the mirror. Still sweaty from his workout, his muscle shirt hugged his body. Showing off every ab he had. He look at me up and down. His eyes staring into my soul. I was embarrassed and ran out of his sight. He must be laughing at the fat piece of lard that just bumped into him.

At this gym most people didn't take advantage of the spa area. Most likely, because it didn't have a lot to offer. So, I made my way into the dark and empty room with messaging chairs. And started to cry. "Hey are you okay," Mr. Abs said. I felt even worse now. "Yeah, look ... I'm sorry I bumped into you ... but can you please leave me alone." I said in between sobs. He remained quiet, but sat on the chair next to me.

He put his hand on my lard covered lap. "Someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be crying." My mind was alerted to the chessiness of his words. But. At the sametime those were the words my heart needed to hear. "What?" I asked. "Sorry, I don't mean to be so forward. It's just your so attractive. And, when you bumped into me ... I saw the pain in your eyes. And, I just felt like I had to talk to you." He answered.

At that moment Spencer walked in. "Hey Johnny you good." He quickly analyzes the situation, "Oh ... I'll just be outside with my clients ... if you need me." He slowly backs off and I nod letting him know I'm okay.

"So is that your trainer or ... boyfriend..." Mr.Abs asked. I just laughed, "No ... He's just a friend .. and thanks for the kind words. But, you don't have to pretend to make me feel better. You don't owe me anything. I don't even know your name." He put his hand on my stomach. I started feeling embarrassed. "I wasn't joking ... you see I like to stay fit ..." he said as he invited my fat arms to start feeling up his body. " But, I like fat guys." He gives my belly a jiggle and continues to explore my body. We sit there for a couple seconds, in awe of each other's body. "My name is Alex, by the way." he mindlessly said. "I'm Johnathan." I said, memorized myself.

He started talking again, "What is a guy like you doing in a place like this." He asked. "I'm trying to lose weight." I answer sheepishly. He laughs, "why would you wanna do something like that." " Well. I wasn't always fat and I don't like how I feel being fat." I answered. "We'll Johnathan, after this breakdown you had it doesn't seem like your in the mood to workout tonight. Why don't we leave this place and I can buy you some food, I know you must be hungry." I agree to leave with him and I text Spencer to not expect me home tonight.

We leave to a nearby fast food restaurant and he orders four large combos. We continue to drive to his place. He sets up all the food on the table, and tells me to dig in. We talk to each other about our lives, as he makes himself a salad. I realized he bought all the fast food for me. Being around him was so comfortable. I was interested in learning more about him. He was kind, smart, and adventurous. He talked about his workouts, his job, and his fetish. He was interested in how I got so fat. I had to create a fake story, because there was no way he was going to believe body swapping.

By the time we were done, I was stuffed. He started rubbing my belly. Moving his hands to my crotch, pulling down my pants. He began pushing back my pelvic fat, unleashing as much dick as he could get. And, He started sucking. Sending me and my extended belly into ecstasy. After servicing me, he flipped me over and and started riding my fat as. His powerful arms holding me. His ripped physic imprinting on my fat flesh. Each thrust of his dick in my ass, filled with pleasure, reminding me of the one night stands I use to have.

"How was that ... you wanna lose weight now?" Alex said catching his breath. He quicky got up, leaving me to reflect on the best sex of my life. He came back with more food and drinks. And, then it started all over. The night of love making ended when we fell unconscious from exhaustion in each other's arms.

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5 years ago

Do you do any inanimate?

As of right now ... no. But, I do enjoy those types of stories, written by the other wonderful writers here on tumblr. I just don't feel like I have the proper mind set to tackle that subject, at the moment.

But, I am planning a swap/transformation fetish series where I will tackle every type of tf I could think of and twist them up, to let myself out of my comfort zone and experience new things. So there will be: fit to fat, fat to fit, age regression and progression, vore, inanimate, male pregnancy, man-beast hybrid, and others I am forgetting to mention.

I don't know when I'll start the series, It could be a long while though.

6 years ago

Fat Friend’s Revenge


“So … you’re finally up” I hear as my mind enters back into consciousness

My eyes slowly get into focus as I look around the room. In an instant reality snaps back into my mind as I stare at the stranger in front of me.  And, then panic sets in as my attempts to stand up leads to the realization that I am tied down.  

“What the fuck is going on?” I ask in a hazy confused panic.

He stares at me and laughs. His voice rings through my ears and something about it sounds familiar. It brings my attention to his soft lips. In an instant, images of me kissing him flood my mind. I quickly snap out of it. I’m not gay. But, my attention drifts to his sweet brown eyes. It couldn’t be…

He finally answers “What you don’t recognize me? Well I did lose some weight recently” He continues to laugh to himself.

It was my friend. It was Eric. But, it couldn’t be. Just last night we were at the bar. Just last night he was over 300 pounds. Now there is no sign he was ever that fat. In shock all I can think about is how attractive he looks in front of me. I just want to set myself free and ripped those clothes off him and kiss every inch of his body. At this point I was hard, as images of us embracing filled my mind.

“What the hell is going on? What happened to you? Why am I tied up?” I’m finally able to blurt out.

He looks at me coldly “Revenge” he says it in a slightly wicked tone.

His response fills me with fear for what he is planning to do to me. “What the fuck did I do?” I say as anger of the situation starts to set in. But, simultaneously I can feel this anger turning into passion. I want to wrap him in my strong muscular arms. My body urges to connect with him.

“You treated me like trash! You … used … me … like … a …fool.” The power in his voiced scared me, but at the same time it made me want him more. It was strange. It wasn’t a feeling of love. In fact if I was free I would have punched him in the face. No, this feeling was animalistic. I needed to be inside him. “And now the tables have turned.” He begins to smile.

He turns his slim muscular body to the coffee table. And my attention follows. Without his handsome face distracting me, I finally realize we are in my home. My eyesight begins to move along his body. I watch as the muscles in his arms, neck, and face move in a beautiful orchestra.  These surfaces that were once covered in pounds of fat. He turns around and faces me, now holding a box. On the box it reads: FROM MR. MISCHIEF. HAVE FUN. He reaches into the box and pulls out four letters.

“Attraction” He says as he turns the first letter around.  He puts his hand on my lap and electric signals run through my body. Images of intense love making run through my mind.

“What the fuck did you do to me? I say in a tearful panic.

He begins to laugh, as he moves his hands up my body. My body pulsating with pleasure. His hands continue to message ever inch of my sculptured body; sending waves of pleasure throughout my body. “You are only attracted to me now.” His moist hands wipe my face.

“I fucking hate you!” I yell.

“You don’t gotta love me to be attracted to me.” He smiles as he reaches towards me. His hands start undoing the ropes holding me back. Although my body wants to embrace Eric, my mind knows I need to make a run for it. I need to knock Eric out and run. As soon as Eric unties me, I stand up quickly and go to punch him in the face. Before my fist makes contact he says, “Stop! And sit down.” My arm automatically falls to my side. My body becomes heavy and falls back on to the chair I was sitting on.

“What the fuck?” I say as he turns around the next letter: OBEDIENCE.

“Stop talking. It’s my turn to speak.”  My mind races with thoughts and I try to speak them out loud.  But, my lips and throat do not even make an effort to move. “Listen to what I have to say and don’t let your sexual fantasies get in the way.” He flips the third letter: LOVE. And then rips it. “I don’t care that you hate me. In fact I love that you hate me, right now. Being forced to love me won’t teach you the lessons I want you to learn. I loved you. I wanted you. But, I wasn’t your type. You were straight and the sight of my fat ass disgusted you. You used me. You used the love I had for you against me. I would have and did do anything you wanted me to. You were hot, with your muscular body. You were the envy of every man. You liked to show off the god-sculpted body. Standing next to the fat blob I used to be, every girl wanted to get into your pants. And you would leave me there to get your nightly fuck. Everyone staring at me like some kind of fat freak. You knew I liked you. You would call me to do some bullshit thing for you and I came running. I wanted you to love me. But, you were a parasite making me a fool to make yourself feel good, even though you were already perfect”

Shame filled my body. Everything he said was true. I tried to be his friend. I knew he liked me. But, it was so easy to use that against him. He was desperate. I constantly made him the fool and belittled him to boost my own ego. I want to explain … to apologized, but I still couldn’t talk. He flips the fourth letter: WEIGHT TRANSFERENCE. “Now I’m going to turn the tables. It’s your turn to be the fat friend.” You see my fat didn’t just disappear.” He suddenly pulls a nice juicy burger from behind his back. He gives me a small smile.

“Listen to those sexual thoughts again, but this time you’re the bottom.” My thoughts become loud again. I picture his smaller yet toned body, riding my large muscular body. “Eat this. Fast.” I quickly reach out and gulp down the burger. My body starts feeling heavy. Waves of energy pulsate through my body.  “Stay still” Eric says as he removes my clothes. He runs and places a mirror in front of me. My face has become swollen. Fat checks and a double chin have replaced my chiseled face.  I become super focused and panicked as the rest of my body changes in front of me. My muscular pecks grow into two juicy moobs. My powerfully arms and legs get weighed down with globs of fat. My pelvic area begins to grow a fat pad. Drastically shrinking the size of my package. Finally my abs disappears as my gut juts out. Sticking far past my new moobs. It continues to grow; finally stopping at the half point of my newly thicken thighs. I’m left in shock, as tears fill my eyes.

“Let’s see.’ Eric says in amusement. “With the amount of weight I transferred and with your original weight, you should be about 380 pounds.” He chuckles and gives my belly a nice pat. It jiggles and ripples through out my body. I turn to look at him. His fit, toned, skinny body turns me on even more, now that I am covered in fat. “You are going to hate being fat. But, getting fatter and me playing with your fat will give you the most pleasure you have ever experienced.” He looks at me and just smiles, waiting for something.  “Oh … and you can speak now.” He says mockingly.

“I hate you! You ruined me. What the fuck am I going to do now?” I let out between sobs

“Don’t worry I’m not cruel” He laughs as he scoops my tit with his hands. I let out a pleasure-filled gasp. Eric smiles “You’ll be my servant, with some … benefits. Met me in the bedroom in five minutes. I needs to take a load out. You can think of this as a sample of the awards you’ll get for being obedient. Then afterwards we will go to the gay bar. Standing next to a fat ass like you, I’ll look even more attractive to any guy looking to bang the night away. However, you do make a good bear. Too bad you’re going to refuse any offers since you only want me to make you happy.”

I watch as Eric walks into my … probably now his bed room. I hate him.  But there is no use in telling him. I feel gross with my fat folds sitting on top of each other. My confidence is gone. Five minutes past and I struggle to get my fat ass up. I begin walking into the room, as my new fat jiggles. Making me hard. I don’t want to go in, but I need him to relieve this pressure. He is insanely attractive now. The small toned body riding my fat ass. Making body jiggle. And, that new confidence makes him even more irresistible. I don’t like him, but if he already did this to me, then I don’t want to risk him getting mad at me and doing something worse. I want him to be happy. He is my life now. He is perfect. I hope someday he will like me.

(I know you guys love my stories, but if your interested on the picture please, follow my other page @malereblogmischief. There, I post the images with links to the original source, if I can find it. Or, I re-blog from where I found it on Tumblr.)

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5 years ago

Buddy Swap (Part 2)


I couldn't believe it, as I finally balanced my new weight and picked myself up. I kept telling myself this was a dream or a trick.

I sat back on the bed, feeling Spencer's body jiggle as I tried to get comfortable. I closed my eyes and opened them back up, repeatedly trying to wake up. But, no matter how many time I did it, I opened my eyes to see Spencer's fat body.

"Ok, so, it's not a dream," I said to myself in defeat. "Maybe its a trick." I looked at Spencer's huge stomach and squishy chest, scared to actually touch it. I tried to convince myself it was fake. Then an idea popped in my mind.

"Those assholes," I said to myself. "I must have gotten so drunk last night that my friends were able to put this realistic fat suit on me. And, then found a look alike to wake me up this morning." It was a crazy thought, but I was desperate for this not to be real. I put my hands on Spencer's stomach and tired to push it off of the body. But, it was stuck tight. I could actually feel it send it's jiggly sensations throughout Spencer's body. Spencer's boobs slapping the top of the stomach. His thighs were shaking with piles of fat. His double chin jiggling. His dick was vibrating, as I felt that it was buried in a pad of fat surrounding the pelvic area. All this sensations were telling my brain that this was really happening.

I felt confused, sad, and scared. But, I finally understood it was real. And, I calmed myself down by remembering that Spencer said it was not permanent With all the adrenaline that surged through me, my new overweight body became extremely tired and I feel asleep.Mindlessly, I woke up and decided I should get dressed. I was adjusted to my new weight; but I was in a sleepy haze. Although I could I see I was in Spencer's fat body, my mind act like I was still in mine.

I walked to my closet, got my workout clothes, and put them on. They were extremely tight and couldn't fit over Spencer's mountain of a stomach. "Why didn't they fit, I asked my self," then I looked in the mirror inside my closet and saw my fat friend's reflection, staring back at me. "Oh," I sighed to myself, in defeat. I walked back to my bed and sat down. My tight clothes stopping most of the fat jiggles, but Spencer's uncontained belly still bounced up and down.

"Well, working out is off the table today," I said as I brought Spencer's hands to his face. I looked at his fat body in disgust. "Well, I guess all my plans are off the table today ... It still barely 12 PM, so I have a long time to spend in this fat body." I got up and started walking out of my room. "I guess I'll just spend today inside, becuase there is no way I'm going outside like this."

I start walking to livingroom, my clothes squeezing Spencer's body tight. So, I decided to take them off. Unfortunately, I saw what my friend was working with. His dick buried in fat, with only the tip of the head sticking out. I couldn't spend my whole day looking at that, so I decide to stop by his room to get some of his underwear.

I walked in and saw clothes laid out. There was a note: "Here are the most comfortable clothes I have. I also ordered from all of my favorite restaurants and stocked the fridge with food. My body gets really hungry and it can eat a lot. I know you always watch what you eat, but today you can just let go. You have my tastebuds so I know you will enjoy everything. Just try having fun being a fat slob today. And, I'm sorry I did this to you."

I just grabbed the underwear. I was still mad at him but noted how sorry he seemed. I kinda felt bad for him. But like he said, I was feeling really hungry. I walked in to find bags of food just waiting for me. The smell making me more hungry. I spent the whole day giving in to the fat body. Eating nonstop, playing videos, watching TV. Gorging myself was turning me on, for some reason. It must be the body's muscle memory. Throughout the day my dick would become raging hard. It got to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore. I didn't want to, but the urge kept calling me. Slightly disgusted, I jerked off. Using Spencer's hands to dig his fat pad off my dick. It was more work then I was use to, but it got the job done. I cummed and was wrap in a sensation of ecstasy.

It was getting late and my Spencer walked in with a smile on his face. Then he saw me sitting, watching TV, and eating. He look worried about what I might say. "I'm not mad at you." I finally said "I enjoyed your body, but I am ready to get mine back after tonight. So ... how was your date?"

My friend looked at me and smiled. "It went good ... and I had SEX!" I was a little weirded out by the thought of him using my body for sex. But, I let it slide. After all seeing his dick and dealing with it, I felt like he deserved some fun. "I can't believe I just lost my virginity ... well I guess I didn't becuase it was your body and you have had loads of sex." He says as he walked closer to me. He looked so cute, being so happy. Looking at my body was turning me on. I was imagining my fit body fondling Spencer's fat body. "Oh and don't worry, I'll break it off with this girl. It was just so cool to expirence your body. But, it's yours and ... oh ... um ... oh no."

I see my face get worried and I start to panic. My friend brings my muscular hands to his cum stained crotch. Using my fingers he rubbed his pelvic area, causing his dick to pulse to attention. Then he puts my fingers in my mouth. "What the fuck. Don't do that with my body ...." I screamed. "Fuck, it's cum. Fuck, fuck, fuck. The swap is permanent ... SHIT! We both cummed. I didn't mean to ... and why did you? By both of us cumming it like saying we both agreed to make the switch permanent. It's like a blood pact, but I guess a cum pact. I didn't tell you because I didn't think I was gonna have sex, and I really didn't think you were going to rub one out."

I sat there motionless, dropping everything thing I was holding. My heart was beating fast. It wouldn't have surprised me if this fatass body decide to have a heart attack. I could hear my friend's voice, but it sounded muffled and distant. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. " I' m so sorry. I'm so sorry ...." he kept repeating over and over. "Plaese say something". But the only thing repeating in my mind was "I'm stuck like this."

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