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5 months ago

A Single Kiss with Matching Singlets

part 2/2

Coach Reynolds was an older man and head of the wrestling team. Standing tall and clearly proud of the team he had led to victory year after year, he intimidated most of the other coaches throughout the state. He was stern and assertive on the wrestling mat, yet patient and forthcoming in his office. Many former members of the wrestling team described him as having an ‘uncle-like’ air. Not quite immediate family, but trustworthy nonetheless. At least, that’s what Kyle gathered about the man.

Appearance-wise, he was an older, bearded, and hairy man with years of experience. He was the former champion during his days in university, and he reminded the team of that at the start of every new semester. Though the coach had grown a slight gut as he aged, not a soul doubted the muscles one could gain only through years of dutiful devotion to the sport. Perhaps he wore such tight shirts and jackets to accent the body he was so prideful of.

“It’s rare to see you so talkative,” the coach said, not looking up from the documents he was filling out. He sat by his deck with a pair of rarely-seen reading glasses.

All I said was, “Can we meet in your office after practice? I wish to talk about something personal.” Just how little does Zack even speak?’ The more time spent in Zack’s body, the less Kyle understood about him.

“So,” began Coach Reynolds. He removed his glasses with a swift and practiced flick of his wrist and set them down on the table. Smiling with the warmth that someone who was a father to his students, he asked, “What can I help you with? Come to think of it, this is probably the first time you wanted to talk to me like this. What brought this on?”

“Well, um…” How was he supposed to react? It wasn’t easy, staring at the man who was essentially his romantic rival. At first, Kyle went through a barrage of excuses to distract the coach, but he found it difficult to come up with a lie as he stared at the coach’s genuine and questioning eyes. How Kyle wished that the coach had Namba’s shaggy hair to cut off the eye-contact.

Lowering his gaze, Kyle’s eyes locked onto the golden band that Coach Reynolds always wore proudly wore to work. Kyle knew the story. They had split a few years ago, but Coach Reynolds still wore that wedding ring. Whether it was loyalty or denial, he wasn't certain. “I wish to talk… a-about love.”

Chuckling, Coach Reynolds relaxed and shifted back into his seat. “Love, huh?” he said with a playful smirk. Kyle could tell that the coach had been waiting for someone to ask him about that. “Well, this ol’ dog could certainly teach ya some new tricks. Have a seat, let’s hear you out.”

“There’s someone I love, but they clearly love someone else…” Kyle began like that, and then continued. On occasion, he would accidentally slip and say, “he,” while speaking, but aside from a curious eyebrow raise, the coach didn’t interrupt. Was it another of Zack’s quirks that influenced Kyle, or was Kyle simply waiting for someone with coach’s demeanor to influence him? Whatever it was, it certainly seemed to help get his mouth moving and his lips flapping.

Still, Kyle felt himself able to speak freely. Calmly. Not only that, but he felt… heard. Namba would sometimes tease or cut in to talk about his own opinion, but coach’s gentle prodding and listening was far more effective. “And… and that is all,” finished Kyle.

“Well, that’s certainly the intense revelation you gave, Zack,” the coach said, each word carefully measured. “But! That doesn’t mean I don’t have any advice to give you. Don’t worry, I’ve got just the thing for you.” He stood up and wandered over to his desk, giving a great view of his ass hugged by those gray sweatpants he always loved to wear.

Kyle definitely preferred Zack, but he couldn’t deny just how hot the coach was. He had seen the man sweating it out in the gym when he wasn’t coaching the players—and he loved seeing the coach drench his clothes with sweat. Kyle couldn’t help but wonder how the coach smelled. As Coach Reynolds stood up and walked over to his file cabinet—just what was he searching for?—Kyle silently stood up and made his move.

“Sorry, coach,” said Kyle with Zack’s voice as he wrapped both muscular arms around the coach’s meaty frame. As Coach Reynolds began to panic, Kyle leaned into his ear and whispered, “I do think you’re a great man, for all that’s worth,” and made his move. Exiting through Zack’s trembling torso, Kyle forced his spiritual essence to phase through the coach’s back and into his core.

Like a puppet cut from its strings, Zack fell on the ground, unconscious after over a day of not being in control.

Coach Reynolds, on the other hand, remained standing and trembling as he felt a student’s essence overpowering his own. “N-No, get outta… nrgh…! Outta me!” Coach Reynolds reached out for the door, but his legs were already under Kyle’s control. Then, his own arms betrayed him as they gracefully shed off his sweatpants, shaking his hips the whole time. “The fuck…?” was all he managed to say as his cock, bulging beneath his used jockstrap, flew at high mast and began to leak precum. His bare ass shivered as a breeze blew through the office.

Coach Reynolds struggled and moaned as he tried to reclaim control over his body, but it was too late as Kyle grabbed his shirt and windbreaker and tossed them off. Clad in just a leaky jockstrap, Kyle explored the coach’s wonderful body in the privacy of his new office. Zack continued to sleep, even as Kyle let out a roar of pure ecstasy and blew his first load all over the office, some drops even landing on Zack’s open and drooling mouth.

A Single Kiss With Matching Singlets

“I can see why you think this hunky piece of ass is your ideal man,” Kyle said, smirking as he flexed and kissed Coach Reynold’s bulging biceps. “I’ll have a bit of fun with him before asking you out on our little date.”


Sitting down on the booth of a burger joint, Tim scrolled mindlessly through a phone that wasn’t his until the burly Coach Reynolds sat down in front of him. “Ah, if it isn’t my favorite coach,” he said, putting his phone down and resting his chin on his hand, smirking. “How’s the body feeling?” He took a quick whiff and chuckled. “Already beat one out or two?”

Kyle’s eyes widened. “How did you now? You got some kinda bloodhound nose or something?”

“Nah, but Tim’s got a sharp sense of smell. Probably cuz he doesn’t wanna get glasses.” Namba shrugged. “Already ordered for ya, by the way. Asked for the, urgh, the bacon triple burger," Namba's borrowed nose wrinkled as he said that.

“Oh, thank god. Dunno why, but Coach Reynolds’ body is constantly craving meat. Was about to go insane with hunger once I was done with a quick workout and jerk-off session. I haven’t had a single fruit or veggie all day. Not even a snack. Just craving meat, meat, meat.”

Namba chuckled. “A strong soul like the coach’s will naturally force more of his personality onto you.” Grinning lewdly, Namba lifted up his shirt and rubbed Tim’s toned and distinctly hairier core. “You have to tame these hosts we’re using. Usually, you gotta force them to submit, my friend.”

“Submit?” Kyle tilted his head. He had thought that jerking off was enough to wrangle coach’s soul. At the very least, shouldn’t the possession itself be enough to force someone’s soul to submit?

When Kyle asked that, Namba wagged his finger, letting Tim’s shirt fall and regaining some semblance of modesty. “No, no. This is why you’re to remain a novice without someone like me to teach you the ropes, kiddo.”

“Don’t call me that when I’m in this body,” said Kyle, lowering his voice. “People’ll give us weird looks.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I put up a few precautions before you arrived.” As if to illustrated his point, Namba climbed up the table and lied on top of it before peeling off Tim’s cargo shorts and throwing off the shirt in just a few quick motions.

Kyle looked around, but nobody came to protest. Not even any of the staff. In fact, looking over at the staff on the counter, none of them were moving. Not even blinking. “What…?”

“Time bubble. Advanced stuff,” said Namba in between moans as he started to touch and pleasure himself. Tim’s boxers-briefs were still on, but didn’t seem to care. He still caressed and licked every bit of Tim’s body he could reach, occasionally rubbing the cock beneath the fabric as a dark spot began to form. “In public places like these are a great way to tame unruly hosts, y’know. How about we make sure that our host bodies enjoy the remainder of our three days?”

Kyle stared at the scene before him, hunger temporarily forgotten. Already, he could feel the testosterone in Coach Reynolds’ body working overtime as he beheld Tim’s naked and tempting body. “I-I… sure. Sure, let’s do it.”

“Well?” Namba spread Tim’s legs, his feet hanging off the booth’s table. “What’re you gonna do to me, coach?” he asked with a playful sincerity. “I thought we were just gonna eat together?”

“Oh, I’m about to devour the snack before me, all right,” said Kyle as he stripped himself, having already had plenty of practice with it. Coach Reynolds’ used jockstrap was the last thing he took off, and he twirled it on his fingers and a few times while playfully slapping Tim’s hole with his erect cock.

“O-Oh, now that’s a keeper…” said Namba, his expression, while still smug, growing a bit concerned. “A-Are you sure that’s gonna fit inside of me, my friend? T-Tim’s not exactly used to stuff up his ass.”

Kyle leaned in, chest resting against Tim’s own, and he said, “I’ll stretch it out real nice for ya, kid. Once I’m through with ya, you’ll be able to fit a whole cucumber inside.”

A tiny dribble of precum launched from Tim’s cock and landed on his stomach. Namba gulped and said, “Go for it.”

Kyle went was slow at first, just to make sure Coach Reynolds’ cock didn’t hurt too badly. Whenever Namba would groan in pain, Kyle would caress his cheek or give him a calming kiss as he pounded Namba’s ass.

“Ngh…! Oh, f-fuck…!” said Namba, writhing in Tim’s body as Kyle thrust in and out Tim’s tight ass. The table creaked and moaned from the sheer force that Kyle was using in the coach’s body. “F-Fuck me harder, c-c’mon!” Namba shouted, his eyes fluttering from the sheer pleasure and strength Coach Reynolds used. “We-We’re really doing this in public? Ohhh, you’re such a pervert, coach! Wh-What if someone walks in?”

Kyle forced the coach’s body to grin. “What’s wrong, Tim? ‘fraid that someone’s gonna see how much of a slut you are?” he said, punctuating ‘slut’ with a particularly deep thrust. Another strong shot of precum launched out of Tim’s cock. Namba reached down to jerk himself off, but Kyle slapped his hand away. “Oh don’t worry, boy. I’ll make ya cum hands-free!”

He lifted up both of Tim’s legs and slung them over his shoulders. With every thrust, he would pull him by the ankles to get just a tiny bit more leverage. Namba seemed to be enjoying it, as his hands gripped the sides of the trembling table until his knuckles were white.

Inside, however, was a different story. “N-No, not in public,” the voice of Coach Reynolds said inside of him. Kyle nearly stopped, but he was far too horny and far too deep inside of his new fucktoy. “G-Get out of me. This is my body!” There was a bit of pressure from inside of Coach Reynolds’ body, but Kyle didn’t mind.

“You’re mine,” Kyle found himself saying, flexing on his arms and enjoy the rippling muscles as he posed and increased the speed of his thrusts into Namba, who looked like he was about to fall unconscious. “This is my fucking body, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it! I’m a fucking stud of a man that does nothing but breed young men, and that’s the truth of it! This is who I am!”

“Yes, coach! It’s who you are!” Namba joined in, staring up in the ceiling as his mind continued to experience unbelievable pleasure. “Ohhh, breed me! Breed this hairy hole I got just for you.”

“I’m gonna breed ya and mark ya. Fuck, fuck…! I’m, I’m gonna—WOAAAAHH!” Kyle let out a cry as his climax reached its peak, and he blew his load and coated all of Tim’s inside with the coach’s thick cum.

“Holy fuck, coach!” Namba cried out as his own cock, still untouched, shot its own load. Most landed on his borrowed chest, but a few shot far enough to land on his face.

Coach Reynolds’ voice became softer and more quiet as Kyle continued to dominate his body. “I-I’m… This is your body. Use it as you like...” Coach Reynolds’ voice said before finally becoming silent.

So… I tamed him. But what does that even mean? And, is it bad that I want more? thought Kyle.

“Mm… tasty,” said Namba, knocking Kyle out of his thoughts. He reached down and scooped up some of the cum with a finger and licked it. “Tim never gets any less tasty. Though I think it’s my essence making him so delicious.” Chuckling, he lied back, head resting on his hands and hole overflowing with cum. “Drink up this sight, my friend. This is what we get with magic. See how rewarding this is?”

Kyle nodded, thoroughly exhausted. He sat down on one of the booth seats, rubbing his sore thighs. “That was… amazing!”

“Amazing and so much more, my friend,” said Namba. “So, what will you do now? Visit Michael or…?”

Nodding, Kyle said, “Yeah, that was the plan. But, honestly…” he hesitate before finally saying, “I was thinking… what if I stayed in coach’s body? What if I made this permanent?” It had only been a day and a few sexual experiences, but the urge to never leave was slowly becoming more and more attractive to Kyle. “Is that even possible?”

Namba cocked an eyebrow, his smile disappearing. “Yeah, but… you sure this is the body you want? Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad body and all, but this is a big decision. And…” he let out a thoughtful hum, tapping his fingers on the table. “I can make it for sure, but not yet. Probably not until the semester’s mostly over. Until then,” he grinned and ruffled Coach Reynolds’ short hair, “I’ll keep cooking up some of that concoction for the two of us. Build that little relationship with Michael while I research for a way to make this sorta thing permanent. And, prepare yourself. You’ll be leaving your life behind.”

“And you? Are you gonna take over someone permanently? Like Tim?”

Namba shook his head. “I wanna take over someone hot and rich. Tim’s just a nice ride to chill out in for a few days.” He flexed Tim’s much lither body and ran his hands down his torso. “In the meantime, we gotta finish up our lease and this semester, my friend.” Namba looked down at his watch. “You got one more day until my next concoction, what’ll you do?”

Now it was Kyle’s turn to grin. “Whaddaya think? I’m gonna win over my new love."


Walking around in Coach Reynolds’ body felt like a reward of its own, so Kyle elected to do that to head back to his office. Zack was long-gone, believing he had just passed out while coach asked him to stay behind for a brief talk. With the office clear and most classes done for the day, Kyle sent an email to Michael asking him to meet up to discuss the team’s future as well as discussion regarding the next captain.

As he walked back, Kyle thought back to what Namba had explained. Their hosts wouldn’t remember exactly what happened while being possessed, but their experiences would leave little marks on their souls. It wouldn’t be anything significant without repeated possessions and behavior adjustments, but it had its merit. “It’ll make it a lot easier for us to take them over. Though I’ll probably hop inside someone else,” Namba had told him. “But you can even influence their behavior even while you’re not inside.”

I could probably get coach to keep seducing Michael while I’m not inside of him, thought Kyle, a spring in the coach’s step. Then, once I take over coach forever, I’ll already be in a relationship with Kyle. It seemed so perfect that Kyle had little belief it would ever fail. With that, he soon arrived.

Michael was seated on a bench right outside the office, but brightened up once he noticed Kyle approaching. “Oh, hey coach!” he greeted with a radiant smile that Kyle knew would soon enough be reserved only for him. “Dunno how of much my experience is gonna mean much, but I’m more than happy to help out!”

With a hearty, almost fatherly, chuckle, Kyle patted Michael on the back and assured him that, “You’re far more helpful and valuable than you think, Michael.” Slowly, he allowed his hand to slide just a bit further down before pulling back. “C’mon, we’ve got a lot to talk about.” The rest of the visit was full of small touches and mild flirting and winks. Michael would flush at most of Kyle’s light advances, but didn’t shy away from it.

Throughout the next few weeks, Kyle would use the coach’s body to tease, caress, and flirt with Michael, who subtly invited them in. Towards the end of the semester, during the final of their little meetings, Michael said, “Are you flirting with me, coach…?” There was a longing tone in his voice as he looked up at Coach Reynolds’. He was hesitant, nervous, embarrassed, and hopeful.

Just how long had Kyle waited for Michael to see him like that? He wasn’t sure, but he knew that, at least, that time was at an end. With Coach Reynolds’ thick fingers, he gently guided Michael’s chin for a passionate, sensual kiss. Kyle’s borrowed tongue guided Michael’s more inexperienced one, and the two soon collapsed into a pile of tangled limbs. “I’ve waited so long for this day,” said Michael, unknowingly voicing both of their thoughts.


The day arrived. Namba served two bowls with a concoction that somehow smelled like lilacs this time. After agreeing to keep in touch, the two went their separate ways—towards their new lives. Namba went to his rich uncle’s company while Kyle paid one last visit to Coach Reynolds’ office.

Brimming with confidence, he knocked on the door and shouted, “Coach, daddy’s home!” without a hint of shame. So much had happened this semester, and now he was ready to finally embrace the future as someone new.

Coach Reynolds opened the door with dread on his face. “G-Get away from me,” he managed to utter, even as he allowed Kyle to strut inside. He shut the door and began to strip his clothes. It made the possession much easier. “H-How are you doing this…? What is happening to me?” Just speaking with his own will seemed to be a challenge for him, let alone resisting the power of Namba’s concoction.

Kyle walked over and planted a kiss on the coach’s neck. “This is your destiny, coach. This is how your story ends,” he said, placing two of his hands on both of coach’s pecs. His hands began sinking into his body as though Coach Reynolds was nothing but a pool of water. He let out a low groan, trembling. “And this is how our story begins.”

Pushing Coach Reynolds against the wall, Kyle slowly forced his way inside of his future and permanent body. “N-No! Get outta me, kid! D-Don’t do this!” Coach Reynolds clutched his head with both hands, almost ripping off his hair as he felt Kyle’s consciousness and memories swallowing his own. It was as if he was being consumed from the inside out. “You’re g-gonna kill me… I’m disappearing… N-No, please stop…!”

“You won’t die,” said Kyle. By now, most of his body was inside of the coach. All that was left was the top part of his torso and his head that awkwardly hung from coach's burly chest. “We’re becoming one, coach. Isn’t it great? You can feel it, right? How pleasurable this is for us? For me?”

Coach Reynolds grit his teeth, but soon his arms fell limp by his sides. “Y-Yes… this is hot for me,” he admitted, both ashamed and aroused as Kyle’s essence began to bind with his own. As two souls became one, Coach Reynolds became convinced that he was Kyle, that he was another half that was returning home and becoming whole. “Keep it up,” he moaned, thrusting in the air as Kyle fully dove into his body. “Ahhh! Oh, fuck! Oh fuck, oh fuck!”

Coach Reynolds slid down the wall and fell to his knees, his whole body trembling as a merging of souls occurred inside. Memories of pleasure, pain, madness, and ecstasy all blended together into a cocktail of euphoria until, “HOLY FUCK!” The new Coach Reynolds let out a guttural roar of pleasure as he achieved the most intense orgasm of his life—and the very first of his new life. Streams of cock shot high into the air. One, two, more and more until he lost count. He came his entire load until he was shooting blanks, hips still thrusting into the empty air until he just collapsed on his side, entire body alight with a pleasurable soreness.

There was no need to explore his new body, Coach Reynolds was already accustomed to it after half a semester of taking it over. He just stood up on shaky legs and stretched. Kyle was gone, but he wasn’t at the same time. A new being was born, but he still carried the name Coach Reynolds. The old coach wasn’t gone, either, but it was mainly the one who used to be Kyle in control. The new Coach Reynolds put his clothes back on and checked his phone.

One message from Michael, asking the coach when their first official date would be. Coach Reynolds smiled and gleefully began his brand new relationship to celebrate his brand new life.

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4 months ago

Body a Day #6: Mirror

Milo was the successful CEO of an established tech company. Blessed with three beautiful children, he lived life with no care in the world. It was only when he, deep into his 50’s yet still looking and feeling virile, went to the doctor’s that he discovered that he was going to die.

“It’s terminal,” said the doctor, offering his deepest condolences as he broke the news. He continued on, giving him an explanation regarding the illness, but Milo wasn't listening. His mind was still racing. He only responded when the doctor asked, “Would you like us to contact your family members?”

“No thank you, doctor. I have… a procedure for this. Family tradition, to be exact,” said Milo as he stared off into the distance. He thanked the staff and made his way home, glancing at himself in every passing reflection he could.

Arriving home in his penthouse suite, Milo sat down on his couch with a drink in hand. He stared out into the city skyline on a perfect sunset. On a normal day, he wouldn’t have given it a second glance. Now, all he could do was stare, transfixed by the transient sight, lost in his thoughts.

Which of my sons should I leave my inheritance to?

Milo was a father of three, but the youngest child, a girl by the name of Melanie, was not an option. That left two options: Matthew—who preferred Matt—and Mortimer—who didn’t like to be called Mort.

“Matthew’s a strong candidate, but Mort has his own little charms,” Milo muttered to himself, hoping that the crackling of the fire on his TV screen would help his concentration. He swirled a wine glass filled with a sugary grape juice as he hummed to himself. He wasn’t thinking particularly hard, but he figured that this was what all great thinkers usually looked like before getting hit by an epiphany, so there was merit to copying them in his current dilemma.

And yet, Milo found himself far too indecisive. After going through an entire jug of grape juice, he wandered over to his bathroom and began to monologue to his attractive face in the mirror. “Oh, my dying self,” he began, thinking back to his past as a theater actor. What should happen to my darling company and all my struggles? Will they vanish to the wind, nothing but hollow husks as they erode into dust?” He continued for quite a while before leaning into the mirror and giving it a quick kiss. “Oh, only you could understand someone like me…”

It had only been a few years since the entity was reborn as Milo. It wasn’t difficult to take over the rich CEO, but if he had known that Milo’s body would expire so quickly, he would’ve taken over one of the rotten kids earlier. Mel was still in college, but Matthew and Mort were already in high positions in the companies that Milo owned. They were set for life. However, Milo’s indecisiveness often held him back from just making a choice and doing it. Hell, taking over Milo was a choice that took about a week between him and his business partner, Niles.

Both were attractive, but after seeing Milo lounging around the steps on the company, the entity made its choice.

Body A Day #6: Mirror

While the (relatively) brief period of time as Milo was great, part of that was thanks to all the cumshots Niles had pumped into his aged yet virile ass, now that it was coming to an end, Milo found himself in despair.

That was when the epiphany finally struck. Milo ran towards his room and gathered the necessary materials for the ritual. It only took about an hour to arrange everything properly. The candles were lit, the blood (hidden beneath a secret compartment in the freezer) was used and evaporated properly, and soon a burst of magic echoed into the night. Milo’s magic always looked like purple mist that smelled faintly of lavender.

“So, my other self,” Milo said, grinning at his own reflection. “Which one of my children do you wish to give your inheritance to?”

“Mmm…” said the other Milo, although it was ridiculous for them to be referred to as the ‘other.’ They weren’t two halves of a whole, but two congruent images of a soul. It was Milo and Milo. Any differences were quirks in the spellcraft and little more. “It’s amazing how we’ve ended up twice as indecisive with two of us. So instead, how about we flip a coin?”

Fate was a harsh mistress, but when looking at it from the perspective of ‘one Milo per son,’ then there was no reason for either of them to complain.

Matthew sounded excited when Milo dialed him up on the phone. “I’ll be right over there, my dear father,” he said with a honeyed yet forced voice. He was kind, considerate, and prideful to a fault; he was always so sure that his kind demeanor and charisma would give him a golden ticket through life, ignoring just how much of his father’s fortune and influence allowed him to fly through life.

There was a bit of guilt for Milo, as he had genuinely grown attached to these children that weren’t his, but he didn’t want to die. He had never died while possessing a host, and he didn’t want to risk the consequences of doing so. The worst thought was being trapped inside the dead host, unable to escape the prison of flesh as it slowly rotted away… turning into dust like that of Ozymondias’ kingdom.

Ash to ash… dust to dust… Those words always made a shudder creep down his spine. It was nerve-wracking. Horrifying. No, Milo needed to do this. They needed to do this. “Relax, myself,” his reflection assured him, smiling despite the anxiety in his eyes. “You u are no loonger alone. If one of us were to perish, the other would save him. Remember that, okay?” he said with a wink.

Milo nodded and waited for Matthew to arrive. When he did, Milo wasted no time guiding him towards his room, where a special mirror was awaiting him. As Matthew walked inside, he asked, “Why in your room, dad?” He looked around and took a quick whiff. “Hmm… it’s a nice smell. Is that… orange…?” Amazingly, Matthew wandered the room on his own, looking around various trinkets and decorations that Milo had gathered even since taking on his most recent host. “You’ve got quite the odd collection, dad. It’s… uh… huh…?” It was inevitable, but he walked right in front of the mirror.

“Must be a strange sight, huh?” said Milo, leaning against the door frame and shooting out an email from his phone. A bright light flooded the room, which made him glad that he wasn’t looking directly at it. He could hear a panicked scream from the eldest son, but Milo just shrugged and continued to look away. He knew that Matthew saw his father’s reflection instead of his own, and then saw the same image burst out of the mirror and flood his younger and more virile body.

“Quick, to the mirror!” Milo’s other half, now Matthew, cried out. For whatever reason—perhaps a fundamental law of the universe—Milo could feel his essence beginning to vanish. Was it because he was lacking a reflection? Most likely. But Milo didn’t have much time to think. He uttered a quick incantion and then jumped through the glass as though it was a pool of water. Immediately, the sensation of his very molecules being pulled apart as though being ravaged by some invisible, fearsome beast. “Phew, that was close,” said Matthew as he looked down at the panting, sweaty mess that was Milo.

“Sh-Shut up…”

“Hey, you’re alive, right?” grinned Matthew. “All right, I’m gonna give Mort a call and get him to come by. In the meantime, sit tight and get ready, ok?”

Milo sat up and looked around. Anything that was beyond what the mirror reflected was just a gray, foggy void. Essentially, he was trapped in that small pocket of a reflection until someone else looked into the enchanted mirror. “Not like I have much of a choice,” he said, looking down to see a phone with all the numbers and symbols mirrored, making it difficult to read. It also lacked any reception, which made enough sense to piss Milo off. “Just don’t take too long. Hey! Pay attention!” he shouted as the new Matthew began to strip and check out his new, stolen goods.

It took far too long to get Matthew back in control. Maybe I really should’ve recommended for him to get tested for ADHD. I had my suspicions when I took over his father for the first time, thought Milo, reflection on the oldest son’s behavior once more. But eventually Matthew dialed up Mort’s number, who picked up with his usual greeting. “Don’t call me Mort,” he said just before Matthew eagerly greeted him with a “Heya, Mort!”

The two went back and forth, and Milo, despite being in what was essentially a reality away, could still make out most of what Mort said due to all the exasperated yelling. Matthew went wildly off-script, but all it took was a mention that he was over at Milo’s place talking business for Mort to suddenly cry out, “I’m on my way! Hold up.”

Milo and Matthew shared amused smirks and awaited the middle son’s arrival. They didn’t have to wait long. Mort arrived just 20 minutes later, panting and sweay from most likely running up the stairs—forgoing the building’s elevator. “Where’s dad?!” he cried, pushing past his brother and stomping around the apartment. Matthew gestured towards Milo’s open room door, and Mort rushed inside. “Father, I have my reservations regarding—the fuck…? W-Woah, AHHH!”


Months after Milo’s funeral, Melanie found herself enjoying a family dinner for the first time in what felt like decades. The siblings had gone out for dinner and not a single fight occurred the entire meal! Melanie could feel her blood pressure lowering the more she found herself engaged pleasant talk with her siblings. They smiled, joked, and showed that they were listening to her stories. Not longer did they roll their eyes, check their phones, or just not even bother paying attention to her and instead bring up complicated business deals and numbers to each other, pointedly ignoring her.

After the meal, the three returned to Matt’s home and played a few cards game. Melanie found herself on a bit of a lucky streak by the end of night, managing to get to 21 during the last few rounds of Blackjack.

“It’s been frankly amazing!” she said to her siblings as they walked her to her husband’s car. “I can’t remember the last time we had so much fun. I…” she paused and choked back a sob. Matt pulled her in for a side-hug while Mort told her that the two of them promised each other that they’d get along better.

“Dad wouldn’t have wanted us to keep on fighting,” he told her, smiling with eyes twinging with regret. “Just wish he could see us getting along better.”

Melanie reached out and gripped Mort’s hand. “Something tells me that he can. And I’m sure he’s proudly looking down on us. Thanks for everything, you two. Good night.” With those parting words, Melanie joined her husband. She didn’t notice the knowing look Matt and Mort gave each other.

“Well my dear brother,” began Matt as he looked through his closet. After the funeral, Matt made sure to take all of his old clothes from his days as Milo. No reason to let such fashionable fabrics go to waster, after all. “Glad we made our dear sister smile again. I think tonight was a Mission Accomplished. Oooh, I think this one fits the new me,” he said as he put on a floral-patterned Hawaiian shirt, unbuttoned of course, and a pair of cargo shorts. He showed them off to Mort, making sure to flex to show off his core muscles. “I think the try-hard, sweat-lord life is behind me now that my dad has passed on and left so much money and influence to me. It’s time to just relax and cruise on by.”

Mort chuckled as he stripped off most of his shoes, content with just a pair of briefs that snugly hugged his crotch. “Of course, dear brother… my other half…” he said, lying back and letting out a relaxed sigh. “These bodies of ours were so exhausted when we got to them. They deserve a vacation, don’t they?”

Matt climbed on the bed and lied on top of Mort’s, who let out a moan. “That they do, Mort. So let’s give it to them.” They pulled each other close and kissed. Their hands went wild as they explored each other’s body for what could’ve easily been the 20th time, their lustful expressions identical. For once, Matt and Mort were equals in the other’s eyes; they became mirrored halves that made the other whole.

Body A Day #6: Mirror

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4 months ago

Body a Day #8: Football

Coach Bryce could feel his hair turning gray as he thought about the team’s current dilemma. “It’s a real shitshow,” he sighed, looking over to gauge the reaction of his beautiful coworker, Sharon Fletcher; she was a renowed researcher at the university and the target of the coach’s heart.

Ever since the two of them had met, Coach Bryce had tried to ask her out for some kind of date, but she was either oblivious or uninterested. However, such a cold reaction only served to fuel Coach Bryce’s passion.

Today, Sharon was once again uncaring to Coach Bryce’s bemoaning. She simply unzipped her lunch-bag and pulled out her meal. Bryce spoke again, voice just a tiny bit louder so she could definitely hear, “All of my players, suspended. Can you believe it?”

Finally, Sharon’s gaze met the coach’s. “All of them? Oh wow, I knew that they had done something wrong in that party last week, but I had no idea it was something of that magnitude.”

“Yeah, well… can’t say they don’t deserve it. But we’ve got a game coming up, so we’re gonna have to just concede it,” said Coach Bryce. He inwardly smiled to himself as he saw the normally stoic Sharon’s expression squeeze into a look of genuine sympathy. At least he had that small comfort in such turbulent times.

However, Sharon’s expression quickly turned into something akin to a predatory grin. A shiver went down the coach’s spine as she began to titter. “Tell me something, Coach Bryce,” she said, leaning in to whisper into his ear. “Can I trust you to keep a secret…? And also sign an NDA beforehand? I think I have a solution that’ll make both you and the Dean happy.

Coach Bryce, neck sweaty and goosebumps running down his arms, just said, “I-I’ll do whatever you want.”


The Delphi Project was the university’s pride and joy. It was also the most highly-guarded secret the university had. “Delphi was where Apollo’s oracle rested and delivered her visions of the future. It was believed to have been the center of the world by the Ancient Greeks, and…” Sharon continued the history lesson, but Coach Bryce soon stopped listening. Instead, he fumbled around with the buttons of the uncomfortable lab coat he had been given prior to entering. Not only that but the goggles were annoying as well.

“Please do not remove that,” said Sharon with a tight tone and a forced smile. “Lab policies, as I’m sure you’re aware. Right, coach?” Embarrassed, Coach Bryce gave a grunt of affirmation, and Sharon continued the tour. She continued to speak some nonsense or another before stopping in front of a large machine with two pods that resembled tanning booths connected to it. “The Delphi Project concerns itself primarily with human consciousness. Essentially, it is the next step to reaching the digitization and transfer of ‘the soul.’ Some of us here even believe that this is how humanity can reach this place called ‘Paradise,’ or ‘Nirvana.’”

“Oh yeah, heard of their music once or twice," said Coach Bryce, enthusiastic now that he could participate in the discussion. "Dunno if it’s my cup o’ Joe, to be honest, but to each their own!” he said with boisterous laughter.

Sharon’s smile seemed to grow even tighter and her voice became the tiniest bit more strained as she spoke. “Right. Well, as I was saying, the purpose of this machine is the transfer of consciousness. While we have been able to digitize and transfer the human consciousness—the soul, as some would call it—we haven’t been able to find any sort of machine with the space large enough to store it. Nothing… except for another human vessel.”

In other words, the only thing that could be transferred is one person to another. It took a few more explanations for Coach Bryce to understand that, but he got the basic idea. Once he understood that, he could guess what was Sharon’s plan.

“So what you want to do is transfer other people into the bodies of my team, so technically we can still play while still punishing the knuckleheads.” Technical or scientific knowledge wasn’t his forte, but his mind was still crafty and strategic. Once he understood all the pieces on the table, he could put them all together quickly. “Will the Dean even agree to this? Seems… kinda risky. And will my players be okay once this is all over?”

Sharon smile sweetly and assured him that all tests have shown that both parties have suffered no side-effects from the experiments they’ve done. “However, if there is even a single dissenting voice, we will not go through with the experiment. That last thing we would want to do is carry this out without anyone’s explicit consent. We are strict with ethics here. As for the Dean, I believe I can convince her. Delphi is our pride and joy, even if we can’t be out and proud about it. Of course, there is one more caveat to this whole thing you must agree to, coach.”


To say that the players were shocked and horrified would be an understatement. Coach Bryce gathered them all in the locker room to break the news, which only made their voices even more irritating as they echoed in the small room. Some of the players cried foul, others argued that his was invasive to their rights, while a few let out a few swears about letting a bunch of losers parade around in their bodies. “All right, that’s enough!” Coach Bryce shouted. “I know it’s a weird prospect, but if we want even the slightest chance of making play-offs, we can’t afford to forfeit this next game.”

As always, it was easy for the coach to rile up his players. None of them dared to argue when Coach Bryce brought up the incident that put them in this Catch-22. “And, if I’m being honest… I’ll be in the same boat as y’all,” he said, looking down to avoid his team’s shocked looks as he recounted what Sharon had told him.

“Day of the game, I’ll have to borrow your body in order to properly observe the test subjects during our most important trial run. Don’t worry, you’ll only lose your body for a weekend, at most,” Sharon had said with a most bewitching smile.

Thinking about her tone and voice as she said all of that, Coach Bryce couldn’t help but grow the slightest bit aroused. He hoped that none of his players could see how flushed he was recalling that night. Of course, he also omitted that last part—there was no need for the team to know how uneven the whole deal actually was.

“Even after all of this, we’re still a team!” Coach Bryce suddenly cried out. Not only did he need to convince those last few fence-sitters, but he also needed to distract himself before he got hard in front of all the players. He hadn’t been able to get off properly ever since a messy break-up with his former girlfriend, so Sharon’s siren voice kept bouncing around his skull.

A nice speech would be a good distraction for now. He continued to bellow out platitudes about staying together and how they were all in one boat at the end of the day. “So, please consider. This may be our chance to not throw away everything we’ve worked all semester for. Think about it. Later… we’ll put it to a vote. If we come to a unanimous vote, we’ll go through with it. So if anyone feels uncomfortable, we’ll decline and throw the match.” He retreated back to his office and took a deep breath. Already, there was a plan forming in his head.

When Coach Bryce returned to take the vote, he made sure that the votes could not be anonymous. Just by glancing at the expressions on the players’ faces, he could tell that the majority was willing to go through with it, but there were a few sparse dissenters spread throughout the crowd. However, when he asked, “All in favor?” everyone raised their hands. The peer pressure assured that their fate was sealed. Coach Bryce nodded and told the team that he’d email them Sharon’s instructions.

Later that night, Coach Bryce jerked himself off as he imagined the idea of Sharon being inside of him.


Game night came and went, and nobody in the audience nor the opposing team suspected any foul play. All the players performed as well as they usually did, baring a minor hiccup or two. The only anomaly that anyone noticed was Coach Bryce, usually watching with a red-face and barking orders at the team, was perfectly stone-faced the entire match, even when the team just barely clutched out a win.

Later, Dr. Sharon Fletcher looked down Bryce’s thick, hairy hands. Due to the various tests they’ve run with Delphi, being a male wasn’t new to her, but she was still surprised by just how masculine the coach was. “Ah, I got distracted again,” she said to herself as she returned to the report on her laptop. It was difficult to type at the speeds she was comfortable with, but that was the price to pay for valuable data at such a close distance.

“Overall, subjects found themselves quickly adapting to their new forms, which supports to the hypothesis that muscle memory is one of the most important factors during learning. It’s possible that…” Coach Bryce’s thick, masculine fingers stopped and stared at the screen. It was one of Sharon’s most frustrating part of being a scientist. She loved getting her hands on interesting data and interpreting it, but it was when she had to stop and write down her thoughts that she found herself unable to commit for long periods of time. “This will revolutionize the field of learning, but…” She let out a sigh before packing up her laptop to leave. Coach Bryce’s office, with all of its football posters, brights flags, and pictures was not the ideal environment to sit down and type out her reports. She would continue in the library tomorrow. With that settled, she left the office and began the trek to her home for the weekend.

Just before Sharon transferred into Bryce’s body, he had given her a copy of the key to his apartment. “It’d be odd if they saw my entering and leaving your home,” he had told her. Well, he had elaborated on the point for quite a while, Sharon hadn’t been interested in his hearing his logic. Her thoughts then and even now were, Why bother caring about who sees you spending time with you? It was nothing to do with how well you can do your job.

Either way, Sharon took the bus to and allowed his muscular legs to carry her to Bryce’s apartment. She thought about it as another opportunity to further her research, but there was something so fascinating about just moving about with Coach Bryce. His natural, mature gait was addicting. Just for research’s sake (her own fun), she continued to walk around the hallways and even up the stairs, forgoing the elevator. Even after climbing several stories, she didn’t even feel the least bit tired. In her old body, she would’ve been halfway dead and anemic by the time she reached Bryce’s apartment, but now she was hardly out of breath. Fascinating, she thought to herself, mistaking her lust for curiosity.

Without thinking, Sharon made her way to Bryce’s apartment and began to shed off his clothes until her borrowed body was clad in nothing but a shirt and a pair of boxers. Oh, huh… I hadn’t meant to take off so much of his clothes, she thought to herself, but her body had moved without her knowledge. Still, Sharon saw no reason to not allow it to continue. It was better to allow the body to continue its natural habits.

Body A Day #8: Football

It was for that reason that, after drawing a bath, Sharon dipped Coach Bryce’s into the bathtub and relaxed his sore muscles. “Phew… oh, this feels so nice,” said Sharon. After such a long day of experiment, research, and overworking herself, it was nice to relax in a bath. If she could, she would spend all day in a bath and enjoy this nice, burly body. She raised his arms and rested them behind his head, apparently a natural position for the coach to be in with a bath. With soap and a loofah sponge, Sharon explored Bryce’s body. His personality wasn’t anything special, but she enjoyed the way that his body moved whenever he worked out in the gym or in the field outside in the lawn. The sweat dripping from his bearded chin was nice. Usually, Sharon wasn’t really interested in dating men, but their bodies were nice to look at.

And, as she groped and massaged various parts of Bryce’s body, Sharon realized just how nice it was to touch them like this. “Ohh… ohh…! Oh my god!” Somehow, this was the most sensitive body she had ever transferred into. Was the coach simply that much more sensitive than the other hosts, or was the process itself magnifying the sensitivity to touch? Sharon’s scientific mind was going on overdrive while just about every part of her was busy indulging in Coach Bryce’s appealing and overly sexual body. “C-Coach Bryce, y-you’re so… ngh… ahh…!” The moans that escaped his lips drove Sharon insane as well. It became a feedback loop: Sharon, hoping to draw out more data and more moans from Coach Bryce groped his body, which only drew out more automatic moans from her borrowed lungs.

It was also the strength and the sheer amount of command that Sharon had. The thick, almost sausage-like, fingers and powerful core and moved at her command. Coach Bryce was like a glove for her to put on, nothing more. The power behind it was intoxicated. Each muscle obeyed Sharon, and it was because she deserved it.

Coach Bryce’s body stiffened as it felt the inevitable happen. The waves of pleasure that nearly threaten to shatter her very mind. Sharon grit her borrowed teeth, groans of guttural and masculine ecstasy only just barely restrained for the first few torrents of cum that launched high into the air. However, Sharon could not contain it for much longer. She tilted her head back, tongue sticking out as Coach Bryce’s hips thrust on their own as the last of the world-shattering climax erupted through the jiggling, hairy frame.

This is the first time I’ve ever masturbated with such intensity, Sharon thought to herself. She had explored the other test subjects—other professors and coaches at the univerity—and Coach Bryce was definitely her favorite. She had to test out just how and why his body was so sensitive. Yes, she needed more tests. She needed to take over the bodies of all her previous test subjects and continue to explore and compare the pleasure that came from each of them. Only then would her hunger for pleasure and data—two things that were basically the same to her—would be satiated.

Of course, that should be easy to accomplish. Just about every person in campus owes me a favor, and the Dean will certainly enjoy this delicious data—especially if I record it all for her. I wonder how much freedom I can have if I offer to give the Dean such an opportunity? I’m sure she’ll love it now that we know it’s perfectly safe.

Sharon sighed and sank even further into the warm, now slightly milkier, water. Her new muscles certainly seemed to enjoy the sensation. Now all she had to do was to just enjoy the weekend in the perfect body for it.

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4 months ago

Body a Day #8: Wash

In the land of Gaia, most women were specifically banned from learning or practicing any form of magic. Marron’s house, a house that came from merchants who struck good fortune and rose to the upper echelons of society, was one of the more ‘progressive’ ones, as she received the basic fundamentals at a young age, but not much afterwards. Meanwhile, her brothers were taught until they left for a higher education in the capital.

However, Marron was still eager to learn more. She snuck into her brothers’ rooms and devoured each magical textbook and practice in the dead of night. In the morning, thoroughly exhausted, she learned how to be a good housewife for whatever lord she would end up getting married off to. By her 21st birthday, her parents arranged for a meeting with a local lord named Ector Valentine. Marron wasn’t particularly interested in the monotone man, but she remained kind, polite, and thoughtful. She laughed at his unfunny jokes and remained attentive and receptive when he spoke of his admitedly tame list of accomplishments.

Ector left Marron’s estate with nothing but glowing things to say to his parents—and so their wedding was quickly arranged. In the months leading up to it, Marron found it harder to practice magic in secret. She could feel her dreams of becoming a talented sorceress slipping through her fingers. How could she find the time to study, practice, and research while being a wife and a mother?!

However, Marron still kept the appeared of a collected, wonderful woman. She took a trip to town and caught sight of a crowd gathered around some kind of show. Curious, she walked over and saw a sight she never thought she’d ever witnessed.

Floating on a bright pink bubble was a tall, woman laughing as she spun on miraculous magic she had conjured up. She was laughing as she kept conjuring up bubbles, winds, and rainbows—putting on a show the likes of which Marron had never seen before. “Sisters and siblings, isn’t it our turn to lend our hands to the field of magic?” she asked the crowd, most of which remained nervously silent.

Several men tried to grab at the woman or even throw rocks, but a few quick hands movements and they were all blown back with streams of bubbles. “Uh-uh! No touching allowed,” she said while wagging her fingers, her face still beaming. She didn’t seem the least bit bothered by the men who tried to assault her. If anything, she almost expected it.

“My name,” the sorceress began, “is Tiffany Faye! I’m here to share my tale!” She went on to describe how she had learned how to use magic since she was young. Both of her parents, as well as several aunts and uncles, taught her how to succeed. “It’s because they believed in equality,” she said, briefly locking eyes with Marron before moving on.

More and more sorcerers came by to try and arrest Tiffany, but she easily gave them the slip while yelling to her audience, “If you wish to find me, you will. Fate is in our hands, my sisters and siblings!” Marron tried out to cry out for help, but found herself choking on her own voice as Tiffany disappeared as a stream of bubbles blocked everyone’s vision. By the time the bubbles dispersed, Tiffany was gone.

Forlorn, Marron continued her walk. She knew she should’ve put that encounter into the back of her mind, but she couldn’t. Tiffany looked so confident. So strong. She was unlike any other lady Marron had ever seen. Was it love? Marron wasn’t sure. She had never been so unsure of any of her feelings. But at the very least, she was certain she wanted to see Tiffany one more time. Just a conversation—someone to finally share these deep-seeded woes inside of her.

“Fate will bring us together,” those were her last words, thought Marron. Was leaving it all up to fate truly the right call? She wasn’t sure, but Marron sighed and just walked to wherever her legs took her, not really thinking about her destination. Was this what Tiffany meant by fate? Either way, Marron knew that eventually she needed to return home, eyes glued to the ground as her head hung low.

As Marron made her way back to her family’s estate, she heard a familiar voice that was music to her ears. “Ah, you were in the crowd. Hiya!” Marron’s eyes widened as she looked up and saw Tiffany, most of her body hidden by a thick robe. Yet her voice was unmistakable. It was so bubbly, high-pitched, and just full of life. “You look like you want to say something, so go ahead. I’m all ears.”

It would still take a bit of time to reach the estate by foot. In all honesty, Marron had all the time in the world. All she needed to do was remain calm while she spoke. Yet, as she opened her mouth to speak, her words came out in-between choked sobs as her heart, for the first time in her life, finally belt out her true feelings. “I-I want to be free. I want to be a sorceress like you…!”

Tiffany stared, face blank as Marron cried out her feelings. Then, once Marron finished, Tiffany smile and gently wiped away the tears from Marron’s burning cheeks. “It’s hard out there, for us. Now, tell me your situation. I can’t be your knight and save you from this situation, but I can give you a hand—enough that you can go ahead and go forth on your own.”

Tiffany didn’t believe in saving people—she preferred to give them the strength to fly on their own. “This is the only way we’ll be able to grant ourselves our freedom. I can’t whisk them away from their misery, but I’ll give the strength to escape with their own strength and power,” and it was with that philosophy that she gave Marron a certain talisman, a sheet of paper with just enough room to write a name on. “You envy the men around your life, don’t you? Well, this is a way to find a temporary hiding spot. From there, it’s up to you to decide what you wish to do.”

It would take a sorceress of exception talent and skill to use the talisman properly, but Tiffany assured Marron that she would be able to use it properly. And then, the two made their way to the estate. Tiffany made sure to hide herself in the hood of the oversized cloak, and a quick spell managed to disguise her voice—making her out to be a raspy, old man far too small for their old robes. Marron had to admit, it was an excellent disguise. “It’s sometimes easier to just transform the body to be male temporary,” Tiffany chuckled. “I know a sorceress or two that prefer that route, but not me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course.”

Marron could only nod, only half paying attention. The talisman, despite being just a piece of water, was heavy in her hands. Her mind was racing to figure out what she was going to do with it. There were many candidates in her mind, but she continued going back to that young man that barely interested her still. Ector… he was handsome, but he held little interest for her.

Perhaps… could there be… a chance?

Marron hoped that Tiffany did not notice her racing heart nor her sweaty palms.

Tiffany, disguised as a Sir Leon, arrived soon after with Marron in tow. She hid it off well with Marron’s parents while Marron made an excuse to return to got to bed early. As she lied on her bed, thoughts still full of Tiffany, she made herself a promise: that one day she would once again share the feelings in her heart with that woman who lived so freely.

For Marron’s plant to work, it needed to occur on a day that Ector and her were alone and isolated. She picked a day when her parents were attending a play and invited Ector over to her home. Most of the staff had finished for the day and returned to their quarters, so it was just Ector and her in one of the manor’s spacious rooms. They sat on a couch next to a lit fireplace, doing nothing but sharing stories about themselves. Marron knew that she needed to understand Ector as well as she could for her plan to go right.

"Milord, would you like for me to draw you a relaxing bath before we settle in for the night?" Ector eagerly agreed, and Marron excused herself to the wash room. Half an hour later, she called for Ector to go into the washroom.

Ector walked in, expecting to see Marron waiting for him, but he found no one there. Confused, he peered at the bath and saw the warm water with an odd shade of blue. Still, he trusted his new wife, so he quickly disrobed and climbed inside.

Body A Day #8: Wash

"Haaaah..." he let out a breath of relief as the warm water relaxed his aching muscles. He had spent the hours before joining his wife training and practicing his magical skills. There was a bit of pity in his heart regarding his wife's inability to practice such a talent, but he knew that women needed to follow their role in society.

Unbeknownst to him, Marron was making use of her talents right then and there. In the form of a liquid that resembled the bathroom and hiding just beneath the water's surface, she quickly made her invasion.

"Huh! Wh-What the--?! AAHHH, AHHH!" Ector could only moan in pain and pleasure as the liquid began suddenly entering all available orifices. From bellybutton to urethra, all of it was an opportunity for her to invade.

Once all of Marron slipped inside, Ector collapsed onto the tub, splashing water on the floor as his body convulsed. Inside, a magical battle was taking place, and he was losing. Marron swiftly bound his soul in a spiritual gag and sealed it away in the depths of his heart. Then, she spread her essence throughout his strong, virile body.

Each limb and extremity became warm as Marron took over. She wiggled his toes, flexed his thighs, licked his lips, and cracked the crick in his neck with a strong and masculine sigh. She raised his hand, looking at the back and admiring the fine hairs that ran up and down. To find true freedom within such a society, Marron needed a disguise. What better disguise than her own husband?

For the rest of the night, Marron experimented with Ector’s body and soul. It was easy for Marron to slip inside of Ector while in private and then leave his body while still having him under her influence while in public. Essentially, Ector was something of a disguise for her to wear.


Time passed, and Ector and Marron happily wed. The two settled down in a small yet still lovely little home near the border between both of their lands.

Suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, “Ector” announced to both families of his new love of research, and he wanted nothing but his wife’s company while he studied and experiment with new types of magic. He attended various seminars, met like-minded individuals, and furthered the field of sorcery with his extraordinary mind—of which none of his peers had suspected he possessed. Meanwhile, his wife remained in the background, subtly taking care of the housework and always a force of encouragement for Ector.

Marron smirked inwardly to herself as she rubbed a sleeping Ector’s back with a single finger. Another day, another list of research goals she wanted to work on. “All right, Ector. Let’s get to work.” She slipped inside of him once more by turning into the odd-colored liquid, and once more his body trembled and ached as Marron’s spirit overwhelmed her husband’s.

“There we go,” said Marron, stretching in Ector’s body and giggling as she felt the bones pop! She rose from the bed, most of Ector’s clothes laying discarded, and made her way to her study. Several tomes lay opened, and she intended to get through most of them today. Once more she began her research, finally satisfied with her life by stealing his.

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8 months ago

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets — Part 1

I was kneeling between my older stepbrother's legs, looking up at him as he smoked. My plan didn't work out as expected.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

He looked as intimidating as ever, but this time it wasn't my obnoxious older stepbrother behind those hating eyes. Instead, a small alien slime had taken over, consumed his brain, and replaced it with its gooey form.

My stepbrother had always been a homophobic asshole, and for that, I despised him deeply. Yet, in a twist of cruel irony, he was also one of the most hottest men I had ever known. I loved watching him from the window of my room, working out in the backyard until his body was glistening with sweat. I knew it wasn't safe to spy on him like that.

But I wasn’t safe with the alien slime either. Fear gnawed at me as I realized I might suffer the same fate as my dumb stepbrother. Yes, I might have helped the purple gooey creature enter his body, I did it believing it would be grateful and let me have fun with his body. But now, I feared my plan had turned against me.

My stepbrother was way bigger and stronger than me, so when he ordered me to kneel, I just obeyed. He looked down at me, thinking about what he should do to me.

"I should take you over too, It's too risky to let a human know about my existence," He took a puff and blew out the smoke. "but you helped me get inside this human after all."

"I-I promise I won't tell anyone about you, I just wanted to have my way with him, that's all!"

"You helped an alien slime replace your stepbrother's brain just so you could have a taste of him, gay boy?" He asked, lowering his underwear and freeing my stepbrother's thick flaccid shaft.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

I eagerly nodded, there was nothing I wanted more than to taste my stepbrother's cock. He playfully slapped the heavy shaft on my face as he had an evil grin on his face, a grin that I was very familiar with. "I guess having a human with an intact brain as a slave could be fun." He grunted as he smacked it hard on my cheeks, but when I tried to lick it, he pushed it away.

"Nah-uh you have to earn it first, gay boy. The takeover left this shell quite sweaty, so if you lick the sweat off him, I might let you suck him." He promised.

Still on my knees, I started to lick the sweat off his abs and pecs, his big muscular pecs felt soft against my tongue. I sucked on his nipples as his right arm rested on top of the couch and he smoked with the other. "I will give you two options, gay boy. You can either be my obedient slave and help me spread my control over your kind, or you can become like your stepbrother, an empty husk of a man with a head full of alien slime."

I nodded and smiled at him, "I will gladly serve as your human slave."

"Great." He grunted, and then he coughed a small purple slime on his hand, just like the one I helped get inside him, but smaller.

"Take it and prove your loyalty to me, your stepdad is in the shower."

My stepdad was a strikingly muscular man with a sexy hairy body. He was kind to me, but he never intervened when his son bullied me. Part of me thinks he deserves this, but it's not like I have a choice—it's either this or have my brain devoured.

I grabbed the purple goo and headed towards the bathroom door. I could still hear the shower running, I slowly opened the door and walked inside the bathroom, the curtains were closed so my stepdad didn't see me entering. When I was close enough, I threw the purple slime over the curtain.

"What the-" I heard my stepdad say, but his voice was soon cut off and he started to grunt. I couldn't see what was going on behind the curtain, but it looked like my dad was fighting it. Suddenly everything went quiet. The shower turned off and the curtain was pushed open, revealing my stepdad wearing a towel.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

"D-dad?" I asked, my eyes on his muscular hairy body, he looked so hot.

"Not your dad anymore, call me Master Daddy from now on, my human slave!"

He suddenly dropped the towel and I gasped when I saw how big he was. I had never seen him naked before.

"Kneel and show me some respect, slave." He grunted. I dropped to my knees and took his entire shaft into my mouth, he fucked my face as I caressed his meaty hairy pecs. He then pulled me up by my hair and forced his big tongue deep inside my mouth, it felt so good, I loved how strong his tongue felt. While we kissed I groped his pecs and pinched his nipples, he let out a deep sexy moan while still making out, so it looked like my stepdad had sensitive nipples, I thought.

We walked back to the living room to my possessed stepbrother, now Master. "Good job, my human slave. You have proven yourself worthy of my trust."

That day my stepdad fucked me while I sucked my stepbrother. I was their slave now, and the alien made sure that I would get busy with his puppets.

The alien thrived on consuming brains daily, so it never ceased creating new empty puppets. Every day, he would send me outside with a small copy of his body so I could find a man for him to feed. That was my job as his slave, to help him feed and spread his control over humanity, and I couldn't ask for a better job.


Mr. Rossi was my hot Italian Daddy neighbor. I had been fantasizing about him for years, ever since we moved into this quiet neighborhood. He was the perfect example of a hot, protective, and loving dad figure, I grew up seeing how caring he was to his two sons, his sons lived on their own now. So when my Alien Master sent me to find him food, I knew Mr. Rossi would be perfect.

I knocked on his door and waited, I had in my hand a small part of the alien. It wasn’t the creature’s main form, just a copy of it that was connected to the original alien inhabiting my older brother, once the copy consumed Mr. Rossi’s brain, the main alien would also feel satiated, like a hive mind. The alien hadn’t explained the exact mechanics to me, so that was all I knew.

Mr. Rossi opened the door and gave me a warm smile. "Hey Eric, Is everything ok?" He kindly asked. I didn't respond, and just threw the slime on his face.

I was soon inside his house, staring at the hot hairy Italian Dilf in front of me. The alien slime had already replaced his brain.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

"Come here, my human slave," he purred. His voice was still Mr. Rossi's, but it was deeper and more commanding. I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine as I walked to him and we started to make out, I then buried my face between his big pecs while I cupped and squeezed them, Mr. Rossi just stood there, letting me have my way with his pecs.

I always fantasized about Mr. Rossi and his pecs, and now I finally had them for myself, thanks to my alien Master.

Mr. Rossi then reached out and gently stroked my cheek, his rough hands leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You've wanted this for so long, haven't you?" he whispered, pushing his finger inside my mouth and leaning in close enough that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear. "You've wanted Daddy Rossi to take care of you, to make you feel safe and loved because your stepdad was a piece of shit who let your stepbrother bully you." He then playfully slapped my face. "Too bad that's not gonna happen. I'm gonna destroy your hole with this puppet's cock! I'm going to teach you a lesson for being so naughty." He lifted me into his strong arms and walked to his room.

He then threw me on his bed and pulled down his shorts. "Get on all fours, now." He commanded.

I didn't hesitate, obeying his command as if I'd been waiting for it my entire life. I got down on the bed on all fours, presenting my ass to him. The hairs on Mr. Rossi's chest tickled my back as I felt his hot breath against my ear. "You're so fucking tight," he growled, his big manly hands taking hold of my waist before he finally thrust his huge cock inside.

He began to fuck me hard and fast, driving his length deep into my body with each stroke. I arched my back, moaning in ecstasy as the alien inside him made the nice neighborhood dad act like a gay depraved dom.

"Yes, Daddy," I moaned, feeling his thick cock stretch me impossibly wide. "Fuck me. Own me. Make me yours."

When I felt Mr. Rossi's load fill my ass, we lay there, panting heavily, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The slime had given me everything I ever wanted. I looked at a portrait picture on the side of the bed, in the old pic, Mr. Rossi was fishing with two sons.

"Why don't you call your sons to come over? Say It's an urgency." I suggested.

Later that day, while I was on my knees sucking Mr. Rossi's cock, we heard a knock on the door. Mr. Rossi smirked at me and coughed two purple slimes on his hands. "Go open the door," He ordered.

When I opened the door, I saw two hot men, they both looked just as hot as their dad. I couldn't wait to have them as the Alien's puppets.

"Who are you? Where is our dad?" One of them asked, pushing me out of the way.

"Dad? We're here, are you ok?" The other asked.

Mr. Rossi grinned at his sons as he was standing naked with purple slime on each of his hands. I closed the door...

Later that day I was in Mr. Rossi's room, looking at the two hot Italian brothers in only their underwear.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

"What are you waiting for?" they both said in unison, it would be creepy if they weren't so freaking hot.

I dropped to my knees and started taking turns between the two huge Italian cocks. After a while, I was being spit-roasted by the two hung brothers. Mr. Rossi walked inside the room while I was still being filled on both ends, his huge shaft swinging with each step.

"You did good today, gay boy. Your Master is very satiated, you got him three meals." Mr. Rossi and his two sons said in unison. "He will allow you to pick one puppet to dominate."

I was surprised, I already helped the Alien Master convert a lot of men, but this would be the first time he would let me top one of his puppets.

I stood up and looked at the three puppets for a while, "I want Mr. Rossi," I said.

Mr. Rossi lay on the bed with his legs up, his huge hairy ass on full display, I kneeled behind him and playfully slapped it, watching it jingle. I then grabbed each cheek and shoved my shaft inside in one thrust, fucking him roughly as I buried my face between his pecs.

"Why don't you two feed your cocks to our Daddy slut?" I asked the brothers. They obeyed and kneeled on each side of Mr. Rossi, who started to take turns sucking them both. As I fucked Mr. Rossi, I watched his big pecs bounce with each hard thrust, then I got an idea.

"Boys, Daddy's tits are begging for a sucking, don't you think?" I suggested, with a wicked smile on my face.

They both lay next to their dad and started sucking on each nipple. It was such a hot sight, seeing two grown men with wives and kids sucking on their dad's tits.

That afternoon, me and the two brothers took turns on Mr. Rossi's ass, I came so much that I passed out. By the alien Master's orders, Mr. Rossi took me in his strong arms and brought me home.


After the Rossi family became puppets for the alien Master, I suggested the alien to go for my boss, Mr. Wahid.

Mr. Wahid was a rich, muscular, Arabic hunk who had always captured my heart, he was rude and intimidating, and treated the staff like his slaves, but the few moments I had near him, would always had me staring at his muscles and having gay fantasies about him.

The next day while I was at work, Mr. Wahid called me to his office. He was busy on the phone and without even looking at me, he ordered me to get him a coffee. It was as if I was nothing to him.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

It was the perfect opportunity for my plan. I had brought a small fragment of the slime to work. So I went to make his coffee, but before entering his office, I slipped the slime into the cup. As I walked in, Mr. Wahid didn't even glance up or thank me; he just grabbed the coffee and continued talking on the phone, completely ignoring my presence. All it took was a sip, and his phone dropped to the floor as his eyes rolled back and his muscles tensed. I had a hard on as I closed the door with me inside, a few seconds later he glanced at me with an Intimidating look.

"Come get my phone off the floor, slave!" I grabbed his phone and gave it to him, he then ordered me to get on my knees under the table and suck him off. I smirked as I undid his pants and fished out his thick member. Soon I was slobbering on my boss's shaft, he was so huge and thick that barely fitted my mouth, and he also had a strong smell as if he hadn't washed his junk for the entire day.

He smacked his heavy shaft on my tongue as he continued talking on the phone in Arabic, I ran my tongue on his heavy hanging balls and soon he was coating my face with his Arabic milk.

Mr. Wahid would be just the first one in the company to become an alien puppet, I had a lot of subjects in mind. Mr. Wahid ended the call and looked down at me—my face still buried in his musky balls while cum covered my face.

"We are closing a deal with an Arab prince. He's about to arrive for the meeting and I want you to welcome him. Now take your dirty mouth off my balls and go do your fucking job!"

Honestly, the alien possessed Mr. Wahid wasn't much different from the old one. A few hours later I was waiting in the parking lot for the Arab prince to arrive. I saw an expensive car park in front of me, when the door opened, my heart started racing. Inside the car was the hottest Middle Eastern man I'd ever seen.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets Part 1

Fortunately for me, but not so much for him, I had an extra slime in my pocket.

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8 months ago

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"I will be waiting inside the car," The Arab prince said. He was now just a puppet for the Alien Master, his pretty head was filled inside with alien slime.

The Alien Master liked the Arab Prince so much that he switched his original form from my stepbrother's body to the Prince. My job today was simple and easy, all I had to do was help put some alien slime inside my hot coworkers... Of course, I'm being ironic, I was very nervous about the whole thing.

The company I worked for was mostly made up of Middle Eastern men and all of them were very hot. I was one of the few with European descent, and it was torture for a gay guy like me to work with such fine specimens.

Typically, the Alien needs to assimilate a brain per day, sometimes two. However, today he expressed his desire to assimilate every person at my workplace. I was perplexed and attempted to ask him why, but he just told me to be quiet and do as I was told.

I was very excited but also a little nervous. Once inside the building, I spotted my first victim, Ibrahim, the receptionist, sitting on a chair distracted by his phone, not even noticing me walk in.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

Ibrahim worked at the front desk, he was a tall, muscular guy with a grumpy personality. All I knew about him was that he was a ladies man, and he wouldn't stop talking about pussy. I smiled to myself, he would be perfect.

I slowly walked to his desk and put a purple slime on his table, Ibrahim looked at the purple blob, and before he could say anything the slime leaped onto his face, squirming its way into his nostrils and burrowing towards his brain. He let out a deep, guttural grunt, his eyes rolling back as violent convulsions overtook his body. His muscular arms hung limply by his sides, his head drooping backward. That moment, I knew the transformation had begun—the slime was already feeding, replacing Ibrahim's brain with something new, something better.

Ibrahim then looked at me, with the same lust that every puppet would always give me. "Come here boy, you're going to get what you deserve!" He said, his voice now husky and deep, he pushed me down on my knees and unzipped his pants, freeing his huge, hard cock. "Suck on it while I talk with my date for tonight!" He ordered. "I usually would never let a fag like you have a taste of my cock, but you are my Master's human slave and your job is to serve his puppets!"

I started sucking as he kept thrusting his hips forward, I took his entire cock into my mouth, sucking and licking it as best as I could. He moaned loudly, his hips bucking against my face as he fucked my mouth, his eyes were on the phone all the timeand. He quickly came down my throat. "Drink it all, human."

"What the fuck is happening here?" Mr. Tarek, our supervisor asked as he walked into the room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me with my face buried in Ibrahim's crotch.

Ibrahim quickly coughed one purple slime and threw it on the floor, the small slime quickly crawled and disappeared under Mr. Tarek's pants. Mr. Tarek groaned as the slime forced its way inside his ass, seconds later Mr. Tarek was also a puppet for the alien.

"Come here human slave, you're going to be our slut now," Mr. Tarek ordered. I stood up and walked to him, he pulled me for a sloppy kiss, while I unbuttoned his shirt.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

Mr. Tarek was such a hot Daddy, I always wondered what he looked like under his clothes, especially his huge pecs, now I not only knew how I could feel too. I ran my hands on his meaty pecs and started to suck on his nipples as he moaned. "That's a good slave, suck on Daddy's tits," He moaned, and I did as I was told.

I lost myself in those pecs until I felt Mr. Tarek's hand pull me away by the back of my hair. "That's enough, you still have others to help convert into our Master's puppets." He then coughed another slime and handed it to me.

He was right, the Alien Master was waiting for me outside, I could play with these puppets later, it was time to move on to the next victim. I knew exactly who was going to be next, walking inside the other room I spotted the young intern, Khalid. I felt a little guilty, Khalid seemed like a nice guy, but after seeing the bulge in his pants it passed away.

He was sitting at his desk when he noticed me and welcomed me with a warm smile. "Hey Eric, can I help you with something?" he asked.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

I stepped closer, my heart racing as I approached him with a blob of purple slime moving on my hand, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "What the hell is that?" He stuttered, standing up and moving away from me.

I didn't respond, after all, what could I say? "Hey, Khalid? Would you let me put this goo inside your head so it can feed on your brain and replace it with a slime?"

So I just threw the slime toward him, but I failed when he protected his face with his hands, making the slime fall to the floor. He then ran to the door, he was about to walk out, but he bumped right into Mr. Tarek's large pecs.

"Mr. Tarek, you need to help me! Eric has with him some weird creature!"

But Mr. Tarek looked completely blank and unresponsive as he blocked the door with his body.

"Mr Tarek?" Khalid asked. He was starting to question why the supervisor was with his shirt open, and was that saliva on his nipples? but before he could react, Mr. Tarek grabbed Khalid by his chin and forced a kiss, Khalid tried to fight but Mr. Tarek was stronger.

I could see some purple slime being passed from Mr. Tarek's mouth and into Khalid's, the intern's eyes went wide in shock, and then his body went limp as the alien slime started to take over his body.

Mr. Tarek then whispered into his ear, "Welcome to the family, Khalid." with that, Khalid nodded and gave me an eerie smile.

"Take off your pants and bend over my desk, now!" Khalid said with a commanding tone, but his voice was the same, it was terrifyingly sexy. I felt my face flush red, seeing innocent Khalid acting in such a dominant way made me very hard.

As I bent over the desk, I soon felt Khalid's hands on my ass, ripping my underwear and spreading my cheeks as he buried his face and started to eat my ass. I was in heaven until I felt a hard slap on my ass.

I looked behind me and saw Ibrahim, Mr. Tarek, and Khalid, all standing together behind me without their pants and with their hard dicks pointing at me. Suddenly they all started to speak in unison.

"The Alien Master is angry that you almost let one of his puppets run away, he wants us to punish you!"

The three of them took turns, one fucking me hard while the others watched and stroked themselves.

Ibrahim was first, his thick cock pushing into me without any mercy. I moaned loudly, feeling him fill me up and stretch me wide open. He fucked me hard and fast, his grunts and groans echoing through the room. Mr. Tarek was next, his cock was even larger than Ibrahim's, and he was not gentle either. He grabbed my hips and pounded into me, making the desk shake beneath us, pens, papers, and a mug, all fell to the floor. Lastly, Khalid, his cock was thicker than the others and he took his time, savoring the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me.

The Alien Master, watching through their eyes, was enjoying the show. His slime was pulsing inside each one of them, making their cocks even harder and their strokes more aggressive. When the three finished inside me, I stood up with three loads leaking from my ass and smirked at them.

"There's still plenty of puppets to make, give me one more copy," I said.

But the three just laughed at me and spoke in unison. "Master don't want you to help him anymore! We will do the takeover from here, you will just watch."

I sighed. It seemed that I had really angered the Alien Master, and now I feared for the future of my brain. I nodded and followed them to the next office. I watched as they forced a kiss on the other men, and within seconds, those men would be under the alien's control, forcing a kiss on other workers. They moved swiftly and efficiently, and before I knew it, the entire floor was filled with puppets.

There was Amir, a muscular Daddy fitness enthusiast, who worked as the manager. He was so huge that it took both Ibrahim and Mr. Tarek to hold him while Khalid infected him with the slime.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

Amir was known around the office for his stern demeanor and unwillingness to be dominated by anyone. Now, under the alien's control, he was leading a group of his fellow converted colleagues toward the next department.

Then, there was also Karim, the office gossip, he spread a rumor once about me ogling the men's bulges, now his mouth was used to spread the alien's slime rather than rumors.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

I was kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as some commotion was going on in the background.

"You like staring at our bulges huh? You're such a perverted human," He said as he shoved my face into his bulge, his hard cock pressing against my face. "If you like staring at men's bulges so much, then here it is!" I couldn't help but feel a bit of spiteful satisfaction as I started to lick the bulge in his pants, feeling it pulse and throb in my tongue.

"There you are!" Amir called from behind, yanking me up by the shirt collar. "Omar wants to have a word with you!"

"Can you carry me in your arms? My ass is really sore." I asked, trying to give him my best puppy eyes. Amir took me in his huge strong arms as if I was made of paper, as he carried me to Omar's office, I caressed his pecs.

Then there was finally Omar, the office heartthrob and the executive assistant. Whose hot body was now a vessel for the alien slime. Amir put me down on my knees as I looked up at Omar sitting on his chair, he was holding a mug.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"They put some slime copies on the coffee machine; I have to admit, that's pretty clever," Omar said as he stood up, loosened his tie, and approached me with a hungry look. I knew what was coming next.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"You've been a naughty human, Eric," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Our Master thinks you need a more thorough lesson in obedience."

The other puppets walked into the room forming a circle around me, Omar pushed me to my knees and ordered me to unbuckle his belt and blow him. His cock grew before my eyes, the slime making it swell and pulse with an otherworldly need. I couldn't resist the urge to touch it, to feel the power of the alien through this beautiful vessel of a man. He groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, stroking it gently before taking it into my mouth. The puppets gathered around us, their eyes gleaming with lust as they watched me service Omar.

Omar let out a primal roar, tearing open his dress shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted, hairy chest. One by one, the others followed his lead, ripping their shirts apart with a savage fervor, there was no humanity left in them. It was like watching a scene from a twisted sci-fi porn, where the alien's insatiable hunger was not just for brains, but for power and sexual control.

They were all jerking off around me and soon they came at the same time, all over me. I was a mess, covered in the cum of 32 men, but I didn't care. I felt like I was part of something big, something powerful.

I felt like a slut in a sea of hot, alien-controlled men, and I couldn't help but love every second of it.

After hours of servicing those men, I walked out of the building, feeling used but oddly satisfied. I couldn't believe I just helped turn all my coworkers into brainless hosts. The copies filling their heads don't need to feed like the original Alien inside the Arab prince, so they would go back to their old lives as normal, the slimes would act just like them, only I would know what was inside their heads.

I stepped inside the car where my Alien Master was waiting.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"I'm fed and satiated for now, you almost did a good job, my human slave," he said, his voice still deep and commanding.

"Thank you-"

"I said 'almost', you almost let one of those humans run away, he would have if it wasn't for one of my puppets. That's what I get for trusting a human."

"I helped you turn my stepbrother and stepdad into your dumb puppets! What else do I need to do so you can finally trust me?" I said. But when I looked at the prince's face, I immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry Master, I promise-"

"Quiet," he cut me off. "You will be punished for that later, now give this puppet a blowjob while I drive us to his hotel!"

I took the Arab Prince's cock into my mouth as he drove off. Once at the hotel, I decided to take a shower, I needed a good shower to take the sweat and cum from the day's events off my body.

I walked out naked of the bathroom, there was no reason for modesty anymore. I saw the prince smoking on the balcony, looking over the city lights, he then turned to look at me.

Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"Sorry for being too harsh on you today, my human." He said, blowing out some smoke.

I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or being sincere, but I didn't dare to question it. "I've been thinking, you have been a great companion to me, I never thought I would ever let a human with an intact brain for so long, I hope you realize how special that makes you."

I was speechless, it was the first time the Alien Master was being kind to me.

"Thank you, Master," I murmured,

The Prince then sat on the bed, his cock already hard again, he looked at me with hunger in his eyes.

"Come here, my sweet human," he ordered, and I knew I had to obey. He grabbed me by the waist and gently pushed me onto the bed, spreading my legs and climbing on top of me.

His huge cock slid into me easily, and he started to fuck me with a slow, deliberate rhythm that made me moan.

This was different from the other times. The Arab Prince, or rather the Alien Master, was not as rough. His movements were tender, almost loving, and his eyes bore into mine as he whispered how much of a good human pet I was.

As he thrusted, he was pinning my hands above me on the bed as he kissed my neck. Once we came, The Alien Master cuddled me in the prince's muscular arms, his cock still hard inside me. It was the closest thing to affection I had ever felt.

"Who do you think should be the next puppet?" He asked.

"I'm thinking of Mr. Wahid's son? he's a hot arrogant hunk, just like his dad."

Suddenly the prince's eyes became completely purple, scaring me for a second, it was the first time I was seeing it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm accessing the copy inside Mr. Wahid's mind right now," Right, sometimes I forget that the Alien can have access to all his puppet's memories at any moment. The prince's eyes went back to normal.

"It looks like his son is traveling for a business trip, but he will be back tomorrow morning, It'll be the perfect opportunity."

"I agree, Master."

"Then you should get some sleep; we're heading to the airport in the morning."

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8 months ago

Alien Match

"Guys, come check this out!" one of the young football players called out. His three jock friends crowded around, looking down at what had caught his attention.

Alien Match

"Wow, I've never seen bugs like these before," another one said, marveling at the four shining blue bugs on the ground of the football court.

"Yeah, they're really... really pretty, are they glowing or I'm seeing things?" the first boy asked.

"No bro, they're totally glowing, that's weird... my head feels weird."

There was something about the bugs that made them feel drawn to it. They could feel their minds becoming foggy and their cocks starting to harden. The four boys couldn't take their eyes off the shimmering blue insects...


Not far away from the four jocks, a man was sitting on a bench, hidden in the shadows of the trees while watching the spectacle unfold. He was a gay pervert with an insatiable lust for hot jocks like them, he couldn't help but feel a sinister thrill at the sight of their young toned, and sweaty bodies. When he saw them playing football at the park, he knew they would be perfect for his bugs.

The man watched the four young players gather and stare down at his bugs, he noticed tents starting to form in their football shorts, some were even groping their bulges and moaning. It didn't take long for them to pull out their big cocks—which were now pulsing hard with the bug's influence—and jerk themselves off, right there, in the middle of the football court.

They were unable to resist the strange compulsion, but they didn't question it, they just knew they had to do it. Their gazes became empty and blank with every stroke.

The man also displayed a tent in his pants as he watched the players jerking off. Soon the players started to cum at the same time, after cumming, they just stood there with their hard cocks still pulsing.

Suddenly one of them spoke. "I-I need to...put one mouth," his voice was blank and robotic, he reached to grab one of the bugs and put it inside his mouth.

"I agree, bro, we need to put them in our mouths." Another one said, also blankly. The other two nodded in agreement, and without hesitation, they each put one of the bugs inside their mouths as well. The bugs quickly made their way toward their brains, their eyes glowed a bright blue as their heads twitched unnaturally to the sides.

The four young men looked up from the ground and turned their gazes toward the man sitting on the bench. Their eyes, once bright with excitement, now were devoid of any life. With their hard cocks still out, they began to walk towards him, not with the energetic strides of the athletes they once were, but with a stiff, mechanical gait that was eerily synchronized.

"That's enough for today boys, let's go home, I can't wait to taste the sweat from their hot bodies," The man said as he stood up and walked away, the four jocks followed behind him like his pets.

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7 months ago

Alien Appetite: A Snack At The Gas Station

"What do you think of that man? He's very hot, and looks like he has a big dick," I said, admiring the tattooed man pumping gas into his expensive car.

The man was very hot and muscular, his thick arms were covered in tattoos and he seemed to be a tough kind of guy. I knew a big dicked man when I saw one, and that man definitely had a giant snake under those shorts.

Alien Appetite: A Snack At The Gas Station

Anyone else might think I was talking to myself, but I was actually talking to a tiny alien friend on my hand. I kindly called him Cosmo since his real name wasn't meant for human tongues.

The tiny alien bug had wings and flew towards the hunk, easily sliding inside the unsuspected hunk's ear. The man displayed some discomfort on his face as he tried with his finger to reach for whatever bug had gotten inside his ear. However, his fingers were too big to reach the alien who was already too deep inside his skull and about to reach for his brain.

The man let out a loud grunt and suddenly started slapping one side of his ear, in one last desperate attempt to make the 'bug' come out. Until he just stopped and looked at me with a blank stare, that's when I knew Cosmo had taken full control of the hunk's brain.

Alien Appetite: A Snack At The Gas Station

He took off the gas pump and opened the car's door.

"Get out," He told someone inside the car.

"What do you mean by 'get out'?" I heard a female voice ask.

"I said get out of my fucking car, now!"

I saw a beautiful blonde girl walk out of the car, looking furious. "Wait, are you serious? what the heck is wrong with you? You picked me up, paid for dinner, and now you're ditching me?"

"I have better places to put my dick on," He said, even I gasped at this response.

"You're an asshole!" she shouted, slapping his face. "That's the last time I try dating apps!" She said, storming away.

The stud then turned to me with his blank eyes, he reached for his zipper and fished out his thick black cock, It was so huge! I smiled when I saw how long and thick that man was, my intuition never failed.

"I told you he was packing," I said.

"This will do, now get in," he ordered with a deep, sexy voice. We got inside the car and he drove us to the parking lot nearby. His huge cock was so thick and heavy that it wouldn't even get erect, instead, it swung between his legs. "No one ever told you staring is rude?" He joked, he then took off his shirt and shorts, and for last, his underwear. "Here you go, open your dirty mouth," He grunted, opening my mouth with his fingers and shoving his used underwear inside my mouth, it had a strong musky smell on it. "Take this as my gift to you."

While I had my mouth full of the hunk's underwear, I watched as he grabbed his huge cock and bent his head down with his tongue out, he lifted his legs in the air and started to suck on his own cock with such a hunger that not even a whore could compete.

That's why the alien needs hosts with big cocks, so he can suck out their juices straight from the source, and that's why the Alien needs me, I know how to spot the most hung men.

I hear the hunk's deep grunts and moans as he gave himself a passionate blowjob, his eyes rolled back and he started to cum. I could tell he was cumming because I saw cum oozing out of his mouth and slowly sliding down the shaft and balls. He let go of his cock with a loud 'pop'. A single string of cum still connected his mouth to his cock.

He took his used and now-soaked wet underwear off my mouth and used it to clean the cum off his mouth. "He tasted really good, I think I will be inside him for future meals, but fuck, I did a good mess with this one, I have cum all over his dick..." He then looked at me with a perverted grin. "Are you going to make me ask?"

I smiled, I was always happy to help in the cleaning process, so I bent over and started lapping the cum off his cock as he drove us to the hunk's house.

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7 months ago

A Better Gift Than Chocolates

A Better Gift Than Chocolates

It was Valentine's Day, and Diego was about to buy a box of chocolates for his girlfriend as the loving and caring boyfriend he was. However, when a scrawny young man noticed his big ass, Diego's plans for the day, or rather, for his life, were about to change.

Diego was caught off guard when he felt someone grab his ass from behind. "This ass is mine," the young man whispered into his ear. Diego thought about punching him or shouting at him to take his dirty hands off his ass, but his head suddenly became foggy and his pupils dilated, there was something about that young man's voice that made his words sound so convincing...

"This ass is... yours," Diego responded with an emotionless voice. The young man smirked and slapped Diego's ass hard.

"It sure is, big guy," The young man chuckled, pulling down Diego's shorts and admiring his bare muscular cheeks, he groped and squeezed them for a while. Diego just continued standing motionless with a blank face as he mindlessly repeated, "This ass is yours..."

"You know, I was just going to buy some chocolate for my boyfriend, but I think he will like to eat your ass a lot more than chocolates." The young man pressed his body behind Diego and pushed his hard dick into Diego's tight entrance. He then put his head on Diego's shoulder and whispered close to his ear, "Now I want you to say 'This body is yours'."

"T-This bo-body... is... is aaarghh..." Diego tried to obey, but he was afraid of what was going to happen if he did. Even with his mind feeling so cloudy, he could feel something wasn't right.

The young man thrusted his cock deeper inside his ass. "C'mon, big guy, all you have to do is say the words. Stop resisting and let me in," He whispered, his voice shattering any resistance left inside Diego's mind.

"This body... is yours." As Diego said those words, his eyes rolled back and he moaned, his hard cock started to spurt cum all over the chocolate boxes and everything went dark for him...

As Diego's cock spurted his last load, the young man was suddenly sucked into Diego's body, there were now only the young man's clothes left on the floor. Diego was grinning now as he looked at the cum coated chocolate boxes in front of him, the cum being the true essence of what was once Diego.

Diego gave his ass a hard slap, "Thank you for the body, your huge ass will be fitting for my boyfriend's huge cock," Diego said, pulling up his shorts and then leaving the supermarket without any chocolate.

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7 months ago

Assimilated StepDaddy

Ryan slowly woke up, feeling disoriented. He looked around, recognizing his stepson's room. But something was off—he couldn't move. It hit him then: he was tied up on the bed. Panic set in as he struggled against the restraints.

Assimilated StepDaddy

"W-what the hell? What is going on? Why I'm tied up?" Ryan shouted, trying his best to free himself from the restraints. All he remembered was coming home from a hard day of work at the construction site and grabbing a beer to relax on the couch, and then... he woke up here?

"It's ok, Ryan, no need to freak out," He heard his stepson's voice as he entered the room while holding a glass jar with a strange slug creature inside.

"Benson? You did this to me? You little shit! I'm gonna beat your spoiled ass once I'm out of here!"

"Oh, you're going to beat my ass for sure, just not in the way you think," Benson said with a smug tone, he tapped his fingers on the jar, making the sluggish creature move as if it was excited. "It was very easy to drug your beer. You passed out faster than I thought you would, and I confess it was very difficult to drag you to my room, you're so heavy. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we don't have much time left."

"You drugged my WHAT? I knew you were a fucking freak but not at this level!" Ryan tried to pull the restraints once again, but he finally realized there was no use. He sighed and looked at his stepson. "Look, let me go now and I won't tell your mom about what you did."

Benson chuckled, "I'm not sure if I believe you; I know you very well, Ryan; in the past two years, I've known your true self; you're a cheater, a homophobe, and a horrible stepdad. I can't trust someone like you, I'm not dumb. But don't worry; once I help my alien buddy take over your body, our relationship will change to something more... trustful." Benson then looked at the creature inside the jaar. "Isn't that right, lil guy?"

Ryan could swear he saw the little creature nodding its head. "What the hell is this thing you're holding? You're freaking me out Benson.... please let me go!"

Benson got on the bed between Ryan's muscular legs and slowly started to pull down Ryan's underwear, he protested, trying to make the process more difficult for Benson, but with both his arms and legs tied up, Benson easily pulled his underwear down to his ankles. "Oh my, I can see why mom likes you so much because it definitely is not because of your personality," Benson said, amazed by Ryan's girthy cock.

"That's too fucking far! I'm gonna kill you, you motherfucker!" Ryan shouted.

Benson just ignored him and opened the lid, freeing the slug from the jar; the strange black slug crawled toward Ryan's ass and started to force its way inside his hole. Ryan's eyes opened in terror as he felt something squirming inside his ass. "Take this thing away from me! Take this thing away!" Ryan pleaded, no longer trying to keep his tough, manly persona.

"It's ok, Daddy Ryan, you're going to be a much better stepdad from now on," Benson said, caressing his muscular thighs and watching the tip of the slug disappear inside Ryan's ass. For a few seconds, nothing happened until suddenly Ryan's eyes rolled back, and his body started to contort and convulse, his hips bulked up and down, and his back arched as his muscles tensed until suddenly his body went limp.

That was when Benson heard his mom's car arrive; his heart raced as he immediately started to untie Ryan as quickly as he could; he thought he could turn Ryan into his pet's host before his mom came home from work. He untied Ryan's ankles and walked out of his room; it was then realized he had forgotten to pull up Ryan's underwear, so he ran back to his room and pulled his underwear up. He made his way to the living room just as his mom opened the door and walked in.

"Hey, Mom," Benson said, sitting on the couch and trying his best not to sound too out of breath.

"Hey, sweetie, where is Ryan?" She asked.

"H-he's sleeping in my room, I think he got so drunk that he crashed in the wrong room."

"Poor thing, he works so hard, let him rest a little ok?"

Later that night, while his mom was in the shower, Benson went to check on his stepdad, and to his surprise, the bed was empty. He jumped when he felt Ryan's hand grab his neck from behind and his big bulge pressing against his ass. Ryan leaned his mouth close to Benson's ear and whispered. "Fuck... he really hated your ass, I'm trying my best to control his body not to twist your little neck."

Benson smirked; he knew it was no longer his stepdad speaking. "I thought you said you would take full control of his brain?" Benson whispered back, pressing his ass harder against Ryan.

"Shut up you little..." Ryan stopped talking mid-sentence, and then closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and then looking at Benson with more calm eyes. "I will. It just takes a while to fully assimilate his brain. There's still some parts of him left, I can still access some fragments of his memories as well as the hatred he had for you..."

"I think we could use all his hatred and use it for something more..." Benson then turned around to face Ryan and was about to caress his hairy pecs when Ryan suddenly pushed him down to his knees.

Assimilated StepDaddy

"You disgust me, you always did. If I didn't have a fucking slug inside my brain, assimilating it and turning me into a brainless puppet, I would have punched your dumb face right now."

Benson was so hard, his cock was leaking only at the sight of his hot stepdad standing over him, with his huge bulge just inches away from his face. He knew it was the alien in control, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit scared.

"Ok, I'm starting to get a little bit wo..." Benson tried to stand up, but Ryan pushed him back on his knees again and then pointed at him.

Assimilated StepDaddy

"You better keep on your knees! That's where you fucking belong." Ryan whispered, he then pulled down his underwear, freeing his throbbing massive cock, hovering his shaft over Benson's mesmerized face. "I'm gonna facefuck you as a punishment, that's what spoiled brats like you deserve," Ryan then grabbed Benson by the back of his hair and smirked down at him. "You better take every inch of punishment," With that, he pushed Benson's face to take all his length. Benson loved the way Ryan grabbed both sides of his head and fucked his mouth like he was a fucktoy. Ryan came down his throat before his mom finished her shower.

A week later, Ryan had his brain fully assimilated by the alien slug, and there was nothing more left of him besides his hot body. The alien adopted a more loving and caring personality for Ryan that Benson loved, but sometimes Benson would ask the alien to act more like the old Ryan.

Their relationship had improved so much since Ryan got assimilated. Benson's mom would go to work in the morning before Ryan, so every morning before going to work, Ryan would go into Benson's room and give him a proper morning fuck, as well as his morning load. And every time Ryan came back earlier from work, he would take his shirt off and order Benson to lick his sweaty body clean.

Assimilated StepDaddy

"These armpits won't clean by themselves, boy. You better bury your face in these hairy armpits and clean them up with your slutty tongue!"

After giving his stepdad a proper tongue bath, Benson was sitting on Ryan's lap, with his ass fully stuffed by Ryan's hard cock while he squeezed and groped his stepdad's big hairy pecs.

"C'mon buddy, suck on your Daddy's tits, your mom will come from work at any minute," Ryan said while flexing his massive pecs.

Assimilated StepDaddy

Benson didn't waste any more time and started to suck on Ryan's huge tits. He had only two hours left before his mom would return from work, and he would always make the most of it.

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7 months ago

Feed My Boyfriend Souls - The Mall Guard

I was at the mall with my boyfriend when a sexy guard walked by us, I couldn't help but turn my head and look at that big ass being hugged by that tight uniform.

"Damn, look at that ass," I whispered to my boyfriend, who also turned his head to admire the guard's ass.

"Do you like it? You want me to-"

"No, It's fine," I said, putting one hand on my boyfriend's ass and squeezing it. "I like your current ass." He smirked at me and we kissed.

One hour later we were at the movie theater, in the middle of the movie I turned to my boyfriend since I noticed he had grown very quiet, my heart almost stopped when I saw his blank face, his eyes were lifeless and his mouth was hanging open with popcorn still inside his mouth.

"Fuck..." I cursed to myself; my boyfriend had left his current host and now the body was left without a soul to control it. You see, my boyfriend died many years ago, I loved him too much to just let him go, so I found an ancient spell, and I managed to keep his soul in the physical realm. But even ghosts got to eat; he had to take over bodies and consume their souls. Otherwise, he would stop existing.

I was about to go looking for him when I received a message from an unknown number. When I opened I saw a photo of the sexy guard that I had seen before.

In the photo the guard was in the bathroom, showing his ass.

Feed My Boyfriend Souls - The Mall Guard

"Come to the bathroom, this ass is waiting for you." The text said.

"I'm on my way," I responded. I stood up and closed the eyes of the soulless host on my side, making it look like he was sleeping, then I rushed to the bathroom, and there I found the hot guard, waiting for me with the smirk I was very well familiarized.

"You know you can't discard your hosts in public spaces, It's too dangerous," I said.

"Don't worry about that for now. C'mon, order me to do something, I will do anything you want." The guard said, he had such a deep and sexy voice.

"Anything I want?" I asked, smiling at him, Ideas started to form in my mind, "Drop on all fours," I commanded. He obeyed right away, dropping on all fours and looking up at me, like a needy puppy.

"Stick your tongue out!" He stuck his tongue out like a thirsty dog. "Good boy," I said, stroking his head, "Why don't you go lick the urinals? Show me what this tongue is good for."

"Yes sir!"

I watched the hunky guard crawl on all fours toward the urinals, he then started licking the dirty urinal. I couldn't help but pull my phone out and start recording. The sight was too hot.

"That's a good officer, thank you for your service, you pig," I chuckled, getting closer to him and taking a good angle of his tongue running on the urinal as if his life depended on it. After a few minutes, I ended the video. "Follow me inside a stall, I need to fuck this ass."

We got inside one of the stalls, I sat on the toilet and pulled my pants down, freeing my throbbing cock. "Ride me," I ordered.

He didn't hesitate. He took off his uniform pants and got on top of me, I grabbed his firm ass cheeks and pulled him down, guiding his body until he was sitting on my cock. He let out a deep moan that echoed through the bathroom as he took me inch by inch, his eyes never leaving mine. The guard was definitely straight, It had been a while since the last time I fucked such a tight ass.

The guard was grinning the entire time, I could feel his excitement through the body he had taken over.

"Oh, you like that?" I teased, slapping his ass hard, making sure to leave a mark behind. He nodded, his eyes glazed over with pleasure, "Yes, please, more! Make me your fucktoy!"

I chuckled, "That's what I like to hear," I began to thrust harder into him, his tight hole squeezing around my cock like a fleshlight. The guard's body was rocking back and forth, his moans growing louder with each stroke. His hands were gripping the sides of the stall for support.

I slapped his ass again, harder this time. "What part of ride me you didn't understand?" I demanded, gripping his hips and slamming him all the way down, his moans turning into grunts of pain.

The guard started to move his hips in a rhythm that matched my thrusts, fucking himself on my cock as he was told to. His movements grew more erratic as the pleasure took over. The bathroom was filled with the sound of skin slapping against skin and the smell of sex, we didn't care if anyone would hear us.

I reached down and played with his cock, feeling it pulse in my hand as I pumped it in sync with my thrusts. His body was so responsive, so alive with the spirit of my boyfriend.

"Oh, fuck yeah," he moaned, "I've never felt so alive!" His eyes rolled back in his head as he reached climax, and I knew my boyfriend was enjoying this just as much as I was.

The guard's cock jerked in my hand, spurting hot cum that painted my face. I took over the rhythm, pumping into him until I too reached my peak. He let out a loud, guttural cry as his body shuddered and jolted, his eyes rolling back and his muscles tensing, I knew what my boyfriend was doing: he was feeding on the guard's soul.

So I just let my boyfriend feed while my cock was still up his ass. After some more grunts and moaning, the guard grinned at me. "His soul was delicious. I should go back to my previous host now."

"Wait, you can't leave the guard here as an empty husk."

"Yes I can," He said with a grin, "see you in the movie theater..."

"No wait! Don't—"

The guard's eyes rolled back and his body went limp on top of me. Gosh, he was heavy! I rolled him to the floor and left him inside the stall with his ass sticking up and cum oozing from his hole; his face was pressed on the floor while he had the dumbest smile on his face. I left him there, mindlessly giggling like an idiot.

Dating a ghost boyfriend is so much better than dating the living.

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7 months ago

Tamed Aliens

As I walked my two small dogs to the park, I spotted these two hot and sweaty men playing tennis on the court.

Tamed Aliens

They were so hot and muscular, their sweat glistened bodies moving with the grace of professional tennis players. I was so entranced by the sight of them playing that I didn’t even notice the time passing.

"Have you lost something?" One of them suddenly asked, looking at me. By the tone of his voice, he didn't seem amused.

Tamed Aliens

I looked at him with wide eyes, realizing that I had been staring for quite some time. "N-no," I stuttered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. "Just enjoying the game. That's all."

The man scoffed, his handsome features contorting into a look of irritation. "Enjoying the game huh? We can see your tiny boner from miles away, you fucking perv! Aren't you ashamed of yourself? If you don't get the fuck out of here-"

Before he could finish, his teammate interjected with a hand on his shoulder, his eyes looking down to the growing bulge in my shorts. "Take it easy, Alex. Let's wrap the game for today."

"No! I'm tired of fags thinking It's ok to ogle us," Alex retorted, walking towards me. My two dogs started to growl and bark at him as he approached; suddenly, two metallic bugs crawled out of their fur. The tiny alien creatures were too fast, the tennis player—whose name I learned to be Alex—didn't even notice one of the tiny metallic creatures scurrying toward him. Crawling up his body and latching itself onto his nape. He froze mid-walk, his body stiffening. His eyes rolled back into his head, and his mouth fell open as he dropped the tennis racket to the ground.

I sighed in relief. The other bug slithered towards his teammate, who was standing by the net, wiping his forehead with a towel.

Tamed Aliens

But unlike his friend, he noticed the metallic, shining bug approaching. He quickly grabbed his tennis racket, and when the bug jumped toward him, he swung and hit it. However, he lost sight of the bug. 'What the hell was that?' he asked his teammate, Alex, who now had an eerie smile on his face. Alex walked to him with a strange walk, looking as if he had forgotten how to walk, his steps clumsy and awkward. I could tell he had something in his hand.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" His friend asked, confused. He didn't have a chance when Alex slapped his nape, attaching the other bug to it, immediately making his eyes roll back.

Suddenly his eyes went back to normal, but as he tried to take a step, he lost balance and fell to the ground.

Tamed Aliens


"Hey Master, look, I'm riding a horse," The hot tennis player sitting on his friend's back said. His equally hot and rude teammate was on all fours with a tennis ball inside his mouth as he crawled on all fours.

Tamed Aliens

I can't take these two anywhere, I thought.

If you looked behind them, you would see they had something on their napes. The aliens were tiny and looked like metallic ticks; they would take control of their hosts by latching onto their spinal cords. So, while they were attached to a body, they would remain in control of it, and if they stayed too long, the host would become permanently mindless, which was the case for most of their human hosts.

They were a parasitic species from another world, I had no idea how they got here, but I was grateful I was the one who found them. Dogs suited them well because when they took over humans, they could only make their hosts crawl on all fours. For some reason, bipedalism was too difficult for them.

That meant I couldn't walk with them in public with human hosts because, let's say, It's not very common to see men walking on all fours in public unless you're at a gay parade.

One day I helped them take over my hot neighbor, who was walking his two dogs. It was then that I had the idea to use his dogs as hosts every time I wanted to walk the aliens out. luckily I had tamed the aliens well and had made them totally obedient to me, so they agreed without asking.

Now, they had taken over these two hot tennis players, one of them was riding his friend like a horse; I won't lie; the sight was very hot. I kneeled on my heels in front of the once aggressive hunk on all fours and took the tennis ball off his mouth; he just looked at me with innocent, happy eyes, the eyes of a guy who just had his brain taken over by a less intelligent alien creature. He had his tongue sticking out while he stared at me, it was so cute.

I stood up and tossed the ball on the other side of the court. "The one who gets the ball first, I will let suck my cock. Go!"

Their eyes bulged and they both ran on all fours to catch the ball with their mouths. I watched as the two muscular tennis players arrived at the same time, and each one took a bite of the tennis ball; they started fighting for the ball like angry dogs.

My cock got even harder at the sight, so I decided to leave them fighting for the ball for a while, barking at each other and wrestling as if their life depended on it, it was a show that only I had the privilege of witnessing, all the fighting only made their hot bodies even more sweaty. But when they started biting each other, I finally intervened.

"That's enough boys! Stop this right now!" I shouted.

They froze as they heard me, Alex in the middle of biting his friend's right pec. I grabbed a tennis racket nearby and walked towards them. "You two, get on all fours right now!"

They both obeyed, getting on all fours. I walked behind them and pulled down their white shorts, exposing their big muscular asses. I licked my lips and then, with the tennis racket, hit Alex first. He let out a whimper as I spanked his ass with the racket, "Bad boy! Very bad boy, biting your friend? What were you thinking?" I said as I spanked him, the racket leaving a red mark on his cheeks. Then I did the same with his teammate until their asses were left red. I dropped the racket and unzipped my pants. "There's plenty of cock for both of you. There's no need to fight."

They both kneeled in front of me now, panting with sweat dripping from their hard muscles. "Sorry Master," They said in unison.

"It's ok, boys. Now come here and worship my cock, you guys need to learn how to share." I pulled out my throbbing cock. They looked up to my cock hovering over their faces and hungrily started licking it, each one taking a share of my cock. I grabbed Alex's teammate's head and shoved my entire length inside his throat, when I felt I was about to cum, I pulled out, resting only the head on his wet tongue, and then finally coated it with my cum. "Don't swallow," I said, looking down at the muscular player looking up at me with red eyes and a mouth full of cum; I could cum again just by that sight. "Share it with your buddy."

He obeyed and French kissed his friend. As they sloppily made out with each other, I took off the two leather leashes from the dogs and put them on their necks; I was going to take them home with me on all fours. Suddenly the Idea of being seen walking two hot men on leashes didn't sound that bad.

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6 months ago

Courtship Display

"What the hell are you doing? You're embarrassing me." I said to the hot man shaking his bulge in front of me.

Courtship Display

I was at the beach when I spotted this hot guy wearing yellow speedos; luckily, I had my alien buddy with me and asked him to take over the man's body. So while the man was sunbathing with his girlfriend, the tiny crab-like alien crawled in the sand and inside the man's speedos, then quickly pinched the man's balls with his tiny alien claws.

The small crab alien had special claws that could take over anyone whose claws clamped onto. His claws would release a powerful venom that could turn the biggest man into a mere puppet for the alien. The venom would make the host's brain permanently inactive, making the alien attached to their balls their new brain.

The man's girlfriend didn't even notice her boyfriend convulsing on her side. I knew my little friend had taken over his body when the man woke up and started crawling toward me in a crab walk and started to shake his hips non-stop. People around us started to look at us, making me feel embarrassed, so I told him to stop, but he continued.

"It's a mating dance; the male in my kind shakes their crotches to attract females. Does this mating dance work on humans? You're a male human who likes the same sex, and by the tent forming in your speedos, I can tell It's working." He said, as he sensually moved his hips.

Courtship Display

"Ok, I confess It's really hot seeing a straight man doing this... dance, but here is not the place, let's go somewhere more private so I can show you how much your mating dance works on me. Then you can try this same dance while having my cock inside his ass."

We went to a private area at the beach, and there we got fully naked. I saw my alien friend latched on to his ballsack with his tiny claws attached to the man's balls. It was always funny to think he controlled his hosts through their balls.

The man had a nice cock, but it wasn't what I was looking for at the moment. I lay on the sand with my hard cock throbbing, and he got on top of me in a crab position; I aimed my cock at his entrance and he impaled himself on my shaft, I moaned loudly as he started to fuck himself on my cock, he was moving his hips sensually just like he was doing moments before.

He rode me like an expert. I knew by the tightness of the host's ass that he never had a cock up his ass, but my alien friend sure was an expert in making his hosts take my cock like true sluts.

The sight of the host's hard cock bouncing up and down, together with the tightness of his hole, made me explode inside of him, which seemed to trigger the host's orgasm as well.

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6 months ago

You asked your tiny alien friend to turn your celebrity crush, Henry Cavill, into a vessel. Now you're riding the most famous Daddy celebrity while he works out at his personal gym.

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6 months ago



I am standing on the side of the bed as I watch my neighbor's youngest son, Devon, wake up his equally hot dad by sticking his tongue inside his mouth. Mr. Bennett struggles and shakes his body as his alien-possessed son infects him with the alien parasite.

Mr. Bennett is fit, but he doesn't have a chance against his much more muscular youngest son. Seeing my hot neighbor's son helping me turn his dad into an alien host is getting me so hard! I pull down Mr. Bennett's shorts so I can finally see his bulge from closer. His bulge is as big as I was expecting, and the fact he is wearing white underwear makes it a lot hotter, the urge to sniff that man's bulge grows stronger at each passing second that I stare at it.

While I hear the slurping noises coming from their passionate "kiss" I bury my face in Daddy Bennett's bulge and take a deep sniff while I hear the wet sounds of the parasite forcing its way down his throat.

With my face still buried in his cock and balls, I look up and catch a glimpse of the parasite sliding from Devon to his dad's mouth; The snake-like parasite is quite long and very thick, so thick that Mr. Bennett's throat bloats with the intrusion. I bury my face even deeper in his massive bulge, licking it over the fabric. I can't wait to have them both as my alien-possessed sex slaves, I think to myself.

Devon finally detaches his mouth from his dad and I watch the parasite's tail wriggle and disappear inside Mr. Bennett. I can't hold it any longer and pull down his underwear. I look in awe at how beautiful Mr. Bennett's cock and balls are; his balls are huge and heavy, and even while soft, his cock is big and thick, but he won't be soft for much longer. I took his big cock into my mouth and started to feel the member grow to its full length. Devon just continues standing on the side with the same slack and empty face he has since he was taken over, totally unbothered by the fact I'm blowing his dad.

With my mouth full of Mr. Bennett's cock, I have a great view of his stomach, and I witness something amazing happen; his belly starts to bloat, and I can see what is obviously the parasite wriggling inside him, doing something to him. I put my hand on top of his stomach and felt the alien moving inside.

I had seen the same thing happen with Devon when I put the parasite in his agape mouth while he was sleeping on the couch downstairs. But after a few minutes, his belly went back to normal, and he stood up with a blank facial expression; he didn't say anything and just stood up and took the stairs toward his dad's bedroom. I followed right behind him.

Now that the parasite has left Devon, he is left motionless like a robot without battery. I see Mr. Bennett's stomach slowly going back to normal and he finally wakes up, sitting on the bed while I am still latching on his cock. I feel his hand on the back of my hair, and he gently pulls me away; he has the same empty look on his face that Devon has. And without saying a word, Mr. Bennett gets off the bed and kneels in front of Devon, pulls down his shorts, and takes his son's cock into his mouth.

The sight is nothing but breathtaking. After a few seconds of blowing Devon, he stands up, now both of them sporting a hard-on. Mr. Bennett stands close to his son, close enough for their cocks to be aiming at one another. Leaving only a few inches apart from each cock head. Then what happens next is something I will never forget. A small black parasite—a lot thinner and smaller than the one I helped inside Devon—crawls out of Mr. Bennett's piss slit and makes its way inside Devon's cock.

Both of their eyes roll back and they shook while still standing, the parasite connecting them both by their cocks. When the tail disappears inside Devon's slit, Devon finally comes back to life; though 'life' might not be the right word since he still has the same blank expression, at least he is moving again. Devon and Mr. Bennett stare directly at each other for a few seconds, then they smile at each other—only those smiles were nothing but human.

Mr. Bennett slowly raises a hand, and Devon mimics him; then Mr. Bennett tilts his head, and Devon does the same, they continue going on like this for a while. I'm not sure what is happening; it's like they are connecting somehow. Whatever that is, it's an eerie sight, I must admit.

After playing that game for a few more minutes, they walk out of the room without saying a word, with Mr. Bennett leading the way. Their cocks swung and throbbed with each step, and I was no different.

Mr. Bennett stops in front of a room and slowly opens the door; inside is his oldest son, Matt, who is sleeping peacefully in only his underwear.


Matt is as hot as his dad and younger brother, with him being the most muscular of the three. Mr. Bennett and Devon walk toward him, but only Mr. Bennett starts jerking off over Matt's sleeping body; soon, he shoots a tiny black parasite from his cock, identical to the one he infected Devon with.

The tiny parasite crawled towards Matt's crotch and disappeared inside his grey underwear. I watch Matt suddenly squirm on the bed and grunt in discomfort; The way his muscles flexed during the takeover was making me leak.

When Matt woke up, he was already one of them. He stood up with an emotionless face and stared at his dad and brother; those two still had creepy smiles on their faces; seeing that, Matt also started smiling.

I really don't get the smiling thing, do they think that would make them look more human?

Still smiling, Mr. Bennett raised his right hand and waved at Matt. "Good morning, Matt." He says. It is the first time I hear the alien speak with his vessel, and he sounds just like you would expect: robotic and emotionless.

"God morning Dad," Matt replies, the smile never leaving their faces.

"Did you sleep well, son?" Mr. Bennet asks naturally, as if he isn't naked with his cock throbbing in front of both his sons.

"I slept wonderful, Dad."

"Good morning Matt, did you sleep well, my older brother?" Devon asks, his tone of voice no different than his dad and brother. There is a long silent pause, and then Devon asks again, "Good morning Matt, did you sleep well, my older brother?"

"Good morning younger brother. I slept wonderful," Matt responds and then they just keep smiling at each other like idiots. Everything looks and sounds so creepy and surreal, it's like watching aliens playing with human dolls about how they think human interactions are.

I decide to try something risky, so I step into their circle and the three of them look at me in sync, their blank eyes confused as they tried to study my presence.

I clear my throat and wave at them. "Hi, I'm the neighbor, I'm the one who let those parasitic aliens turn you three into brainless hosts."

"Oh, Welcome neighbor," Mr. Bennett says, waving back at me.

"Good morning Neighbor," Matt says, out of nowhere.

They didn't acknowledge anything I said; It's like they don't understand what I say and just mimic anything they find in their host's memories.

Either way, it was hot to see these three hunks acting like brainless idiots. I pull down my shorts and start jerking off in front of them; as I was expecting, each one started to mimic me. Mr. Bennett is the first to grab his cock and start to stroke, his sons, seeing their dad—leader—start mimicking him. Now, the four of us are jerking off, our strokes are so in sync that it feels like I'm stroking in front of a mirror. They mimicked even my moans, soon I started to cum, and so did they.

"This is going to be so much fun," I moan.

"This is going to be so much fun," they say.

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5 months ago

Owed and Owned

Angelo was peacefully sleeping when he woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating headache he had ever felt.

He grabbed his head and grunted in pain.

Owed And Owned

"Aaaaaarrwwhhhgh! Fuuuuucckkkkk!... There's something.... in my head.... it hurts! Get out! Get out! Get oooouuugghhh!!!"

Suddenly, Angelo's arms dropped limply to his sides, and his pained face quickly changed into a blank face in a fraction of a second, like a switch had been flipped off. With slow steps he walked to the door and opened it.

Waiting outside, with his usual nerdy demeanor, was none other than his distant cousin.

(A month later)

Owed And Owned

My cousin looks so peaceful, it even looks like he is sleeping, but for one to be sleeping, one needs to be awake first, and that is just not his case, not anymore.

Angelo had been the bad boy in my family since a young age, always getting in trouble or causing trouble; at 16, he joined a criminal gang; at 18, he was arrested for drug dealing; at 20, for getting into a bar fight. Now, at 21, nothing much had changed, he was still part of the gang, and he was still hotter than ever.

I was two years younger than him, and even though we were distant cousins and our interactions were almost nonexistent, I always had a secret crush on him. I couldn't help myself; I just had a thing for bad boys. I love the way they act so tough and fearless, like they're invincible and nothing can stop them.

I buried my face in Angelo's hairy armpit and took a long sniff; he just had the most wonderful smell under his armpits; it was powerful and primal, a musk that my olfactory epithelium was very much used by now.

I started licking them clean, making sure my tongue would drag slowly against his armpit's hair and I could taste every single bit of him.

While I feasted on my hot cousin's armpits, I saw a tiny alien humanoid sticking his head out of his ear, the tiny alien's head was no bigger than a bean.

"Good morning, Zul. Did you sleep well?" I asked.

"Yes I did, I see you're already having breakfast," Angelo responded with his eyes still closed. His voice sounded sleepy, like he was talking while dreaming.

"And how about you? Have you had your breakfast yet?" I asked.

"Not yet, was just about to when I noticed there was some stimulation coming from Angelo's armpits. I knew it was you."

"Well, don't let me get in the way, go back in there and feast on my dumb cousin's brain."

Zul feeds on brains, but because of his small size, he only takes small bits of it every day. It's been a month since I helped him get inside Angelo's body, and now there's only 40% of brain matter left.

The alien nodded his head and crawled back inside my cousin's head. Almost Immediately, I started to see the signs of his feeding on my cousin's body, like his muscles tensing and his biceps flexing. His head started rolling from one side to another as he let out deep grunts, looking like he was in a nightmare, he might actually be in one, but I was living my dream.

Owed And Owned

I buried my face back into his armpits as I knew what was going to happen next: Every time the alien fed, it would make Angelo's body release a lot of sweat. And I was starting to feel the effects, or better, to taste it.

"Hmmmm... he tastes soooo good," Angelo moaned.

"He sure does," I replied, switching from armpits.

I pulled off his tank top and shorts; Angelo's cock was big and thick but was flaccid, I gave it a few strokes, but I knew it was useless, his body couldn't respond to stimulus anymore without the alien in control. Luckily, the alien had kindly programmed Angelo's body in case I wanted him to be hard while he was busy feeding.

I pinched both of Angelo's nipples at the same time, and just like magic, his cock started to harden to a 9,5 inches huge shaft, throbbing full of life. As I took a few licks, I looked at him and noticed he was staring back at me, a sign the alien was now in control.

Owed And Owned

"How much is left?" I asked, my tongue running against his sweaty balls.

"34%" Angelo responded.

"Wow, just remember that you need to get out of his body when you reach 10%, you need to leave enough for his body to obey commands."

"You don't have to worry about that, I'm already looking for another host."

I was in the middle of giving Angelo a blowjob when I heard a knocking. I sighed in frustration, who could that be? One of Angelo's many hookups? I thought I already got rid of all of them!

When I opened the door I was shocked to see a tall, fully tattooed hot stud. I was left standing at the door completely frozen, staring at the hot man in front of me like an idiot.

"Is Angelo home?" He finally asked, his tone was intimidating and cold.

"H-he's...he's not home right now," I lied, "Is there something you want me, ummm... to tell him when he's back?"

I think he didn't buy the lie because he gave me an even more menacing stare, a stare that almost made me cry and apologize for lying.

"Tell him to pay what he owes, I will be back in a week." He said out loud, making sure Angelo could hear him.

It was all he said as he walked away. When I closed the door, I finally sighed in relief; that guy was so scary but so freaking hot at the same time. I asked Zul to dig into Angelo's mind for any information about the guy, but Zul told me he couldn't find anything and that he probably already consumed that memory. I was disappointed in knowing that precious info was now alien poo, but I just went back to giving Angelo a blowjob. Eventually, I completely forgot about the whole thing.

A week later I came back from school to find Angelo sitting on a chair with a book covering his face.

Owed And Owned

I walked towards him and took the book out of his face, and I was shocked to see his face expression; his eyes were staring in opposite directions, his left eye was wider than the right one, and his mouth was agape with his tongue sticking out.

I was used to Angelo's blank face by now, but he never looked this... empty before. I knocked on his forehead like I was knocking on a door, and in a sense, I was. The sound that it made was hollow, which was expecting since there was now only 14% of his brain left. "Zul? Are you there?"

"No, I'm here." A deep baritone voice came from the corner of the room, scaring the shit out of me.

Owed And Owned

I recognized him, he was the hot guy who knocked on Angelo's door a week before, now wearing nothing but a white towel covering his lap. "Zul, this is such a wonderful host. Good job buddy." I praised.

"It's good to be in control of an entire brain again. I accessed this host's memories, and it looks like your cousin pissed off the leader of his gang by not paying for his drugs. So his gang leader sent this big and strong guy to teach him a lesson if he didn't comply."

I sat on the tattooed hunk's lap and started caressing his fit body, feeling his muscles and pecs. I then pressed my face against his armpits and took a sniff, he smelled clean, like he just got out of the shower. The thug then pulled me in for a gentle, yet dominating kiss. Pulling away from the kiss I grinned at him, "So, this gang leader... Is he hot?"

"Very much, after this host's brain is at 10%, I might go for his boss, that way I would have plenty of hosts available for me. Would you like to own an entire gang of hot brainless men?"

"Yes! I would!" I eagerly said, my eyes glowing with the image of a bunch of hot brainless criminals at my disposal.

"Then you have to deserve it first," He said, caressing my face gently, it was weird to see such an intimidating guy acting so soft. "Go to Angelo and activate him for me, I can't control him while I'm in another host, but before leaving him, I programmed what was left of him to respond to physical touch. Pinch his right nipple two times and then give his left a twist to the left."

I nodded and walked to Angelo, I gave his right nipple two pinches, and his left a rough twist to the right... or was the left? I decided to twist it to the right. Angelo suddenly—still with his mindless face and hanging tongue—pulled down his shorts and started jerking off his cock.

I then heard the thug across the room laughing. "That's the wrong command, you need to twist it to the left, not the right."

I looked at Angelo, mindlessly jerking off his now hard cock, and I did the command right this time, two pinches on the right, one twist to the left...

Suddenly, Angelo stopped jerking off and walked to his bed, getting on all fours and exposing his ass.

"I like this new command, is there more?"

"Yes there is, watch it," The thug stood up, making his white towel drop to the floor. My jaw dropped when I saw his massive cock, he was so much bigger than Angelo. With a grin planted on his face, he grabbed his shaft and swung it in my direction, "Would you be kind and do what you do best?"

I didn't have to be asked twice; I got on my knees in front of this hunk and took his huge member into my mouth. I felt his hand gently caressing my hair. "That's a good cocksucker, get this cock wet for your cousin's ass"

I slobbered on it even harder when he praised me, after a few minutes, he gently pushed me away. His big cock swung with each step he took towards Angelo, he gave his ass a hard slap and smirked at me as he aimed the tip of his cock at Angelo's entrance.

It was far from Angelo's first time, since Zul turned him into a host last month, I've been having my share of fun with Angelo's ass. But Angelo wasn't used to a big cock like that, it was so big that it easily could count as a first time.

Angelo gave no response, he just continued frozen on all fours with his eyes blank as drool soaked the sheets under him. That was until the thug buried everything inside with a single powerful thrust, and just like that—as if a switch had been turned—Angelo started to move back and forward, fucking himself on the massive member.

"I programmed him so that as long as he has a dick stuffing his ass, he will fuck himself non-stop. Pretty cool huh?" The thug proudly said with both his hands behind his head, exposing his hairy armpits to me. Zul knows how much I love them.

"Now enjoy the show while I feed on this dumb hunk." With a final wink, the thug froze with his hands behind his head and his face changed to the same mindless look Angelo had: eyes rolled back and tongue sticking out.

Angelo was still fucking himself non-stop, like a broken robot trapped on a loop. I hopped on the bed and sat on Angelo's sweaty back while I was facing the frozen thug. My weight sure made Angelo's job more difficult, but I didn't care, I knew he was strong enough.

I pressed my face in the thug's armpits and started worshiping them. Sometimes, he would let out a long grunt, and his muscles would flex, but after a while, it stopped.

Zul appeared inside the thug's mouth and sat on his tongue, the tiny humanoid alien was now holding a tiny bit of meat, eating it like a burger as he watched me worshiping his new home.

I owe this little guy everything.

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5 months ago

A Body Stealer Tale: Hijacked Call

A Body Stealer Tale: Hijacked Call

My boyfriend and I were strolling through a quiet part of the city when we spotted this hot guy a few steps ahead of us. Tall, dark-haired, clearly fit—the type that turns heads. He was chatting on his phone, his deep voice echoed in the silent and empty street.

I noticed my boyfriend started to glance around, sizing up the surroundings. The street was deserted, as usual for this part of town. He turned to me with that mischievous grin I knew too well—the one that meant he was up to something. Before I could ask what he was planning, he ran toward the guy in front of us.

The man was still engrossed in his call, his voice dropping to a low, affectionate rumble. "I miss you too, babe. Tell my sweet girls Daddy will bring them a surprise when I get home... Yes, I know-AAARRGHH!"

His words cut off abruptly with a strangled groan. The phone slipped from his hand and clattered to the sidewalk. My boyfriend was already halfway into him, his form dissolving like smoke, merging with the man's body. Watching him use his power was always a sight that sent a chill down my spine, like watching reality bend for just a moment.

In seconds, my boyfriend disappeared completely, and his clothes fell to the ground on top of his empty shoes.

The man staggered, his eyes going wide, pupils dilating as my boyfriend took control. His hands flexed, then relaxed, as if getting used to this new skin. A few deep breaths later, the confusion cleared from his face, replaced by a smirk I knew all too well. It was my boyfriend now looking back at me, wearing the man's flesh like a new suit.

"Daddy, huh?" he said in the man's deep voice, testing it out, letting the word roll off his tongue with a new meaning entirely. "I think I can work with that." He picked up his phone off the ground and put it back on his ear, he then pulled down his pants, showing me the bulge in his black underwear.

He winked at me as he started talking again on the phone, only this time, his voice was no longer sweet and caring.

"Shut up, you dumb bitch! I'm so fucking tired of your voice... yeah, you heard that right! I don't want anything to do with you anymore, it's over for us! you hear me? Over!... Oh I'm perfectly fine! I've never been better!"

I walked towards him with a smirk and caressed his bulge, this man surely already had a present inside his underwear, I thought. I looked around—the area was clear—so I kneeled in front of him, pulled down his underwear, and took his cock into my mouth as my boyfriend dealt with this man's wife.

"You can stay with those little brats, I don't fucking care. I meet someone much better than you. He knows how to suck my cock like no other... Yeah, that's right, It's a HE, and in fact, he's giving me a blowjob right—" He stopped talking to look at his phone, then he looked down at me with a grin. "She hung up," he said, bursting out laughing.

He roughly grabbed both sides of my head and started facefucking me, just the way my boyfriend knows I like it. He moaned out loud, without worrying if anyone could hear him.

While I was deep-throating his new big delicious cock, we noticed an old man walking past us, he looked at us with disgust on his face, and we saw him grabbing his phone before turning around the corner.

My boyfriend pushed me away and pulled his pants up.

"C'mon, let's get to somewhere more private. I would hate to have to use my gift to take over a cop, this body is too good to be wasted," He said, buckling up his belt.

A downside of my boyfriend's powers was that once he stepped out of the body he was in, he couldn't go back to it because as soon as he was out, the body would deflate to an empty, hollow bodysuit.

Sure, it was fun to wear them later, but it was not the same thing as my boyfriend possessing their memories, controlling their tongue, having their cells...

I stood up and we shared a quick kiss; he tasted of coffee and mint. I followed him to an expensive car parked nearby, he opened the door for me to get in, like a true gentleman.

But once we were inside, he wasn't so gentle; he pulled down his pants, freeing his throbbing cock. "Go on, suck on this bad boy as I drive us to his hotel."

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5 months ago

A Body Stealer Tale: Riding Bodies

A Body Stealer Tale: Riding Bodies

Wyatt was a cyclist. Every day, he'd hop on his bike and ride to the park. While taking a break to text his girlfriend, a car pulled up beside him. Inside was a man Wyatt had never seen before, eyeing his strong, muscular biceps like he was sizing up something on display.

"Do we have a problem faggot?" Wyatt cursed at the man. He hated when men stared at his body with lust, he had built his muscular body for women, not men.

"Oh, I want you to be my problem. Get inside the car," The man commanded.

Wyatt's eyes suddenly became blank and he stepped out of his bike, got inside the car, and sat on the passenger seat.

The man looked at Wyatt's fit and sweaty body from closer and lifted his tank top, revealing Wyatt's sweat-drenched abs and pecs.

The man was grinning when he brought his mouth closer to Wyatt's ear and started whispering something to him.

The man's voice became deeper; the words that came out of his mouth sounded more like aggressive growls than words. Suddenly, Wyatt's eyes sank, and his muscular body started to deflate; the man continued whispering until Wyatt was completely hollowed.

After a few minutes, Wyatt casually stepped out of the car, grabbed his bike, and went back to his ride, as if nothing unusual had happened.

A Body Stealer Tale: Riding Bodies

The car was now empty, unlike Wyatt.

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5 months ago
"Take It Easy, Buddy. These Bodies Have Sweat Enough For Both Of Us," The Jock Said As His Gym Buddy

"Take it easy, buddy. These bodies have sweat enough for both of us," the jock said as his gym buddy feasted on his sweaty, hairy armpits.

I leaned against the doorframe, watching these two guys go at it. They weren’t a couple or anything—just two straight dudes, probably only knew each other from the gym. But now, with those aliens inside them, they didn’t care. All that mattered was feeding.

The taller one had his arms up, showing off his hairy pits, dripping sweat from working out. The other guy, shorter but lean and fit, was right there, licking it up like his life depended on it. And in a way, it did. The aliens needed the sweat, craved it. That’s how they survived.

I had a hand in this, getting those little creatures inside them. I wasn’t like them, though—I wasn’t possessed. I just made it happen. And now, here they were, practically slaves to the sweat, feeding off each other without a second thought.

The taller guy groaned as the shorter one’s tongue slid over his chest, soaking up every drop. They didn’t have a choice. The aliens were in full control, driving them to keep going, keep feeding. It wasn’t about attraction or desire—just survival.

As I stood there watching them, my eyes locked onto the taller guy’s other armpit—completely untouched, glistening with sweat. It was just hanging there, free, waiting. And I couldn’t help myself. I’ve always had a thing for armpits, and seeing his sweaty one on full display was too much.

Before I even realized it, I moved closer. The other guy was busy on one side, and now I had the other. I leaned in, tongue out, and licked. The taste of his sweat hit me instantly—salty, raw, and exactly what I needed. I was just as hungry for it as the alien-possessed guy.

There I was, right next to him, both of us licking and feeding off the same sweaty body. It felt wild, like we were all connected in some strange, primal way. The aliens fed on the sweat, but me? I was feeding on something else entirely.

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4 months ago

Riding The Rider

Hawk had always been a man who loved the open road. Today was no different. He had just picked up a new helmet—sleek, white, and impossibly high-tech.

Earlier that day, he went to buy a new helmet when he saw a beautiful white one called Helmetai. The helmet cost a fortune, so he wasn't going to buy it, but the owner of the store insisted that he should take it; when Hawk explained he didn't have the money, he then gave him one for free.

“Consider it a gift. A biker like you deserves the best helmet!" The owner said. Hawk found it weird, but he wasn't one to refuse such an expensive gift.

The helmet boasted top-tier features: enhanced vision, noise-canceling technology, and an integrated heads-up display. He didn’t bother reading all the technical specs—it was just a helmet, after all. But as he slid it over his head, it fit snugly, almost like it was made for him. The visor suddenly flickered to life with a soft hum.

"Welcome aboard, Hawk. Prepare for the ultimate ride." The helmet said in a robotic voice.

"Oh, nice, I didn't know it could do that. Helmetai, play my favorite playlist!"

Suddenly, 'Highway To Hell' started blasting in Hawk's ears as he revved up his bike and took off down the highway. The wind rushing against his muscles and the adrenaline pumping through his veins was Hawk's addiction. As he weaved between cars, pushing the speed limit, something strange began to happen.

He started feeling a small electric flow in his head. He shook it off, thinking it was just the adrenaline—or maybe the helmet was messing with his senses. After all, this was his first time using such high-tech gear. But suddenly the world around him faded, and he felt a disorienting pull as if he was being yanked from his own body. And just like that, everything went black.

One second later, Hawk's body came back to life.

Riding The Rider

"Transfer Complete, please don't remove the helmet until your ride is finished. Enjoy your time in Hawk's body." The helmet said.

“Oh, I plan on enjoying every second of this ride. Let’s see what this body can really do.” Hawk said. With a swift twist of the throttle, the bike shot forward, rocketing down the highway at full velocity, way past the velocity limit.

This helmet wasn’t just any helmet. Unknown to Hawk, it was part of a secret possession industry designed for the elite. Wealthy men who longed for excitement and adventure would rent out bodies, usually those of fit, and unsuspecting strong men, to live their fantasies. The technology behind it was the most advanced—microchips embedded into the helmets that synced with the brainwaves of the wearer, overriding their control and allowing someone else to slip into the driver's seat.

It was a perfect way for rich men to have a moment of pure adrenaline without worrying about getting hurt or dying in a crash; the helmet was programmed to shut down as soon as an accident happened or if they were pulled over by the police.

"Oooh, fuck yeah, now that’s a body!" Hawk shouted, flexing his thick biceps.

Riding The Rider

A huge tent started forming in his pants as he tested out his new muscles.

"Look at me! No fucking hands! YOOOOHOOOO!!!!'

Riding The Rider

Soon, he started hearing the sounds of the police sirens behind him.

"Alert! The police are after you. Do you wish to continue the ride?" The helmet asked.

"Yes I do! I paid for the full experience!" Hawk laughed sterically as he took off at full velocity, trying to escape the police.

Far away, in another state, a middle-aged, overweight man sat in front of his computer in his luxurious dark room, on his head was also a Helmetai.

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