Male Puppet - Tumblr Posts

Music Box Duo all Dolled up!
This was a commission on one of my socials that I decided to post here.
[Both are men in dresses which is one of my favorite things to see lol-]

The Thanksgiving holiday was always your favorite. Much like the turkey they often ate, people made for great stuffing candidates. For one, they often ate large meals that night, and the fittest among them used the morning after to exercise away coma-inducing meal from the night before. These aspects made for the perfect conditions to make a body far more pliable than normal. “Stuffing a turkey” was not something you did often, nor something you took lightly. Conditions needed to be perfect, mass to account for, compatibility, the works. Of course, this year seemed to be a good year for an upgrade. And you knew just who.
Ryan was a menace at the local gym, often taking pictures of new members just trying to improve their lifestyle to playback later and ridicule with his buddies. He had of course been confronted about it, but so far everything had been unsubstantiated, so the most he’d gotten were the near constant disapproving looks from the other regulars. In other words, his reign of terror remained unpunished. To add to the injustice, the man seemed to thrive off the hate anyway and it didn’t help that his cousin owned the place.
- - -

“What the fuck!?” He screamed at the sight of you in his bathroom as he had just stripped out of his dank gym clothes. From the smell permeating the air, and the weary look in his eye, you could tell he had just come home from a workout. Delicious.
“Your cousin Vinnie let me in, he said to come for a good time.” You stated plainly.
Ryan dropped his duffel to the floor, running towards you until you were pinned up to the wall near his bed by his meaty arms. You couldn’t help but lick your lips in the strength brimming from his sweat-slick biceps.
“I ain’t gay, fa-“
You plant a kiss into his mouth to shut him up, leaving a little piece of yourself burrowing into him.

He caught himself smiling inexplicably. He looked at the trail of saliva from his mouth to your perverse smile and nearly gagged as he backed up to his bed. Raw disgust turned red, as you could only see a boiling, fuming anger beneath his icy blues.
You were unfazed.
“Oh Ryan… of course we are”. You hummed as you began to exert what small control you had in that piece inside him to prevent him from running away. It wasn’t much, and you mostly relied on the shock to keep him in position, but it had been enough.
He looked at you, watching in horror as you liquefied your hands into a slick mass of flesh. You smile in turn.
“I can’t wait stuff you like a turkey… but what’s a turkey without some gravy?”
He began to protest, before quickly closing his eyes in a moan of displeasure, as a small tendril of your flesh began flowing into his piss slit.
You watched as more and more of your pulsating meaty tendrils, slick with your sweat, inched into the thick dick of the man that would become your turkey. Caught halfway between pleasure and revulsion, Ryan gripped his sheets to get his bearings.
“B-bro!” He whined.
“Don’t worry Ry, pretty soon you’ll be thanking me”. You playfully chime back.
It was uniquely violating for the man, feeling writhing flesh burrow into an orifice that normally only let stuff out. He yelped as you hooked your tendril into his body, abruptly stopping your advance. Now came the fun part.
Ryan willed himself still, dick still bound to you and not wanting to disturb his momentary peace. Nervous eyes follow your widening smile as the next set of your fleshy tendrils now ran down the outside of the athlete’s cock.
“Oh f-fufufuuuck” he blurted out in a drawn moan. Like a perverse sleeve, your slimy tendrils encapsulate over his dick, and you made sure to dial up the pleasure by having them vibrate rhythmically.
You catch glimpses of horror in between unbelievable pleasure. Then, another emotion. Shame.
“Oh.. don’t look so guilty Ry, this feels good doesn’t it? What’s so wrong about that?” You tease. You knew his brain was working overtime so trying to fish out a response from the pleasure drunk jock was useless. You continue as if he had protested. “You feel good. To me- over me. I make you feel good, you make me feel good. Ryan, I think we’re a match made in heaven.”
You can tell the titillation reached it’s peak when Ryan’s beautiful blue eyes rolled to the back of his head in a unwanted pleasure while he half-screamed. He slammed his head back and forth onto his pillow, as if each pump was lick an electrical shock. At last, tearful eyes roll back into focus, starting at you before looking away in shame as you felt Ryan’s batter rocket out, pushing the tendril you had inside him out .
Ryan collapsed into his bed, heaving from the experience. You saw him force his satisfied smile down, ashamed by the whole experience. You stroke the side of his face, not caring that a bit of his own juices were basting his cheek.
“Oh Ryan… you’re gonna feel so good once you’re nice and stuff- can you imagine it? Experiencing that kind of pleasure every day?”
As much of a jerk as the guy was, you couldn’t help but love the taste of his seed. It tasted-no, felt potent. Like his concentrated essence had been distilled into his milky white. The slight saltiness, the raw musk. You almost lost yourself in the testosterone oozing from every drop.

You went to work quickly, as Ryan was still reeling from the experience. You began mashing and grinding his seed, the post-workout sweat now coating some of you, your own sweat, and the bit of saliva from earlier into a dangerous concoction. You loved the feeling. Integrating some of Ryan into you like added flavor. It wasn’t the first time you’ve stuffed a turkey, but Ryan was definitely on a league of his own. This was the first time you could finally get into someone like him, and even just the act of meshing the bit of his flavor into yourself was its own pleasure. You took a quick whiff. Heaven.
Ryan finally began to speak again, only managing to let out a “Bro-FUCK” as you completely destabilized into a meaty mass and shot up his other orifice. Ry thrashed as he gripped his ass in pain, slamming against his headboard multiple times as he tried in vain to fight, to leave… to do anything beyond succumbing to you. He hyperventilated as most of your mass was already inside, trying to fight the intense bloating sensation and the persistent need to gag you out. His legs curled and uncurled, kicking into his sheets as he huffed and grunted. You reasoned you may have miscalculated your current size, as from within you could tell, he was too full to even make any words. He cried as his body swallowed nearly every inch of you, passing out when the last bit of you sloshed in and his ass-cheeks puckered shut, sealing you inside. Deep in his flesh, you began to bore into any space that would let you, poking and prodding every inch of Ryan and spreading from his innards to the rest of him like a root.
The hard part was over. Ryan awoke, sore and groggy. Instinctively, he got up from his bed before he froze. That simple action made you moan on the spot, as the parts of you in between his muscle fibers were squeezed, and began squirming, squeezing some of Ryan in turn. Like a sponge, you felt those parts soak him up and vice versa. Ryan must have felt it as well, as he began to walk to the mirror carefully, taking care to move as little as possible. It must have felt violating, hearing your voice emanate from deep within his body, and feeling his limbs grow sluggish, as you felt Ryan moan back “please… please get out of me…”

Like a muscle within a muscle, you flexed, moving Ryan’s limbs against his will and positioning him to the mirror. His lips quivered as he began to smile, and his mouth opened while you spoke out from deep within him. “No can do Ry-“ You force his meaty arms to pat his bloated stomach- a move that forced another involuntary gag out of Ryan. The quick movement brought you pleasure, extracting and absorbing and blurring the lines between your two bodies. His head shook as his tearful eyes stared back, mouth opening again for your next message. “I bet you can feel how permanent this is”.

Ryan’s clumsy hands shook as they brought themselves up to his chest, rotating in circular motions as you took pleasure in spreading his gym-sweat all over his pecs. His eyes focused as he tried to wrangle control back of his bod,y neurons firing as he willed himself into a punch to his cheek. The pain sent you both reeling, and you decided to slip tendrils deeper, pulling on more of Ryan’s muscle fibers.
You also brought the parts of your flesh into his brain, slipping and twisting your folds into his. This particular action brought Ry’s hands involuntarily clutching the sides of his head in pain as he felt you penetrate into his own psyche, and wrap yourself in it. In an instant, all sings of struggle stopped and Ryan’s hands slung down to his side. Ocean blue eyes, shimmering with tears of the previous struggle blinked back, and a deranged smile painted his face. Like the eye of a vast hurricane, there was an eerie stillness to your perfected control. You stretch Ryan’s psyche over your face like a mask.

“Ry… bro… I told ya- no can do” Ryan felt his body state playfully. In speech, mannerisms, Ryan watched in horror as you perfectly mimicked him, save for the shadow of your satisfaction reflected his face. He felt himself stick his tongue out in tease, hands gently caressing each pec before smiling in a demented pleasure. His fingers circled each nipple, causing them to grow hard. In true defilement, Ryan felt his very mind betray him, as your thoughts wore his like a suit. “Ryan, bro… we’re one.” It was sickening feeling his own mind reflect your pleasure. Ryan felt his fingers pinch his hard nipples, laughing in euphoria.
Even from just breathing through him, you could tell this body was in top shape. You towered over the room like a giant, feeling power brimming over ever piece of his musclebound flesh. Ryan’s face pulls uncharacteristically into your smile, eyes fluttering up in pleasure as his meaty bicep is pulled up next to his nose. You stick your nose to his damp pits, reeking from his past workout. In your head, your hear him scream as you use Ryan’s nose to inhale his own scent. He continued wailing when he felt his own brain think out your words, and his own lips and vice gently grunt. “You smell so fucking good bro”.

And then, Ryan felt the unexpected. You remove your face from his psyche, pulling your some of tendrils back into the core of his body and Ryan felt some semblance of control of his body return. Like a true athlete, he immediately took advantage of the opening, firing his neurons, and using sheer musculature to wrestled you for control. You manage to retain only his mouth, opening it wide again to speak from inside him.“ I like it when you fight”. He hears you speak to him and his face shivers as you manage out a wink before he resumes control.
Ryan panted, collapsing again in exhaustion as you slept peacefully inside him, protected by his very flesh. At some point, you’ll have him take all his muscle and mind and wring you out like a sponge, squeezing and squeezing you into himself until you became every aspect of Ryan. And at some point, you might “Ryan” might find and stuff a new turkey. But, this new body was virile, and making him wrestle with his own stuffing for control was its own exquisite pleasure. For now, this stuffed turkey was perfect just the way he was.

- - -

Just a quick post-Thanksgiving bite.

I heard the door slam echo through the empty gym. The treadmill continued beside me with my proxy– now given the name Giovanni– padding away at a steady rhythm. The mental suggestions I had given him kept him focused on his cardio, oblivious to everything else.
Marty, the man from the exchange the night before, wandered into view. He looked at me, then to Giovanni.
“What you’re doing is wrong, you know,” he said to me, cocking a brow. “To him. He’s a person.”
I smiled and looked to the musclehead, jogging robotically. “Giovanni is a machine. A tool, for business. My tool.”
Gio turned off the treadmill and slowed to a stop. His expression remained slack.
Then he began to tremble as I took over. Every muscle spasming as control was ceded to me. He threw his head back in a loud howl as his eyes rolled back, then his head dropped forward.
Marty watched with a morbid fascination as Gio’s thick neck jolted, then slowly twisted his head toward him. An evil smile peeled away at his face. “See?” He boomed, bringing his hands to his eyes, “All mine.”
Marty turned from Gio to me. “And you’re in control right now?”
“Remotely,” I answered in my own voice. “I can tap in when I need to, borrowing his senses.”
Gio slipped off his hoodie and let his sweats drop to the floor revealing a red tank and a black pair of athletic shorts.
“And the coolest thing…” Gio grumbled, “Show him.”
I reached out to Marty and placed a hand on his arm. He cried out as Gio’s head jerked to the side. Gio began to moan softly.
“What’s wrong with him?” Gio asked. Marty looked shocked. His words came out of the bodybuilder’s mouth.
“Try him out,” I encouraged.
Marty’s eyes rolled back as he borrowed Gio’s vision. The massive man stumbled curiously to the mirror, face frozen in disbelief.
“I can feel everything,” Gio groaned, pulling at his tank-top and flexing his arms.

I pulled Marty after me as I crossed to Gio, possessed by the waiter and admiring himself. Placing an hand on his boulder of a bicep, I leaned in, taking in the musky cologne I had chosen for Giovanni. Then I kissed him softly on the neck. Gio looked at me with wide eyes. I caressed the fur on his square jaw, then took him into a deep kiss. I felt his cock stir against me leg. I let go of Marty’s arm and he came too. “Whoa!” He shouted. “That was…” ”Addictive, wasn’t it?” I asked with a smirk. ”What am I doing here?” Gio asked, suddenly conscious. I waved him lazily toward the heavy weights. He dutifully grabbed a set of dumbbells and let out a strained wail as he worked through a set of curls.

”Why do you need me again?” Marty asked. ”To put Gio through the paces,” I said. “He needs a little more conditioning for the illusion to be seamless. When I take over, no one should be able to tell the difference. He’s just been ‘handed off’, so that’s one thing out of the way.” Gio suddenly dropped the weights and sat down on a bench. His head began to shake violently as his eyes rolled upward.

My body dropped limply to the floor as Marty cried out.
“Don’t worry,” I said through Gio. “I’m fully inside of…” I motioned to the slab of beef I am currently wearing, “Him.”
Marty’s mouth dropped open, “So you’re…”
“100%,” I drawled. “But I do this rarely. The longer I’m in, the harder it is to leave and the harder he fights.”
I grabbed him by the hand. “Follow me.”
As we stepped out onto the upper deck, I examined his body once more.

Then dropped Gio’s shorts to the ground. Marty’s eyes lit up as he saw my beefy cock stand at attention.
“I’ve mastered a lot of things in this body, but I still need to get sex right.” I lifted my arms behind my head, delighting the sinewy bubbles that rose on arms.
Marty stared back at me, confused.

“What are you waiting for?! Suck.”

I watched him stride into the store and take off his sunglasses as he passed a rack of suits. He was suddenly unsure of himself. I had implanted the suggestion to be here at 3 pm, but nothing else.
While the clerk was distracted with another customer, I stopped pretending to browse and tuned into his stream of consciousness, willing him to let me take full control. His hands began to tremble as his hulking body grew rigid. He tipped his head back slightly as his eyes rolled up into his head.
I curled his lips into a smile. I was back.
Fiddling with his fine motor movements, he slide his sunglasses back on to hide the evidence of my entry. Try as I might, I’ve never been able to get the eyes right. Fortunately it’s also a fail-safe way to know I’m in control.
I modified the gate of his walk as he approached the salesman, copying the swagger of a hot straight guy at the gym I saw earlier. I wanted my proxy to embrace his power and cause a bit of confusion. When he approaches, you don’t know whether to run or beg him to fuck you.
Maybe both.
He reached into his pants and adjusted himself. I brought his fingers to his nose and borrowed his senses, smelling the odor of his dank, unwashed cock.
The salesman, watching him closely, stepped behind the register to hide his erection. “Can I help you, sir?”
I wanted to play with him.
My muscle-puppet slid a thick hand onto the salesman’s, resting on the counter. “I’m here to pick up an order,” he said, bringing his face uncomfortably close to the salesman. I felt the salesman’s nervous breath gust against his neck.
“Right away,” he said, breaking away quickly.

He took off his sunglasses as he shrugged the suit on in the dressing room. I examined the fit, thrilled with the ability to flex his ass as I cup it and worship the meaty bulges that threatened to tear the fabric.
Getting distracted, I glanced to make sure his eyes were still rolled back, signalling my ownership.
A perfect fit. The suit and the man.
I directed him into the bathroom and snapped a quick pic for the boss along with the text:

The sun started to dip as I a glare caught my binoculars. Borrowing his sight from across the street, I studied the cafe from the balcony. The product was safe and sound in the BMW parked on the street, and my contact - the server on the patio - just needed the keys for the exchange.

I had him straighten his suit, adjust the meaty cock nestled in his new jock strap and slide on his sunglasses. He shot a slight grin my direction as he left the patio.

He re-emerged on the street. I guided his legs while focusing on the way his glorious body fought against the suit. Borrowing his senses, I ran his hands along his body– feeling him up from the inside– as he crossed to the restaurant.

He settled in at a table as the server approached. The older man smiled and offered, “Would you like a menu, sir?”
”Just an americano, thanks,” I grumbled through the dapper beast. He dropped his sunglasses for a moment as he said the agreed-upon signal, “It’s cold for a Tuesday.”
The server’s face dropped as a busboy brought a steaming cup of coffee. “I didn’t know you would be using a new contact.” He looked around at the other patrons suspiciously. “Just tell me who you really are and we can deal directly.”
”The other one was compromised and this one is still a little…” I adjusted the collar that was wrapped tight around his thick, muscular neck. “Stiff.”

“Who are you… really?”
“Not important,” he bit off. I flexed one of his biceps under the jacket. A subtle rip was heard. I used his other massive arm to yank on the server’s tie, bringing his face close to my proxy’s. “What’s important is that you don’t make me angry. Especially in this body.”
He let go of the frightened server as he dug the BMW’s keys out of his pocket, dropping them on the table cloth with a plunk.
“Now the money,” I said steadily. “I want to enjoy my coffee. Well… enjoy him enjoying the coffee.”
I brought teacup to his face and felt the heat lick at his nostrils. Upon taking a sip, I tasted the flavors he was experiencing. I felt the comforting hot liquid shoot down my throat.
The server snatched the keys as he pulled out his phone. Shortly, my hunk’s phone buzzed.
1.5 million bitcoins have been dropped into an untraceable account.
As the server turned to walk away, I tugged at his apron. “I could actually use your help training him tomorrow. You up for it?”
“Will I meet the real you?” he asked skeptically.
“Yes, sir,” I responded, unbuttoning a couple of his buttons and flexing his pecs, giving the older server a little taste. “But after our training session, it will only be this guy that you care about.”
He looked at me questioningly. “What made you change your mind?”
“If you try to double-cross me, Marty,” I dropped his sunglasses once again and pointed to the rolled-back eyes of the possessed man, “You will be next.”
The server gulped as he ran back inside. I borrowed the vision of the hunk once more and shot a sexy wink to another woman on the patio, then showed off a bit, twitching his massive pecs under his shirt.
Source: @the-dapper-executive

And then I spotted him. The perfect candidate… thick and fearless, walking down the street while texting on his phone in dark sunglasses.
Whoever you are today is not what matters, my friend. What matters is who you will be tomorrow.
I focused on him intently, feeling his heartbeat alongside mine. His racing thoughts and emotions slowing to a halt. He dropped his head and his arms went limp. His phone clattered along the sidewalk. He was ready.

I thought hard about his next move. Each of my proxies took some getting used to. They moved in different ways, spoke in different ways and activated different muscles. It was fun to work out exactly who I wanted them to be like, but the most important thing is that they do my bidding and keep my identity safe.
Pulling his “strings” with my mind, he bent down stiffly to retrieve the phone and handed it to me. I quickly synced it with mine and posed him like a badass with fingerguns in the air. After snapping a quick photo, I sent it to the boss along with a text that read: OUR NEW RECRUIT.
A couple of women passed by and eyed him curiously. No doubt undressing him with their eyes. I tucked his hands in his pocket and had him lick his lips as he followed them with his gaze. His jeans started to tent as I pumped blood to his cock.

He grabbed the phone out of my hands and jogged towards them. Now was the first test. ”Hey ladies,” he said as I squeezed a gravelly baritone out of his lungs. I tugged the right corner of his mouth up into a flirty smirk. “I’ve got a bet with my friend over there.” They looked to me. I waved back with a smile.
“He says I’m getting fat. What do you think?” I focused on gripping his fingers, then rigidly tugged his shirt upward. They gasped in unison. Fortunately the women weren’t focused on his graceless movements, but on the god-like ripples along his torso and the thick steak-like chest with a tattoo peeking out underneath his white t-shirt.
“You’re not fat at all,” the blonde lady cooed.
“Not one bit,” said the brunette.
I had him step toward the blonde. She gazed up at her reflection in his sunglasses as he towered over her.
“You wanna touch them?” he asked cockily. “Go ahead.”
She bit her lip in hesitation, then timidly placed fingertips on his abs. A shiver visibly ran through her body. “Whoa…” she said, impressed. Her fingertips slid slowly down the jagged crevices of muscle until they touched the elastic band of his black Calvin Klein underwear.
“Don’t stop there,” he teased smoothly.
Her fingertips tucked into the band of his underwear. I focused on the feeling, broadcasting his senses onto me. I felt his breathing start to labor as his pulse rose, feeling him suck breath into his expansive lungs. His power and virility seemed to pulse through my body like a dual ache.
Her fingers curled around my shaft as as I felt her start to stroke. Her friend watched in silence, shocked and aroused. As the brunette stepped forward, I felt her fingers connect with his marble slab of a chest.
Leaning into the blonde’s ear he growled, “I’m going to fuck you both tonight, and I want my friend over there to watch.”
They nodded in agreement as he shot me a thumbs up.
Who says I have to be all work and no play?
This is going to be FUN.

It clearly does have a hold on me. After all, I always come back to the steam room so another one of my little black slug friend can slurp their way into my dick and use me like I'm a filled syringe. I will then lure some random dates from the club or from my social media to my apartment and I will fill those womb and throat of my unsuspecting lovers with hefty alien spunk, so of course I always burst inside of them to ensure maximum absorption. Those beautiful spunk-like slug will swell inside their body until it overtaken their entire organ and bodily system and rendered them to be nothing but a puppet to be controlled by the spunk. Guess that makes me practically their daddy? Well.....what do I know, I'm just a puppet for these slugs after all.

Informing his nerdy roommate that he's done with the workout for the day and left the sweaty tanktop on til dry for maximum soaking of the sweat. He will let the nerd inhale his gym clothing for the day before putting it in the laundry where he will not even use any detergent whatsoever and just rinse the sweaty rancid tanktop and shorts with water. He doesn't care if other people is annoyed with the way he smelled, as long as his roommate is happy, then he's happy and doing a good job. A reply comes from the nerd. It says
"It will make me even happier if you can call my Snapchat and give me a live show of you tugging that meat of yours inside your car and wet that sweaty shorts and tanktop with your seed before you drive back home,"
To which he simply smirk as he feels his cock hardened, ready to make his roommate happy.
"Next, go lower that shorts, bro, we need to see that cock getting hard,"

A jockstrap covered Walter's raging penis, and Lukas just smiled to the stoic jock. This dumb jock is going to be fucking confused when he found himself later in the middle of the night with no clothes on and his ass sore and sticky in the middle of the gym. But he'll probably keep it a secret as he feared the rumours that might come out of it, and that will make him even easier to be manipulated further by Lukas, who clearly harbored some intense hatred/jealousy to the dumb jock/bully.
Continuing the Dubai aliens story a bit after some additional inspo by the one and only @cleanstatevessels
The Prince
Story by cleanstatevessels with revision and add-on from me

The alien now in charge of the Prince's body smirk at the reflection of the very handsome, fresh-from-workout Prince looking back. It tried to get comfortable in its new vessel, making several silly and sexy expression interchangably, pushing the Prince's usually stoic and calm demeanor to be borderline unhinged and certainly not Prince-like. But again, he's the Prince now, not the biggest or the most important one in terms of influence among his half-siblings, yet it's not like plain commoner can tell him what to do. Certainly not his brain-fucked bodyguards too, as the whole security details and servants of the Prince in his residence already turned into empty husks that run on autopilot, empty but ready to be filled by any sludge that needed human bodies to ride on.
After inspecting the body's internal organ condition post-takeover, the sludge tried to get lodged in comfortably within the brain and wholly encapsulated it for full control. The movement caused the Prince's eyes rolled back from it socket as his mouth gaped in an unusual size as black sludge was seen coming out of his throat. It oozes out from his mouth like an oil flow and the alien's vision activated alongside the vision from its vessel's eyes, making the sludge able to see the world in a much-more enhanced view as it combined its vessel's vision and its own. The bird in the very far distance, the shade of colors only captured by the alien's eyes, the vision of the alien is better to capture things in the distance rather than close proximity so the takeover actually completed the vision. While doing all that, the muscle of the Prince's body tensed as the alien made the Prince flexed his arm to give access to the black sludge to reach his pits as the sludge lapped up all the leftover sweat from the Prince's workout. It seems like the movement of the sludge all over his body turned him on as the outline of the Prince's cock straining its brief and had a damp patch on the tip. But of course that was not the case since the Prince is nothing but an empty husk, it was all the alien doing after absorbing all the info from the Prince's mind about the things that turned him on, and the alien just simply enjoyed playing with its plaything, showcasing his control over its vessel. The black sludge eventually withdrew back to the Prince throat and his eyes went back to normal as his gaped mouth also closed. Then, he grinned deviously,
"Ahmed, Yahya, come in here. Your Prince needs some services from his brainless slave!"

Piotr the Firm Owner
After the hard-fought takeover eventually proven to be successful, Piotr resumed the realty business as usual.

It's never a hard day to find new client as Piotr's firm already well-known beforehand anyway, and with Sander, Mike and Andrei spreading the word to their friends, high-powered clientele always walked in and out of the door of the firm. Of course they don't convert everyone that walked in, but with the alien in control, they sharpened the type of client they provided their services for. In his first client after the takeover, Piotr met with discreet entrepreneur named Dusan Kovacevic.

The alien inside Piotr cannot find any information about Dusan, nor the search on the internet resulted in something that can explain how on Earth this person seemingly ready to pay 55 million USD in cash for this 3-level penthouse that has the entire 360 view of Dubai. But mid-way on the tour around the unit, Dusan's phone started ringing. As the built Serbian hunk excused himself to the balcony after saying some Russian words, the black sludge oozed out from Piotr's ear and started snooping to know what is he talking about with the caller. To get the best of both senses, the sludge dangled itself right on Piotr's ear in order for it to not only captured the conversation, but to also utilized Piotr's ability to speak Russian to translate the conversation. The phone call revealed to the alien that Dusan is a major arms dealer with the cover of working on fitness startup and crypto trading and that caused the little black sludge to be excited, which translated into Piotr's hardening cock as the alien mind already filled with plans to advance their effort for Earth's domination

It returned back inside Piotr's brain after satisfied with the intel despite Dusan seemingly continued his conversation. Then, the alien quickly split itself and merged its half into Piotr's saliva that then he spits on the glass of whiskey Dusan asked for earlier. With a smirk, he waited for the phone call to be finished and upon return, he casually offered Dusan with the tainted liquor. With no suspicion whatsoever, the arms dealer chugged the whiskey and not for long, the glass shattered to the floor as Dusan realized something's off. He tried to run for his life to the bathroom he saw earlier, trying to grav whatever is blocking his airway and seemingly filled his mouth too. Yet, his resistant proven to be futile as he slouched head first to the floor right in front of the bathroom. His body wriggled and convulsed wildly like he's being possessed by some demonic entities while Piotr watched in delight of his apparent success. The twisting, stretching and turning caused his tight-fitting shirt to be ripped apart and then soon after, the Louis Vuitton jacket followed suit, revealing tattooed body and sheen of sweat that showcased the internal battle the sludge faced from Dusan's body.
Several minutes later, and in a faster manner compared to the way Piotr's body taken over and recovered, Dusan already on his feet looking at Piotr with a mischievous grin. He looked at the destroyed fabric around him and let out a chuckle as he started to flex his muscle in delight. Piotr beamed with pride looking at his first successful acquisition, certainly the first out of many.
Not even 15 minutes after the whole handover process, as Piotr arrived in the apartment's parking lot, an Instagram story from Dusan's account already popped. Piotr smiled with delight looking at Dusan's immaculate form, is this a hookup call for the masses or something? Is he really going to work on his plan to get one new body every day to the cause literally from tonight? That guy seemed ready to rumble though

When Piotr finished with some paperwork of his own in the office and ready to hit home, a DM notification sent by Dusan entered his phone. A picture, followed by a caption that said
"Like moth to flames, everyone want a piece of this heat, not knowing it hurts them in the end of the day. Bet you can guess who is the moth here hahah,"

And then another ominous DM followed suit
"One down, more to go,"
Sander & Andrei + Mike
"Let me go! Fuck, I know there's something up with you two freaks! Ugghhhh get that shit away from me!" screamed the tied Mike as he tried to wriggle himself free while pushing away the cum-soaked socks that belonged to Andrei that Sander teased right in front of his flushed face. As Mike tried to push the socks away one more time, Sander instantly went violent and choked the handsome rich brat until his head hit the headboard behind him. Gagged and gasping for breath, Mike's opened mouth suddenly stuffed with the damp socks that Sander shoved violently that almost lead to Mike's jaw to be broken. Andrei then raised his voice in anger
"Oh shut up, when I'm inside him, he will be fucking fine anyway. It's not like he's being destroyed by cannonball or something, relax, he's still breathing,"
Sander then stared at the half-conscious Mike with eyes that clearly indicate something bad is about to happen.
"Yeah, you heard it right. I'm going to get inside you, making you just another dumb muscle puppet to control around. Your body will serve greater purpose rather than this vapid existence you currently have, so you should be thanking us,"
Mike frowned in his last few seconds, the image of a black sludge coming out of Sander's mouth and nose become the last vision he encountered before the world goes dark for him

Mike cracked his neck and jaw, opening it wide and closing it in quick succession as he tried to ensure that it's not broken or anything as he looked at the two "realtor" that taken him captive since a couple hours ago. His first word to them
"Fuck you,"
And the three of them just laughing loudly right after, with Mike directly standing up and proceed to hug his two brothers
"What a fine stud this guy is. You two have keen eye for the strong and delectable," he said as he then dropped his grey sweatpants to reveal a dangling 7 inches beer can of a meat
"What can we say? We are bunch of narcissist, so we know the standard of good body and good looks as we based it on ourselves. The brain's good?" asked Andrei as he gently grabbed the dick for quick inspection before he let it flop as he now focused his sight to Mike's face
"Perfect. A smooth talker, with killer looks too. Deadly duo for the humans near him. The wealth certainly put him into an even higher level of privileged brat. Such a blessed young man. Well, I am such a blessed young man," Mike said as he proudly flexed his biceps while his cock goes rock hard. A rather massive grower, as it reaches close to 10 inches when hard and that hardening dick casually grazed Sander's dress pants
Sander found the dick to be highly intriguing because not only it's uncut unlike what he and Andrei have, it's also curved slightly. But despite of the tempting thought to test that dick and see how different of a sensation it's going to be, Sander just coughed instead as he said
" much as we want to help you get acquainted with that body of yours, what we learn best is the fact that self-discovery is more fulfilling and can help accelerate the memory absorption, so here's the key of this unit and we'll let you have your fun. See you next week in our office for consolidation with the Prince, okay?"
Mike just said "hmmm" in understanding as he let the two realtors left him while he checks his own reflection in the wide bathroom mirror. He decided to wrap a towel around his waist, a vision he gained from absorbing the memories that belonged to Mike, and checks his reflection. Like an instinct, he fished out his phone from his pants right outside the bathroom and then posed for a selfie, just like the real Mike would do everytime he stumbled upon a new gorgeous mirror that can reflect his sculpted physique beautifully

The more memories of Mike it absorbed, the more aroused the alien become. When the memories of the countless volleys of load that Mike's massive cock shot into those tight holes and even faces and hands started to fill his mind, the alien couldn't help itself but mimicked the memories as it guided Mike's hands to tug his massive meaty pole. As it gets faster and faster, more and more memories poured into his mind and when it feels this impending pressure right on the tip of his cockhead ready to explode, he let out a massive roar as his body trembled violently with the release of what it could remember as the biggest load Mike ever shot in his life. It went on and on for 1 minutes straight before his body simply slumped back to the bathtub, panting for breath as the coagulating load started to sink and stick to his body. He let out a chuckle
"Guess I'm doing a better job than you ever did throughout your life, maybe you like me in control after all,"
Part 2: Know Myself Better
If 20-something people tend to found themselves on this headspace about the purpose of their life or trying to get to know what drives them or excites them, I find myself exploring about this newly-emerged power of mine.
For starter, this is not a one-way traffic. I can get myself out from the body I slipped myself into. But, the twist is that not only they become easier to slide back into, but they become this drone-like entity, subservient only to me and willing to do everything I asked them to. They can resume their life on autopilot, acting all normal and doing their routine like they used to despite me not controlling them from inside, but everytime I want to be in control, it's as simple as flick of the wrist. I found out about this as I slid myself in-and-out of Pras for the whole week after my takeover of his body.

I locked myself for most of the time in his room, exploring his body and basically doing the AB testing of my power through him. The first time I slid out from him, he just froze there buck-naked until he snapped out of his trance and then started to beg me to get back inside of him. A series of in-and-out later, I finally managed to calm him down when I was not inside of him as he also took the fact that I was not inside him pretty well, and that's when I moved further with my exploration.
Around my fifth days, I decided to invite one of the eager Grindr date of his to see whether I could subjugate more than one people at the same time.

A horny shirtless snap and several cheeky teasing lines, I have a rather fit dude on his way to my flat ready to fuck the shit out of me. Imagine my surprise when he mid-way texted that his boss suddenly called him and he's going to arrive a little bit later. My eyes wrnt wide when he then sent a video of himself

The thought of slipping inside that tight Polri clothing sent me rock hard. I pinched Pras nipple hard while making silly faces in the mirror as I spit at the otherwise clean mirror and smirk
"You are one horny slut, Pras. You are going to make me get inside that hunk and puppet his body, and here you are sporting a boner you himbo. Fuck, you really like it when I'm inside you, huh? You will like me even more when I shove his guns to your mouth while impaling your hole with his girthy cock, gonna fulfill that sick degrading fantasy of yours through him," and just like that, I spurted yet another fountain of cum to the sink and splattered some to the mirror. Pras really like word play, and I know what's going to drive him nuts after days getting used to his brain, so this is not difficult.

Mid-way of admiring the reflection in the mirror after another series of self-worship, someone knocked on the apartment door. I cannot hide my devilish smirk as I cupped Pras cock and welcomed the eager guest only in my brief. The cop, named Ihsan, cooed in excitement as he waltzed inside the apartment and take a good look of the place where he would ravaged my Pras form for the next couple of hours. He asked for some permission to hold everything down for 15 minutes as he wanted to notify HIS WIFE that he's going home very late so she might as well goes to sleep first. I boldly decided to entertain him by teasing to show my cock while dry humping my ass in the sofa across his, that eye clearly indicated lust and all the talk he gave her was sweet nothings as he started to unzip his pants while looking at me acting like a bitch in heat. When the call's finally over, he just smirked

"You seemed so excited and eager, slut. You wanted this thick cock so bad, don't you?" He said as he fished out his deliciously girthy 7 inchers out of that tight uniform pants of his. I quickly kneel to help him get rid of his boots, and not even 1 minute later, I was sucking on hus musty, sock-imprisoned toes like I didn't have food whatsoever in my system for the entire day!
The foot worship quickly escalated to worshipping his entire body and then, at last, the cock. The same with his socks, the dick smells crazy as it's been confined for more than 12 hours in that tight Polri pants of his. What he and I didn't expect is the idea that suddenly felt like unlocked in my brain, and right after he spewed his cum to paint my throat white with his creamy spunk, I also lodged the consciousness of myself through the small entrance of his piss slit. Spent, tingly yet also very much appreciative of the sensation that the bj received, he of course never predicted such entrance, heck he never even thought to get possessed ever. I found myself quickly in control of his body, my consciousness overriding his while Pras left dumb-founded with his stupid face looking pretty much fuckable. And that's what I did, facefucking him with this newly engorged cock of mine while Pras remained in that zoned-out state. After feeling pretty satisfied, I kicked him away and his body directly thudded to the floor, guess this is not the most sustainable way of possession if I want to control more than one body so I concentrated myself once more to get out from Ihsan's body. I coalesced with his saliva and grab a fistful of Pras hair. I opened Pras mouth with Ihsan's calloused fingers and then lodged out the consciousness-laden saliva to Pras, quickly resuming control of Pras form and brought it out of its zoned-out state. Then, noting that Ihsan was not yet back to his senses, I slipped myself out from Pras, this time my entire form, and quickly lunged into Ihsan's body. He failed to put up any resistance whatsoever as his body still reeled from my control, and as I tapped into his brain, I officially managed to acquire my second puppet. I cannot help but be a bit cocky, guess it's his persona rubbing off on me, so I sauntered myself to the mirror to check myself out.

Pras quickly followed suit, this time he's not zoned out like a fucking dumb zombie, and his eyes twinkled with delight as he wrapped his naked form around me
"You look so hot inside of him, Master. I wouldn't mind serving and getting fucked 24/7 by an influential police Brigadier, to be honest,"
"Ck, thanks for the loyalty, but this body can definitely gets way better hook up than you. But I'll make sure to involve you in the next few plans ahead, we haven't talked to some of your hot friends,"
"Oh, that can easily be arranged. I think you should also bring up some of your police friends over here, fuck them silly and take them over. Imagine a whole Polres or even Polda filled with brain-fucked puppet of yours, must be such a delight to watch,"
"Love that you are one sick fuck like me, because that's exactly another part of my plan. But let's see how I can do that plan much more efficiently, I believe this is not the final stretch of my power. I feel like the stronger physique I acquired, the stronger my power is,"
As you feel the creeping ice-cold sensation inching closer to reach your brain, your mind wandered to various moment of your life. The celebration of your promotion with your coworkers and boss

The last leave you took and the quality time you have with your niece and nephews

The moment when he laid his eyes on you for the first time, just a couple hours ago.

You tried to go home after a tiring day at work in the Ministry of Defense. You luckily got a seat inside your train ride, but then this guy suddenly stood right in front of you and practically towered over you with his intense look and inviting sleeveless tank. You have no idea at that time, but he already decided that you are his next target, and as you stepped down from the train, he followed you like a stalker, all your steps matched by him as he headed to the toilet following your lead. That was when you should have rejected his advance, but the way his pit seemingly so smooth yet so tasty at that time made you weak, and he got you hooked to him within no time.
That leads you to this predicament, as you're about to lose control over your body for good to an invading extraterrestial forces that possessed a very sexy human being that is currently pumping you full of his man meat. You should've been more cautious, but it's not like the alien played fair with the intense pheremone it produced that made you weak in the knees and couldn't think rationally, you literally dove your head straight to sniff his pits in a public bathroom.
As your eyes went back to normal and the coldness overtake you, he slides his dick out and with ease, you push him away. But it's not you who push him away, it's something else in you that makes the movement.
"Well, thank God I don't have to stay as you, dum-dum. Fuck, this guy is like.....multiple times brighter than you LOL,"
The muscular guy can only looked at you with a rather flat expression. The confidence, the dominance, the deviousness, all seemingly drained out from his system. It's like he's just a muscular shell of its former self while all of those trait transplanted into you. Then, he said,
"Happy to help, Master,"
"Yeah, glad you're big enough to hold this dude down. He's also quite fit himself, you know? Lucky you stink and his mind is fried. You'll be helpful for another takeover if it's ever necessary. Pleased with this one though,"

"Your happiness is my pleasure, Master,"
"Well, if that's the case---" The Master grabbed a fistful of his loyal obedient puppet's hair and then forced him to kneel, "suck on my pecs and tell me what you think of it?"

After a very demanding workout session and having several hours to spend before his date, Dean decided to slide into his Instagram and treated his close friends with some personal Q&A sesh

But, all the close friend and Dean himself are not necessarily of this world, to put it simply. Hence, the question that started to pile up might not sound like a series of question that you would ask in a normal human conversation
"How can you end up in his body? What's the trick? My host is a decent-sized jock and the battle to gain control over his body was crazy tough, cannot imagine yours,"

I just followed the manual, you know. Caught them off-guard and ensure that they are tired. He fell asleep inside this personal sauna after a grueling workout. Add the fact that he was cutting to prep himself for a bodybuilding competition, well, that's a cocktail for success to tame a beastly jock this size
"Is the sexual stamina better compared to your previous host, noting the size differences 😜😜"
LOL, sorry for the disappointment back then, Gustavo. There's not a lot of people that can withstand your sexual prowess anyway, but I'm definitely the top if we are ever hooking up again
"How do you handle the first 24 hours? The crash after all his memory become accessible must've been out of this world!"
Messed my bed like a baby, but it's cum and sweat instead of piss HAHAH. Yeah, crazy shit, dude is a horny, power-hungry muscle beast
"So, have you converted his significant others? Or do you plan to just mindfuck them later so they will be working as indentured labor?"
Nope, not yet. He lived on his own anyway so we gotta wait for the 4th of July break for it to happen. But the girlfriend already fell though, bitch never stood a chance once I plugged her throat with this monster, she was a sobbing flailing mess when mini-mes swarmed her throat and entire body. Now I told her to help out on slowly infecting my friends. Gotta do it subtly though, no reason actually, just love to play with those oblivious human
"Favorite thing to do as human, aside from sex obviously,"
To be honest, partying. It's just so nice being a 6'6", 225 lbs mass of a presence in a dark, packed club or even festival grounds with great music. I always have party or at least a night out inside my calendar for most of the week, such a blast. And of course, sex also involved to really spice things up, but honestly I don't mind if there's any sex or not as long as the party is lit

And Dean keep on answering all sort of other questions, thinking that his identity as a converted alien puppet remain hidden due to the close friends feature. But his little brother, a 21 years old sophomore living 300 miles away from him, took screenshot of every single close friend stories that Dean made, his mind distraught by the fact that his older brother practically no longer exist but his dick chubbed up to the point of leaking pre as his wildest sexual kink manifested in real time and happened to someone he personally knows.

So, like any horny 21 years old, he decided to rub one out while letting his brother stories played in loop. Should he confront Dean about all of this? Or will that risk him turned into a puppet too?
Serving The Alien And Its Puppets — Part 1
I was kneeling between my older stepbrother's legs, looking up at him as he smoked. My plan didn't work out as expected.

He looked as intimidating as ever, but this time it wasn't my obnoxious older stepbrother behind those hating eyes. Instead, a small alien slime had taken over, consumed his brain, and replaced it with its gooey form.
My stepbrother had always been a homophobic asshole, and for that, I despised him deeply. Yet, in a twist of cruel irony, he was also one of the most hottest men I had ever known. I loved watching him from the window of my room, working out in the backyard until his body was glistening with sweat. I knew it wasn't safe to spy on him like that.
But I wasn’t safe with the alien slime either. Fear gnawed at me as I realized I might suffer the same fate as my dumb stepbrother. Yes, I might have helped the purple gooey creature enter his body, I did it believing it would be grateful and let me have fun with his body. But now, I feared my plan had turned against me.
My stepbrother was way bigger and stronger than me, so when he ordered me to kneel, I just obeyed. He looked down at me, thinking about what he should do to me.
"I should take you over too, It's too risky to let a human know about my existence," He took a puff and blew out the smoke. "but you helped me get inside this human after all."
"I-I promise I won't tell anyone about you, I just wanted to have my way with him, that's all!"
"You helped an alien slime replace your stepbrother's brain just so you could have a taste of him, gay boy?" He asked, lowering his underwear and freeing my stepbrother's thick flaccid shaft.

I eagerly nodded, there was nothing I wanted more than to taste my stepbrother's cock. He playfully slapped the heavy shaft on my face as he had an evil grin on his face, a grin that I was very familiar with. "I guess having a human with an intact brain as a slave could be fun." He grunted as he smacked it hard on my cheeks, but when I tried to lick it, he pushed it away.
"Nah-uh you have to earn it first, gay boy. The takeover left this shell quite sweaty, so if you lick the sweat off him, I might let you suck him." He promised.
Still on my knees, I started to lick the sweat off his abs and pecs, his big muscular pecs felt soft against my tongue. I sucked on his nipples as his right arm rested on top of the couch and he smoked with the other. "I will give you two options, gay boy. You can either be my obedient slave and help me spread my control over your kind, or you can become like your stepbrother, an empty husk of a man with a head full of alien slime."
I nodded and smiled at him, "I will gladly serve as your human slave."
"Great." He grunted, and then he coughed a small purple slime on his hand, just like the one I helped get inside him, but smaller.
"Take it and prove your loyalty to me, your stepdad is in the shower."
My stepdad was a strikingly muscular man with a sexy hairy body. He was kind to me, but he never intervened when his son bullied me. Part of me thinks he deserves this, but it's not like I have a choice—it's either this or have my brain devoured.
I grabbed the purple goo and headed towards the bathroom door. I could still hear the shower running, I slowly opened the door and walked inside the bathroom, the curtains were closed so my stepdad didn't see me entering. When I was close enough, I threw the purple slime over the curtain.
"What the-" I heard my stepdad say, but his voice was soon cut off and he started to grunt. I couldn't see what was going on behind the curtain, but it looked like my dad was fighting it. Suddenly everything went quiet. The shower turned off and the curtain was pushed open, revealing my stepdad wearing a towel.

"D-dad?" I asked, my eyes on his muscular hairy body, he looked so hot.
"Not your dad anymore, call me Master Daddy from now on, my human slave!"
He suddenly dropped the towel and I gasped when I saw how big he was. I had never seen him naked before.
"Kneel and show me some respect, slave." He grunted. I dropped to my knees and took his entire shaft into my mouth, he fucked my face as I caressed his meaty hairy pecs. He then pulled me up by my hair and forced his big tongue deep inside my mouth, it felt so good, I loved how strong his tongue felt. While we kissed I groped his pecs and pinched his nipples, he let out a deep sexy moan while still making out, so it looked like my stepdad had sensitive nipples, I thought.
We walked back to the living room to my possessed stepbrother, now Master. "Good job, my human slave. You have proven yourself worthy of my trust."
That day my stepdad fucked me while I sucked my stepbrother. I was their slave now, and the alien made sure that I would get busy with his puppets.
The alien thrived on consuming brains daily, so it never ceased creating new empty puppets. Every day, he would send me outside with a small copy of his body so I could find a man for him to feed. That was my job as his slave, to help him feed and spread his control over humanity, and I couldn't ask for a better job.
Mr. Rossi was my hot Italian Daddy neighbor. I had been fantasizing about him for years, ever since we moved into this quiet neighborhood. He was the perfect example of a hot, protective, and loving dad figure, I grew up seeing how caring he was to his two sons, his sons lived on their own now. So when my Alien Master sent me to find him food, I knew Mr. Rossi would be perfect.
I knocked on his door and waited, I had in my hand a small part of the alien. It wasn’t the creature’s main form, just a copy of it that was connected to the original alien inhabiting my older brother, once the copy consumed Mr. Rossi’s brain, the main alien would also feel satiated, like a hive mind. The alien hadn’t explained the exact mechanics to me, so that was all I knew.
Mr. Rossi opened the door and gave me a warm smile. "Hey Eric, Is everything ok?" He kindly asked. I didn't respond, and just threw the slime on his face.
I was soon inside his house, staring at the hot hairy Italian Dilf in front of me. The alien slime had already replaced his brain.

"Come here, my human slave," he purred. His voice was still Mr. Rossi's, but it was deeper and more commanding. I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine as I walked to him and we started to make out, I then buried my face between his big pecs while I cupped and squeezed them, Mr. Rossi just stood there, letting me have my way with his pecs.
I always fantasized about Mr. Rossi and his pecs, and now I finally had them for myself, thanks to my alien Master.
Mr. Rossi then reached out and gently stroked my cheek, his rough hands leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You've wanted this for so long, haven't you?" he whispered, pushing his finger inside my mouth and leaning in close enough that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear. "You've wanted Daddy Rossi to take care of you, to make you feel safe and loved because your stepdad was a piece of shit who let your stepbrother bully you." He then playfully slapped my face. "Too bad that's not gonna happen. I'm gonna destroy your hole with this puppet's cock! I'm going to teach you a lesson for being so naughty." He lifted me into his strong arms and walked to his room.
He then threw me on his bed and pulled down his shorts. "Get on all fours, now." He commanded.
I didn't hesitate, obeying his command as if I'd been waiting for it my entire life. I got down on the bed on all fours, presenting my ass to him. The hairs on Mr. Rossi's chest tickled my back as I felt his hot breath against my ear. "You're so fucking tight," he growled, his big manly hands taking hold of my waist before he finally thrust his huge cock inside.
He began to fuck me hard and fast, driving his length deep into my body with each stroke. I arched my back, moaning in ecstasy as the alien inside him made the nice neighborhood dad act like a gay depraved dom.
"Yes, Daddy," I moaned, feeling his thick cock stretch me impossibly wide. "Fuck me. Own me. Make me yours."
When I felt Mr. Rossi's load fill my ass, we lay there, panting heavily, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The slime had given me everything I ever wanted. I looked at a portrait picture on the side of the bed, in the old pic, Mr. Rossi was fishing with two sons.
"Why don't you call your sons to come over? Say It's an urgency." I suggested.
Later that day, while I was on my knees sucking Mr. Rossi's cock, we heard a knock on the door. Mr. Rossi smirked at me and coughed two purple slimes on his hands. "Go open the door," He ordered.
When I opened the door, I saw two hot men, they both looked just as hot as their dad. I couldn't wait to have them as the Alien's puppets.
"Who are you? Where is our dad?" One of them asked, pushing me out of the way.
"Dad? We're here, are you ok?" The other asked.
Mr. Rossi grinned at his sons as he was standing naked with purple slime on each of his hands. I closed the door...
Later that day I was in Mr. Rossi's room, looking at the two hot Italian brothers in only their underwear.

"What are you waiting for?" they both said in unison, it would be creepy if they weren't so freaking hot.
I dropped to my knees and started taking turns between the two huge Italian cocks. After a while, I was being spit-roasted by the two hung brothers. Mr. Rossi walked inside the room while I was still being filled on both ends, his huge shaft swinging with each step.
"You did good today, gay boy. Your Master is very satiated, you got him three meals." Mr. Rossi and his two sons said in unison. "He will allow you to pick one puppet to dominate."
I was surprised, I already helped the Alien Master convert a lot of men, but this would be the first time he would let me top one of his puppets.
I stood up and looked at the three puppets for a while, "I want Mr. Rossi," I said.
Mr. Rossi lay on the bed with his legs up, his huge hairy ass on full display, I kneeled behind him and playfully slapped it, watching it jingle. I then grabbed each cheek and shoved my shaft inside in one thrust, fucking him roughly as I buried my face between his pecs.
"Why don't you two feed your cocks to our Daddy slut?" I asked the brothers. They obeyed and kneeled on each side of Mr. Rossi, who started to take turns sucking them both. As I fucked Mr. Rossi, I watched his big pecs bounce with each hard thrust, then I got an idea.
"Boys, Daddy's tits are begging for a sucking, don't you think?" I suggested, with a wicked smile on my face.
They both lay next to their dad and started sucking on each nipple. It was such a hot sight, seeing two grown men with wives and kids sucking on their dad's tits.
That afternoon, me and the two brothers took turns on Mr. Rossi's ass, I came so much that I passed out. By the alien Master's orders, Mr. Rossi took me in his strong arms and brought me home.
After the Rossi family became puppets for the alien Master, I suggested the alien to go for my boss, Mr. Wahid.
Mr. Wahid was a rich, muscular, Arabic hunk who had always captured my heart, he was rude and intimidating, and treated the staff like his slaves, but the few moments I had near him, would always had me staring at his muscles and having gay fantasies about him.
The next day while I was at work, Mr. Wahid called me to his office. He was busy on the phone and without even looking at me, he ordered me to get him a coffee. It was as if I was nothing to him.

It was the perfect opportunity for my plan. I had brought a small fragment of the slime to work. So I went to make his coffee, but before entering his office, I slipped the slime into the cup. As I walked in, Mr. Wahid didn't even glance up or thank me; he just grabbed the coffee and continued talking on the phone, completely ignoring my presence. All it took was a sip, and his phone dropped to the floor as his eyes rolled back and his muscles tensed. I had a hard on as I closed the door with me inside, a few seconds later he glanced at me with an Intimidating look.
"Come get my phone off the floor, slave!" I grabbed his phone and gave it to him, he then ordered me to get on my knees under the table and suck him off. I smirked as I undid his pants and fished out his thick member. Soon I was slobbering on my boss's shaft, he was so huge and thick that barely fitted my mouth, and he also had a strong smell as if he hadn't washed his junk for the entire day.
He smacked his heavy shaft on my tongue as he continued talking on the phone in Arabic, I ran my tongue on his heavy hanging balls and soon he was coating my face with his Arabic milk.
Mr. Wahid would be just the first one in the company to become an alien puppet, I had a lot of subjects in mind. Mr. Wahid ended the call and looked down at me—my face still buried in his musky balls while cum covered my face.
"We are closing a deal with an Arab prince. He's about to arrive for the meeting and I want you to welcome him. Now take your dirty mouth off my balls and go do your fucking job!"
Honestly, the alien possessed Mr. Wahid wasn't much different from the old one. A few hours later I was waiting in the parking lot for the Arab prince to arrive. I saw an expensive car park in front of me, when the door opened, my heart started racing. Inside the car was the hottest Middle Eastern man I'd ever seen.

Fortunately for me, but not so much for him, I had an extra slime in my pocket.
Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"I will be waiting inside the car," The Arab prince said. He was now just a puppet for the Alien Master, his pretty head was filled inside with alien slime.
The Alien Master liked the Arab Prince so much that he switched his original form from my stepbrother's body to the Prince. My job today was simple and easy, all I had to do was help put some alien slime inside my hot coworkers... Of course, I'm being ironic, I was very nervous about the whole thing.
The company I worked for was mostly made up of Middle Eastern men and all of them were very hot. I was one of the few with European descent, and it was torture for a gay guy like me to work with such fine specimens.
Typically, the Alien needs to assimilate a brain per day, sometimes two. However, today he expressed his desire to assimilate every person at my workplace. I was perplexed and attempted to ask him why, but he just told me to be quiet and do as I was told.
I was very excited but also a little nervous. Once inside the building, I spotted my first victim, Ibrahim, the receptionist, sitting on a chair distracted by his phone, not even noticing me walk in.

Ibrahim worked at the front desk, he was a tall, muscular guy with a grumpy personality. All I knew about him was that he was a ladies man, and he wouldn't stop talking about pussy. I smiled to myself, he would be perfect.
I slowly walked to his desk and put a purple slime on his table, Ibrahim looked at the purple blob, and before he could say anything the slime leaped onto his face, squirming its way into his nostrils and burrowing towards his brain. He let out a deep, guttural grunt, his eyes rolling back as violent convulsions overtook his body. His muscular arms hung limply by his sides, his head drooping backward. That moment, I knew the transformation had begun—the slime was already feeding, replacing Ibrahim's brain with something new, something better.
Ibrahim then looked at me, with the same lust that every puppet would always give me. "Come here boy, you're going to get what you deserve!" He said, his voice now husky and deep, he pushed me down on my knees and unzipped his pants, freeing his huge, hard cock. "Suck on it while I talk with my date for tonight!" He ordered. "I usually would never let a fag like you have a taste of my cock, but you are my Master's human slave and your job is to serve his puppets!"
I started sucking as he kept thrusting his hips forward, I took his entire cock into my mouth, sucking and licking it as best as I could. He moaned loudly, his hips bucking against my face as he fucked my mouth, his eyes were on the phone all the timeand. He quickly came down my throat. "Drink it all, human."
"What the fuck is happening here?" Mr. Tarek, our supervisor asked as he walked into the room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me with my face buried in Ibrahim's crotch.
Ibrahim quickly coughed one purple slime and threw it on the floor, the small slime quickly crawled and disappeared under Mr. Tarek's pants. Mr. Tarek groaned as the slime forced its way inside his ass, seconds later Mr. Tarek was also a puppet for the alien.
"Come here human slave, you're going to be our slut now," Mr. Tarek ordered. I stood up and walked to him, he pulled me for a sloppy kiss, while I unbuttoned his shirt.

Mr. Tarek was such a hot Daddy, I always wondered what he looked like under his clothes, especially his huge pecs, now I not only knew how I could feel too. I ran my hands on his meaty pecs and started to suck on his nipples as he moaned. "That's a good slave, suck on Daddy's tits," He moaned, and I did as I was told.
I lost myself in those pecs until I felt Mr. Tarek's hand pull me away by the back of my hair. "That's enough, you still have others to help convert into our Master's puppets." He then coughed another slime and handed it to me.
He was right, the Alien Master was waiting for me outside, I could play with these puppets later, it was time to move on to the next victim. I knew exactly who was going to be next, walking inside the other room I spotted the young intern, Khalid. I felt a little guilty, Khalid seemed like a nice guy, but after seeing the bulge in his pants it passed away.
He was sitting at his desk when he noticed me and welcomed me with a warm smile. "Hey Eric, can I help you with something?" he asked.

I stepped closer, my heart racing as I approached him with a blob of purple slime moving on my hand, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "What the hell is that?" He stuttered, standing up and moving away from me.
I didn't respond, after all, what could I say? "Hey, Khalid? Would you let me put this goo inside your head so it can feed on your brain and replace it with a slime?"
So I just threw the slime toward him, but I failed when he protected his face with his hands, making the slime fall to the floor. He then ran to the door, he was about to walk out, but he bumped right into Mr. Tarek's large pecs.
"Mr. Tarek, you need to help me! Eric has with him some weird creature!"
But Mr. Tarek looked completely blank and unresponsive as he blocked the door with his body.
"Mr Tarek?" Khalid asked. He was starting to question why the supervisor was with his shirt open, and was that saliva on his nipples? but before he could react, Mr. Tarek grabbed Khalid by his chin and forced a kiss, Khalid tried to fight but Mr. Tarek was stronger.
I could see some purple slime being passed from Mr. Tarek's mouth and into Khalid's, the intern's eyes went wide in shock, and then his body went limp as the alien slime started to take over his body.
Mr. Tarek then whispered into his ear, "Welcome to the family, Khalid." with that, Khalid nodded and gave me an eerie smile.
"Take off your pants and bend over my desk, now!" Khalid said with a commanding tone, but his voice was the same, it was terrifyingly sexy. I felt my face flush red, seeing innocent Khalid acting in such a dominant way made me very hard.
As I bent over the desk, I soon felt Khalid's hands on my ass, ripping my underwear and spreading my cheeks as he buried his face and started to eat my ass. I was in heaven until I felt a hard slap on my ass.
I looked behind me and saw Ibrahim, Mr. Tarek, and Khalid, all standing together behind me without their pants and with their hard dicks pointing at me. Suddenly they all started to speak in unison.
"The Alien Master is angry that you almost let one of his puppets run away, he wants us to punish you!"
The three of them took turns, one fucking me hard while the others watched and stroked themselves.
Ibrahim was first, his thick cock pushing into me without any mercy. I moaned loudly, feeling him fill me up and stretch me wide open. He fucked me hard and fast, his grunts and groans echoing through the room. Mr. Tarek was next, his cock was even larger than Ibrahim's, and he was not gentle either. He grabbed my hips and pounded into me, making the desk shake beneath us, pens, papers, and a mug, all fell to the floor. Lastly, Khalid, his cock was thicker than the others and he took his time, savoring the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me.
The Alien Master, watching through their eyes, was enjoying the show. His slime was pulsing inside each one of them, making their cocks even harder and their strokes more aggressive. When the three finished inside me, I stood up with three loads leaking from my ass and smirked at them.
"There's still plenty of puppets to make, give me one more copy," I said.
But the three just laughed at me and spoke in unison. "Master don't want you to help him anymore! We will do the takeover from here, you will just watch."
I sighed. It seemed that I had really angered the Alien Master, and now I feared for the future of my brain. I nodded and followed them to the next office. I watched as they forced a kiss on the other men, and within seconds, those men would be under the alien's control, forcing a kiss on other workers. They moved swiftly and efficiently, and before I knew it, the entire floor was filled with puppets.
There was Amir, a muscular Daddy fitness enthusiast, who worked as the manager. He was so huge that it took both Ibrahim and Mr. Tarek to hold him while Khalid infected him with the slime.

Amir was known around the office for his stern demeanor and unwillingness to be dominated by anyone. Now, under the alien's control, he was leading a group of his fellow converted colleagues toward the next department.
Then, there was also Karim, the office gossip, he spread a rumor once about me ogling the men's bulges, now his mouth was used to spread the alien's slime rather than rumors.

I was kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as some commotion was going on in the background.
"You like staring at our bulges huh? You're such a perverted human," He said as he shoved my face into his bulge, his hard cock pressing against my face. "If you like staring at men's bulges so much, then here it is!" I couldn't help but feel a bit of spiteful satisfaction as I started to lick the bulge in his pants, feeling it pulse and throb in my tongue.
"There you are!" Amir called from behind, yanking me up by the shirt collar. "Omar wants to have a word with you!"
"Can you carry me in your arms? My ass is really sore." I asked, trying to give him my best puppy eyes. Amir took me in his huge strong arms as if I was made of paper, as he carried me to Omar's office, I caressed his pecs.
Then there was finally Omar, the office heartthrob and the executive assistant. Whose hot body was now a vessel for the alien slime. Amir put me down on my knees as I looked up at Omar sitting on his chair, he was holding a mug.

"They put some slime copies on the coffee machine; I have to admit, that's pretty clever," Omar said as he stood up, loosened his tie, and approached me with a hungry look. I knew what was coming next.

"You've been a naughty human, Eric," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Our Master thinks you need a more thorough lesson in obedience."
The other puppets walked into the room forming a circle around me, Omar pushed me to my knees and ordered me to unbuckle his belt and blow him. His cock grew before my eyes, the slime making it swell and pulse with an otherworldly need. I couldn't resist the urge to touch it, to feel the power of the alien through this beautiful vessel of a man. He groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, stroking it gently before taking it into my mouth. The puppets gathered around us, their eyes gleaming with lust as they watched me service Omar.
Omar let out a primal roar, tearing open his dress shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted, hairy chest. One by one, the others followed his lead, ripping their shirts apart with a savage fervor, there was no humanity left in them. It was like watching a scene from a twisted sci-fi porn, where the alien's insatiable hunger was not just for brains, but for power and sexual control.
They were all jerking off around me and soon they came at the same time, all over me. I was a mess, covered in the cum of 32 men, but I didn't care. I felt like I was part of something big, something powerful.
I felt like a slut in a sea of hot, alien-controlled men, and I couldn't help but love every second of it.
After hours of servicing those men, I walked out of the building, feeling used but oddly satisfied. I couldn't believe I just helped turn all my coworkers into brainless hosts. The copies filling their heads don't need to feed like the original Alien inside the Arab prince, so they would go back to their old lives as normal, the slimes would act just like them, only I would know what was inside their heads.
I stepped inside the car where my Alien Master was waiting.

"I'm fed and satiated for now, you almost did a good job, my human slave," he said, his voice still deep and commanding.
"Thank you-"
"I said 'almost', you almost let one of those humans run away, he would have if it wasn't for one of my puppets. That's what I get for trusting a human."
"I helped you turn my stepbrother and stepdad into your dumb puppets! What else do I need to do so you can finally trust me?" I said. But when I looked at the prince's face, I immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry Master, I promise-"
"Quiet," he cut me off. "You will be punished for that later, now give this puppet a blowjob while I drive us to his hotel!"
I took the Arab Prince's cock into my mouth as he drove off. Once at the hotel, I decided to take a shower, I needed a good shower to take the sweat and cum from the day's events off my body.
I walked out naked of the bathroom, there was no reason for modesty anymore. I saw the prince smoking on the balcony, looking over the city lights, he then turned to look at me.

"Sorry for being too harsh on you today, my human." He said, blowing out some smoke.
I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or being sincere, but I didn't dare to question it. "I've been thinking, you have been a great companion to me, I never thought I would ever let a human with an intact brain for so long, I hope you realize how special that makes you."
I was speechless, it was the first time the Alien Master was being kind to me.
"Thank you, Master," I murmured,
The Prince then sat on the bed, his cock already hard again, he looked at me with hunger in his eyes.
"Come here, my sweet human," he ordered, and I knew I had to obey. He grabbed me by the waist and gently pushed me onto the bed, spreading my legs and climbing on top of me.
His huge cock slid into me easily, and he started to fuck me with a slow, deliberate rhythm that made me moan.
This was different from the other times. The Arab Prince, or rather the Alien Master, was not as rough. His movements were tender, almost loving, and his eyes bore into mine as he whispered how much of a good human pet I was.
As he thrusted, he was pinning my hands above me on the bed as he kissed my neck. Once we came, The Alien Master cuddled me in the prince's muscular arms, his cock still hard inside me. It was the closest thing to affection I had ever felt.
"Who do you think should be the next puppet?" He asked.
"I'm thinking of Mr. Wahid's son? he's a hot arrogant hunk, just like his dad."
Suddenly the prince's eyes became completely purple, scaring me for a second, it was the first time I was seeing it.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm accessing the copy inside Mr. Wahid's mind right now," Right, sometimes I forget that the Alien can have access to all his puppet's memories at any moment. The prince's eyes went back to normal.
"It looks like his son is traveling for a business trip, but he will be back tomorrow morning, It'll be the perfect opportunity."
"I agree, Master."
"Then you should get some sleep; we're heading to the airport in the morning."

The police would be in my front door if I'm not a white, straight, Bible-thumping, masculine American men with the way I have this many guns in my stash. But ever since I abandoned my Venezuelan look and slipped inside the local gym owner Drake Hawthorne, the police, the shop owner or any sort of registry never even bother to check my licenses whatsoever and left me to purchase all these guns left and right as if this is just some toy gun or something. Talk about white privilege doubled with Hawthorne's status as a war hero, this guy is legitimately making all those so-called masculine patriot creaming in their pants listening to his stories with the way he really fitted to the idealized masculine trope of modern American men. Me? Well, as I said, I'm just a Venezuelan dirtbag using this white papi as tools to do my hobby, after all, the way my life was really threatened by the regime spies and proponent until I hid inside Drake, that was the reason why I started collecting guns as a way to protect myself and somehow, I simply can't stop.
Hmmmm....with all these guns, maybe I can even have my own set of bodyguards? I can just stuff some of the people that I can trust into Hawthorne's inner circle and we can back each other up. Damn....why I never thought of such brilliant plan?
Walking back to your house, in the middle of the night, after you got your heart broken, and wailing like a child is not what I had in mind when I set out for the night. I thought I was finally getting lucky, that it was the day for the bullied highschool gay kid to be loved and appreciated for being in my own skin, but no. Turns out, Patrick and his fellow football jocks made a bet on how quickly he can make me confess my love for him. Patrick asked me out on a date and my gullible ass was just over the moon that my highschool crush finally noticed me.
As I walked my sobbing mess of myself across the road, I looked up at the starry night sky and prayed. Prayed that someday, I won't be as stupid and naive as I am today. That somehow, I can change myself to be able to just say what I want in any situation I am in and be rid of all the overthinking and anxiety that I had in my head. I looked up to the stars and prayed for an out from being pathetic and simple-minded. I waited for a couple of seconds, expecting something, anything that can be considered as a response to my plea, but nothing happened. I laugh as I continue bawling my eyes out. That was the last thing I remember before I felt something struck my head and passed out.
As I came to, I was greeted by a panicking nurse. She immediately ran out of the room as I looked around and found myself stuck in a hospital with multiple cables and hoses stuck into my body. I tried to move but I feel so weak to even lift a finger. All I can feel is this weird rumbling feeling in my stomach and the familiar sensation of a morning wood. I let out a sigh as close my eyes and try to remember what happened that led me in this hospital bed. My name is Avery, 15 years old, gay, and I was punked by a couple of football jocks. I want to cry again from remembering but I'm just too tired and my stomach is rumbling like crazy.
After a few minutes, a doctor and the nurse come into my room and proceed to check on how I feel at the moment. The nurse starts removing the life support connected to me and it feels like shit. I always wonder what deep throating feels like but not like this. As soon as she's done yanking out all the cables and tubes from my body, she hurriedly left my room, leaving the doctor standing beside me. I look up to him and he's quite handsome.

"So, Avery, again I'm Dr. Hernandez. Just to clear you out on some details, I am required to inform you about some news so I suggest you brace yourself for this." He says with a serious tone. "Can you tell me what year it is?"
"It's 2013, I'm a sophomore in Milton High." I sit up on my bed as I try to brace myself for news despite the intense rumbling in my stomach.
"Unfortunately, you were found unconscious on the road one morning and that was ten years ago. You've been asleep ever since." Dr. Hernandez explains to me as slowly as he can.
"10 years huh?" I ask as I feel my stomach rumble even more.
"Yes, Avery. I know it's a lot to take in. I already contacted your sister to pick you up. I suggest that you take this moment to rest so that we can run another check up on you this afternoon to see if we can let you go." He says as he checks his chart.
"My sister? Where's my mom? I want to talk to my mom!" I replied to Dr. Hernandez as my voice shakes.
"Your sister is your listed emergency contact here but I can try to ask for your mother as well. You should calm down and take it easy. Your body's still weak and you will need an intense rehabilitation in order to recover your strength."
"Calm down? Are you seriously telling me to calm down? 10 years! That's an awful lot of years!! Don't tell me to c-" I exclaim at Dr. Hernandez before I projectile-vomit right into his face.
I feel so embarrassed. Dr. Martinez is now covered with my greenish yellow puke. Before I could even open my mouth to apologize, I felt something throb in my head and everything started shaking. I can see Dr. Martinez in front of me and then suddenly I can see myself shaking on the bed. And then it stopped. I look up to see Dr. Martinez standing in front of me with his eyes white while his mouth is wide open. Slowly, his eyes return to normal as his mouth closes. No traces of my puke all over him.
"Look, Avery, I can never know how you feel right now but all I can say as your doctor is that you need to rest. Your body is extremely fragile after being in a coma for 10 years. It was a miracle that you even recovered and I strongly advise that you see how wonderful that is." Dr. Martinez says before he tidy up his scrub before he walks out of the room like nothing happened.
I was left alone in my room, confused and utterly speechless. What the hell was that? Am I seeing things now? Am I losing my mind? But the rumbling in my stomach is now gone, and so is my boner. But I guess hearing that you've been in a coma for 10 years can really spoil your mood, huh? I let out a sigh and gently lay down on my bed. Everything hurts just by moving around so I guess I should really rest for now. I just hope that Agnes will be here soon with Mom.
Have you ever felt like you've been aware of what's happening around while you're asleep? As if you know you're in a lucid dream but everything just seems so realistic that you think it's not a dream at all? Well, you get the gist of it. I'm not sure how to describe it myself but that's the best way I can describe what's happening right.
"Doc, how did he take it?" Pam asks me as she tries to show off her ass for me.
"As you expected, of course. It's really a miracle that he even woke up. To be honest, I just had a meeting with his family 2 weeks ago about pulling his plug. Mrs. Fawkes wasn't able to pay for the bill last month and I gave them options. I guess Avery is just a fighter, you know?" I answer to Pam while she's definitely batting her lashes at me the whole time.
"Yeah, it should feel so good that one of your patients is better now. Why don't you celebrate that with me in the snug room?" Pam replies as she glided her hand along my hairy arm.
"You're just looking for an excuse now, Pam." I sarcastically say, as I feel my dick getting hard from this exchange.
What the fuck? I'm gay!
I suddenly feel like something inside me just stopped. My dick slowly softens and my body calms down.
"What's the matter, Nick? It'll be quick. I won't tell your wife." Pam whispers as she tiptoes to whisper into my ear.
Fuck! This bitch is horny! I have to get away from her right now.
"Yeah, I have to say no, Pam. Maybe next time." I found myself saying to Pam as I walk away from her, leaving her confused.
I feel tightness in my chest as I go inside a vacant room. I go inside the bathroom and look at the mirror. I open the faucet and wash my face with water to calm my nerves.
"What the hell is wrong with me today? Pam is in the mood and I walked away?" I say to myself as I slam my hand on the sink. I haven't been laid for a week and now that Pam was offering, I walked away? What was I thinking?
I am seeing through his eyes and hearing through his ears. I never noticed how handsome this doctor was before. He's rugged look is kinda turning me on.
"Fuck, I look so hot right now. I bet Pam really wants to ride my dick right now." I realize as I try to say my thoughts using my deep sultry voice.
Forget about her. Women are gross. Men are better. Look at me. I'm a fucking hunk!
I have this sudden urge to evaluate myself. Am I still hot? Am I still attractive? I take off my scrub and polo as I look at my naked torso in the mirror.

"Fuck yeah, I still look hot. Must be why Pam is getting flirty earlier."
Forget about her. Forget about women. You are not horny for her or any women, you are horny for men. Men like you. You look so hot right now. There are other men who look as hot as you. That's what you want. That's what makes your dick hard.
I can feel my dick getting hard as I continue to stare at my reflection. I feel so hungry with lust and my body starts heating up.
That's right, Nick. You're fucking hot. Your cock is so hard right now. You want to look for another hot man like you. You want to plunge your rock hard cock in his ass and fuck him until you had your fill. You need a tough man who can handle all your energy and vigor.
I thought of potential candidates among my colleagues in the hospital. Maybe Paul from the ICU, he has tight abs. Or Jake from Emergency, rumor says he is flexible in bed. What about Sander Huston, the optometrist? Nick always envies how big Sander's bubble butt is. I feel my hand groping my dick through my pants as I let out a gutteral moan. I can't wait to fuck some ass. I need to fuck right now.
Suddenly, my head cleared up. I lost my train of thought for a moment before I realized what I was doing. My face turns red as I immediately put back my clothes and pretend that I didn't just think about fucking my friends in the ass earlier.
I open my eyes to see Agnes and my mom arguing with each other before they notice that I'm awake. I give them a smile before they both start crying and hugging me. I feel so relieved that they're here now but I can't help but feel sad as I stare at their faces and notice that they're much older than what I remembered. Both of them are so happy to know that I woke up and started telling each other the things that I might need here while I go through the rehabilitation. I just let them do all the planning since I'm far too tired to argue anyway. I want to sleep again in order to have that wonderful dream again.
Owed and Owned
Angelo was peacefully sleeping when he woke up in the middle of the night with the most excruciating headache he had ever felt.
He grabbed his head and grunted in pain.

"Aaaaaarrwwhhhgh! Fuuuuucckkkkk!... There's something.... in my head.... it hurts! Get out! Get out! Get oooouuugghhh!!!"
Suddenly, Angelo's arms dropped limply to his sides, and his pained face quickly changed into a blank face in a fraction of a second, like a switch had been flipped off. With slow steps he walked to the door and opened it.
Waiting outside, with his usual nerdy demeanor, was none other than his distant cousin.
(A month later)

My cousin looks so peaceful, it even looks like he is sleeping, but for one to be sleeping, one needs to be awake first, and that is just not his case, not anymore.
Angelo had been the bad boy in my family since a young age, always getting in trouble or causing trouble; at 16, he joined a criminal gang; at 18, he was arrested for drug dealing; at 20, for getting into a bar fight. Now, at 21, nothing much had changed, he was still part of the gang, and he was still hotter than ever.
I was two years younger than him, and even though we were distant cousins and our interactions were almost nonexistent, I always had a secret crush on him. I couldn't help myself; I just had a thing for bad boys. I love the way they act so tough and fearless, like they're invincible and nothing can stop them.
I buried my face in Angelo's hairy armpit and took a long sniff; he just had the most wonderful smell under his armpits; it was powerful and primal, a musk that my olfactory epithelium was very much used by now.
I started licking them clean, making sure my tongue would drag slowly against his armpit's hair and I could taste every single bit of him.
While I feasted on my hot cousin's armpits, I saw a tiny alien humanoid sticking his head out of his ear, the tiny alien's head was no bigger than a bean.
"Good morning, Zul. Did you sleep well?" I asked.
"Yes I did, I see you're already having breakfast," Angelo responded with his eyes still closed. His voice sounded sleepy, like he was talking while dreaming.
"And how about you? Have you had your breakfast yet?" I asked.
"Not yet, was just about to when I noticed there was some stimulation coming from Angelo's armpits. I knew it was you."
"Well, don't let me get in the way, go back in there and feast on my dumb cousin's brain."
Zul feeds on brains, but because of his small size, he only takes small bits of it every day. It's been a month since I helped him get inside Angelo's body, and now there's only 40% of brain matter left.
The alien nodded his head and crawled back inside my cousin's head. Almost Immediately, I started to see the signs of his feeding on my cousin's body, like his muscles tensing and his biceps flexing. His head started rolling from one side to another as he let out deep grunts, looking like he was in a nightmare, he might actually be in one, but I was living my dream.

I buried my face back into his armpits as I knew what was going to happen next: Every time the alien fed, it would make Angelo's body release a lot of sweat. And I was starting to feel the effects, or better, to taste it.
"Hmmmm... he tastes soooo good," Angelo moaned.
"He sure does," I replied, switching from armpits.
I pulled off his tank top and shorts; Angelo's cock was big and thick but was flaccid, I gave it a few strokes, but I knew it was useless, his body couldn't respond to stimulus anymore without the alien in control. Luckily, the alien had kindly programmed Angelo's body in case I wanted him to be hard while he was busy feeding.
I pinched both of Angelo's nipples at the same time, and just like magic, his cock started to harden to a 9,5 inches huge shaft, throbbing full of life. As I took a few licks, I looked at him and noticed he was staring back at me, a sign the alien was now in control.

"How much is left?" I asked, my tongue running against his sweaty balls.
"34%" Angelo responded.
"Wow, just remember that you need to get out of his body when you reach 10%, you need to leave enough for his body to obey commands."
"You don't have to worry about that, I'm already looking for another host."
I was in the middle of giving Angelo a blowjob when I heard a knocking. I sighed in frustration, who could that be? One of Angelo's many hookups? I thought I already got rid of all of them!
When I opened the door I was shocked to see a tall, fully tattooed hot stud. I was left standing at the door completely frozen, staring at the hot man in front of me like an idiot.
"Is Angelo home?" He finally asked, his tone was intimidating and cold.
"H-he's...he's not home right now," I lied, "Is there something you want me, ummm... to tell him when he's back?"
I think he didn't buy the lie because he gave me an even more menacing stare, a stare that almost made me cry and apologize for lying.
"Tell him to pay what he owes, I will be back in a week." He said out loud, making sure Angelo could hear him.
It was all he said as he walked away. When I closed the door, I finally sighed in relief; that guy was so scary but so freaking hot at the same time. I asked Zul to dig into Angelo's mind for any information about the guy, but Zul told me he couldn't find anything and that he probably already consumed that memory. I was disappointed in knowing that precious info was now alien poo, but I just went back to giving Angelo a blowjob. Eventually, I completely forgot about the whole thing.
A week later I came back from school to find Angelo sitting on a chair with a book covering his face.

I walked towards him and took the book out of his face, and I was shocked to see his face expression; his eyes were staring in opposite directions, his left eye was wider than the right one, and his mouth was agape with his tongue sticking out.
I was used to Angelo's blank face by now, but he never looked this... empty before. I knocked on his forehead like I was knocking on a door, and in a sense, I was. The sound that it made was hollow, which was expecting since there was now only 14% of his brain left. "Zul? Are you there?"
"No, I'm here." A deep baritone voice came from the corner of the room, scaring the shit out of me.

I recognized him, he was the hot guy who knocked on Angelo's door a week before, now wearing nothing but a white towel covering his lap. "Zul, this is such a wonderful host. Good job buddy." I praised.
"It's good to be in control of an entire brain again. I accessed this host's memories, and it looks like your cousin pissed off the leader of his gang by not paying for his drugs. So his gang leader sent this big and strong guy to teach him a lesson if he didn't comply."
I sat on the tattooed hunk's lap and started caressing his fit body, feeling his muscles and pecs. I then pressed my face against his armpits and took a sniff, he smelled clean, like he just got out of the shower. The thug then pulled me in for a gentle, yet dominating kiss. Pulling away from the kiss I grinned at him, "So, this gang leader... Is he hot?"
"Very much, after this host's brain is at 10%, I might go for his boss, that way I would have plenty of hosts available for me. Would you like to own an entire gang of hot brainless men?"
"Yes! I would!" I eagerly said, my eyes glowing with the image of a bunch of hot brainless criminals at my disposal.
"Then you have to deserve it first," He said, caressing my face gently, it was weird to see such an intimidating guy acting so soft. "Go to Angelo and activate him for me, I can't control him while I'm in another host, but before leaving him, I programmed what was left of him to respond to physical touch. Pinch his right nipple two times and then give his left a twist to the left."
I nodded and walked to Angelo, I gave his right nipple two pinches, and his left a rough twist to the right... or was the left? I decided to twist it to the right. Angelo suddenly—still with his mindless face and hanging tongue—pulled down his shorts and started jerking off his cock.
I then heard the thug across the room laughing. "That's the wrong command, you need to twist it to the left, not the right."
I looked at Angelo, mindlessly jerking off his now hard cock, and I did the command right this time, two pinches on the right, one twist to the left...
Suddenly, Angelo stopped jerking off and walked to his bed, getting on all fours and exposing his ass.
"I like this new command, is there more?"
"Yes there is, watch it," The thug stood up, making his white towel drop to the floor. My jaw dropped when I saw his massive cock, he was so much bigger than Angelo. With a grin planted on his face, he grabbed his shaft and swung it in my direction, "Would you be kind and do what you do best?"
I didn't have to be asked twice; I got on my knees in front of this hunk and took his huge member into my mouth. I felt his hand gently caressing my hair. "That's a good cocksucker, get this cock wet for your cousin's ass"
I slobbered on it even harder when he praised me, after a few minutes, he gently pushed me away. His big cock swung with each step he took towards Angelo, he gave his ass a hard slap and smirked at me as he aimed the tip of his cock at Angelo's entrance.
It was far from Angelo's first time, since Zul turned him into a host last month, I've been having my share of fun with Angelo's ass. But Angelo wasn't used to a big cock like that, it was so big that it easily could count as a first time.
Angelo gave no response, he just continued frozen on all fours with his eyes blank as drool soaked the sheets under him. That was until the thug buried everything inside with a single powerful thrust, and just like that—as if a switch had been turned—Angelo started to move back and forward, fucking himself on the massive member.
"I programmed him so that as long as he has a dick stuffing his ass, he will fuck himself non-stop. Pretty cool huh?" The thug proudly said with both his hands behind his head, exposing his hairy armpits to me. Zul knows how much I love them.
"Now enjoy the show while I feed on this dumb hunk." With a final wink, the thug froze with his hands behind his head and his face changed to the same mindless look Angelo had: eyes rolled back and tongue sticking out.
Angelo was still fucking himself non-stop, like a broken robot trapped on a loop. I hopped on the bed and sat on Angelo's sweaty back while I was facing the frozen thug. My weight sure made Angelo's job more difficult, but I didn't care, I knew he was strong enough.
I pressed my face in the thug's armpits and started worshiping them. Sometimes, he would let out a long grunt, and his muscles would flex, but after a while, it stopped.
Zul appeared inside the thug's mouth and sat on his tongue, the tiny humanoid alien was now holding a tiny bit of meat, eating it like a burger as he watched me worshiping his new home.
I owe this little guy everything.
Serving The Alien And Its Puppets — Part 1
I was kneeling between my older stepbrother's legs, looking up at him as he smoked. My plan didn't work out as expected.

He looked as intimidating as ever, but this time it wasn't my obnoxious older stepbrother behind those hating eyes. Instead, a small alien slime had taken over, consumed his brain, and replaced it with its gooey form.
My stepbrother had always been a homophobic asshole, and for that, I despised him deeply. Yet, in a twist of cruel irony, he was also one of the most hottest men I had ever known. I loved watching him from the window of my room, working out in the backyard until his body was glistening with sweat. I knew it wasn't safe to spy on him like that.
But I wasn’t safe with the alien slime either. Fear gnawed at me as I realized I might suffer the same fate as my dumb stepbrother. Yes, I might have helped the purple gooey creature enter his body, I did it believing it would be grateful and let me have fun with his body. But now, I feared my plan had turned against me.
My stepbrother was way bigger and stronger than me, so when he ordered me to kneel, I just obeyed. He looked down at me, thinking about what he should do to me.
"I should take you over too, It's too risky to let a human know about my existence," He took a puff and blew out the smoke. "but you helped me get inside this human after all."
"I-I promise I won't tell anyone about you, I just wanted to have my way with him, that's all!"
"You helped an alien slime replace your stepbrother's brain just so you could have a taste of him, gay boy?" He asked, lowering his underwear and freeing my stepbrother's thick flaccid shaft.

I eagerly nodded, there was nothing I wanted more than to taste my stepbrother's cock. He playfully slapped the heavy shaft on my face as he had an evil grin on his face, a grin that I was very familiar with. "I guess having a human with an intact brain as a slave could be fun." He grunted as he smacked it hard on my cheeks, but when I tried to lick it, he pushed it away.
"Nah-uh you have to earn it first, gay boy. The takeover left this shell quite sweaty, so if you lick the sweat off him, I might let you suck him." He promised.
Still on my knees, I started to lick the sweat off his abs and pecs, his big muscular pecs felt soft against my tongue. I sucked on his nipples as his right arm rested on top of the couch and he smoked with the other. "I will give you two options, gay boy. You can either be my obedient slave and help me spread my control over your kind, or you can become like your stepbrother, an empty husk of a man with a head full of alien slime."
I nodded and smiled at him, "I will gladly serve as your human slave."
"Great." He grunted, and then he coughed a small purple slime on his hand, just like the one I helped get inside him, but smaller.
"Take it and prove your loyalty to me, your stepdad is in the shower."
My stepdad was a strikingly muscular man with a sexy hairy body. He was kind to me, but he never intervened when his son bullied me. Part of me thinks he deserves this, but it's not like I have a choice—it's either this or have my brain devoured.
I grabbed the purple goo and headed towards the bathroom door. I could still hear the shower running, I slowly opened the door and walked inside the bathroom, the curtains were closed so my stepdad didn't see me entering. When I was close enough, I threw the purple slime over the curtain.
"What the-" I heard my stepdad say, but his voice was soon cut off and he started to grunt. I couldn't see what was going on behind the curtain, but it looked like my dad was fighting it. Suddenly everything went quiet. The shower turned off and the curtain was pushed open, revealing my stepdad wearing a towel.

"D-dad?" I asked, my eyes on his muscular hairy body, he looked so hot.
"Not your dad anymore, call me Master Daddy from now on, my human slave!"
He suddenly dropped the towel and I gasped when I saw how big he was. I had never seen him naked before.
"Kneel and show me some respect, slave." He grunted. I dropped to my knees and took his entire shaft into my mouth, he fucked my face as I caressed his meaty hairy pecs. He then pulled me up by my hair and forced his big tongue deep inside my mouth, it felt so good, I loved how strong his tongue felt. While we kissed I groped his pecs and pinched his nipples, he let out a deep sexy moan while still making out, so it looked like my stepdad had sensitive nipples, I thought.
We walked back to the living room to my possessed stepbrother, now Master. "Good job, my human slave. You have proven yourself worthy of my trust."
That day my stepdad fucked me while I sucked my stepbrother. I was their slave now, and the alien made sure that I would get busy with his puppets.
The alien thrived on consuming brains daily, so it never ceased creating new empty puppets. Every day, he would send me outside with a small copy of his body so I could find a man for him to feed. That was my job as his slave, to help him feed and spread his control over humanity, and I couldn't ask for a better job.
Mr. Rossi was my hot Italian Daddy neighbor. I had been fantasizing about him for years, ever since we moved into this quiet neighborhood. He was the perfect example of a hot, protective, and loving dad figure, I grew up seeing how caring he was to his two sons, his sons lived on their own now. So when my Alien Master sent me to find him food, I knew Mr. Rossi would be perfect.
I knocked on his door and waited, I had in my hand a small part of the alien. It wasn’t the creature’s main form, just a copy of it that was connected to the original alien inhabiting my older brother, once the copy consumed Mr. Rossi’s brain, the main alien would also feel satiated, like a hive mind. The alien hadn’t explained the exact mechanics to me, so that was all I knew.
Mr. Rossi opened the door and gave me a warm smile. "Hey Eric, Is everything ok?" He kindly asked. I didn't respond, and just threw the slime on his face.
I was soon inside his house, staring at the hot hairy Italian Dilf in front of me. The alien slime had already replaced his brain.

"Come here, my human slave," he purred. His voice was still Mr. Rossi's, but it was deeper and more commanding. I felt a shiver of anticipation run down my spine as I walked to him and we started to make out, I then buried my face between his big pecs while I cupped and squeezed them, Mr. Rossi just stood there, letting me have my way with his pecs.
I always fantasized about Mr. Rossi and his pecs, and now I finally had them for myself, thanks to my alien Master.
Mr. Rossi then reached out and gently stroked my cheek, his rough hands leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. "You've wanted this for so long, haven't you?" he whispered, pushing his finger inside my mouth and leaning in close enough that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my ear. "You've wanted Daddy Rossi to take care of you, to make you feel safe and loved because your stepdad was a piece of shit who let your stepbrother bully you." He then playfully slapped my face. "Too bad that's not gonna happen. I'm gonna destroy your hole with this puppet's cock! I'm going to teach you a lesson for being so naughty." He lifted me into his strong arms and walked to his room.
He then threw me on his bed and pulled down his shorts. "Get on all fours, now." He commanded.
I didn't hesitate, obeying his command as if I'd been waiting for it my entire life. I got down on the bed on all fours, presenting my ass to him. The hairs on Mr. Rossi's chest tickled my back as I felt his hot breath against my ear. "You're so fucking tight," he growled, his big manly hands taking hold of my waist before he finally thrust his huge cock inside.
He began to fuck me hard and fast, driving his length deep into my body with each stroke. I arched my back, moaning in ecstasy as the alien inside him made the nice neighborhood dad act like a gay depraved dom.
"Yes, Daddy," I moaned, feeling his thick cock stretch me impossibly wide. "Fuck me. Own me. Make me yours."
When I felt Mr. Rossi's load fill my ass, we lay there, panting heavily, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment. The slime had given me everything I ever wanted. I looked at a portrait picture on the side of the bed, in the old pic, Mr. Rossi was fishing with two sons.
"Why don't you call your sons to come over? Say It's an urgency." I suggested.
Later that day, while I was on my knees sucking Mr. Rossi's cock, we heard a knock on the door. Mr. Rossi smirked at me and coughed two purple slimes on his hands. "Go open the door," He ordered.
When I opened the door, I saw two hot men, they both looked just as hot as their dad. I couldn't wait to have them as the Alien's puppets.
"Who are you? Where is our dad?" One of them asked, pushing me out of the way.
"Dad? We're here, are you ok?" The other asked.
Mr. Rossi grinned at his sons as he was standing naked with purple slime on each of his hands. I closed the door...
Later that day I was in Mr. Rossi's room, looking at the two hot Italian brothers in only their underwear.

"What are you waiting for?" they both said in unison, it would be creepy if they weren't so freaking hot.
I dropped to my knees and started taking turns between the two huge Italian cocks. After a while, I was being spit-roasted by the two hung brothers. Mr. Rossi walked inside the room while I was still being filled on both ends, his huge shaft swinging with each step.
"You did good today, gay boy. Your Master is very satiated, you got him three meals." Mr. Rossi and his two sons said in unison. "He will allow you to pick one puppet to dominate."
I was surprised, I already helped the Alien Master convert a lot of men, but this would be the first time he would let me top one of his puppets.
I stood up and looked at the three puppets for a while, "I want Mr. Rossi," I said.
Mr. Rossi lay on the bed with his legs up, his huge hairy ass on full display, I kneeled behind him and playfully slapped it, watching it jingle. I then grabbed each cheek and shoved my shaft inside in one thrust, fucking him roughly as I buried my face between his pecs.
"Why don't you two feed your cocks to our Daddy slut?" I asked the brothers. They obeyed and kneeled on each side of Mr. Rossi, who started to take turns sucking them both. As I fucked Mr. Rossi, I watched his big pecs bounce with each hard thrust, then I got an idea.
"Boys, Daddy's tits are begging for a sucking, don't you think?" I suggested, with a wicked smile on my face.
They both lay next to their dad and started sucking on each nipple. It was such a hot sight, seeing two grown men with wives and kids sucking on their dad's tits.
That afternoon, me and the two brothers took turns on Mr. Rossi's ass, I came so much that I passed out. By the alien Master's orders, Mr. Rossi took me in his strong arms and brought me home.
After the Rossi family became puppets for the alien Master, I suggested the alien to go for my boss, Mr. Wahid.
Mr. Wahid was a rich, muscular, Arabic hunk who had always captured my heart, he was rude and intimidating, and treated the staff like his slaves, but the few moments I had near him, would always had me staring at his muscles and having gay fantasies about him.
The next day while I was at work, Mr. Wahid called me to his office. He was busy on the phone and without even looking at me, he ordered me to get him a coffee. It was as if I was nothing to him.

It was the perfect opportunity for my plan. I had brought a small fragment of the slime to work. So I went to make his coffee, but before entering his office, I slipped the slime into the cup. As I walked in, Mr. Wahid didn't even glance up or thank me; he just grabbed the coffee and continued talking on the phone, completely ignoring my presence. All it took was a sip, and his phone dropped to the floor as his eyes rolled back and his muscles tensed. I had a hard on as I closed the door with me inside, a few seconds later he glanced at me with an Intimidating look.
"Come get my phone off the floor, slave!" I grabbed his phone and gave it to him, he then ordered me to get on my knees under the table and suck him off. I smirked as I undid his pants and fished out his thick member. Soon I was slobbering on my boss's shaft, he was so huge and thick that barely fitted my mouth, and he also had a strong smell as if he hadn't washed his junk for the entire day.
He smacked his heavy shaft on my tongue as he continued talking on the phone in Arabic, I ran my tongue on his heavy hanging balls and soon he was coating my face with his Arabic milk.
Mr. Wahid would be just the first one in the company to become an alien puppet, I had a lot of subjects in mind. Mr. Wahid ended the call and looked down at me—my face still buried in his musky balls while cum covered my face.
"We are closing a deal with an Arab prince. He's about to arrive for the meeting and I want you to welcome him. Now take your dirty mouth off my balls and go do your fucking job!"
Honestly, the alien possessed Mr. Wahid wasn't much different from the old one. A few hours later I was waiting in the parking lot for the Arab prince to arrive. I saw an expensive car park in front of me, when the door opened, my heart started racing. Inside the car was the hottest Middle Eastern man I'd ever seen.

Fortunately for me, but not so much for him, I had an extra slime in my pocket.
Serving The Alien And Its Puppets - Part 2

"I will be waiting inside the car," The Arab prince said. He was now just a puppet for the Alien Master, his pretty head was filled inside with alien slime.
The Alien Master liked the Arab Prince so much that he switched his original form from my stepbrother's body to the Prince. My job today was simple and easy, all I had to do was help put some alien slime inside my hot coworkers... Of course, I'm being ironic, I was very nervous about the whole thing.
The company I worked for was mostly made up of Middle Eastern men and all of them were very hot. I was one of the few with European descent, and it was torture for a gay guy like me to work with such fine specimens.
Typically, the Alien needs to assimilate a brain per day, sometimes two. However, today he expressed his desire to assimilate every person at my workplace. I was perplexed and attempted to ask him why, but he just told me to be quiet and do as I was told.
I was very excited but also a little nervous. Once inside the building, I spotted my first victim, Ibrahim, the receptionist, sitting on a chair distracted by his phone, not even noticing me walk in.

Ibrahim worked at the front desk, he was a tall, muscular guy with a grumpy personality. All I knew about him was that he was a ladies man, and he wouldn't stop talking about pussy. I smiled to myself, he would be perfect.
I slowly walked to his desk and put a purple slime on his table, Ibrahim looked at the purple blob, and before he could say anything the slime leaped onto his face, squirming its way into his nostrils and burrowing towards his brain. He let out a deep, guttural grunt, his eyes rolling back as violent convulsions overtook his body. His muscular arms hung limply by his sides, his head drooping backward. That moment, I knew the transformation had begun—the slime was already feeding, replacing Ibrahim's brain with something new, something better.
Ibrahim then looked at me, with the same lust that every puppet would always give me. "Come here boy, you're going to get what you deserve!" He said, his voice now husky and deep, he pushed me down on my knees and unzipped his pants, freeing his huge, hard cock. "Suck on it while I talk with my date for tonight!" He ordered. "I usually would never let a fag like you have a taste of my cock, but you are my Master's human slave and your job is to serve his puppets!"
I started sucking as he kept thrusting his hips forward, I took his entire cock into my mouth, sucking and licking it as best as I could. He moaned loudly, his hips bucking against my face as he fucked my mouth, his eyes were on the phone all the timeand. He quickly came down my throat. "Drink it all, human."
"What the fuck is happening here?" Mr. Tarek, our supervisor asked as he walked into the room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw me with my face buried in Ibrahim's crotch.
Ibrahim quickly coughed one purple slime and threw it on the floor, the small slime quickly crawled and disappeared under Mr. Tarek's pants. Mr. Tarek groaned as the slime forced its way inside his ass, seconds later Mr. Tarek was also a puppet for the alien.
"Come here human slave, you're going to be our slut now," Mr. Tarek ordered. I stood up and walked to him, he pulled me for a sloppy kiss, while I unbuttoned his shirt.

Mr. Tarek was such a hot Daddy, I always wondered what he looked like under his clothes, especially his huge pecs, now I not only knew how I could feel too. I ran my hands on his meaty pecs and started to suck on his nipples as he moaned. "That's a good slave, suck on Daddy's tits," He moaned, and I did as I was told.
I lost myself in those pecs until I felt Mr. Tarek's hand pull me away by the back of my hair. "That's enough, you still have others to help convert into our Master's puppets." He then coughed another slime and handed it to me.
He was right, the Alien Master was waiting for me outside, I could play with these puppets later, it was time to move on to the next victim. I knew exactly who was going to be next, walking inside the other room I spotted the young intern, Khalid. I felt a little guilty, Khalid seemed like a nice guy, but after seeing the bulge in his pants it passed away.
He was sitting at his desk when he noticed me and welcomed me with a warm smile. "Hey Eric, can I help you with something?" he asked.

I stepped closer, my heart racing as I approached him with a blob of purple slime moving on my hand, his eyes widened in surprise and confusion. "What the hell is that?" He stuttered, standing up and moving away from me.
I didn't respond, after all, what could I say? "Hey, Khalid? Would you let me put this goo inside your head so it can feed on your brain and replace it with a slime?"
So I just threw the slime toward him, but I failed when he protected his face with his hands, making the slime fall to the floor. He then ran to the door, he was about to walk out, but he bumped right into Mr. Tarek's large pecs.
"Mr. Tarek, you need to help me! Eric has with him some weird creature!"
But Mr. Tarek looked completely blank and unresponsive as he blocked the door with his body.
"Mr Tarek?" Khalid asked. He was starting to question why the supervisor was with his shirt open, and was that saliva on his nipples? but before he could react, Mr. Tarek grabbed Khalid by his chin and forced a kiss, Khalid tried to fight but Mr. Tarek was stronger.
I could see some purple slime being passed from Mr. Tarek's mouth and into Khalid's, the intern's eyes went wide in shock, and then his body went limp as the alien slime started to take over his body.
Mr. Tarek then whispered into his ear, "Welcome to the family, Khalid." with that, Khalid nodded and gave me an eerie smile.
"Take off your pants and bend over my desk, now!" Khalid said with a commanding tone, but his voice was the same, it was terrifyingly sexy. I felt my face flush red, seeing innocent Khalid acting in such a dominant way made me very hard.
As I bent over the desk, I soon felt Khalid's hands on my ass, ripping my underwear and spreading my cheeks as he buried his face and started to eat my ass. I was in heaven until I felt a hard slap on my ass.
I looked behind me and saw Ibrahim, Mr. Tarek, and Khalid, all standing together behind me without their pants and with their hard dicks pointing at me. Suddenly they all started to speak in unison.
"The Alien Master is angry that you almost let one of his puppets run away, he wants us to punish you!"
The three of them took turns, one fucking me hard while the others watched and stroked themselves.
Ibrahim was first, his thick cock pushing into me without any mercy. I moaned loudly, feeling him fill me up and stretch me wide open. He fucked me hard and fast, his grunts and groans echoing through the room. Mr. Tarek was next, his cock was even larger than Ibrahim's, and he was not gentle either. He grabbed my hips and pounded into me, making the desk shake beneath us, pens, papers, and a mug, all fell to the floor. Lastly, Khalid, his cock was thicker than the others and he took his time, savoring the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of me.
The Alien Master, watching through their eyes, was enjoying the show. His slime was pulsing inside each one of them, making their cocks even harder and their strokes more aggressive. When the three finished inside me, I stood up with three loads leaking from my ass and smirked at them.
"There's still plenty of puppets to make, give me one more copy," I said.
But the three just laughed at me and spoke in unison. "Master don't want you to help him anymore! We will do the takeover from here, you will just watch."
I sighed. It seemed that I had really angered the Alien Master, and now I feared for the future of my brain. I nodded and followed them to the next office. I watched as they forced a kiss on the other men, and within seconds, those men would be under the alien's control, forcing a kiss on other workers. They moved swiftly and efficiently, and before I knew it, the entire floor was filled with puppets.
There was Amir, a muscular Daddy fitness enthusiast, who worked as the manager. He was so huge that it took both Ibrahim and Mr. Tarek to hold him while Khalid infected him with the slime.

Amir was known around the office for his stern demeanor and unwillingness to be dominated by anyone. Now, under the alien's control, he was leading a group of his fellow converted colleagues toward the next department.
Then, there was also Karim, the office gossip, he spread a rumor once about me ogling the men's bulges, now his mouth was used to spread the alien's slime rather than rumors.

I was kneeling between his legs, looking up at him as some commotion was going on in the background.
"You like staring at our bulges huh? You're such a perverted human," He said as he shoved my face into his bulge, his hard cock pressing against my face. "If you like staring at men's bulges so much, then here it is!" I couldn't help but feel a bit of spiteful satisfaction as I started to lick the bulge in his pants, feeling it pulse and throb in my tongue.
"There you are!" Amir called from behind, yanking me up by the shirt collar. "Omar wants to have a word with you!"
"Can you carry me in your arms? My ass is really sore." I asked, trying to give him my best puppy eyes. Amir took me in his huge strong arms as if I was made of paper, as he carried me to Omar's office, I caressed his pecs.
Then there was finally Omar, the office heartthrob and the executive assistant. Whose hot body was now a vessel for the alien slime. Amir put me down on my knees as I looked up at Omar sitting on his chair, he was holding a mug.

"They put some slime copies on the coffee machine; I have to admit, that's pretty clever," Omar said as he stood up, loosened his tie, and approached me with a hungry look. I knew what was coming next.

"You've been a naughty human, Eric," he purred, his voice low and seductive. "Our Master thinks you need a more thorough lesson in obedience."
The other puppets walked into the room forming a circle around me, Omar pushed me to my knees and ordered me to unbuckle his belt and blow him. His cock grew before my eyes, the slime making it swell and pulse with an otherworldly need. I couldn't resist the urge to touch it, to feel the power of the alien through this beautiful vessel of a man. He groaned as I wrapped my hand around his shaft, stroking it gently before taking it into my mouth. The puppets gathered around us, their eyes gleaming with lust as they watched me service Omar.
Omar let out a primal roar, tearing open his dress shirt to reveal his perfectly sculpted, hairy chest. One by one, the others followed his lead, ripping their shirts apart with a savage fervor, there was no humanity left in them. It was like watching a scene from a twisted sci-fi porn, where the alien's insatiable hunger was not just for brains, but for power and sexual control.
They were all jerking off around me and soon they came at the same time, all over me. I was a mess, covered in the cum of 32 men, but I didn't care. I felt like I was part of something big, something powerful.
I felt like a slut in a sea of hot, alien-controlled men, and I couldn't help but love every second of it.
After hours of servicing those men, I walked out of the building, feeling used but oddly satisfied. I couldn't believe I just helped turn all my coworkers into brainless hosts. The copies filling their heads don't need to feed like the original Alien inside the Arab prince, so they would go back to their old lives as normal, the slimes would act just like them, only I would know what was inside their heads.
I stepped inside the car where my Alien Master was waiting.

"I'm fed and satiated for now, you almost did a good job, my human slave," he said, his voice still deep and commanding.
"Thank you-"
"I said 'almost', you almost let one of those humans run away, he would have if it wasn't for one of my puppets. That's what I get for trusting a human."
"I helped you turn my stepbrother and stepdad into your dumb puppets! What else do I need to do so you can finally trust me?" I said. But when I looked at the prince's face, I immediately regretted it. "I'm sorry Master, I promise-"
"Quiet," he cut me off. "You will be punished for that later, now give this puppet a blowjob while I drive us to his hotel!"
I took the Arab Prince's cock into my mouth as he drove off. Once at the hotel, I decided to take a shower, I needed a good shower to take the sweat and cum from the day's events off my body.
I walked out naked of the bathroom, there was no reason for modesty anymore. I saw the prince smoking on the balcony, looking over the city lights, he then turned to look at me.

"Sorry for being too harsh on you today, my human." He said, blowing out some smoke.
I couldn't tell if he was mocking me or being sincere, but I didn't dare to question it. "I've been thinking, you have been a great companion to me, I never thought I would ever let a human with an intact brain for so long, I hope you realize how special that makes you."
I was speechless, it was the first time the Alien Master was being kind to me.
"Thank you, Master," I murmured,
The Prince then sat on the bed, his cock already hard again, he looked at me with hunger in his eyes.
"Come here, my sweet human," he ordered, and I knew I had to obey. He grabbed me by the waist and gently pushed me onto the bed, spreading my legs and climbing on top of me.
His huge cock slid into me easily, and he started to fuck me with a slow, deliberate rhythm that made me moan.
This was different from the other times. The Arab Prince, or rather the Alien Master, was not as rough. His movements were tender, almost loving, and his eyes bore into mine as he whispered how much of a good human pet I was.
As he thrusted, he was pinning my hands above me on the bed as he kissed my neck. Once we came, The Alien Master cuddled me in the prince's muscular arms, his cock still hard inside me. It was the closest thing to affection I had ever felt.
"Who do you think should be the next puppet?" He asked.
"I'm thinking of Mr. Wahid's son? he's a hot arrogant hunk, just like his dad."
Suddenly the prince's eyes became completely purple, scaring me for a second, it was the first time I was seeing it.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm accessing the copy inside Mr. Wahid's mind right now," Right, sometimes I forget that the Alien can have access to all his puppet's memories at any moment. The prince's eyes went back to normal.
"It looks like his son is traveling for a business trip, but he will be back tomorrow morning, It'll be the perfect opportunity."
"I agree, Master."
"Then you should get some sleep; we're heading to the airport in the morning."