Malebelly - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

[M4A] Twink Boy Berry Expansion[blueberry inflation, gay, belly expansion]

This was rotting in my drafts lol. PLEASE ENJOY!

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10 months ago

I know It supposed to be a sketch or something but still It's someway hot 🔥

Comedian Marc Anthony Sinagoga Is Such A Fatty, Look At That Belly Packed Full Of Food
Comedian Marc Anthony Sinagoga Is Such A Fatty, Look At That Belly Packed Full Of Food
Comedian Marc Anthony Sinagoga Is Such A Fatty, Look At That Belly Packed Full Of Food
Comedian Marc Anthony Sinagoga Is Such A Fatty, Look At That Belly Packed Full Of Food

Comedian Marc Anthony Sinagoga is such a fatty, look at that belly packed full of food 🤩

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5 years ago
Before/after ;) #bloatedbelly #bloatedmen #bellyinflation #malebelly #malebellyinflation #stuffedbellies

Before/after ;) #bloatedbelly #bloatedmen #bellyinflation #malebelly #malebellyinflation #stuffedbellies

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4 years ago

This two photos where taken with mere hours of difference, when Chase arrived to the party he looked like the photo on the left, his belly having normal proportions. But while we where all having fun, some douche decided to make fun of Chase's weight, which was the worst mistake of his life.

Chase immediately grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and without hesitation started swallowing the douche down like it was a hot dog, everyone cheered and clamored as Chase gulped down more and more of the guy, until just his feet where left outside Chase's mouth, at that point everyone at the party where chanting. "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!".

Chase gave a big swallow and all the expectators saw how the bulge in Chase's neck traveled slowly down to his stomach, which ballooned immensely with his newly found guest, after a big pause, Chase's belly rumbled and a loud belch escaped his maw, everyone started clapping and cheering and the party continued.

He had to take a seat down to rest after his long feeding, occasionally people would come up to chase and rub his bulging belly, feeling the helpless struggles inside of it.

I approached him and after a belly rub I just passed him another beer and said, "cheers man!" while slowly rubbing his gut away into the night, feeling the heat emanating from it, and the struggles fading while the night continued.

3 Months Difference. Can You Tell?

3 months difference. Can you tell?

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4 years ago

Oooof, there you go buddy! *Burp* For a while there I thought you were gonna escape, but once I got to your waist I knew you were mine.

I love feeling stuffed to the brim with little guys like you, though my shirt won't fit me anymore it's a worthy sacrifice for filling my tank like this.

Now try not to move around so much, I need to find your brother and stuff him alongside you, after all you don't want to be in there all alone right?

gulpin123 - Bellies are the best

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4 years ago

The Big Bear Bar

This is another collab story alongside @Noobbear73 !! Go give him some well deserved love, he always bring great quality content to this community!

After a long day at work the only thing my exhausted body wanted was to relax with a good beer and some junk food to stuff myself with, I decided to try the new pub that opened a few week ago near my apartment, I heard it was a great meeting place for many gay men, so maybe today would be a lucky day and I would end up hooking up with a hunk.

After sometime walking, I arrived to the pub, a fluorescent sign illuminated the entrance, The Big Bear Bar… so that’s why so many gay men frequented the bar huh? I pushed open the doors and a bunch of hearty laughs and cheers began flooding my ears, the place was brimming with so many men, of all shapes and sizes, some twinks, some bodybuilders, and of course, the bears, who where the center of attention, it seemed like the bigger the belly the bigger the crowd who gathered around the bears.

I sat on the stools by the counter and the bartender looked at me with a cheeky grin on his face, “well hello there cutie, it seems like it’s your first time here no?”

“Yeah, thought I could try a new place for a change” I said looking around

“Well get yourself comfortable, it seems that with your body type, you’ll fit right in” he said with a wink “how good are you at guzzling down beer my dear?”

“I was the king of the party! No one could beat me at keg stands in the university! That’s how I ended with this buddy right here” I said flashing and slapping my belly, that brief action of me slapping my belly caused me to get the attention of many of the men around me, who began looking at me and cheering and whistling.

“Alright alright! Seems like we have a natural in here, hey would you like to try the local challenge? If you can manage to defeat our top client in a drinking competition you can win a month of free beer! But be warned, he is a fearsome opponent, people say he devours the competition ruthlessly”

“Free beer? I’m in!” another wave of cheers and whistles erupted from the crowd, who all dispersed and left a place for the competition to take place in.

Two tables were set alongside a massive keg of beer with a funnel on each of the tables, without any hesitation I jumped on stage and took my place on one of the tables, waiting for the poor guy who would have to face against me.

The bartender came to the stage as well and called to everyone at the bar, “Hey there everyone! It’s that time of the evening you were all waiting for! It’s time to… CHALLENGE THE BEAR!!”

With those words the crowd erupted in a series of cheers, shouts and whistles.

“On this side we have the new guy, he just arrived but it seems like he already has a group of fans on his own!” a small group of people cheered on me “and now for his competition! The all time champion and defender of the title of the title “The Big Bear” we have… Noobbear!”

The crowd went crazy with another wave of cheers and shouts as everyone looked as a massive man stopped eating, stood up from his table and slowly made his way towards the other table.

This guy was humongous, he was the only one on his table but there were plates and plates of food piling all around the table, his belly wobbled with ever step he took, it seemed like his belly was a black hole, anything that found its way down his gullet wouldn’t come back out.

Finally, he arrived to the table “Our contestants seem to be ready to begin the challenge, the first one to finish this 25-liter keg gets the tittle of The Big BEEAAAAAR!!!” another wave of cheers and applauses came from the crowd “Contestants on your marks, get set… drink!”

I proceeded to take the funnel from the keg and began sucking as hard as I could from the tube, the beer began travelling quickly to my mouth and with quick gulps I began swallowing the beer to be the winner, I could feel my stomach bloating from all the liquid travelling quickly into it, slowly as the keg drained my shirt began feeling tighter and tighter.

I didn’t want to slow down, but I peeked to see how Noobbear was going with his keg and to my surprise he was already halfway finished with it! How was that possible, it seemed like we just began the challenge and he already was almost finished with it, it’s no wonder he was the undefeated champion, but this didn’t intimidate me, I sucked harder on the funnel and began making bigger and bigger gulps, my stomach expanding even more and more, I was feeling the pressure from the beer building up on my stomach, the buttons on my shirt digging more and more on my until suddenly…

One of the buttons from my shirt went flying into the crowd, and my belly escaped from its prison I could feel myself getting lighter and thought I could actually beat the guy with this new advantage, until suddenly… a massive belch rumbled right next to me and the bartender announced the winner.

“It seems like the winner of today’s round like always is… Noobbear!!”

I was in shock, the guy finished and entire 25-liter keg in less than 10 minutes! He stood up from his table and approached me.

“Hey, goo- *uuuuurp*” I got interrupted by a belch mid-sentence “good competition, I guess that’s why people say you “devour” your competition!” I said while extending a hand and patting his belly which was peeking out of his t-shirt.

“Oh no, that’s not why the say that” Noobbear said while locking eyes with me “I actually eat every opponent that looses to me… and that means you right now friend, enjoy the ride!” he said as his mouth began opening wider and wider.

With a quick swoop he caught my head inside his humongous mouth, I tried struggling but his immense belly had me pinned down to my chair, I felt his tongue lick every inch of my face, tasting me like a giant candy, with his powerful arms he ripped my shirt exposing my belly which caused the audience to cheer at the sight they were surely very familiar with, Noobbear kept swallowing me with powerful gulps, sending me deeper and deeper inside his body.

He arrived at my belly, licking my treasure trail and feeling my soft belly which wobbled with all the beer I had inside of me, Noobbear stripped me of my jeans and continued swallowing my legs, the pulsing sensation of him around me and the experience of a bigger man imposing himself and swallowing me was a very strange turn on, but that didn’t stop me from getting excited and the experience.

When he finally reached my feet he posed for the crowd and with a swift swallow he sent me down to my new home, slowly my body began travelling from his gullet, to his chest and finally deposited into his bulging gut, his t-shirt began ripping by the seams, to which Noobbear reacted by tearing it completely giving a full view to his audience of his massive belly, as they erupted in cheers and wild shouts, many of the viewers actually came to begin rubbing his belly filled with another man, meanwhile all I could feel was his powerful stomach constrict me, taking hold of me until finally, with the biggest belch he could muster he silenced the entire bar and he felt my struggles die down.

With a victory smile he posed for his fans and then returned to his table, to begin the digestion of his new prey and to order another side of fries.


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Uhhhhhh. Hi Im Back With A Random OC I Made That I Really Like And Will Most Certainly Keep! Unlike The

Uhhhhhh. Hi I’m back with a random OC I made that I really like and will most certainly keep! Unlike the last one lol. He is impulsive, gets into a fights a lot, and is very competitive. Often will do competitive eating. He also doesn’t like spending money, so he will eat as much as possible at a buffet, and he would do competitive eating to get a free meal. He is also a masochist, hence the belt. There is a 50% chance I might make him into a demon... Because demon. When making this I was thinking, “Let’s make a hot bad boy. But give him some flair. So, I did a thing. Hope you like him!

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Sketched An OC On Actual Paper! Enjoy This. I Am Now Going To Return To The Depths Of Nothingness For

sketched an OC on actual paper! Enjoy this. I am now going to return to the depths of nothingness for the next 3 months.

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