Mlm Vore - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

This two photos where taken with mere hours of difference, when Chase arrived to the party he looked like the photo on the left, his belly having normal proportions. But while we where all having fun, some douche decided to make fun of Chase's weight, which was the worst mistake of his life.

Chase immediately grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and without hesitation started swallowing the douche down like it was a hot dog, everyone cheered and clamored as Chase gulped down more and more of the guy, until just his feet where left outside Chase's mouth, at that point everyone at the party where chanting. "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!".

Chase gave a big swallow and all the expectators saw how the bulge in Chase's neck traveled slowly down to his stomach, which ballooned immensely with his newly found guest, after a big pause, Chase's belly rumbled and a loud belch escaped his maw, everyone started clapping and cheering and the party continued.

He had to take a seat down to rest after his long feeding, occasionally people would come up to chase and rub his bulging belly, feeling the helpless struggles inside of it.

I approached him and after a belly rub I just passed him another beer and said, "cheers man!" while slowly rubbing his gut away into the night, feeling the heat emanating from it, and the struggles fading while the night continued.

3 Months Difference. Can You Tell?

3 months difference. Can you tell?

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4 years ago

Oooof, there you go buddy! *Burp* For a while there I thought you were gonna escape, but once I got to your waist I knew you were mine.

I love feeling stuffed to the brim with little guys like you, though my shirt won't fit me anymore it's a worthy sacrifice for filling my tank like this.

Now try not to move around so much, I need to find your brother and stuff him alongside you, after all you don't want to be in there all alone right?

gulpin123 - Bellies are the best

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