Malora - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

I can dream

If Korrasami ended as canon I will waiting for my others OTP to become real

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10 years ago

I watched Maleficent last night

Now I must resign myself to yet another OTP.  Oddly, while the thought of a young woman with an older, presumably ageless, fairy woman does not in the least gross me out the thought of the same young woman with a raven or a young man she met for all of five minutes does.  The things I learn about myself.

Really I just keep thinking about three things.  

Firstly, Maleficent only refers to her parents as her parents, not her mother and father.  Does this mean fairies are capable of producing offspring regardless of gender?  Does this mean their gender is fluid? 

Secondly, I love the Lana Del Rey version of Once Upon a Dream.  I find it humorous that after every time Aurora visited the Moors Maleficent floated her back to her bed.  Suggesting to me that Aurora would wake up each time half wondering if her visit to the Moor with Maleficent was a dream.

Thirdly, did I just plain miss the title sequence at the beginning of movie?  Cause I really can't remember seeing "Maleficent" in big letters across the scene until the end of the movie.

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10 years ago

That kind of works with my head canon that Aurora (from Maleficent) was the unicorn.  After all I can totally see Aurora asking Maleficent to turn her into things (who wouldn't?).  Or maybe Rumple cursed Aurora so that he could control Maleficent.  I could totally see Rumple making a 'I can see the future... including all seasons of Glee' joke about Aurora being Maleficent's "magnificent" unicorn.  Which would make Briar Rose the daughter of Maleficent and Aurora.  Cause.  

And the Phillip who woke Briar Rose could be the first Phillip's son.  Explaining why the first Phillip and Aurora were so interested in each other, they are the parents of a true love couple.  (Even if, as I choose to believe, Phillip Jr. was ace).

So, since it seems that a lot of Oncer Femslashers, myself included, have started shipping Malora since seeing Maleficent and we’ve been faced with the dillemma, “How do we go on shipping Sleeping Warrior?”

Well, you may recall that the Aurora in OUAT that we’ve been introduced to is NOT the...

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10 years ago
Cute Little Shits Of Mine ;_;

Cute little shits of mine ;_;

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10 years ago
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)
Modern Maleficent. (gif Credits: Zombeeskneesand Flamefruits)

Modern Maleficent. (gif credits: zombeesknees and flamefruits)

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