Mamawolf - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago
The Worst Question One Can Ask A Child. Who Maes Better Cookies? Your Mom, Or Your Grandma? DUN,DUN,

The worst question one can ask a child. Who maes better cookies? Your mom, or your grandma? DUN,DUN, DUUUUN! Fortunately, Gurume has developed a counter for this situation, which means he has done this multiple times or his dad or Grand dad has taught him this trick. And now Gurume trys the whole sweet talking bit with his girlfriend. Hopefully he can keep this up to please all the women in his life. Wanted to include Gurume's grandmother, who is also a great cook. Plus she is based off my grandmother and Sora is based off my own mother, who are all fantastic cooks. Happy Mother's day all you fantastic moms out there.

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