Happy Mother's Day! - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
To Commemorate Della's Return To Earth And Late Mother's Day Gift I Made A Sketch Of This
To Commemorate Della's Return To Earth And Late Mother's Day Gift I Made A Sketch Of This

To commemorate Della's return to earth and late mother's day gift I made a sketch of this

(The one on the left is with filter) (the one on the right is with no filter) (just completely normal)

Inspiration:the episode when Della was trying to introduce herself to the family


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9 months ago

💕Happy mother day💕 the amazing digital circus jax and brother friends

Happy Mother Day The Amazing Digital Circus Jax And Brother Friends
Happy Mother Day The Amazing Digital Circus Jax And Brother Friends

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9 months ago

hi gang

Hi Gang

drawing of my cat rocket for my mom for mothers day

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8 years ago
The Worst Question One Can Ask A Child. Who Maes Better Cookies? Your Mom, Or Your Grandma? DUN,DUN,

The worst question one can ask a child. Who maes better cookies? Your mom, or your grandma? DUN,DUN, DUUUUN! Fortunately, Gurume has developed a counter for this situation, which means he has done this multiple times or his dad or Grand dad has taught him this trick. And now Gurume trys the whole sweet talking bit with his girlfriend. Hopefully he can keep this up to please all the women in his life. Wanted to include Gurume's grandmother, who is also a great cook. Plus she is based off my grandmother and Sora is based off my own mother, who are all fantastic cooks. Happy Mother's day all you fantastic moms out there.

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9 months ago

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9 months ago

That one staring at its mama 🥹


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9 months ago


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6 years ago
Late Celebration Of Mothers Day From The Whole Members Of Stolensheet!

Late celebration of mother’s day from the whole members of Stolensheet!

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9 months ago
Happy Mother's Day, Everyone. I Wrote Poetry For My Mother's.

Happy mother's day, everyone. I wrote poetry for my mother's.

I miss you mama ಥ_ಥ


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3 years ago

Shoutout to my Mum for putting up with my bullcrap

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1 year ago

♥️Happy Mother's Dayyyy!!♥️

Mommy I love youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!💖(˃̣̣̥∆˂̣̣̥)💖

Happy Mother's Dayyyy!!
Happy Mother's Dayyyy!!


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For mermay and mothers day here's a merformers megabee drabble with some mama bumblebee.

"They're so small." Megatron murmured in slight awe. "Well Things that are only a day old tend to be pretty small." Bumblebee chuckled making Megatron blush a bit. "I'm aware but... they're utterly tiny, most of them are smaller than my optic. Are you sure thats normal?" To emphasize his point the megalodon carefully grabbed the largest of the clutch and held it next to his optic. "Well given They're not just eggs but MY eggs that makes sense." Bumblebee hissed flashing his fangs before carefully plucking the tiny orb from his mates hold. "besides I'm sure they'll grow plenty with time. Especially considering how big their daddy is." "Fair enough. Though hopefully they'll grow big enough to protect they're mommy." Megatron cooed nuzzling bee's neck as he put the egg back into the nest. "Well Their 'mommy' is more than capable of protecting himself and them, even if they grow to be as big as their daddy." Bumblebee snipped, but leaned into his mates hold. "I don't doubt that he could, I can only hope they'll inherit your boldness. It's my favorite part of you." The eal hummed a little before coiling around the nest and using his tail to pull the eggs close. Megatron followed his lead and curled around his little family. "You're going to be a wonderful mother. I just know it" "thanks."

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2 years ago
Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day

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9 months ago
Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day! 🧡

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2 years ago

Happy Mothers Day to mic with her adopted autobot and brave police sons

Mic:*Tells what Mother’s Day is to Jetfire & Jetstorm and Drill Boy*

Them all remembering the moments mic was a mother figure to them: WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING FOR HER!!!!!

The next day mic walks into the base

Mic: Hey guys what’s- (sees jetstorm holding a jumbo axolotl squishmallow, jetfire with a boutique of flowers and drill boy with a card he made for Her.)

The 3 of them: Happy Mother’s Day mic!❤️

Mic just sobbing 🥹 and then gives them all a big group hug, “I love you guys so much never forget that.” “We all love you too Mom!” ❤️ 😊

Happy mother’s birthday to you all and never forget how much they love you. Because it’s more than you’ll ever know. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖

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9 months ago
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The
Happy Mother's Day People! Here's A Little Mother's Day Story I Wrote Called 'Mothering'... I Got The

Happy Mother's day people! Here's a little Mother's day story I wrote called 'Mothering'... I got the idea of Eris thinking of Ikora as her mom because of one idle voice line Eris had on the Moon, "Will you kindly tell Ikora that I am not in danger? Her... mothering is very distracting."

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3 years ago


She's always been so selfless, my mother, and she continues to put us forward before herself. She loves us for who we are, even when the world feels different. She's stern with us when we need a reminder of who she believes we could be - kind and caring children, loved beyond anything else. And she loved us more than herself but we love her just as much. Yet whatever little thing we could do, it still won't feel like enough to show her how much she means. She's sweet, like the summer strawberries she enjoys, and deserves more than what I could ever put into words. To us, she'll always be our guiding star, even as we grow.

Thank you pales in comparison to the amount of gratitude I have for her but with every breath I take, with every moment we make some of the most precious memories I'll forever remember, I can't help but to say those words. 

To you, my mother, my best friend for always. I love you, from your daughter.

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