Man And I Was Just Thinking About How I Missed These Kids Skshsksl - Tumblr Posts

This is a(not really) AU that I’m calling the “Haven’t Met You Yet” AU.
High-five if you get the reference.
Basically, what happens is this: Dakota & Cavendish accidentally change something in the past that prevents Milo, Melissa, and Zack from meeting when they’re supposed to. And this causes a massive butterfly effect - Milo never befriends Melissa, so Melissa never joins in on any of his adventures & grows up believing that “Murphy’s Law” is just a local superstition. Without Melissa, Milo has no best friend to help him manage all the Murphy mayhem and starts keeping to himself more to avoid causing trouble for other people. Zack’s life changes the least out of the 3, since he was the last to be introduced, but any & all development he’s had since meeting the others has been completely erased.
Of course, their paths do eventually cross (because no force on earth could prevent that from happening,) and Zack and Melissa find themselves swept up in the chaos that is Milo’s life all over again.
I started these sketches in September, but only just found the motivation to finish them after watching the newest MML episodes. (I’m also thinking about possibly changing up their outfits a bit, just to make the difference in their characters more obvious.)