Melissa Chase - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Day 3: Melissa Chase

Day 3: Melissa Chase

Sits in her room, most likely the action takes place before the start of the show, and the study of Murphy's Law fits on one cork board and a cabinet

I myself don’t know why she’s looking somewhere in the corner near the ceiling.😂

What are your ideas?

Has anyone found Elliot's item?

Oh, he might feel bad when they find out he lost it...

Thanks for mmltober @enbyhoneyfluff!

Day 3: Melissa Chase

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5 months ago

Day 4: Journalist / Queen of the Universe

Day 4: Journalist / Queen Of The Universe

The Queen of the Universe visited Mars, and saw a lost Bumgorf. Back at her apartment, Melissa decides to write an article in Galactinet about the importance of pet care.

"Mars News:

Today, at five o'clock, according to the time zone No. 3 of Mars, a Bumgorf was found, probably discarded by the owners. The poor creature was sneezing from the heat. Keep an eye on your pets more carefully. I will personally participate in the pet maintenance check."

P.S: What is this, digital??? Phew~ A little more and I would have been late

Thank you for the wonderful art challenge! @enbyhoneyfluff

Day 4: Journalist / Queen Of The Universe

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2 years ago
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does
Goes With The Same Story As This Picture Does

Goes with the same story as this picture does

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2 years ago

I’m down, seems funny and a win/win

Okay okay, I have an idea.

So we all sneakily make a mml season 3, but then, Disney will catch wind of it, shut it down, and then do it themselves,but plot twist! There never was a secret mml season 3, it was all a ruse to get Disney to make an mml season 3, but plot twist to the plot twist, we do actually make it because we're tired and apathetic, and know when to give up, and so our version of giving up on something is just basically doing it ourselves, but then dan joins in on the project, and now there's just an official mml season 3, but it's just not Disney, but then Disney buys it, because of course it does, and then boom, mml season 3.

I think this plan is pretty solid how about you guys?

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2 years ago
I Doodled A Lot Of Milo Murphys Law Today While Listening To Gay Music
I Doodled A Lot Of Milo Murphys Law Today While Listening To Gay Music
I Doodled A Lot Of Milo Murphys Law Today While Listening To Gay Music

i doodled a lot of milo murphy’s law today while listening to gay music

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1 year ago
colored pencil outlined in colored marker drawings of characters from milo Murphy's Law: Diogee, Melissa, Sara and Dakota!
colored pencil outlined in colored marker drawings of characters from milo Murphy's Law: Milo, Zack, Cavendish and Amanda

I promised I'd be absolutely insufferable about this show as soon as I finished it, so here's the gang!!! How they managed to make an entire show where anytime anyone walks onscreen I go "look it's a blorbo!" is beyond me, but I honestly adore it so much!

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1 year ago
M.A. ~winter 2016
M.A. ~winter 2016
M.A. ~winter 2016
M.A. ~winter 2016
M.A. ~winter 2016

M.A. ~winter 2016

from around January 2016 I think, when I was starting to get the hang of drawing these kids. also first successful drawing of Diogee with the right shaped snout. Practice on trying to draw this style a little looser and more lively. Also wanted an excuse to draw sweaters.

please don’t tag as ship

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1 year ago
Sorry I Only Have Pic With My Name Mark
Sorry I Only Have Pic With My Name Mark

sorry i only have pic with my name mark

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1 year ago

Drew the guys 🫶🫶🫶

Drew The Guys

Heres the speedpaint cuz speedpaints are pretty sick

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1 year ago

I've been waiting for animatics for this passage for a soooo long time

He wears your grandad's clothes

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7 years ago

When Dakota and Cavendish are having their interminable circular argument about where the peach came from, it goes around three times with identical dialogue before the scene switches in midsentence to Sara saying, “Melissa, why did you bring us to your house?”

They literally cut to the Chase

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6 years ago
Heres A Cute, Messy Pen Doodle That I Drew In My Tiny Pocket Sketchbook A Couple Months Ago And Forgot

Here’s a cute, messy pen doodle that I drew in my tiny pocket sketchbook a couple months ago and forgot to post.

These two have a great dynamic, I really hope we get to see how they met at some point in the series.

(Just ignore the sideways heart, all the pages have them.)

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6 years ago
Milo Murphys Law - Spider-Man AU

Milo Murphy’s Law - Spider-Man AU

I just love this AU concept so much, it’s so fun. Milo would make a great Peter Parker, and Melissa would make an awesome Michelle. I also think that Amanda would absolutely suit the role of Liz Allan (and Bradley would probably be Flash)!  Zack is going to be Miles Morales, and I have a separate sketch for that meeting in the works.

I’m still deciding whether I want to use Mort as Ned, or have Zack still be Milo’s best friend and Miles!Zack can just be the Zack of another dimension (since he pretty much has to be, anyway.) 

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5 months ago
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.
This Is A(not Really) AU That Im Calling The Havent Met You Yet AU.

This is a(not really) AU that I’m calling the “Haven’t Met You Yet” AU. 

High-five if you get the reference.

Basically, what happens is this:  Dakota & Cavendish accidentally change something in the past that prevents Milo, Melissa, and Zack from meeting when they’re supposed to. And this causes a massive butterfly effect - Milo never befriends Melissa, so Melissa never joins in on any of his adventures & grows up believing that “Murphy’s Law” is just a local superstition. Without Melissa, Milo has no best friend to help him manage all the Murphy mayhem and starts keeping to himself more to avoid causing trouble for other people. Zack’s life changes the least out of the 3, since he was the last to be introduced, but any & all development he’s had since meeting the others has been completely erased. 

Of course, their paths do eventually cross (because no force on earth could prevent that from happening,) and Zack and Melissa find themselves swept up in the chaos that is Milo’s life all over again.

I started these sketches in September, but only just found the motivation to finish them after watching the newest MML episodes. (I’m also thinking about possibly changing up their outfits a bit, just to make the difference in their characters more obvious.)

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1 year ago

so a few weeks ago i drew the mml trio but "cat-ified" them because i thought , eh why not . (also the signature was my discord tag before they got rid of them but i'm not gonna go back and change it rn hgytyf)

Milo Murphy! He's my second favorite of the three. :))
Zack Underwood. He's my favorite that i'd drawn out of them all. :D
Melissa Chase. She's my least favorite but she was the first one i'd drawn so..


Zack is my favorite out of them all bc i unconsciously added more detail than expected lol.

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1 year ago
Draw Random Mml Ships Just Because I Can
Draw Random Mml Ships Just Because I Can

draw random mml ships just because i can

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