Mandalore Is So Different To Republic Politics - Tumblr Posts
Alright time to rewrite the post I sent you that I remember because I must share thoughts
Short story:
Luke and Leia don't know much about their mom
They run into someone who knew her
Who knows where some of her old stuff was
It's just a trunk full of Naboo royal wear
Luke and Leia decided to divide the dresses
This starts being what they wear to republic events
This was done exclusively because I need Luke and Leia both wearing padmes gowns
Din is happy Luke found and likes his moms gowns
He does not like the fact that Luke is now getting even more attention from admirers
He especially hates it at republic events
He and Han team up to chase of other people admiring the twins
Leia knows this is happening
But it doesn't effect her to much so she doesn't care
Luke has no clue
Chewie and grogu are standing on the side laughing at the antics together
This didn't go through the first time apparently
But I had thoughts on the matter so I rewrote what I could
My dear, darling tortoise, sorry this took so long to answer! After being at my family's for Christmas and my stupid car breaking I've been practically dead to the world 💀 I hope you enjoy this though! I love this idea so much! Leia and Luke would look SO GOOD it causes their husbands physical pain.
Luke and Leia wanted to connect with their mother. They know about their father, for better or worse, but Padme? They felt that she was constantly just out of reach. But as they looked at themselves in the mirror of, what had once been, their mother's room Looked at the way the chiffon fell around their bodies, the way the gems sparkled, the way the colours matched them perfectly. They felt a connection. They felt her.
The next morning an old Palace worker, who had known Padme, found them fast asleep on the enormous bed, surrounded by clothes and the smell of their mother's perfume.
After that emotional trip to Naboo the twins had completely cleared out Padme's closet and beauty supplies. And so began their tradition of wearing their mother's garments to all important galas, balls, celebrations and so on.
Now Din and Han were happy for their spouses, they really were. After all the trauma they had gone through with their birth father, not to mention loosing their homes (and an arm) to said birth father, they deserved to have some joy from their parentage. BUT!
BUT!....Did they have to look so fucking incredible doing it?!
Every time the twins strode into a hall (fashionably late of course, the dramatic-entrance-Skywalker-gene was strong), dressed in the most beautiful clothes the galaxy had to offer.
Clothes that both clung to them, high lighting their soft, elegant bodies; but, and lay loose, giving them an ethereal, magical quality as it flowed around their every move. (And if Luke sometimes used the Force to have the dresses billow just a little more..well, who was to know- Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan knew.)
Not to mention the flawless make up, done with their mother's products, she would want them to be used (especially to bring a room full of the most powerful and important people in the galaxy to their knees). And jewellery which brought even more magic to their appearance, as they reflected the abundance of decorative lights.
It was frankly unfair.
Not only did they have to spend the whole event unable to touch their partners in the way they wanted too, and spend hours waiting for the 'acceptable and appropriate' time to drag their spouses to their bed (if they made it that far...). But, even worse, they had to deal with a room full of people who were as desperate as them to touch and pull away the twins.
These people were shameless, becoming even more outrageous as the nights wore on.
The only "good" (depending whether or not you asked Boba Fett) to come from this was that Din and Han had formed a strong bond. A bond that can only be formed through mutual understanding of not being allowed to devour your spouse while having to run around threatening anyone who who dares come close to either one of the twins.
It was exhausting and fustrating. And tonight was no exception.
Din knew he was, technically supposed to be, on Leia duty. Some old senator from Naboo was trying to use the fact she was wearing her mother's style to suggest she should align her self more intimately with Naboo. It was disrespectful and gross to watch, but Leia was using her endless lexicon of diplomatic answers (laced with threats) to deter him. Din was ready to step in at a moments notice - "general organa I have some questions about Mandalore" ...well maybe not that phrasing..but he'd think of something....right now he was too preoccupied with the far corner of the room.
Luke was perched on a window sill, his gown hanging low, revealing his shoulders, delicious collarbones and highlighting his neck (which was disappointingly unblemished despite Din's best efforts...damn jedi.) He was surrounded by dignitaries. A young handsome man was leaning it unnecessarily close. Where the fuck was Han??? This was- did that fucker just stoke Luke's arm????
"-rgana, I would love to continue you this conversation outside im afraid its far to loud and hot in here."
Shit. Uh...excuse..
"General, if I may step in, I have questions about the- this years harvest on Mandalore. Agricultural questions, which need your immediate input."
Despite her polite smile, Din could see her roll her eyes as she lead them away.
"Agriculture? Mandalore is currently barren Din!" She fixed him with a classic Leia Look, "how is Han better at this than you."
Din blushed, maybe that hadn't been the smartest excuse but he was distracted Leia stupid people are caressing your brother!
"Well not right now. Luke is being caressed."
"I think you'll find it's more than that now."
Din snapped his head round.
The man was pulling Luke on to the dance floor, placing his stupid hand on Luke's perfect waist. The blonde just smiled and launched into the dance, completely unaware of the man's intent.
"Stars, bit he is oblivious." Leia sighed, "what's the point of your and Han's stupid 'bootyguard' [not Din's ideal choice of name but Han had insisted] system"
"There's no syste-"
Leia ignored him "if Luke's getting felt up by the most annoying Coruscant senator?"
"Han was supposed to be on Luke duty!"
On the dance floor Luke was actually having fun, the man (who ever he was - Luke never read Leia's summaries of the guests, it didn't involve him so why bother when he could be gardening or make cookies with Grogu) was friendly and a good dancer; which was a better outcome than he had expected when he saw him approach.
The man spun and pulled him back flawlessly, accidentally misplacing his hand further down his back.
When he was spun out again he suddenly found himself in Han's arms.
"Uh? Hi?"
Han twirled them across the dance floor, wow Leia was an incredible was a shame she didn't want to be a jedi with him.
"You okay squirt?"
Luke furrowed his brow, "yeah- Why wouldn't I be?"
"That sleemo had his hand practically on your ass!"
"That was an accident after the spin!" He could feel the red blossom on his cheeks.
"Oh Luke. I know you're not as naive as that - I saw you flirt and try to fuck your way round most of the handsome pilots on Yavin and Hoth."
Luke made an indignant noise, trying to make a protest but his face was burning.
"Although you are as oblivious as fuck" Han added with a wink as he spun Luke away.
Suddenly, Luke was met with a broad expanse of beskar.
"That blush looks good on you Cyar'ika" he leaned closer, "but, I should be the only one making you blush like that" he growled into Luke's ear.
The blonde felt his knees go weak, as heat pooled in his stomach.
Din huffed qn unfairly attractive laugh, before adding in the same deep voice, "please tell me we can leave."
Luke grabbed him tighter, swallowing "I think now is a perfectly acceptable time to leave."
The two of them giggled as they "snuck" out of the hall, hand in hand. They barely made it back to their room before Din threw off his helmet, pulling Luke into a deep kill filled with promises.
Han watched the couple throw subtlety to the wind and run away. He turned to Leia,
"No, Han. We're not leaving."
Han pouted, trying to use his best puppy eyes - they always worked for Luke...never for him, but it couldn't hurt to keep trying.
She pushed his face away, looking over at where the grand entrance, (really Luke the main doors???), had just swung shut. She sighed. At least one of them had self-control and decorum. But, really Luke? You couldn't stay for longer that half an hour.
All children play dress up in their parents clothes; but no one did it as well and as glamorously as them - They are Padme's children after all, it's in their blood.