Marvelsspidermanps5 - Tumblr Posts
So this is a bit of a dumb post but if any of y’all play the recent spider-man games y’all know about them replacing the face actor. I like both, but Ben Jordan’s (new guy) version has only one problem to me and it’s how short his hair is.

And I really wish insomniac made his hair longer for the sequel instead of just “let’s make it messier” like idk. Here’s a pic of ben Jordan irl

Now this look would be perfect to me. I love the long hair he has. In fact some people even made a mod for it.

The picture to the left is a pc mod that basically is supposed to make it look more like Ben irl (made by reza825 on nexusmods). The one on the right is that mod combined with another mod that gives him back the brown eyes and even gives him stubble (made by Colbydash). Tbh I just want the hair to be like how it is in the mod. I’ve never liked the short hair ps5 peter has and I’m a bit disappointed he still has it. This was just a little vent post ig. I will obv love the hell out of the game coming, I just hope the next one gives Peter the hotter longer hair.

Question is this twink death or merely de-yassification
Nah they knew exactly what they did and they have zero shame

I just wanna know who on the marketing team approved that wording
I love insomniac but can someone please explain to me why they still nerf bens hair in the sequel. I really hope they just give him the long hair for the third game pls it’s all I ask
oh damn this mod makes him look so much better and I think the modder fixed the animations/made the face fit the original rig bc it's more expressive and less uncanny

First pics, half marks, and latest pics I’ve taken of each game on each console