Marvels Spider Man - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Ok, so I'm in the wrong, I don't know how I messed that up.

I was asking if you could write, How Black Cat from the Playstation Spider Man games would kiss her lover.

MARVELS SPIDER-MAN - Black Cat kissing her gender neutral S/O

Note(s): Don't worry it's alright! I hope I did her justice (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) I also hope you like the little story I added at the end.

Gif of Black Cat, real name Felicia Hardy, from the game's Marvels Spider-Man (2018) The Heist DLC gently caressing Spider-Man's, real name Peter Parker, cheek.

Felicia will tend to get more affectionate, if that's even possible, when she wants a kiss from you. It takes her a while of teasing to say it outright of course, it's only in her nature to toy with her food until she's dissatisfied with the length of time it's taking to feast.

She loves to hold your hand, wrap an arm around your waist and kiss your neck first, perhaps give a small bite to your collarbone or wrist, refusing to give even a peck to your lips for what feels like hours.

When you're finally at your wits end, begging and pleading for an ounce of attention to your mouth, that's when she gives you what you both desire the most.

Felicia's kisses are normally very gentle, she treats you like how she treats those precious gemstones that she just loves to steal, grabbing you roughly and snatching you up, yet holding you so far above just a simple object because you're not her possession, she's not your owner, you're her lover, her partner, and it shows when she gives you her sweet, long kisses. She never just kisses your lips, as she could never stick to only loving one part of your body.

She starts at your hands, running up your arm, to your shoulder, neck, then your cheek and your ear, whispering into them her filthy yet somehow sweet words. Only then, and only then, she finally gives you that kiss to your lips. Her eyes flutter closed as they brush against yours, her complete and utter adoration for you is clear as day.

Felicia's hands never leave you, grabbing your hips or waist to keep you still, to have her claws so close to digging into your body, yet never fully doing so, never hurting you, never dreaming of causing you pain, only to hold you.

But when she wants them to be, they can be rough, longer lasting, typically only when she's stressed or feeling more passionate. That's when she uses tongue, pushing you against the wall, her hands attacking your body with her dangerously passionate touches, even squeezing your thighs and hips as harsh as you'll allow to make you squirm with pleasure.

You're painfully aware of how flirty Felicia is, every interaction has her hands wander over every inch of your body and her smooth words dripping over you like honey. Because of that, how well you know her, how well she knows you, it doesn't take either of you too long to realise what exactly she wants.

She eyes you from across the room for a moment, as if a hawk studying a lost mouse, slowly, she approaches, black heels clicking on the ground like a warning. Her hand reaches out to lightly brush against your own, her lips begin to curl into a devious smirk, one she always wears when she's up to something. Felicia leans close and whispers into your ear.

"Your lips, they look so appetising." After she sees you shiver in anticipation Felicia's hand gently runs up your arm, leading to your shoulder. For a moment, and only for a moment, she pauses, only to grab your shoulder and yank you closer.

"Can I have a taste?"

Ok, So I'm In The Wrong, I Don't Know How I Messed That Up.

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1 year ago
Some Photos I Got From Spider-Man On Ps4.
Some Photos I Got From Spider-Man On Ps4.
Some Photos I Got From Spider-Man On Ps4.

Some photos I got from Spider-Man on ps4.

It’s insane how good this game even looks on PS4. Miles game as well. I can’t wait to play the SM2 the photomode is gonna slap so hard.

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1 year ago

It’s honestly kind of funny that in the next spidey game Harry is gonna be venom. It’s like a recipe for disaster “yes let’s take this ambiguously gay twink and give him the power of the raging flamboyant gay goo monster”.

I’m sorry for posting this lmao.

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1 year ago

So this is a bit of a dumb post but if any of y’all play the recent spider-man games y’all know about them replacing the face actor. I like both, but Ben Jordan’s (new guy) version has only one problem to me and it’s how short his hair is.

So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them
So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them
So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them

And I really wish insomniac made his hair longer for the sequel instead of just “let’s make it messier” like idk. Here’s a pic of ben Jordan irl

So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them

Now this look would be perfect to me. I love the long hair he has. In fact some people even made a mod for it.

So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them
So This Is A Bit Of A Dumb Post But If Any Of Yall Play The Recent Spider-man Games Yall Know About Them

The picture to the left is a pc mod that basically is supposed to make it look more like Ben irl (made by reza825 on nexusmods). The one on the right is that mod combined with another mod that gives him back the brown eyes and even gives him stubble (made by Colbydash). Tbh I just want the hair to be like how it is in the mod. I’ve never liked the short hair ps5 peter has and I’m a bit disappointed he still has it. This was just a little vent post ig. I will obv love the hell out of the game coming, I just hope the next one gives Peter the hotter longer hair.

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1 year ago

I love insomniac but can someone please explain to me why they still nerf bens hair in the sequel. I really hope they just give him the long hair for the third game pls it’s all I ask

oh damn this mod makes him look so much better and I think the modder fixed the animations/made the face fit the original rig bc it's more expressive and less uncanny

Oh Damn This Mod Makes Him Look So Much Better And I Think The Modder Fixed The Animations/made The Face

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1 year ago

Aye shout out to the fucking Modders tho. There are so many good ass modders let me shout out some

Agrofro, tangoteds, boguslawjestem, spacedasher, etc theres so many to name but they’re all fucking goats. Insomniac is a blessing as well for putting the game on pc anyway. It’s so good

Hey Psst If Anyone Wants A Ref Sheet For The SM2 Suits I Took Some Screenshots And Scrambled Them Together.
Hey Psst If Anyone Wants A Ref Sheet For The SM2 Suits I Took Some Screenshots And Scrambled Them Together.

hey psst if anyone wants a ref sheet for the SM2 suits I took some screenshots and scrambled them together. Keep in mind though, these are mods so they're not 100% accurate but it's the best we have so far (unless Insomniac releases a ref sheet both for Peter and Miles which would be v neat)

PS: Miles' suit isn't that light grey color, it's just very shiny

PPS: one neat detail I've noticed is that the red parts on Miles' suit seem to be from the same material as Peter's white parts (ie carbon fiber) for extra protection and they both use them on their hands/knuckles/forearms. they're essentially gauntlets and it makes sense for them to have them bc they punch a lot lol

feel free to download these pics, they're both 3000 x 2122px so large enough to see the details

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1 year ago
MARVELS SPIDER-MANInsomniac Games, 2018
MARVELS SPIDER-MANInsomniac Games, 2018
MARVELS SPIDER-MANInsomniac Games, 2018
MARVELS SPIDER-MANInsomniac Games, 2018
MARVELS SPIDER-MANInsomniac Games, 2018

MARVEL’S SPIDER-MAN Insomniac Games, 2018

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1 year ago


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1 year ago
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)
Black Cat In Marvels Spider-Man (2018)

Black Cat in Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018)

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1 year ago
Felicity Jones As Felicia Hardy In The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 | Dir. Marc Webb
Felicity Jones As Felicia Hardy In The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 | Dir. Marc Webb
Felicity Jones As Felicia Hardy In The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 | Dir. Marc Webb

Felicity Jones as Felicia Hardy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 | dir. Marc Webb

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1 year ago
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.
Whats Your Name? Felicia.

What’s your name? Felicia.

Felicity Jones as Felicia Hardy in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (2014)

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1 year ago

Spiderverse Rant

So.. I’ve been seeing people talk about Ultimate Spider-Man (The cartoon one, not the comic one) being in Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse.

I highly doubt that whichever Spider-Man that was, it wasn’t USM Peter. I believe if it was USM Peter, he would’ve had a cameo like Spectacular Spider-Man, since USM Peter traveled the multiverse multiple times.

And I highly doubt he would be against Miles, I personally believe he would help Miles. So I hope in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spiderverse, we see the Spider-Gang pop up in USM and USM Spider-Man and the Web-Warriors help the Spider Gang. I would even be done to see MSM2017 Spider-Man and his Web-Warriors helping out as well.

And yes, I was highly disappointed to see Spectacular Spider-Man be completely fine with letting people die just because a computer said so. Like how do we know Lyla ain’t algorithm created by the TVA or even Kang to keep everything in check.

Like, I don’t know what’s Marvel and Sony’s situation right now, but with Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars coming up, and even all the multiverse openings within the MCU. It is literally called “The Multiverse Saga,” so you cannot tell me something isn’t connecting here!

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10 months ago
Feeling Like Venom. Guys Im Struggling. I Wanna Be A Better Photographer And Im Trying But Im Just Exhausted

Feeling like venom. Guys I’m struggling. I wanna be a better photographer and I’m trying but I’m just exhausted as can be.. an lonely too. I just feel like crap cause my fibromyalgia. Wish I was more energized.. :(

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1 year ago

stay positive 👉🏻👉🏻

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4 years ago

Returning a Favor | A Marvel AU Fanfic, Chapter 1

Uhm, Ive never actually posted on tumblr before, and also never written about Marvel, so I hope if anyone even reads this, you will hopefully be nice ^^

So, anyways, this is a scene from an Idea I had, it takes place in the time between Spiderman Homecoming and Avengers Infinity War. If you like the idea or my writing style, make sure to let me know, so I can continue my Idea^^

I actually recommend to listen to some music while reading this, I suggest a dark academia, royal core playlist on youtube. (I think its suits this story the best, but you do you)

Okay I should stop blabbering, Lets go!


Title of Chapter: Ballroom Talk

Word Count: 2,4k

Other Chapters: Ch.1, Ch.2



The music hangs heavy in the air, as you leaned against the wooden railing of the staircase. Dozens of couples twirled and turned over the marble floor and the golden chandeliers, lit with real candles set the ballroom in a magnificent golden light. Golden specks of dust whirled through the air and the movement of the puffy skirts only made them twirl even more.

You looked down your crystal glass, hmm, empty. Sighing you placed your glass on the platter of a waiter that walked by you. Your gaze crossed the room, looking at the majestic oil paintings, probably worth thousands of dollars. Decadent.

Your eyes met brown. Great, the eyes you were trying to forget. You adverted your gaze and turned around, the skirt of your dress swaying as you made your way down the side of the ballroom, trying to get away. “Excuse me.”, said a voice behind you. You sighed.

“look, I don’t have time for this right now.” You turned around and he stood in front of you. Towering at least 2 feet over you normally, he now was eye to eye with you. Heels do seem have a good point. “I know, I’m really sorry, but I was told to do this.”, he said, so he knew too, that it was just an annoyance, rather than a mission. Gosh, he sounded so much like a teenager, it was almost embarrassing.

“I know too. But I am not joining your little team of ´Revengers´”, you painted quotation marks in the air and even though the half mask on his face managed to hide his emotion quite well, you were sure you could see him snarl. You chuckled lightly. “Let me guess, your friends are right out there, ready to crash the party any moment”. You nodded your head towards one of the stained-glass windows. “Okay, kiddo.”, you began. Actually, you weren’t quite sure how old he was, he seemed at least your age, if not older, but you liked the way it railed him up.

“I know that normally, we would have a nice fight of words and then your teammates come crashing in, saving you, because you obviously aren’t strong enough to handle me on your own. You and your friends set everything on fire, I get away and yet again you think you’ve won because you’ve killed another ten old bastards, that don’t mean anything to us. But you need the accomplishment, and we don’t want you to feel like you always destroy everything without any results. And yet you do.”

He opened his mouth, trying to defend himself, but you simply talk over him. “Let’s face it. You couldn’t find a point to start your search, so you thought you would show up here, thinking that we are dumb enough to not disguise a hidden meeting better than a ball. And you thought you could crash this meeting but then noticed, that it is a real ball. And now you want information, so they sent you in her, totally blending in with everybody here.” You reach for his neck and fix the collar of his button up.

“But now you noticed that there is no one important here, that actually has information. And I know that your teammates probably realised this, but I’m not quite sure if you are intelligent enough to do too, so I’m throwing you this bone.” You make an eccentric pause. “Peter, have you noticed that not even one important person is here.”, you pointed towards the dancefloor. “And you know why? Because there is a hidden meeting, but we all know that you and your little team aren’t even remotely clever enough to even think about this, so we sat up this ball. Of course, that’s not the only reason, its also to get rich old bastards on our side, feeding them with bacon wrapped dates and hors d´oeuvres and telling them that we are this”, you pinch your fingers together. “Close to curing cancer.”

“Are you serious?”, Peter brushes his hand trough his hair. “So this is all a setup to lead us into the false direction?”. “You look distressed”, you say and reach for the tablet of yet another waiter that walks by. “Here, try some of that, it will calm you down, but yes, this is just a setup”. You take the glass and press it into Peters’ hand. He doesn’t seem to pay attention to you though, his hand lays on his ear and the other, with the glass, he raised up to his mouth. “Did you hear that Mr Stark?”, he asked.

You try to swallow a giggle. “So, I was right”, you say and turn around, making your way down the corridor. “You really couldn’t think one step further and realise that we aren’t dumb enough to hide secret things better, tsk.”

It takes Peter a few seconds to notice you are leaving, but when he does, he is sprinting down the corridor after you. “Wait!”, he yells. “Come on Peter”, you answer annoyed, it comes out as a snarl. “Why are you so relentless? You had the mission to get information, I gave you information. Its not my fault that the information is that you suck”

“Hey! We don’t suck!”, he defends and jumps around, side to side, trying to move in front of you, but your massive skirt is blocking his way, making him dance around you. Though you must admit that even though this tight corset and the puffy skirt annoy you, you can’t seem to help but thank the 18th century fashion for making people stay away from you.

“Why don’t you just go back to your friends outside, because as you can see, there is nothing interesting here, just a bunch of old dudes, dancing with young and impressionable girls on the search for a rich sugar daddy”, You say. You are really done with this shit.

“I don’t think we have that what we want yet”, a voice came from in front of you. To be fair, you didn’t expect anybody else here, which made you stop in your tracks. You needed a Minute to calm your muscles again, trying to keep your masquerade on. “Oh, thank god”, Peter huffs out from behind you. Great, you are stuck.

You raise one side of your mouth to a smirk. “Captain America, didn’t expect to see you here. Thought you would be busy with squeezing yourself into those tight spandexes.”, you say. “Though I must say, tailcoats suit you much better, you should make them into your uniform, rather than that ridiculously patriotic Costume you always wear.” “I could say the same to you, oh, wait, you look like the wallpaper of my grandma exploded on you”, he says and grins. “Ouuh, burn”, You say mockingly. “You know you could just say you like me better without clothes”, You say and glance back over your shoulder. Only to find that Peter is blushing, you look back at Cap, he’s blushing too. Double kill.

“Well, if you would excuse me Gentleman, I’ve got a dinner date to keep”, You try to manoeuvre your skirt around Cap, but he positions himself right in front of you. “I don’t think so.”, he crosses his arms over his chest. “That’s not very nice, to keep a lady from following her plans”, You say and try once again, but he takes a step sideways, blocking your path yet again. “Let’s see it like this”, Cap begins. “You can either talk with me right now, or we will take this outside and you can see if you were right with the assumption that it takes more people than one to fight you.

You sigh. “Nice move, America. Taking advantage of the girl in heels, so it can’t run away.” You turn around and look at Peter. He has taken off his mask and you lock eyes with him. “Well then kiddo”, you say and open your hand. “Give me your glass, if you don’t use it, then don’t mind if I do” He hands you the wine glass and you throw your head back, downing it in one swift motion. You place the glass onto a side table and motion for Captain America to follow you. “You want to dance?”, you ask. He lifts an eyebrow. “So, you really wanna fight”, he asks. “Nah, not now. I mean it literally, if I have to spend more time here, then why don’t use it”

He turns around to look at Peter. “Go outside, I will meet you there, if I don’t come out in ten Minutes send them in” You can’t help but snicker at this and now its your turn to cross the arms over your chest. “Are you so afraid of me? The mighty Captain America- Oh wait, the mighty one was Thor, wasn’t it? Well anyways, I’m gonna spend the rest of my evening on the dance floor”

With those words you make your way back to the ball room. The music is still the same, eerily beautiful, like from an old historian drama. You reach the end of the hallway and look at the Captain. He reaches into the inside of his tailcoat and pulls out a velvet mask. “Glad to see you thought about bringing one yourself, I counted on the fact that I would have to lend you one of mine.” You tap onto your mask. A light beige, velvet half mask, adorned with blue pearls and light blue lace. It matched with your dress.

He holds out his elbow and you interlock your arm into his. You make your way to the dance floor, its not a formation dance, so you don’t stick out when you two join in in a free space. He places his hand on the side of your body and you reach out to place your hand in his. You begin the turn around the floor, not thinking about a choreography.

“Okay, Mr. America”, you say, now quieter, although the music and the chitter chatter all around you should make it hard for anybody else to hear your conversation. “You have this one dance, if you want to talk any longer, we will have to fight. And we both know that a fight will end in at least on person to be hurt. And I don’t know why, but I don’t think it will be me.”

He meets your stern gaze with just as much aversion. “I do think too that one dance is more than enough”. “By then, start your questions”. You turn outwards and twirl yourself back in under his arm. “Why are you doing this ball?”, he asks. “Like I said, its easier to have meetings that shall not be interrupted, if you have something where the people that could interrupt are occupied” “So, I guess that’s why you are here too, because they don’t want you to interrupt either?”, he asks and you can hear his intention right through. “I am really sorry, but I think we both know that you will not be able to question my loyalty”

He leaves your hand to place his on the other side of your waist and you place yours on his shoulders. With a swift motion he lifts you up as the music reaches its climax and with a turn puts you back down on your feet. “Next question”, you say. “You are running out of time”

“Why this masquerade?” You sigh. “I know, it’s very cliché isn’t it; I also don’t know why it has to be in this Victorian style, but I guess it should make the people here feel more at home, old people like old stuff, don’t they? But of course, I shouldn’t tell you about old stuff, I mean, you’re the 100-year-old” He rolls his eyes. “You know that’s not what I meant”. “Ugh, I know, you see, this is a disguise for a meeting, but its also a coming together of really rich people, and really rich people tend to do really bad stuff. Its easier to gather blackmail bait when people feel safe because of a mask that isn’t hiding anything.” “So, it’s a trick to steal money from the rich?” “No, its to steal Power from the rich. If you want to really win this game of power, you got to have the rich and powerful on your side, not only the handymen. And based on the facts I do know; you don’t even seem to have the handymen on your side. The Avengers, always there for the people”, you sigh mockingly. “but doing nothing more,  than leaving a trail of misery and destruction. Cut to the chase, what is really the reason you and your friends are here?”

“Where is the secret headquarters of Hydra?”, he asks, and you drop your smile. “Oh, straight to the point I guess”, You say and take a step away from him. He grabs your hands and pulls you back in, this time his hand lands on your back, holding you firmly in place. He leans down to your ear. For other people it must look like you are a couple, but the snarl in his voice is more than enough to find out the real affirmation between you two.

“Cut it, we know that you and your little crew have connections to hydra” You lean back, trying to bring space between you two and snarl back. “You should be careful who you make assumptions about, some people are not very happy to be affiliated with those people.” “Those people!?”, he gets louder. “Last time I remembered you blowing up a part of Siberia, destroying everything in a 100-mile radius. You are nothing better than Hydra.”

“I am not in affiliation with Hydra, but remember this for the next time we meet, America.”, you hiss and now you lean into him. “I will rip everything you love apart if you don’t keep your dirty hands of my business. And I think we both know that I won’t hesitate. But maybe I shouldn’t threaten you” You lean back and push against his chest, stepping away. “If you dare once again to interfere with my business, I will destroy everything any of you are fond of. Your little boy, Peter. This naïve and sweet boy. How about we start with him? Or maybe start with something that hurts. I come to know about a certain woman named… What was it? Peggy?”

With these words you turn around and storm of, you don’t hear footsteps behind you, and you are really sure that he won’t be following you.


Thank you for reading!

Have a great day!

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4 years ago

Returning A Favor | A Marvel AU Fanfic, Chapter 2

Sooooo, this is Chapter 2, I know that this one will not be very neccessary for the storyline, but I hope it will make it easier to understand things on the long run. So I hope you enjoy it and lets get to reading!

Of course youre very welcom to leave me a message if you want to help my better my writing skills or want me to continue this story


Title of Chapter: The Maze and Underground

Word Count: 1,7k Words

Other Chapters: Ch.1, Ch. 2



You make your way down the dim lit corridor. Every sound is blocked out, only the electric sizzle of the lights above you and your footsteps on the cobblestone below you. About 50 feet in down the hallway is a stone wall. You stop right in front of it and look to your right.

The tube lights hanging from the top of the tunnel flicker when you press your fingertip to a little control panel beside you. The wall emits a dark rumble and there’s and electric tension hanging in the air, as the façade of the stonewall changes into a metal one. The control panel beeps, and you reach out for the door that appeared in the middle of the wall.

Behind it the ruin like look of the tunnel outside is completely thrown overboard. Dark Marble tiles are arranged on the walls, only the ceiling is dressed in a dark obsidian, occasional lamps are set into the stone. Hallways spread out from the corridor in front of you like tree branches, you remember that when you first went through them a few years ago, you got lost. The hallways are a labyrinth itself, trying to confuse and misdirect everyone who is setting a foot in it.

You take the 21st aisle on the right down the corridor and walk down to the passage. The aisles are crooked, sometimes they coil like swirls and your favourite part, there are doors that lead to hidden aisles. The doors that actually lead to rooms can be counted on six hands and one of these rooms is yours.

The door is unlocked, it’s not really necessary to lock them, you know that no one would actually dare to walk around the maze itself but even if it was so, there is nothing in your room that is worth locking in. Yet you lock the door behind you. The walls are empty and cold, just like the outside. The room is dark, the only light illuminating the room coming from the devices that are stacked in the corner of the room. You press the light switch on the wall beside you and look around the room.

Its not big, not at all. About 170 square feet, but its enough to fit a bed, a small desk and a closet. On the left side of the room there’s a small recess, separated through a curtain, behind it there’s a sink a toilette. Showering is only possible on the overground levels of the building. You take the hair tie out of your hair and let it fall onto your shoulder. You sigh. This has not been the best day of your life you must admit. After you had left the gala you had made your way back to the headquarters.

The headquarters are actually a company. A gigantic Corporation of businessmen and women sitting in a large penthouse building in New York. And deep beneath the ground, accessible through a hidden elevator lies the headquarters. Well, about 3 miles away. The elevator leads to a hidden tunnel, connected to an underground hall, almost as big as an airplane hangar, separated on three different floors, each one as big as the other.

The Maze itself is in the Corporation headquarters in New York, one level higher than the tunnel to the Hangar. The Maze is the level for the rooms of the hidden people working for the Company, including You. People who are responsible for the things that should be hidden from the eyes of other people and too important to be out of sight.

So, when you had come there after the gala you were already expected. You exited the expensive Limousine, one of the many company cars, this one especially reserved for driving you wherever you want to go. “Y/N, I see you are back early, I assume you didn’t have time to actually complete your mission and speak to governor Kollan?”, deprecating words welcomed you back. “Mr. Racher”, you greeted back and couldn’t helped it but in matter of your outfit you offered a little bow. “Why are you here so early, what happened to your mission?” You gathered the layers of your skirt and walked past him.

He followed you up the stone steps in front of the building, catching up and opening one of the glass doors. You two go straight through the lobby, ignoring the Receptionists. Though they shed a simple “Welcome back, Mr” and they focused their gaze back on their Screens.

The security guards didn’t even spare a look to your outfit, of course not, everyone had spoken off the gala already weeks before the actual event. The Company is renowned for their extravagant Events.

You and Mr. Racher walked down the hallways of the Building, occasionally turning left or right, you kept silent. It is better to keep such talk from getting into the wrong ears. Finally, you arrived at a conference room. Mr. Racher pushed the doors open and walked in, you caught the door before it swung back into your face and entered behind him. It’s the same room you had been in when they put you into the dress.

“So Ms. Y/N, I remember you to be responsible for keeping an eye out for Governor Kollan.”, he crossed his arms and leaned onto a table. Mr Racher is a greying man, possibly over 50 but you can’t really tell, he has always the same expression on his face. The same face since you first had met him. He’s wearing a suit, a velvety dark green suit, though he now pulled off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

The door opened again, and three people walk in. Each one dressed in dark green clothes too, a simple pair of jeans and sweatshirts, matching masks cover their faces. They didn’t talk, but you recognized them from earlier in the day, they were the ones who stuck you into this dress. They silently circled around you and picked at your hair, jewellery and nig nags of your outfit, one of them settled themselves behind you and tugged at the cords of your corset. The third one picked at the seams on the side of you skirt, trying to get it off your body.

“I was indeed”, you said but took a moment to lift your arms over your head to make it easier, as the masked still pushed and pulled at your body. “But I was interrupted. The Avengers, they were there”. “Of course, they were, we invited them. Tony Stark is Leader of Stark enterprises, its only reasonable to send out invitations, even if we would rather see him off dead.”

You stepped out of the skirt that now pooled around your feet, just after that the petticoat underneath, leaving you only in your panties. “Not Stark, I know about him, he wasn’t there, he sent his little minion. I mean Captain America, he wanted to talk to me.” “Really? I didn’t see that coming, I’m sure the president would really like to hear about that. What did he want?”, although his words implied his interested, Mr Racher didn’t raise his voice, kept it monotone as always. You took a deep breath; they finally peeled the corset off your body. You didn’t mind standing half naked in the middle of the room, you’ve had to give up the privilege of intimacy years ago. “He wanted information about Hydra, I guess they’re still onto them.”

The Masked left the room, taken the dress and accessories with them. They left an outfit for you, simple, black. They never put you in the colours of the company. You pulled the tank top over your head and the simple yoga pants up. Slipping in the fleece jacket you tied your hair up in a ponytail, took a seat on the conference table and pulled on the socks and slippers they had also left. “As for the president, you don’t need to care about that Mr Racher.

I have a meeting with the president tomorrow morning, I will discuss the details of the evening with her personally. This is not your business anymore. I wish you a good night”, with that you swung yourself off the table and left the room. You took the next elevator to the basement level and swipe your card through the control panel. From there on you can only go deeper with a key card. On level 02 you stepped out and changed into the other elevator right next to it, down to the tunnel leading to the maze and off to your room.

Now you are sitting on your bed, the firm mattress beneath you. In your hand you hold a small mirror and with a wet wipe you try to wipe away the remains of the makeup you couldn’t get away in the bathroom. You had changed into a short pair of sweatpants and a simple bralette.

Surrender, you think and throw the wipe into the bucket on the other side of the room and place the mirror on the floor. You had killed the light and the room was dimly lit by the little lamp on your bedside table. Taken the cell phone off the table you check the new message you had received about two minutes ago. `Y/N, I expect you to deliver an in-depth report of the evening and your conversation with Mr Rogers. You will receive a new training schedule tomorrow morning and I expect you to prove a spotless attendance. – President Monroe.´

You throw the cell phone back on the beside table and take a glass out of the sideboard on the wall and pull the curtain to the side. You fill the glass with cold water. Well, there Is no warm water in the rooms. You open the medicine cabinet over the sink and take out the little box of pills. You take one, each morning, each night. You don’t exactly know what they are for, but you also don’t question the company anymore.

Back to your bed. You put out the light and pull your covers up to your chest. You let out a deep breath and close your eyes.


Thank you for reading!

Leave a heart or a comment if you liked it, or if you want to help me better my writing skills. Happy new year and I hope you have a great day!

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