May 30th - Tumblr Posts
Do billionaires know that if they're just gonna automate art, labor, coding, articles, content, photos, logos, and writing for the sake of money then they can go?
Like if all you want is a fake city and fake people and fake art and fake content and fake clickbait articles so you can brag on insta about your fake life that the man-made currencies you hoard buy for you then I propose we build a fake city for them to live in. It'll have a giant dome over it so all their gross black oil waste and "artisanal waters" stay contained. And they can print their own money all they want so they won't have to keep bothering the rest of us.
And then we push it off a cliff.

^ billionaire town ^ the rest of the planet
kill the rich but put them in a thunderdome at the bottom of the grand canyon first so they can get some first hand experience on how much they suck
hey, hey pssst --
labor strike!
30 may!
(and anywhere else that would like to strike in solidarity!)

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