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Fair treatment is not an inconvenience. The 1% is.
a fabulous affirmation by @ceo-of-sloppy-men !!!
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again: I am pro union. Pro strike. Pro eat the rich. Do not let mega corporations convince you that unionized labour is too extreme, and complain about strikes - but not that the workers are an inconvenience, complain that the corporation’s inability to meet demands is an inconvenience. The unions are not the problem. It is the 1% who refuse to give up a sliver of their silver platter that is the problem.
I will gladly wait for any postal strike to be over if it means workers get fairer treatment (both benefits and pay, not one or the other). I will gladly wait for new shows if it means actors and writers do not need to live in fear of AI or being unable to pay their bills. I will gladly wait for everyone to be treated fairly and equitably.
And if you don’t like it, get off my lawn and go learn why you should. We all deserve to be treated like people. Not disposable toothbrushes.
Fair treatment is not an inconvenience. The 1% is.
Ask a community organiser: can you organise with Fran Drescher as president of SAG-AFTRA even though she's an antivaxxer? On broad based organising versus issue based organising.
on a serious note regarding the wga strike and (as of 1:50 AM PST 7/13) upcoming sag-aftra strike, dsa-la has a fundraiser called The Snacklist which provides snacks and water on the picket lines here in LA. right now the funds they have will not last through the end of the summer, especially given the current and upcoming heatwaves necessitating more supplies. if you have a couple of dollars to spare it's a great way to directly support the writers (and potentially the actors) during this difficult time!
CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions
.....Correct me if I'm wrong but allies to Israel would have no money to move around and spend if we and banks have no money to move around for them right?
Even the US treasury needs a way to offer collateral for the billions they give to countries like Israel. Do you know what that collateral has been thus far? Your paycheck. The future paychecks of babies that can't even talk yet. That's how they'll pay all this off.
The government has been giving us the biggest fuck you that they could. Let's return the favor.
"yeah but the banks-"
Have been bailed out every time they've asked for it since I've been alive. They love debt when they aren't the ones paying it. They'll know how heavy the weight of their arms dealing is. There's a reason they have been phasing out paper checks and money- they can't move money they don't have and digital bank accounts can't see the paper money in your drawer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So yes absolutely keep boycotting.
And we should pull all our money out of Major Banks.
It's incredibly accessible for most people who already have a bank account, even if you can't protest or strike. And you don't have to miss any work.
So let's hit em where it hurts.
Banks (from this list of Banks that heavily fw Israel)
Bank Julius Baer & Co
Bank Lombard Odier & Co
Banque Pictet & Cia SA
BNP Paribas Israel
CBH Compagnie Bancaire Helvetique S.A.
Dreyfus Sons & Co.
Hyposwiss Private Bank Geneve SA
JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A.
Silicon Valley Bank
Union Bancaire Privee
BNP Paribas Israel
State Bank of India
Other banks that have supported the genocide
Goldman Sachs
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
Capital One
Marks & Spencer
Scotia Bank
Bank of Montreal
No, you don't have to cancel your direct deposits (most places in the USA won't even pay you without an account anyway). But you should drain your account ASAP. Don't let the money sit in your bank. Pull it out and use cash for everything you can. Don't put money in the bank unless you need to.
The point is just to keep as much money as you can out of banks for as long as you can.
Yeah it's gonna be harder to order online which may be inconvenient until we readjust but thats good.
It'll be a natural way for the boycotts to evolve.
A lot of fighting in the Red Sea is being done because of how much money the USA, UK, etc have to lose if they can't get their products on time. The Houthis turning ships away cost these countries millions every time. If there are less ships to turn away cuz people aren't ordering stuff from overseas then Good.
Yeah we could have an organized day to do this but...why??? It's accessible, it's free, and the people across the globe experiencing a genocide right now, from north America to Africa to Palestine don't have the luxury of waiting a few months for us to spread the word and organize.
If you see this share it. Copy/paste, repost, retweet, idc. Spread like wildfire pls

The Runner Brothers
The boys is here! Now we have Turbo and his twins, Strike and Jet! ( i gave them names ) Turbo, Twins (c) Wreck it ralph
Bisan is calling for another strike April 1st 2024. Don’t buy ANYTHING
your favorite youtubers and content creators are about to be offered some tantalizing tv/streaming deals so we're all about to find out who the real working class allys are
y’all cannot seriously be mad that the people with the most leverage are withholding their labor in solidarity with the people with the least leverage thereby giving them actual bargaining power like do you guys understand what a union is or nah
people will claim they "support the writers strike" and then will turn around and use the very inherently exploitative and unethical ai that studios favour using to replace actual human writers who barely make enough to survive as it is
"starving artist" isn't only a metaphor and your self-serving actions are making that more and more of a reality
remember kids, stream everything legally to your heart's content, support the strike, donate if you're able to, spread the word if you can't, check from time to time if they're calling for a boycott and only then, if it comes to that, stop streaming (or find other ways to watch your blorbos). don't whine about show delays (unless if it's to drag the big corporations causing all of this to happen in the first place) and be patient. this is huge and our collective voices as content viewers and "consumers" can really weigh in on the issue, so we have to show unwavering solidarity!
I think all industries should unionize and strike as needed.
Retail and the food industry should be first.
France is living something historical

March, 11th. While students were occupying a lecture hall in Montpellier’s University of Law, the Dean sent a fascist group helped by two teachers to beat up the students. Three of them ended up in the hospital, the girl in the picture with a fractured skull.

March, 27th. 4,000 students are sitting at Montpellier’s University of Art and Literature . We are voting the continued occupation of the University until all our demands are met. We make sure to include the French President’s resignation in our demands, to be certain that they will never be met. To this day, the university is still occupied.
April, 4th.
“Travaille, consomme et ferme ta gueule ! Et c’est quoi le message qu’on passe aux jeunes ?” “Tout est à nous ! Tout est à nous ! Rien n’est à eux ! Rien n’est à eux ! Tout ce qu’ils ont, ils l’ont volé ! Partage des richesses, partage des savoirs ou alors ça va péter !”
“Work, buy and shut the fuck up! And what’s the message you give to the youth?” “Everything is ours! Nothing is theirs! All they have, they have stolen! Share the wealth, share the knowledge or we will blow everything up!”
National day of strike. 2,700 people in Paris. 1,000 in Lyon. 2,000 in Montpellier. The workers joined the students, the hospital staff, the train and rails staff. Everyone marched, threatened by the CRS (security police) and smoke bombs. We had to stay masked because fascists groups were attacking people leaving the march.

April, 11th
Montpellier: Paul Valery University’s servers hacked, final exams pending
The Dean of my University (Art and Literature) has been a vocal opposant of our movement. In an effort to stop the occupation and threaten us, he has repeatedly refused to come to our meetins, has ignored the decisions made by the teaching staff and threatened to fire teachers who decided to march with us. His last effort has been regarding finals. Because the university is blocked since February (see the post I made), we didn’t have classes and almost no material to take exams. Final week was supposed to be from April 9th to 13th. The Dean ordered the teachers to create online exams for us to send. We received the subjects Friday 6th. I had to write an 18-page-long essay on animation in TWO DAYS. But today, something incredible happened. The plateform used by the university to communicate with students and send our exams was hacked by the protesting students. We can’t access it. We can’t send our exams. Furthermore, an assembly of teachers was held yesterday and they decided that they were going to play on a technicality. The Dean ordered them to make exams; he didn’t say if he wanted the teachers to grade them. A unanimous vote decided that they would give 10 to each student (we are graded on 20 and 10 is the minimum to pass) and bonus point if they give the exams.

Again, I’m begging you, share this around. The governement is purposefully hiding what is happening because they’re afraid it’s going to turn into another May, 1968. Reblog, repost, I don’t care. I just want people to see it. I’m 20 and I’m risking my life when I march.