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I can do a request for daki x male reader where Daki / ume is a popular girl and the reader is an ordinary student plz


she’s one of the three most beautiful girls in the school
due to that , she has quite a following
they always give her presents and chocolates to show their appreciation towards her
she noticed that among the boys that simp over her , you just treat her like any other girl
you don’t give her any special presents or confess your love over and over again when you talk to her
she becomes interested in you
decides to try and get to know you better , hang out with you more often
whenever guys threaten you for ‘stealing their girl’ she usually tells you to ignore them and she tells them off
overall , it’s quite a slow burn before you guys start officially dating
takes about 5 months , but it was worth the wait , don’t worry
sends death glares to guys that look at you two weirdly in the hall or outside of school
her brother somewhat acts as a bodyguard
her brother also respects you , 100% . he knows that you mean good
despite the fact you’re not popular , ume’s 100% ok with that
she cares more about your personality , not your ranking in school

apologies if daki seem ooc , still practicing my writing skills
likes + reblogs are extremely appreciated !!
feel free to give me constructive criticism too if you wish , it will help me improve my writing skills 💞

©️all content belongs to @megudori 2021 , please don’t modify or repost on any social media platform
I loved the Daki hcs!!! I think you did her well and wasn’t ooc. Could I ask for snuggling/cuddling and kissing hcs with Daki and Mitsuri (seperate) with a male reader again this time? Thank you so much!
💋 c-cuddles n’ kisses !!

characters - daki, mitsuri kanroji
reader - male
genre - fluff
cw - none

enjoys pda, if you’re not comfortable with that, then she won’t cuddle / smooch you in front of others, instead she’ll do it privately
you never know which position she wants to be in ; sometimes she likes to sit you on her lap, facing her, so you two can kiss now and again
or she could sit on your lap facing you whilst you wrap your arms around her waist, kissing every now and then
enjoys it when she flusters you with her affectionate actions
will tease you if you get flustered, just a bit tho
randomly kisses you / hugs you even if you’re not alone in your room (if ur comfortable with affection in front of others, if not, ignore this bit)
If you’re uncomfortable with kissing/hugging in public, then you’ll do it in the privacy of your and dakis’ room

mitsuri kanroji
hugs with this woman are AMAZING
she’s not the love pillar for nothing
dunno why, but I feel like she’s really warm ??
like daki, doesn’t mind what your position is ; you on her lap or her on your lap
enjoys it when you kiss her forehead, plus her reaction to you kissing her anywhere is so cute
gets all red in the face and starts squealing like a little girl, tries hiding her flustered state with her hands, failing to do so
definitely into pda, if you aren’t, then that’s ok, she respects your space
hugs you from behind when she comes back from missions, even if there are people, she just can’t help herself
sometimes when you kiss her hands , she gets all emotional
reason being is because they’re quite calloused due to her being a hashira
and you tell her that her hands have saved countless of people
overall, enjoys it when you can cuddle alone and kiss in private , makes it seem more intimate

🥕 b-bun’s note !!
apologies if any of these characters seem ooc, still practicing my writing skills
likes + reblogs are extremely appreciated !!
feel free to give me constructive criticism too if you wish, it will help me improve my writing skills 💞

all content belongs to @dum-bun-pup 2021, please don’t modify or repost on any social media platform
Hello there, I just found your blog. If I can could i request just some fluff of a male reader x Kanae Kocho sneaking in kittens and puppies for the butterfly girls and the patients since Shinobu doesn't like furry animals. Please, thank you, and have a wonderful day
male reader
ft . kanae kocho
. kanae kocho
> it was kanae’s idea , unsurprisingly
> she said that it would be better for the patients and the girls who work there , because fluffy animals give serotonin
> you were very hesitant at first , because if shinobu finds out she’ll be pissed™️
> one of the girls would usually scout outside to look out for shinobu once she came back , so you could hide the fluffy creatures from her sight
> one of the girls would usually scout outside to look out for shinobu once she came back , so you could hide the fluffy creatures from her sight
> one of the girls would usually scout outside to look out for shinobu once she came back , so you could hide the fluffy creatures from her sight
> aoi almost told shinobu about you and kanae letting in furry animals , only to stop in her tracks when you handed her a puppy and it tilted its head before licking her nose , tail wagging
> kanae jokingly calls the furry animals your children
> due to the fact that you don’t have children of your own yet , the furry animals will do for now at least
> sadly shinobu finds out eventually :(
> somehow kanae convinces her to let the furry animals stay , to which you applaud her
> she was in a bad mood tho ( shinobu that is )
> one time she tripped over a kitten that was laying down , dropping the tray of medicine in the process , she almost killed that cat
> only for kanae to intervene once more , you hiding behind her back so as to protect yourself from her sister’s fury
> surprisingly enough , not long after shinobu be friended the majority of the furry animals , kinda like how a dad is all like ‘I don’t like that cat’ then you see him treating it like a child the next day , y’know ??
authors note
apologies if any of these characters seem ooc , still practicing my writing skills
likes + reblogs are extremely appreciated !!
feel free to give me constructive criticism too if you wish , it will help me improve my writing skills 💞
©️all content belongs to @megudori 2021 , please don’t modify or repost on any social media platform