Mitsuri Headcanons - Tumblr Posts
Hi ^^
I saw your most recent post, so I’m here to make a request! I couldn’t find a request info page so I hope that this is general enough. Could you do the hashiras comforting a s/o who often doesn’t sleep well and/or suffers from a lot of nightmares? My sleep schedule is utterly wrecked rn :,)
Also remember to drink water <3
I had to do some research but i managed! :D

Hashira x Insomniac!Reader Headcanons

He would definately wake up in the middle of the night in your shared bed that accommodates Tengen and his other three wives
You definately all sleep together and you like to cuddle with the girls whenever you can since they're your wives too
You're sweating and shifting around in your sleep awkwardly and the guy can't help but voice a little "ah-" as he sees you kìck the sheets away
Within the next five minutes your devoted husband and wives are doting on you and getting you some water to drink while gently waking you up
Obviously he gives you a relaxing massage because it wouldn't be very flamboyant of him not to
When he notices your sleep pattern deteriorating over the next few days he starts becoming very protective of you, kind of like a glorified guard dog
He's understanding though, and lets you use some of his makeup to cover the dark circles in order to look "more flamboyant!" And you appreciate the gesture. He knows when to help you with your problem and not to reprimand you for something out of your control
He definately makes tea with the other wives to help you sleep better
When you're tired on the way back from a mission he is more than willing to give you a piggyback ride, and his firm grip on your leg is enough to assure you that you're safe and won't fall
He absolutely refuses to bother you when you actually do manage to sleep, guarding you like always and making sure that you get every ounce of sleep that you can

He would most definately watch in silence as one night you stay up through the entire night, confronting you about it when he gets really concerned
Sleepless nights aren't uncommon in their profession sometimes, but your bags look bad and you look like you just rolled out of the grave
His concern looks more like anger and confusion, but you manage to talk it out with him, and the second he realises that you've been having nightmare after nightmare has him reeling
How come he didn't know about this before? How come you didn't tell him? What happened?
He's definately angry with himself but you don't understand why, it's just some bad sleep
Rest assured he is cuddling you closer every night, holding you close to him and letting you trace your fingers along his scars until you fall asleep
He also doesn't mention the teas and the hot water bottle that he got for you
And apparrently he doesn't know shit about the stuffed animal that appared on the bed a day after you told him
On days where the exhaustion gets especially bad and you collapse, he takes off his jacket and wraps you in it, his eyebrows furrowing in concern while he holds you up bridal style, ready to carry you to bed now and reprimand you for being reckless later
As you're asleep and there's noone there to bare witness, he lets his head rest on your shoulder, letting your perfume run through his nose and nuzzling your neck like an affectionate cat would headbutt it's owner

When she wakes up to find you with your head nestled into her breasts and your eyes open, complimanted by dark bags, she's immediately fawning and worrying about you
She's so adorable. She's got heart eyes for you and everything
She would definately pet and stroke your hair like you're some kind of cat and would pull you closer to coddle you
Any time she sees that you're up late despite being tired or in need of a break she comes up behind you and cuddles her chest to your back, pressing her arms around you and resting her chin on your shoulder
Confesses her love to you every ten seconds becaise she's obsessed with her lover, and puts you to bed on a regular basis after that
Of course she tucks you in as well
She makes the bed around you, lets you relax, and leaves to make you tea, and it makes your soul sing
She absolutely adores you, and is willing to remind you of that by letting you use her lap like a pillow and putting little braids in your hair
This happens out in the open as well, if you're in need of a quick power-nap, and on a few occasions she's shown Shinobu the cute braids she does, and lets her teach her even more styles to use on your hair
As a result of this you've acquired many a butterfly themed hair clip or band, and their serene, but somehow simultaneously mischievous smiles are one of your favourite sights to wake up to now

He is absolutely infatuated with you
When you start developing strange and worrying sleeping habits he is incredibly quick to catch on and recognise the problem
The man is very transparrent about his worry for you no matter how strong you are or how well you can take care of yourself
He doesn't even mind how stubborn you are in regards to talking about it because he knows that if something was seriously wrong you would tell him without a doubt
But when he's giving you soft praise and passionate cuddles and kisses after waking you up from a particularly harsh night terror, you're all the more grateful to have him supporting you
Would definately rub your back in small circles and put effort into giving you a relaxing massage to help relieve muscle pain and tension
As you both sit in the dark it still does nothing to hide his beaming smile that he still directs to you, and you suddenly feel that much better, despite having been worried about inconveniencing or annoying him with your problems
He's there with you to support and help you out when you get flashbacks or especially triggering dreams, holding you with strong and sturdy arms and stroking your hair
And when you end up curling up in his lap in exhaustion, he only smiles and puts out the light, braiding your hair while he watches over you

When you admit to him that you've had trouble sleeping, he is initially very confused
He really does try his best not to zone out as you talk to him though, which is something you always appreciate from him. He shows that he's at least trying to keep up
As you speak he stares straight into your soul, though, which is always a little unnerving, but he's an absolutely amazing listener and drops everything for you once he realises something is wrong. Even if it does take about three to five working days for him to realise anything
With that being said, it does take a while for your words to actually dawn on him
I'm talking, like, the next day
Now it makes sense why you've been coming to bed late and waking up even later
When he fully processes the fact that he might be able to actually help you, he's putting less caffeine in your teas and going on more expeditions to hunt demons in order to successfully tire you out
That idea was courtesy of Shinobu, whom he'd asked for help
He usually doesn't really talk to any of the other Hashiras if he doesn't have to, but he went out of his comfort zone just for you
When you both end up asleep together he cuddles into your chest, using your breasts as pillows and curling up around you like a tired cat

Although he's blind, he still notices the difference in your movement and the altered way that you shift your weight around him, almost as if you feel like you're heavier
He's pretty quick to pick up on the sloppy movement and the exhaustion tugging at your limbs just from your aura, and immediately there are tears running down his face as he cries for you, praying for your wellbeing
On the plus side, his mountain-like form is the perfect resting place when you want a quick nap
His muscles are huge, but not as rock hard as you would think they are until he flexes, making them the perfect resting spot for your head
Improvised cushion
You're not sure whether he's crying because you just called him a cushion, or because he's happy that you're comfortable, but for the sake of your sanity, you assume it's the latter
He's as cuddly as a teddy bear and the second you wake up from a nightmare you immediately know that you're safe because he's got his arms wrapped around you, dwarfing you in comparison
He stays up with you sometimes if you're really strugggling to get to sleep because he doesn't want you to be alone
and when you stay awake through an entire night he pulls you aside and lets you doze off in the safety of his arms. He radiates warmth as well, and he considers it a beautiful boding moment when you sleep on him
He thinks that when you sleep on him, you're letting him be in control when you're at your most vulnerable, and he cries every time he thinks about it
He cries for you when you tell him about your nightmares as well, showing you his sympathy through his tears and resting your foreheads together

He tries not to make you aware of how much he cares for you because it's a little embarrassing for him, but he notices immidiately when something is off about you
The first time the nightmares really affect you that badly you look a mess in the morning, your hair is greasy and knotted and your eyes are drooping shut, circled by dark bags
He listens a little more intently to you that day and hangs around a little longer, his touches lingering longer as well as he debates on whether to talk to you about it or not.
The next time it happens he is significantly worried and ends up questioning you with the same monotonous voice, yet with a tinge of worry to it
As he pries every last detail from you, he makes the decision to stay with you and help so that you don't feel so exhausted and worn to the bone anymore
It works like a charm because he's strict about your diet and your excorcise habits that aren't helping you. No more coffee or lounging around for you broke your heart
He cuddles tight when you sleep though, and even his snake curls up around you both as you feel his firm grip on you even in your sleep
He provides you with a back massage as he lays next to you when you start to drift off, and when you wake up the next day he rests his forehead against yours as if to say good morning
There is no way that any one else knows about this because he refuses to tell anyone and cusses them out with a sneer if they make any comments
He does like to sit in the trees with your back against his chest though, and he uses this opportunity to let you vent about your nightmares
He might not have a lot of advice to give you, and he seems relatively apathetic on the outside, but he lets you know he cares with his small gestures of affection and the occasional "i love you" when he feels it hasn't been said enough

He starts to get very cuddly as soon as he notices you starting to get fidgety
Every time you let out an especially loud whimper or you start moving a little too much, he's quick to wrap his arms around your waist and hoist you up
You'll be kicking and crying and all of a sudden he's no longer spooning you, he's sitting up on the bed with you in his lap, cuddled against him
He always likes to put his hand against the back of your head and push it into his chest, letting you cry into his arms and not saying a word except for a whispered "'s okay. I love you"
He holds your hand in your sleep and tries not to wake you up, instead opting to try soothing your nightmare so that you don't end up sleep deprived
Blue eyes stay trained on your now relaxed expression as he basically pets you, that same longing stare on his face but with just a touch more love and adoration in his eyes
All this big baby wants is to hold you
And he sleeps like an absolute baby when he's with you
He's also probably started noticing that you've been having strange sleeping habits before you did yourself
He's already gone to Shinobu for advice since if anyone knew about this kind of thing it would probably be her
He doesn't like to let her know that he's following her advice to the T, but she already knows. He can't hide from her. She'll do anything to protect you two

Her expression barely even faulters as you admit to her that you've been experiencing sleep problems lately
She only gives you a serene, sympathetic smile, staying awefully quiet
"Oh, i see..."
In reality she's just thinking over in great detail every single thing she could possibly do to help you out
Is a hundred percent making you drinks with sleep stimulants and feeding you medicine with your food, herbal teas are served to you every day for the next week and you can't help but sweatdrop as she provides you with every kind of drug or medicine possible that could help you sleep easier
Is she stying to knock out a horse?? Damn those teas are strong-...
She lets you talk to her about your nightmares, which have already started to impact your daily life in the form of flashbacks and paranoia. She's an amazing listener
She is more than willing to sing to you and oh. my. god.
Her voice puts you right to sleep sometimes
She's often seen sitting at the butterfly estate on the decking with you next to her, your head resting on her shoulder and her head resting on top of yours
Obviously she's playing with your hair like you're some kind of dress up doll - you would have to use all ten fingers and probably some of your toes to count the amount of times you've woken up with a new hairstyle or some kind of butterfly accessory in your hair
You wouldn't have it any other way, though. Who wouldn't want to wake up feeling glam??
When you take a nap on her chest she will always tease you after
"are they soft?" "you sure looked comfortable"
I loved the Daki hcs!!! I think you did her well and wasn’t ooc. Could I ask for snuggling/cuddling and kissing hcs with Daki and Mitsuri (seperate) with a male reader again this time? Thank you so much!
💋 c-cuddles n’ kisses !!

characters - daki, mitsuri kanroji
reader - male
genre - fluff
cw - none

enjoys pda, if you’re not comfortable with that, then she won’t cuddle / smooch you in front of others, instead she’ll do it privately
you never know which position she wants to be in ; sometimes she likes to sit you on her lap, facing her, so you two can kiss now and again
or she could sit on your lap facing you whilst you wrap your arms around her waist, kissing every now and then
enjoys it when she flusters you with her affectionate actions
will tease you if you get flustered, just a bit tho
randomly kisses you / hugs you even if you’re not alone in your room (if ur comfortable with affection in front of others, if not, ignore this bit)
If you’re uncomfortable with kissing/hugging in public, then you’ll do it in the privacy of your and dakis’ room

mitsuri kanroji
hugs with this woman are AMAZING
she’s not the love pillar for nothing
dunno why, but I feel like she’s really warm ??
like daki, doesn’t mind what your position is ; you on her lap or her on your lap
enjoys it when you kiss her forehead, plus her reaction to you kissing her anywhere is so cute
gets all red in the face and starts squealing like a little girl, tries hiding her flustered state with her hands, failing to do so
definitely into pda, if you aren’t, then that’s ok, she respects your space
hugs you from behind when she comes back from missions, even if there are people, she just can’t help herself
sometimes when you kiss her hands , she gets all emotional
reason being is because they’re quite calloused due to her being a hashira
and you tell her that her hands have saved countless of people
overall, enjoys it when you can cuddle alone and kiss in private , makes it seem more intimate

🥕 b-bun’s note !!
apologies if any of these characters seem ooc, still practicing my writing skills
likes + reblogs are extremely appreciated !!
feel free to give me constructive criticism too if you wish, it will help me improve my writing skills 💞

all content belongs to @dum-bun-pup 2021, please don’t modify or repost on any social media platform
Hello! It's me again, hope you don't mind me hoping in and out again. Hope your doing well today! How are you?
Saw your requests were open, if this ever gets sent in by the time your requests are closed. Please ignore this!
I was wondering if I could have Sanemi, Gyomei, Mitsuri and Obanai with a partner that's really good at cooking? Like chef Gordan Ramsey cooking? And they love to cook for people and them. If you don't wanna do this, then please ignore this.
[Sorry this had bad English, still learning but I finally got a A+ on a spelling sheet!!]
Please stay hydrated, eat and try to get a normal sleep schedule!! Take your time on doing this if you end up doing this!! Stay safe!!!!!!

Chef Gn Reader x Sanemi Shinazugawa, Gyomei Himejima, Mitsuri Kanroji + Obanai Iguro

Sanemi Shinazugawa
> when you first told him that you were a great cook, he rolled his eyes whilst muttering “I’m sure you’re not that good.”
> only for him to literally eat his words after tasting a bit of what you made, he ended up finishing the dish in what seemed like less than a minute
> decided to tell the other hashira about your cooking skills, so they could check it out
> decided to tell the other hashira about your cooking skills, so they could check it out
> plus he also asked you for cooking tips, because he wants to be able to cook for himself whenever you’re busy and unable to cook for him

Gyomei Himejima
> when he first ate your food, he cried
> at first you thought that he didn’t like the food, bowing to apologise before he sniffled out “This is the best food I’ve ever tasted, love.”
> you were shocked to say the least, you knew your cooking was good, but is it really that good???
> you bet your ass that he told the other hashira to try your cooking some time, to which they agreed to
> he enjoys it when you cook for him, however, he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself. So he insists on cooking at least 3 times a week. ( idk if he can cook or not due to being blind, but let’s pretend he can )

Mitsuri Kanroji
> she needs to eat loads and loads of food due to her immense muscle mass
> and you’re the perfect partner for her
> whenever she gets hungry, she usually asks you to cook for her. And trust me, this woman has a massive appetite ( there’s nothing wrong with that tho, obviously )
> she loves eating your food, because she knows that you put tons of love into your cooking, which, in her opinion, makes it taste 100x better
> insists on you sitting with her and shares the food with you, you made it and you deserve to eat some too!!!
> you guys will sometimes feed each other, as cliche as that sounds, both of you getting flustered whilst doing so, Mitsuri’s face getting redder than the tips of Kyojuros hair

Obanai Iguro
> when you first gave him your cooking for his lunch, he gave you a small “thank you.” Nodding his head in affirmation
> after he took a bite out of the food, his eyes practically popped out
> you’re fantastic at cooking??? How???
> asked you loads of questions on how your cooking’s so damn tasty
> you just shrug and tell him that “practice makes perfect.”
> he wants to learn how to cook, surprisingly
> but he still gets fuzzy whenever you give him food that you made
> once saw you giving some of your food to Mitsuri + Kyojuro
> was somewhat surprised to see them waiting for food, did they know all along that you were an amazing cook??? If so, why did they hide it from him??? You’re his s/o for crying out loud!!
> somehow, he trusts you enough to take off his bandages in front of you whilst eating
> sometimes you make small pieces of food for his snake
Authors Note
Congrats on an A+ on your spelling sheet, I’m proud of you (>▽<)
apologies if any of these characters seem ooc , still practicing my writing skills
likes + reblogs are extremely appreciated !!
feel free to give me constructive criticism too if you wish , it will help me improve my writing skills 💞
©️all content belongs to @megudori 2021, please don’t modify or repost on any social media platform