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MOSQUITO ~ series’ masterlist

SUM. food and nutrition is your favorite class to attend, what happens when you're assigned partners with a dude you've known for years yet never had a decent conversation with and from two completely different groups of friends. To make things worse, he's cousins with the dude who played you the summer before.
fem! reader with she/her pronouns
warnings: language, short chapters, slow burn
0: profiles
I: new partner who this?
II: Tifa let me be yours?
III: you don’t want some grapes?
more coming soon…
INSPO: literally an incident that happened to me freshman year... except this is more magical lol.

“This fucking sucks.” Looking at tifa, you frown as you both scanned the paper that was taped to the white board in front of class.
The two of you always were paired with one another. You two were the power duo when it came to cooking and exams during food and nutrition.
So why the heck were you guys changing partners in the middle of the semester?
The both of you were clearly upset, so used to being with another, going to each other’s houses for assignments, just overall having a great time.
Then Mr. Hewley just had to ruin it all. Maybe it was because you two would be the ones always answering questions, finishing quickly, etc. but why did you feel like being good students was becoming a punishment now.
“We all are comfortable with our partners, so why not mix it up to see how challenging this can be for everyone,” he waved his hand in the air slightly as he walked around slowly.
“We need to be uncomfortable in order to succeed. So, I have advised a new approach to this class. Being partnered up with a completely different person, different social groups, and different personalities.”
‘Who tf will I be paired with. I know everyone in this class, not by choice but still.’ You glanced around the room, frowning.
“The group to make the best Confit de Canard at the end of this semester ; one of the most difficult dishes to make, will not be needing to do finals.” Some of you ooh’d as Mr. Hewley’s finals were one of the most difficult to pass.
“Now then, all of you know your new partners so go and sit with one another.” Looking back at the sheet of paper, you were confused on who the heck is a cloud? Is this a real person? Was this a joke?
You felt tifa shift next to you, frowning as she waved you goodbye as she walked over to Yuffie.
You looked around again, seeing a tall figure huddled into themselves. The person had blonde spiked hair, piercings on the eyebrow and ears, along with dark clothes.
‘Is this him?’ You slowly walked over, tapping his shoulder. He hummed, looking up and you saw bright turquoise eyes you’ve seen before.
Wait a second…
“You’re Zack’s cousin aren’t you?”
“I have a name. But yes i am. Cloud strife.”
Oh fuck me.

New partner who this?

SUM. the day you were dreading is here and you're offically no longer partners with Tifa.
song to listen to: more & more - GEMINI
warning: strong language, slow burn.

‘Well this is great.’ You played with your pencil, awkwardly looking around the kitchen, moving side to side on your chair.
“Can you stop?” You frowned, stopping mid way, as you turn your head slowly to see cloud keeping his head still down on his arms against the desk.
“I can, but I won’t just because you said so.” You started to move again, enjoying the way he huffed in annoyance.
You saw everyone else getting along greatly with one another and you couldn’t help but mourn your old partner as she laughed along with her new one.
It made you even more annoyed seeing your cousin making teasing faces that she was the one paired with Tifa for now on.
“I know where you sleep asshole.” You flipped your cousin, yuffie, off as she stuck her tongue out and turned back around.
“You’re friends with Yuffie?” You hummed, looking to see Cloud now sitting up right. “Nah she’s a total loser.” You shoved the crackers that you needed to grind for your assignment into your mouth.
“That’s kind of rude don’t you think? She’s cool.” You rolled your eyes laughing at his serious expression. “Jesus dude I was joking. She’s my cousin…same last name? Ever took note to that since you’re sooo obsessed with her.”
Cloud cleared his throat, completely forgetting you two were related. Yuffie was a close friend of his in his friend group so it wasn’t a surprise to take offense that you said she was a loser.
“Anyways, new partner, we should probably get started.” You opened up the cook book, scanning the recipe for today’s class.
“Bacon-Cheddar Potato Croquettes…doesn’t seem to hard.” You started to grab your measuring cups along with some ingredients. As you started to work, you glanced over to see Cloud completely oblivious at the fact that you started as he continued to look up ahead.
“Dude, what are you doing?” You asked, eating another cracker, while keeping your other hand on the page you were on to not lose it.
“Huh? Nothing.” You saw the light pink tint on his cheeks, while you followed his gaze to where tifa was at.
“Ahh does cloudy have a crush on my frieeeennnd.” You poked his cheek, laughing as he swatted your hand away.
“Of course I don’t. Don’t be stupid…besides she’s MY best friend.” Cloud’s voice cracked just a bit, his eyes burning on the page in front of him now with a scowl.
“I could help you, if you want.” You wiggled your eyebrows around and poked his arm this time playfully.
“I don’t need help…and knock it off, stop touching me.” He scooted away from you, looking down at his phone. At the glint of your eye, you saw him open up the familiar blue app that you were obsessed with yourself.
“I would’ve never taken you as tweeter.” You heard a scoff come from him, watching as he turned his brightness down so you couldn’t see anything else.
“You don’t know me. And we’re not friends so stop acting like we are. We’re just partners and the only reason I haven’t complained about being your partner is because you’re one of the best in this class.”
You hummed, looking away. “Alright there’s no need to be a dick,dude. I’m just trying to make conversation.”
Cloud rolled his eyes, but keeping his gaze from yours.
“Well don’t. It’s annoying.”
The rest of the class went smoothly but a bit awkward as you both worked together silently. The A+ on the Bacon-Cheddar Potato Croquettes made up for it though as you hopped over to tifa.
Cloud rose an eyebrow as you two squealed, holding each other’s hands as you two jumped lightly.
‘Were you always this close to Tifa?’ That question was answered quickly as you two hugged when the bell rang, the both of you running out of class together.
‘’hmm…if tifa likes her so much maybe I can use this to my advantage.’