Ff7 Cloud - Tumblr Posts

Forgive me Square Enix for may I have sinned....
I fell down a FF7 rabbithole and after the hugging scene and well....I guess my Hand slipped. I was too embarassed to finish this drawing but I am very proud of how the Sketch turned out...lol.
I can't help but feel that when Sephiroth said, "Those who look with clouded eyes see nothing but shadows." It was a final plea for him. Like he sees nothing but shadows because he was the one who looked with clouded eyes at the information from how he was born at Nibelhiem mansion as a nightmare ish monster. And he could've been hoping since Aerith is more in tuned to others that she'd see it or hint something for Cloud but Aerith is hell bent on telling Cloud Sephiroth is pure evil because she may remember what happened in the original timeline? And also in Dissidia where Cecil says Sephiroth has sorrow in his eyes. It just makes it more real that he'd say it.
Unpopular fanon opinion: Sephiroth went back in time b/c out of the original gang only Cloud, Vincent, and Nanaki are left everyone else is dead. Sephiroth would totally do that just to get Cloud to fight at his best and just cause he likes to be a asshole with a major god complex. Nothing can change my mind
New AU fic concept. SFW. FFVII Nibelheim Empire AU.

Sephiroth in Smash is gonna be fun

I wanna give Cloud a Hug

➵ In which an ex soldier is so deeply enchanted by his [Y/N] that he doesn’t see the look of distraught evident in her form. Oops?
➵ fem!reader with she/her pronouns !
➵ warning: extremely ooc soft cloud but I love him so it’s fine ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌
Come Inside Of My Heart - IV of Spades
0:05-〇───── 4:06
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%
Cloud couldn’t think straight today. Usually he had his head on his shoulders but his mind was else where.
A burning sensation began to form in the bottom of his belly from anticipation and he anxiously rubbed his hands together as he looked [down/ up] at the girl before him.
He wasn’t listening to anything she was saying but all of his attention was on her pretty lips and the way they moved.
His eyes flicked back and forth from her lips to her eyes a few times until he suddenly grew confused at the tears that were escaping her pretty eyes.
He frowned, gently wiping her eyes but she quickly pushed his hand away in frustration.
“You’re not listening to me, Cloud. Gods!” She cried out frustrated. She passed her fingers in her hair in anger and paced back and forth as he stood there, watching.
“Why are you crying?” He asked, grabbing her shoulders and making her face him as she scoffed in his face.
“I was telling you why but you were ignoring me.” She sniffled, looking down at the floor as she felt his gaze all over her form.
“Explain to me again. I hate seeing you so upset and I’m…I’m sorry for making you sad just talk to me.” She tried to walk away from him but he held her hands in his, placing his pink lips onto of them.
“St..stop being so sweet you jerk…I’m just tired of this, Cloud. Every single day we hang out you always find a way to talk about her. At first I didn’t mind it because I knew how hurt you were with losing her, but every time we plan to do something you bring her up. I respect you and that you need to mourn, but I just feel insecure.”
[Y/N] wrapped her arms across her chest and stepped away from him as he tried to comprehend what she said.
“You have every right to be upset about Aerith, but sometimes I feel like you would prefer her. I’m not trying to sound jealous and no way am I trying to sound mean but that’s just how I feel.” She whispered.
Silence was the only response she received and decided walking out of the door after a few moments of waiting was what needed to happen.
He gulped but quickly ran out of the room only to find her hugging Tifa good-bye and leaving.
Without saying a word to his best friend, he quickened his footsteps and followed behind his [Y/N].
“Baby, listen to me!” Finally catching up to her, he walked side by side with her, barely able to fit on the small sidewalk that was just outside of Seventh Heaven.
It was beginning to get chilly, but [Y/N] was determined to get home by foot and forget today even happened.
Cloud had other plans though.
“You can’t just say that to me and try to forget the conversation. Just give me a second to explain.” He asked desperately as he grabbed her form and shoved her gently against the wall.
Trapping her with his arm, he tried catching eye contact as she continued to try to look anywhere but his bright blue eyes.
“I love you. I’ve always loved you. Even before i had her. You were my best friend since childhood. You were my first love and my last one because I can never love someone the way I do with you. Look at me, please.” Grabbing her cheek, he nibbled his bottom lip as he saw more tears escape her eyes.
“I’m so sorry I bring her up all the time. That isn’t right or fair to you. I’m going to try my absolute hardest to stop that stupid habit of mine because you are what I want and need. Yes, I miss her, but I need you.”
He felt his eyes prickle with tears of his own but continued to speak exactly what he needed to say.
“My heart hurts so much seeing you cry and knowing it’s because of me, gods I’m sorry. For so long I was someone I wasn’t. I created something that never existed but you were always by my side through it all. I fucking love you and only you.”
It was silent between the two of them but his heart soared as she sniffled against his chest and held him tightly.
“Don’t cry anymore, please.”
She pulled away and cleared her throat.
“I’m not crying, something was in my eyes.” She mumbled but the both of them giggled quietly.
“Thank you, that means…so much to me.” He wiped her eyes and smiled.
“I’d do anything for you. I love you so much.” He hummed, swaying both of their forms side to side softly.
[Y/N] grabbed his chin and quickly captured his lips with hers.
The both felt content and a lot closer than before now that they discussed the issue at hand.
Everyday is a new obstacle for Cloud. He wasn’t used to being so vulnerable but knowing he had her beside him made all those difficult times worth going through hell and back.
Going hell and back because he knew she was rooting for him on the other side. And that’s all he ever needs.
MOSQUITO ~ series’ masterlist

SUM. food and nutrition is your favorite class to attend, what happens when you're assigned partners with a dude you've known for years yet never had a decent conversation with and from two completely different groups of friends. To make things worse, he's cousins with the dude who played you the summer before.
fem! reader with she/her pronouns
warnings: language, short chapters, slow burn
0: profiles
I: new partner who this?
II: Tifa let me be yours?
III: you don’t want some grapes?
more coming soon…
INSPO: literally an incident that happened to me freshman year... except this is more magical lol.

“This fucking sucks.” Looking at tifa, you frown as you both scanned the paper that was taped to the white board in front of class.
The two of you always were paired with one another. You two were the power duo when it came to cooking and exams during food and nutrition.
So why the heck were you guys changing partners in the middle of the semester?
The both of you were clearly upset, so used to being with another, going to each other’s houses for assignments, just overall having a great time.
Then Mr. Hewley just had to ruin it all. Maybe it was because you two would be the ones always answering questions, finishing quickly, etc. but why did you feel like being good students was becoming a punishment now.
“We all are comfortable with our partners, so why not mix it up to see how challenging this can be for everyone,” he waved his hand in the air slightly as he walked around slowly.
“We need to be uncomfortable in order to succeed. So, I have advised a new approach to this class. Being partnered up with a completely different person, different social groups, and different personalities.”
‘Who tf will I be paired with. I know everyone in this class, not by choice but still.’ You glanced around the room, frowning.
“The group to make the best Confit de Canard at the end of this semester ; one of the most difficult dishes to make, will not be needing to do finals.” Some of you ooh’d as Mr. Hewley’s finals were one of the most difficult to pass.
“Now then, all of you know your new partners so go and sit with one another.” Looking back at the sheet of paper, you were confused on who the heck is a cloud? Is this a real person? Was this a joke?
You felt tifa shift next to you, frowning as she waved you goodbye as she walked over to Yuffie.
You looked around again, seeing a tall figure huddled into themselves. The person had blonde spiked hair, piercings on the eyebrow and ears, along with dark clothes.
‘Is this him?’ You slowly walked over, tapping his shoulder. He hummed, looking up and you saw bright turquoise eyes you’ve seen before.
Wait a second…
“You’re Zack’s cousin aren’t you?”
“I have a name. But yes i am. Cloud strife.”
Oh fuck me.

New partner who this?

SUM. the day you were dreading is here and you're offically no longer partners with Tifa.
song to listen to: more & more - GEMINI
warning: strong language, slow burn.

‘Well this is great.’ You played with your pencil, awkwardly looking around the kitchen, moving side to side on your chair.
“Can you stop?” You frowned, stopping mid way, as you turn your head slowly to see cloud keeping his head still down on his arms against the desk.
“I can, but I won’t just because you said so.” You started to move again, enjoying the way he huffed in annoyance.
You saw everyone else getting along greatly with one another and you couldn’t help but mourn your old partner as she laughed along with her new one.
It made you even more annoyed seeing your cousin making teasing faces that she was the one paired with Tifa for now on.
“I know where you sleep asshole.” You flipped your cousin, yuffie, off as she stuck her tongue out and turned back around.
“You’re friends with Yuffie?” You hummed, looking to see Cloud now sitting up right. “Nah she’s a total loser.” You shoved the crackers that you needed to grind for your assignment into your mouth.
“That’s kind of rude don’t you think? She’s cool.” You rolled your eyes laughing at his serious expression. “Jesus dude I was joking. She’s my cousin…same last name? Ever took note to that since you’re sooo obsessed with her.”
Cloud cleared his throat, completely forgetting you two were related. Yuffie was a close friend of his in his friend group so it wasn’t a surprise to take offense that you said she was a loser.
“Anyways, new partner, we should probably get started.” You opened up the cook book, scanning the recipe for today’s class.
“Bacon-Cheddar Potato Croquettes…doesn’t seem to hard.” You started to grab your measuring cups along with some ingredients. As you started to work, you glanced over to see Cloud completely oblivious at the fact that you started as he continued to look up ahead.
“Dude, what are you doing?” You asked, eating another cracker, while keeping your other hand on the page you were on to not lose it.
“Huh? Nothing.” You saw the light pink tint on his cheeks, while you followed his gaze to where tifa was at.
“Ahh does cloudy have a crush on my frieeeennnd.” You poked his cheek, laughing as he swatted your hand away.
“Of course I don’t. Don’t be stupid…besides she’s MY best friend.” Cloud’s voice cracked just a bit, his eyes burning on the page in front of him now with a scowl.
“I could help you, if you want.” You wiggled your eyebrows around and poked his arm this time playfully.
“I don’t need help…and knock it off, stop touching me.” He scooted away from you, looking down at his phone. At the glint of your eye, you saw him open up the familiar blue app that you were obsessed with yourself.
“I would’ve never taken you as tweeter.” You heard a scoff come from him, watching as he turned his brightness down so you couldn’t see anything else.
“You don’t know me. And we’re not friends so stop acting like we are. We’re just partners and the only reason I haven’t complained about being your partner is because you’re one of the best in this class.”
You hummed, looking away. “Alright there’s no need to be a dick,dude. I’m just trying to make conversation.”
Cloud rolled his eyes, but keeping his gaze from yours.
“Well don’t. It’s annoying.”
The rest of the class went smoothly but a bit awkward as you both worked together silently. The A+ on the Bacon-Cheddar Potato Croquettes made up for it though as you hopped over to tifa.
Cloud rose an eyebrow as you two squealed, holding each other’s hands as you two jumped lightly.
‘Were you always this close to Tifa?’ That question was answered quickly as you two hugged when the bell rang, the both of you running out of class together.
‘’hmm…if tifa likes her so much maybe I can use this to my advantage.’

sum. You never thought you’d find the one at your best friend’s coffee shop.
genre: fluff..super super fluffy
fem reader with she/ her pronouns
WARNING: I’m uploading this while at work so I’ll edit it once I’m home ! So it’s not cute and aesthetic rn 🙄🙄
"I just don't get why she keeps thinking this nonsense, Kyo! I mean, I help with taking care of bills, buying groceries, what else does she want from me?!"
Kyo rose an eyebrow towards you, watching you slam your head on the counter gently and placing your cup on the table, begging for the next round.
"I need another one."
You ordered, but he only rolled his eyes in return.
"You had four cups of coffee in just two hours, you had more than enough for at least a week."
Groaning, you squished your cheeks between your arms as you hid your head.
Your roommate had been annoying lately. Always being so stern with you even when you did almost everything so you two could have a comfy environment to live in, but no matter what you did, she just seemed to hate you more and more.
It was tough moving out of your parent’s place, but this girl truly was testing your limits it seemed.
It wasn’t always like this. When you first met her, she was very sweet and understanding with you which made you think that maybe you finally made a friend who wasn’t your childhood friend.
All you wanted was a friend, but ever since you introduced her to Kyo, she seemed to do a 180 and completely shut you out.
Only for you to find out the two were put together for a date…one he never showed up for without notice.
But speak of blinding dates…
"Oh my gosh! This is the third time you left me alone, you asshole! That's it, I'm done!"
A loud slam quickly brought you out of your mini crisis as your eyes averted over to the couple near the entrance.
Raising your eyebrows in amusement, you saw a girl with black hair grabbing her bag and leaving with a pissed off expression on her face. The blond she was sitting with that you assumed was her date, rubbed his face in annoyance.
He's gorgeous.
You turned to your friend and smiled as a bright idea had quickly made its way into your head which made him tense up a bit, shaking his head quickly as he knew exactly what you were trying to do.
"Nope, I'm done trying to set you up with my customers. You're on your own."
You pouted, watching as Kyo walked to the back room to speak to Tifa about the upcoming schedules.
You could see how close Tifa and him were getting, how flustered he’d get or rush at any moment to be with her. That was enough leverage for you to use against him.
Smirking, you turned back around to see the boy talking on his phone, his face showing not much concern it seemed, but by the looks of it, it seemed like he was being scolded like a cat from the other line of the call which had you intrigued.
Your eyes widened when he slammed his phone down on the table and sighing, digging inside of his pocket to grab his credit card from his black leather wallet.
He's gonna pay, no he can't leave yet!
That's when you thought of a great, amazing, and most definitely the best idea ever.
Walking over the counter as stealthy and quickly as possible, you hid behind it as you waited for him to ring the bell to pay.
Rising up, you smiled gently and leaned your hands on the counter.
"Hey, what can I do for ya,cutie?"
You could almost feel your eyes sparkle in amusement when he scoffed and rubbed his neck, looking at you with those bright blue eyes you could stare at forever.
"I'm just paying. And who are you? I've never seen you work here before and I come here everyday."
He spoke lowly and looking anywhere besides your face, his eyes fixated on a dancing chunky cat on the tv screen above your head.
"I just started…today? Right I just started working today!" You smiled nervously, rubbing your ring on your right hand.
"Oh, that's good to know I guess."
"Yeah, it is good to know, huh?"
You thought as you turned around to your best friend, seeing him rise an eyebrow and clearly questioning your 'amazing' idea to get to know the cute boy that was looking at the both of you now even more confused than before.
"Yup! Aw Kyo don't act like I'm not the best employee you have!" You slapped his arm, glaring at him for him to play along.
"Yeah okay, anyways Cloud it's on the house today."
Cloud. What a cool name.
Cloud nodded, saying a small thank you as he began to walk away.
Your eyes shot over to your best friend, giving him a pleading look to have him stay a bit longer which made Kyo scoff.
If this guy had you pretend you worked at his coffee shop, the one place you said you would despise working at and rather lick the carpet, then you clearly were way more interested in him than he thought.
And boy were you going to be in debt for this.
"Only if you tell us what happened on your 5th blind date."
Kyo smirked, watching as Cloud stopped almost instantly.
Cloud stood there quietly. Usually he’d pretend he didn’t hear anything like this but he truly did need someone to listen to his frustrations and what better yet than the guy his best friend, Tifa, had a crush on?
"It's like no matter how many dates I'm set on, no one wants to continue dating me. I don't mind though, I don't need a partner to be happy I guess."
Hearing a bell ring, Kyo looked over to you and smirked even more, watching your sparkling like eyes looking even more interested in the blond and what he needed to say next.
"Well my favorite employee, it's time for you to get back to work, right?"
You opened and closed your mouth repeatedly like a fish out of water but it only resulted in him pushing you away to take the new order.
"Get along now stupid and do your job! I'm not paying you for nothing!"
"But you're not pa-"
"What was that employee of the month, I didn't quite hear you?!"
"Yeah yeah whatever."
Slumping your shoulders, you made your way to the cash register, and instantly losing braincells on how the hell to work it.
Kyo looked back, seeing the blond still looking over to you as you groaned like a little kid trying to figure out how the monstrosity worked.
A small smile slowly took the blond’s old sour frown which Kyo was quick to catch.
"She's single you know. Plus, she thinks you're really cute. The idiot doesn't even work for me but she did that to talk with you."
Cloud looked over to his friend and shrugged.
"I think she’s cute too, but she needs to work harder to get me. I'm not that easy you know."
"Yeah that's what all your old dates said too,huh?"
"Kyo…" Cloud sighed again, but kept his mako eyes on your cute figure who now was scrambling around like a lost puppy, following Tifa around as she laughed at how silly you looked trying to learn how to charge orders.
Kyo chuckled, shaking his head at how adorable you looked. "Besides, the idiot owes me. She'll be working here for a while."
To say Cloud wasn't looking forward to waking up everyday and heading to the café, was an understatement.
He was less grumpy now and would spend hours texting you all night, but he tried his best to show no interest in you at all, which to Tifa and Kyo, was obvious he had a thing for you.
You had no clue if he felt the same or not, which Cloud was a bit thankful of you being so oblivious.
That was until you finally had enough and needed to know exactly what was going on between the two of you.
Clearly there was something there, so what better way to figure it out than what you do best?
A hot americano with whipped cream topped with cinnamon and caramel was what he would get all the time, but you added something more for him.
Are you a loan bank? Because you got my interest.
Ah yes, your cheesy pick up lines. No matter how hard Cloud tried to keep a straight face, he still managed to let out a small smile that made your heart burst.
You've been doing this for three months straight now, but he finally had the guts to do something.
Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back!
That was all it took for Cloud to lean over the counter and place his lips on yours.
UN ÁNGEL- Cloud strife Headcanons

sum. Need boyfriend headcanons for cloud? SAY LESS.
warning: modern cloud, oc cloud srry I love him soft, might be a little self insert because of the stuff I like but that’s all
femreader! with she/her pronouns
song of the day: igual que un ángel - Kali uchis

boyfriend Cloud who knows your order by heart at your guys’ favorite coffee shop and no matter how many times he does it, it never fails to make you blush and impressed.
Boyfriend Cloud who never fails to make you ticklish especially during intimate moments that you can’t help but burst out laughing.
Boyfriend Cloud who sometimes can’t handle all the attention and affection so he distances himself but can’t help but miss you even more.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves picking you up from university on his motorcycle to show off especially knowing that Reno would be there. He is still very bitter that Reno was your first kiss in fifth grade and not him because he was too busy helping collect Tifa’s shopkins from the grass at recess.
Boyfriend Cloud who loves going to Aerith’s flower shop because he helps her make your bouquets extra pretty just for you. #bestfriendprivileges
boyfriend Cloud who has recurring nightmares of losing you to Sepiroth. No not the “I’ll steal your girl,” kind of way. More like he murders you and Aerith at the same time. Perhaps something from a past life?
Boyfriend Cloud who loves watching studio ghibli movies with you especially ponyo and spirited away. Let’s not get started on his love for Princess Mononoke.
Boyfriend Cloud who goes with you at the bookstore for now on to carry your books because he found out that a guy put his number inside of a book after catching it for you when you accidentally dropped it from your stack pile.
Boyfriend Cloud who’s COMPLETELY and UTTERLY obsessed with you. Not the annoying obsession, but the obsession that makes your tummy in knots and the cute things he loves to do for you. Whether it’s making you lunch for school/ work, leaving cute notes on your door handles, or literally dropping everything instantly for you when you call.
Boyfriend Cloud who hid in the bathroom after you guys had…yk…and too embarrassed to come out. If only he knew you were on the bed breathless and wanting more.
Boyfriend Cloud who baby trapped you. With a cat. Her names Honey and every time there’s an argument he uses her as an excuse to visit you. “We can’t let our cat have separated household problems,she needs both of her parents so please answer the door.”
Boyfriend Cloud who had no idea him getting a lip piercing would be in the way of kissing you for it to heal correctly. He ran out of the piercing shop and only agreed to come back to get a matching eyebrow piercing with you instead.
Boyfriend Cloud who not only made you a playlist, but this mf burned a cd for you, made tifa draw a one in a million piece of art for you for the cover, has a sticker of it on his car, and even bought a necklace that had the Spotify playlist code. So whenever a person flirts with him, he’ll hold it up and say, “scan this and read the description. That’ll be my answer for you.”
Boyfriend Cloud who didn’t understand why you were so obsessed with kpop, especially BTS. Him and jungkook have beef apparently. He also buys you albums all the time and even sacrifices himself to let you use his phone to make sure you guys get tickets to concerts.
Boyfriend Cloud who WILL call your work to call off. He doesn’t care, cuddles are more important.
Boyfriend Cloud who forces you to drink water whenever you hang. You always complain about headaches and he makes sure when you’re with him you’re hydrated.
Boyfriend Cloud who is addicted to Dr.Pepper. You gave him some when you two went to watch Barbie in the summer and it’s his holy grail. “We need to head to Costco, I ran out of my pepper.”
when you didn’t give them a kiss before work
this was heavily inspired by multiple ppl, I wanted to do my version with ff7 characters :3 zack is so unhinged
song to listen to: turn it up - pinkpantheress





Personally I love this small moments with all my heart.


This is uh specifically elf Cloud because im both a fan of ff7 and the elder scrolls

Was at work did a quick drawing of Cloud in a dress flat colors
I wanted to draw Cloud in Gohan's clouds thought he'd look good in them