Michael Shanks - Tumblr Posts

Behind the scenes goofballs <3

Stargate SG-1 S05E17 - Fail Safe

Stargate SG-1 Rewatch - Sam in every episode.
02x19 One False Step: I talk to my plants.

There are more than this but these are the ones I could find - there’s one of Amanda laughing definitely, and I’m sure I have the handholding on without signatures somewhere!
Looking for pictures from that one photoshoot of the SG1 cast where RDA's got the leather jacket and AT's wearing a dress? There's one where RDA and AT are holding hands and there's one where Shanks is crouched down against the wall and Chris Judge is just grinning...you know the set I'm talking about, right? Can anyone post the photos? I can only find signed versions on Google but I'm 95% sure I've seen the originals before.

Two more. I can’t find the one of Amanda laughing and it’s frustrating me.
Looking for pictures from that one photoshoot of the SG1 cast where RDA's got the leather jacket and AT's wearing a dress? There's one where RDA and AT are holding hands and there's one where Shanks is crouched down against the wall and Chris Judge is just grinning...you know the set I'm talking about, right? Can anyone post the photos? I can only find signed versions on Google but I'm 95% sure I've seen the originals before.

SG1 cast + Season 5 Photoshoot

Stargate SG-1 ↳ Heroes (part 1)

Anyone have this photo without the signatures?

Sam and Daniel, the science twins
Oh, oh, oh! Thank you, thank you, thank you @starrybouquet 😍😍 YOU ARE FANTASTIC!
This is amazing! LOOK AT IT! Look at those smiles! AND THOSE HANDS!

Stargate SG-1 cast photo, signatures removed :) as requested by @purplejellosg1 <3
All done in Photoshop, with extensive brush work and clone stamping. I also took the liberty of touching up the colors too since the original photo was pretty overexposed and weirdly colored (the green BDUs looked purple).

Green is good? in The Serpent’s Venom.

Daniel Jackson + centric episodes

- Menace │ Stargate SG-1 │ s05e19
Jack and the magnifying glass.


It was just a question in Window of Opportunity.