Microsoft Word - Tumblr Posts
So yesterday I was using a disconnected device with word and it deleted some documents and one was research I had done on colonial flowers. When I connected the device to the internet it made some of the documents disappeared and one of it was the flower document. I am still mad but does anyone know how to recover it somehow?
Drawing in mspaint? Cool, impressive, But whenever I see that, I think about the person who makes their art in power point Every time I see them it boggles me

(their account)

soo that little guy? He's your friend.
he'll tell you ALL the hidden characters you've got lurking around your document.
Like -- you didn't realize that you have 3 spaces after a period? or extra space between a word? Didn't realize you put a page break in there by accident? You'll see them now!

How to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word
This literally saved my ass a few minutes ago. Yes, you can recover those files that you accidentally closed and thought you couldnt get back.
Right after that happens, open Microsoft Word again and click File - Info - Manage Versions - Recover Unsaved Documents.
It is literally that simple.
How to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word
This literally saved my ass a few minutes ago. Yes, you can recover those files that you accidentally closed and thought you couldnt get back.
Right after that happens, open Microsoft Word again and click File - Info - Manage Versions - Recover Unsaved Documents.
It is literally that simple.